OpenGL ES* 1.0 Framework Software Developer's Guide

OpenGL ES* 1.0 Framework Software Developer's Guide

OpenGL ES* 1.0 Framework Software Developer's Guide


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IntroductionR1.3 Architecture OverviewThe Intel ® 2700G Multimedia Accelerator family contains three components: Intel 2700G7Multimedia Accelerator with stacked package local memory, Intel 2700G5 MultimediaAccelerator for performance, Intel 2700G3 Multimedia Accelerator for value. The majordifferences between 2700G3 Multimedia Accelerator and 2700G5 Multimedia Acceleratorcomponents are the size of the on-die frame buffer and the power savings associated with usingthis frame buffer for display updates and refreshes. The 2700G7 is a stacked package containinglocal memory for space constrained applications. The 2700G5 Multimedia Accelerator isoptimized for a VGA (640x480) display and incorporates a 704 KB on-die frame buffer. The2700G3 Multimedia Accelerator is optimized for half-VGA and smaller displays and incorporatesa 384 KB on-die frame buffer. The 2700G family can support a maximum screen resolution of1280 x 1024.Note: The descriptions contained in this document apply to the 2700G3 Multimedia Accelerator, the2700G5 Multimedia Accelerator, and the 2700G7 Multimedia Accelerator, unless otherwisenoted. The term 2700G Multimedia Accelerator is used in this paper and refers to all of the abovenoted products.The 2700G Multimedia Accelerator 3D acceleration provides a complete hardware 3D renderingpipeline. This includes 831K triangles per second processing capability and 84 million pixels-persecond fill rate. Advanced 3D hardware acceleration includes features, such as texture and lightmapping, point, bilinear, trilinear and anisotropic filtering, alpha blending, dual texturing support,deferred texturing, screen tiling, texture compression, and full-screen anti-aliasing.The 2700G Multimedia Accelerator 2D acceleration includes support for clipping, anti-aliasing,alpha blending as well as a variety of BLT functions. The 2700G Multimedia Accelerator supportsall 256 raster operations (Source, Pattern, and Destination) defined by Microsoft*.8 <strong>OpenGL</strong> <strong>ES*</strong> <strong>1.0</strong> <strong>Framework</strong> <strong>Software</strong> Developer’s <strong>Guide</strong>

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