Download the report - Global CCS Institute

Download the report - Global CCS Institute

Download the report - Global CCS Institute


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3CHAPTER“Through <strong>the</strong>looking-glass”<strong>the</strong> politician (cont.)fuzz around who was willing or had to cooperate with whom … nopolitically explicit actions known … <strong>the</strong>re were also two projectsfrom <strong>the</strong> region of Groningen … <strong>the</strong> only Dutch project with similarityto ours is <strong>the</strong> Vattenfall/Nuon project … <strong>the</strong> UK competitors havemore in common … looking back: this has been a ra<strong>the</strong>r politicallyoriented procedure from <strong>the</strong> start but after <strong>the</strong> publication of <strong>the</strong>final call from <strong>the</strong> European Commission <strong>the</strong>re was hardly anypolitical activity to be seen on my radar screen … I am very pleasedwith <strong>the</strong> application of our own project … it surely has helped that<strong>the</strong> PPP Team exchanged experiences with Rotterdam.Opportunities for our constituency … from a practical point ofview: inside <strong>the</strong> NER300 too many projects have applied … makescompetition for our project stronger … but: when we will be on <strong>the</strong>final shortlist, this will mean that high ranking external parties havevaluated our project positively … <strong>the</strong> outcome of such a selectionprocess will deliver more support for <strong>the</strong> next phase of negotiationswith <strong>the</strong> national government and more support from our ownparliament.Exposure (risks/opportunities) … <strong>the</strong> next step for all and also forour project is to survive <strong>the</strong> national selection procedure … nearlyall projects made <strong>the</strong>ir application public … so <strong>the</strong>re might be someexposure in <strong>the</strong> newspapers or on TV … but <strong>the</strong> sentiments are notvery high at this moment (no negative attitudes observed in ourregion or our country, but fair enough also no independent positiveattitudes to be seen ei<strong>the</strong>r) … national political signals are that <strong>the</strong>ydo not want high level political interference during <strong>the</strong> selectionprocess … <strong>the</strong>y want to give <strong>the</strong> signal that <strong>the</strong> selection processwas fair, unbiased and was only based on <strong>the</strong> content of <strong>the</strong> applications… I would like to argue that advocacy towards nationalgovernment and parliament should not take place; but I will stay inclose and explicit contact with <strong>the</strong> tender manager on <strong>the</strong> nationalside, to be in time when something should need to happen in <strong>the</strong>national political arena.Overall Political judgment … <strong>the</strong> first step for application for <strong>the</strong>NER300 has shown that Europe has many potential <strong>CCS</strong> project …direct contesters for our project are few … easy to position ourproject in a positive way … that is what we need to do right now: tell<strong>the</strong> story that our project is well defined, convincingly good andfeasible.46

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