being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs

being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs

being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs


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& fHr» a iflin*f \ $n*Bowl, great Jove gave the word; The Bowl it was large, <strong>of</strong> .a Heavenlyi IWT^ p 9W*/] EicEyflniiuu n» > imSize, Wherein they did ufe Infant Gods to BaptizemVcJ^ W a M ) ) »atCLuoth Jove, I'm informed, they drink Bunch upon Earth,Whereby the Mortals wits far exceeds us in mirth;Therefore our wife Godheads together let's lay.And endeavour to make it much ftronger than they;'Twas fpoke like a God, fill the Bowl up to the top,He is Cafhier'd from the Heavens, that leaves the laft drop,'Then Apollxt fent away two <strong>of</strong> his Laffes,With Bitchers, to fill at the Well <strong>of</strong> Barnaffus,'To Boets new born, this Licjuour it was broughtAnd they fuckt it in for their firft mornings draught.Juno, for Lemons, ftept into her Cl<strong>of</strong>et,Which, when fhe was fick, Ihe infus'd into BoifetjFor GoddeiTes may be as iqueamifh as Gipfeys,The Sun <strong>and</strong> the Moon, you know, have their Eclipifes;Thefe Lemons were called the Hifperian Fruit,Where a Vigilent Dragon was faid to look to it;Twelve dozen <strong>of</strong> thefe were well faueas'd in water.,The reft <strong>of</strong> Ingredients in order came after;.Venus, admirer <strong>of</strong> all things that were fweet.Without her infufion, there had been no treat.Comm<strong>and</strong>ed her Sugar loaves, white as her Doves,To be brought to the Table by a pair <strong>of</strong> jour, g Loves,So wonderful curious thefe Deities were,The Sugar it was ftrain'd thro' a piece <strong>of</strong> fine Aire;Jolly Bacchus gave notice by dangling his bunch,That without his alTiftance, 'there cou'd be no good Bunchy

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