being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs

being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs

being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs


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w'8o^^^l^^^^rf^I muft for e- _ver languifh> I muft for e ver£3=i if•Hr-^(#^M mar•wmmourn> Prom I&ve I now am Banifh'd, And Ihall no»Tf*itic_ri^m |IHM »more re turn.Bripgjjll li 'Tarewel, deceitful Traytor,TareweL thou j)erjur'd Swain;Let never iniux'd Creature*Believe your Vows again:The Paffion you pretended*Was only to obtain;Tor now the Charm is ended*The Charmer you difdain.Pluti.^ig g ffittfitlfifi i fFEicrBfiifrrM^iniTOfairtWt r^ftf iW^ pH i m *

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