Physical Control in Care Training Manual - Independent Advisory ...

Physical Control in Care Training Manual - Independent Advisory ...

Physical Control in Care Training Manual - Independent Advisory ...


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PHYSICAL CONTROL IN CARE8. Debrief all staff <strong>in</strong>volved and collate the use of force reports -the use of force reports should be completed by staff<strong>in</strong>dependently of any other staff <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>cident. Offercare services to all staff <strong>in</strong>volved. Complete an <strong>in</strong>jury form forthe young person, even if no <strong>in</strong>jury is visible or reported.9. Collate any CCTV evidence and witness statements.10. Consider Polaroid photos for any reported <strong>in</strong>juries.11. Debrief the young person at the most opportune moment.Resolution and MovementIf follow<strong>in</strong>g a serious <strong>in</strong>cident where negotiation takes place andproves to be successful the supervisor will consider whether it is safeto lead the young person away without hav<strong>in</strong>g to use any form ofphysical restra<strong>in</strong>t or force. If this is the case the follow<strong>in</strong>g methodsshould be used to ensure staff safety:Three members of staff are positioned near to, but out of the youngperson l<strong>in</strong>e of vision.The s<strong>in</strong>cerity of the young person is tested by the negotiator ask<strong>in</strong>gthem to place any visible weapons on the ground and ask<strong>in</strong>g whetherany other weapons are concealed on their person.The negotiator will then ask the young person to walk slowly towardsthe door with their hands <strong>in</strong> a position that the negotiator can see.The door will then be opened by the supervisor and the young personasked to step out of the room.Once outside the room the young person will be asked to take a stepto the side fac<strong>in</strong>g the wall and place their hands on the wall <strong>in</strong> front ofthem.At every stage co-operation and understand<strong>in</strong>g by the young personmust be established and tested before mov<strong>in</strong>g to the next stage.One of the three members of staff wait<strong>in</strong>g outside the room willconduct an appropriate search and the young person led away <strong>in</strong> thefollow<strong>in</strong>g manner:© National Offender Management Service National Tactical Response GroupJuly 201060

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