The gstat Package - NexTag Supports Open Source Initiatives

The gstat Package - NexTag Supports Open Source Initiatives

The gstat Package - NexTag Supports Open Source Initiatives


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46 variogramValueIf map is TRUE (or a map is passed), a grid map is returned containing the (cross) variogram map(s).See package sp.In other cases, an object of class "<strong>gstat</strong>Variogram" with the following fields:npdistgammadir.hordir.veridleftrightthe number of point pairs for this estimate; in case of a variogramCloud seebelowthe average distance of all point pairs considered for this estimatethe actual sample variogram estimatethe horizontal directionthe vertical directionthe combined id pairfor variogramCloud: data id (row number) of one of the data pairfor variogramCloud: data id (row number) of the other data in the pairNoteIn the past, <strong>gstat</strong> returned an object of class "variogram"; however, this resulted in confusions forusers of the package geoR: the geoR variog function also returns objects of class "variogram",incompatible to those returned by this function. That’s why I changed the class name.variogram.line is DEPRECATED; it is and was never meant as a variogram method, butworks automatically as such by the R dispatch system. Use variogramLine instead.Author(s)Edzer J. PebesmaReferencesCressie, N.A.C., 1993, Statistics for Spatial Data, Wiley.http://www.<strong>gstat</strong>.org/Pebesma, E.J., 2004. Multivariable geostatistics in S: the <strong>gstat</strong> package. Computers & Geosciences,30: 683-691.See Alsoprint.<strong>gstat</strong>Variogram, plot.<strong>gstat</strong>Variogram, plot.variogramCloud; for variogram models: vgm, to fita variogram model to a sample variogram: fit.variogramExamplesdata(meuse)# no trend:coordinates(meuse) = ~x+yvariogram(log(zinc)~1, meuse)# residual variogram w.r.t. a linear trend:

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