1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology

1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology

1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology


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Guthman Airs Program,Hits Turner's RecordTh(' Republican candidate for in thi~ local effort in cooperalumwith private enterprise,"/ one <strong>of</strong> Fulton County's at·largestate representatIve posts saidMonday that "I am mainly campaigningon my positive pro.Mr. GUlhman said.gram and Cecil Turner's rec.ord."(Richard Guthman, running Ifor county-wide post NO.2 in thestate's 123rd District, said At.lanta alderman and representa_tive candidate Turner "lost inhis own precinct by t\\'o to onein the DemOC'ratic primary.""Who knows a man betterthan his rriend~ and neighbors'";\1r. Guthman asked members <strong>of</strong>the '\orthside Atlanta Jayceees.Mr. Guthman did not criticizeMr. Turner for wanting tohold two posts. (RepublicanI Rodne'- Cook is both an alder-I man and statc represcntati~·c_) IHowever. Mr. Guthman said,Mr. TUrn{'r "Is not effective' e\'Em as an alderman. Whyshould he be a representative?"I TURNING TO hi.~ platform,Mr Guthman called for moretax money for citi('s. He said he Ifavored an amendment on theNovember 8 ballot allowing the~tate 10 pay UD to 10 ocr cent <strong>of</strong>iht' cost <strong>of</strong> rapid transit systems,and he urged that Atlanta applyfor federal construction money Ilor rapid transit. . iHe !

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