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The Smart Schools project has four components: curriculum, pedagogy,assessment and teaching-learning materials.The curriculum emphasises information technology (IT) literacy,particularly the ability to use IT tools and sources to collect, analyse,process and present information.Pedagogy will be transformed so that the trend is to greater studentcentredlearning as the age and maturity of children increases.The project will use assessment that differs from traditional approaches.Assessment will occur in various forms (classroom, school-based, andcentralized) to allow different demonstrations of strengths, abilities andknowledge. This system aims to allow authentic, alternative andperformance assessments to be carried out. A certification process is alsoincluded as part of the project. As an individual improves, data on theirperformance is updated in a lifetime database using a single ID system.A 'patching' system will enable students to make improvements onweaknesses, so that certification becomes a 'living' process.Teaching-learning materials will be acquired from a wide range ofsources and extend beyond those available in a school. In addition tolibraries, businesses, homes and government departments, other sourcesinclude the educational net, classified directories and the Internet.Conventional media will have a role in the project schools and will beused in an integrated manner with high technology media.Teacher training will be a crucial aspect of the project. A mix ofintensive training and counseling will be used to help teachers adapt tothe new environment.List of Projects by CountryContactDirector, Curriculum Development Centre, Ministry of Education Malaysia,Peserian Duta off Jalan Duta, 50604 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Tel: 603-651-1522, Fax: 603-651-0861, URL: http://www.ppk.kpm.myList of Projects by Country © 45

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