being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs

being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs

being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs


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What he meant by the Sequel, was very well known.They threw in ten Gallons <strong>of</strong> trufty Langoon;IMars, tho'a blunt God, <strong>and</strong> cheif <strong>of</strong> the Bifkers,Was fat at Table a curling his whifkers.duoth he> fellow Gods, <strong>and</strong> Celeftial Gallants,Iwou'd not give a Tig for jour Punch without INantz;Therefore my Ganamade, I do comm<strong>and</strong> ye,To throw in ten Gallons <strong>of</strong> the beft INantz Br<strong>and</strong>y;Saturn, <strong>of</strong> all the Gods there, he was the oldeft,And we may imagine his ftomack was the coldeftJHe out <strong>of</strong> his Pouch did fome Nutmegs produceWhich <strong>being</strong> well grated, were put in the juice;Neptune, this Ocean^<strong>of</strong> good Liquor did Crown,With a Sea Bifcake bak'd hard in the Sun.The Bowl <strong>being</strong> finifh'd, A health then began,CLuoth Jove, let it be to that Creature, call'd Man;'Tis to him alone, our great Pleafure we owe,Por Heaven, it was never true Heaven till now;The Gods <strong>being</strong> pleafed, the health it went about,Till gorrel belly'd Bacchus's great guts nigh burft out;The other brave Gods did immenfe <strong>of</strong> Punch fwallow,Acteon, with Hounds, <strong>and</strong> with Huntfman did hollow;The Punch was delightful, they plenty did bring,And all the World over their Pame it did ring.tf+cjfigrttTig fl i mit

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