being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs

being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs

being a collection of celebrated English, and Scotch songs


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30^ijjia;.^ ^ch meets return. When m fbft Flames SoulsSmpi wfLLjjlgfllge_ -qjral burn. Rut words are wanting to difcover The Tor- _ments <strong>of</strong>p fijjJi'r jiiftivi'i m*:ifirrfiJjJUrtrrr ra jielefi ho—Lover. Ye Regifters <strong>of</strong> Heaven, relate. If loo. -kingi "rifnrTfi^if j%erf f IPr1' 1IMTrnUjifljo'er the Rolls <strong>of</strong> Fate* Did you there fee me markd to marrow^jgjiijjjniqfg^Q-*-¥=^5m =Ma ry Scot the Flow_er <strong>of</strong> Yar. .row?n j ijpg^-f i^Alas! If not, jrou'H. foon debar aSighing Swain the Banks <strong>of</strong> Yarrowvox.n.Ah no. her Form's too heavenly fair.Her Love the Gods above muft fhare;While Mortals with Defpair explore her,And at a diftance due adore her.O lovely Maid! rny Doubts beguile,Revive <strong>and</strong> blefs me with a Smile'.JJJJ-LLLf

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