being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs

being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs

being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs


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. ToSOLove's Reward • By Jt r • Levebidge •r^f-rrrTrrrigrrri J rL ovefounds to B attle.Ha€t h Ither Toge - ther his charge is Eatal to all who'ig irr] r^ifr irj J i.i riffrmir-FTf|j^ ^irrrn^n^lf crrlr^^a§ pa Qdeny*D: i n-liq gRebels & Traitors,withalltheir abettors fearing, tremUingbeforehimfly"Vain are the ForcesOf Rangers <strong>and</strong> Changers^All their Recourfe isTo arm with a O-uart •But when they're boozing'And freely carouzlngLaughing^ Q-uafflng,.He wounds the Heart •all Deferters^Annoying,, deftroying^He ne'er gives Q.uarters^But Xets them on fire •The Flame J?aft curing",With Rage they're enduring,.Scorching^ burningsV T|11 they expire •But the true Lover,That fairies <strong>and</strong> rallies^Nor turns a Rover,.But ft<strong>and</strong>s to his APms ;Under Love's Banner,Shall be crown'd with Honour,Kiffing>: Preffing^ VAnd melt in Charms •

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