The gstat Package - NexTag Supports Open Source Initiatives

The gstat Package - NexTag Supports Open Source Initiatives

The gstat Package - NexTag Supports Open Source Initiatives


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plot.<strong>gstat</strong>Variogram 31Examplesdata(pcb)library(lattice)xyplot(y~x|as.factor(yf), pcb, aspect = "iso")# demo(pcb)plot.<strong>gstat</strong>VariogramPlot a Sample VariogramDescriptionUsageCreates a variogram plot## S3 method for class '<strong>gstat</strong>Variogram':plot(x, model = NULL, ylim, xlim, xlab = "distance",ylab = "semivariance", panel = vgm.panel.xyplot, multipanel = TRUE, plot.nuscales, ids = x$id, group.id = TRUE, skip, layout, ...)## S3 method for class 'variogramMap':plot(x, np = FALSE, skip, threshold, ...)Argumentsxmodelylimxlimxlabylabpanelmultipanelobject of class "<strong>gstat</strong>Variogram", obtained from the function variogram, possiblycontaining directional or cross variogramsin case of a single variogram: a variogram model, as obtained from vgm orfit.variogram, to be drawn as a line in the variogram plot; in case of a set ofvariograms and cross variograms: a list with variogram modelsnumeric vector of length 2, limits of the y-axisnumeric vector of length 2, limits of the x-axisx-axis labely-axis labelpanel functionlogical; if TRUE, directional variograms are plotted in different panels, if FALSE,directional variograms are plotted in the same graph, using color, colored linesand symbols to distinguish themplot.numbers logical or numeric; if TRUE, plot number of point pairs next to each plottedsemivariance symbol, if FALSE these are omitted. If numeric, TRUE is assumedand the value is passed as the relative distance to be used between symbols andnumeric text values (default 0.03).scalesoptional argument that will be passed to xyplot in case of the plotting of variogramsand cross variograms; use the value list(relation = "same")if y-axes need to share scales

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