2006 merck/merial - School of Veterinary Medicine - Louisiana State ...

2006 merck/merial - School of Veterinary Medicine - Louisiana State ...

2006 merck/merial - School of Veterinary Medicine - Louisiana State ...


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3:00–3:30 pm BreakNovel therapy for humoral hypercalcemia <strong>of</strong> malignancy in adult T-cell leukemia:Effects <strong>of</strong> proteasome inhibitor and bisphosphonate on tumor growth andbone formation in vivo and in vitro, Dr. Sherry T. ShuEfficacy <strong>of</strong> Famotidine for the Prevention <strong>of</strong> Exercise-Induced Gastritis in RacingAlaskan Sled Dogs, Dr. Katherine Kay Williamson<strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Veterianry <strong>Medicine</strong>3:30–5:30 pm Mini Symposia (three concurrent sessions)Mini Symposium IIIAuditoriumInfectious Disease, Dr. Gus Kousoulas, ChairMini Symposium IVRoom 1205Cancer Biology, Dr. Shulin Li, ChairMini Symposium VRoom 2103Experimental Cardiology, Dr. Joseph Francis, Chair5:30 pm Transport to the Cook CenterCook Center Lobby6:30 pm ReceptionCook Center Noland and Laborde Hall7:30 pm BanquetPresentation <strong>of</strong> Young Investigator Awards: Dr. Lisa FreemanSpeakers: Drs. Taboada, McConnico, and Sirninger, LSU <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Veterinary</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong>Hurricanes and Animal Rescue: Our ExperienceClose6

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