being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs

being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs

being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs


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»JENNY. Had jo u ftill addreft me./ AndAs earvce jrou careft me,Nean other Lad had e'er polleft me.But thine alean I now had been:Had I only been In vogue w^ye,hadjrou let nean elfe colloguejre,Nor rambled after KatHERN OgGIE,I'd fbed as weel as any CLueen.59Jockey. JYLoggy, <strong>of</strong> Dumferling,Is now my only Darling,Who fings as fweet as any Starling/And dances with a bonny Aire.JVLOGGY is fo kind <strong>and</strong> tender.If Fate was ready now to end her,Cou'd I but from the ftroke defend her,I'd dye if he wad JVtOGGY l^are.JENNY.SAWNY me careffes,Wh<strong>of</strong>e Bagpipe fo pleafes.That never my poor Heart at eafe is.But when we are together beath.I'd fo heartily befriend him.If Fate was ready now to end him,Cou'd I but from the ftroke defend him,A thouf<strong>and</strong> times I'd fuffer Death.JOCKEY. Come, let's leave this fooling,JMy Heart ne'er was cooling,Nean e'er but JENNY there was ruling.JENNY.But thus our Hearts we fondly try.To thy Arms, if thou reftore me,Shou'd au the Lairds i'th' Lond adore me,- • Nay, our Gued King himfel fend for me.With thee alean I'd live <strong>and</strong> iye.Ilute.^^feSFffn^ntrrrh^if'i^f

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