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26. Secondary Education Development ProjectThe majority of teachers in higher secondary schools in Nepal work parttime.Many are staff of Tribhuvan University and have had no training inpedagogy. Most have a background in pure science, pure mathematics orEnglish literature.List of Projects by CountryThis project has been undertaken from 1997 by the Faculty of Education,Tribhuvan University, in association with the Ministry of Education. Itaims to develop in-service training for these teachers, particularly in theareas of professional education and pedagogy. A ten month postgraduatediploma course was developed by staff of Tribhuvan University’s Facultyof Education. Its three components comprised: Foundations of Education,Specialisation and Practicum. The focus of the Specialization componentwas curriculum development and evaluation, and pedagogical strategiesspecific to the different subject areas. The course was taught full-time by16 senior, experienced teacher educators from the Faculty of Education.A participatory approach was adopted in its delivery.A special selection board was established to ensure that well qualifiedand experienced teachers were admitted. The board comprised facultystaff, subject experts and representatives from the Higher SecondaryEducation Council. Applicants had to meet several criteria for admissionincluding:• a minimum qualification of a Masters degree• evidence of sound knowledge of the content area of their specialistsubject• evidence of current employment as a teacher in a higher secondaryschool in Nepal, and• indication of willingness to sign a bond that they would complete the10 month course.The course was taken by 69 teachers - 30 in science, 25 in mathematicsand 14 in English. During the first semester four teachers dropped out.Fifty-eight teachers passed the final examinations.ContactProfessor Prithu Charan Baidya, Faculty of Education, Tribhuvan University,Katmandu, Nepal.NEW ZEALAND50 © Snapshots of Primary and Secondary Education in Asia-Pacific

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