ODBC Database User Guide - CPSI Application Documentation

ODBC Database User Guide - CPSI Application Documentation

ODBC Database User Guide - CPSI Application Documentation


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Demographics and AR Information 17Chapter 5Demographics and AR Information5.1 OverviewThe tables in this section contain data elements, descriptions, lengths and values that pertain toDemographics and Accounts Receivable (AR) information.5.2 od_ar_demographicsListing of the Patient Demographics provided in the od_ar_demographics file.Data Element Description Length ValuePATIENT_NUMBER Patient Number 8 16PAT_AR_SEQUENCE AR Sequence 10 10PATIENT_ARPTYPE ‘P’ 1 16PATIENT_NAME Patient Name 22 16GUARANTOR_NAME Guarantor Name 22 16GUARANTOR_ADDR1 Guarantor Address Line 1 20 16GUARANTOR_ADDR2 Guarantor Address Line 2 20 16GUARANTOR_CITY Guarantor City 19 16GUARANTOR_STATE Guarantor State 2 16GUARANTOR_ZIP Guarantor Zip Code 9 9PATIENT_SEX Patient Sex 1 16PATIENT_DOB Patient Date of Birth 9 9-CNYRMODAPATIENT_RACE Patient Race 1 16GUARANTOR_PHONE Guarantor Phone Number 11 9PATIENT_SSN Patient Social Security Number 9 9MARITAL_STATUS Marital Status (M, S, W, D, P, U) 1 16CREDIT_RATE Credit Switch 1 16BILL_SWITCH Bill Switch 1 16COLLECT_CODECYCLE_CODECollect Code(Reflects Age of Bill - defaults - 1,2, 3, A or B)Cycle Code(Reflects Billing Cycle – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6)1 161 16MR_NUMBER Medical Record Number 11 16PATIENT_DRG First DRG 3 16PATIENT_FINALDRGDRG Entered at Time of Receipting(Reimbursement DRG)3 16TERMS_DATE Date Terms Began 7 9-XYRMODATERMS_AMOUNT Terms Amount 7 9© 2012 Computer Programs and Systems, Inc.

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