being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs

being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs

being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs


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'US'How vainLy the Morning will rife.All r<strong>of</strong>y> <strong>and</strong> bright in the Eaft;The Ev'nlng won't charm my fad Eyes;Or !Night> to mv Sorrows give reft.Tho* the Bufhes all gaudily Bk>om.,And the Birds warble happy <strong>and</strong> gay;My Heart will be nothing but gloom.,As foon as my Lover's away:IsTot Muftck will f<strong>of</strong>ten my Cares.,ISor Pleafures my fenfes delight;When his Voice founds no more in my Ears..And his Berfon's no longer in fight.TSo Jay I fhall find in the BleHs.,The Plains., or the trembling Grove;Since Solitude., forrow but yields..To a Heart that's fincerely in Love-.But when the Moon rifes fo bright.,And fhews her full Orb in the Stream;Some relief it will be to my fight.,That I view the fame Object with him.3? L U T E ./ b r0TPll"""".'

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