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CME/CE: PharmacologyMan vs. MicrobeTreatment issues in an age of antibiotic resistanceBy Lynn A. Kelso, MSN, APRN, FCCM, FAANP➼ In the late 1960s, U.S. SurgeonGeneral William H. Stewart was attributedwith the following bold statement:“It is time to close the book on infectiousdiseases and declare the war againstpestilence won.” An increase in vaccineshad produced a dramatic decrease in theincidence of infectious diseases such assmallpox and polio, and multiple new antimicrobialagents were available to treatthe organisms that were causing infections.It appeared that we had an upperhand on infectious microbes. However,with increased and widespread use ofantimicrobial agents to prevent or treatinfections, resistance patterns continuedto emerge. It soon became clear that wewould never be able to defeat antimicrobialresistance. At best, we would needto keep pace with it.The mass production of penicillin, thefirst antibiotic, began in 1943, after theoutbreak of World War II. Just 4 yearslater, resistance to penicillin had developed.Many new antimicrobial agentshave been discovered and developed sincethen, but microbes have continued tokeep pace and develop further resistance.This poses great risk to patients and greatchallenges to healthcare providers.The World Health Organization hasdeemed antimicrobial resistance oneof the three most important problemsfacing healthcare providers today. 1 TheLynn A. Kelso is an acute care nurse practitionerwho is an assistant professor in theCollege of Nursing at the University of Kentuckyin Lexington. She has completed a disclosurestatement and reports no relationships relatedto this article.Learning Objectives1. Identify the causes of antibioticresistance.2. Discuss the educational needsof patients related to the use ofantibiotics.kyle kielinski3. Describe antibiotics newly approved andin development.4. List three ways to prevent the spread ofMDRO infections.<strong>ADVANCE</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>NPs</strong> & <strong>PAs</strong>25

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