1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology

1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology

1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology


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'.•.: ,•'.'.,, 2.1\ TilE ATI,A'iTA CO'STlTL'T10N, "'ridu" DI'(', 20, 19H"**'Council Unit 01(8:Forced VacationsBy FREDERICK ALLEN'The Atlanta City Council'sFinance Committee Thursdayapproved a harxlful <strong>of</strong> moneymeasures-including a oncedefeatedfive-day forced vacationfor city workers-designedto eliminate a '" mil.lion budget gap.The measures. quicklybranded "irresponsible" byMayor Maynard Jackson, alsoinclude a .2&-mill properly taxhike and the lay<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> an estimatedfive city employes.The actions won unanimousapproval on an informal, s-ovoice v 0 t e by committeemembers Ira JacksonRichard Guthman, Q. V. Williamson,Carl Ware and ChairmanE. Gregory Griggs.In sum, the measures lop$3.685 million fro m Mayorserve by the city's Parks, U.braries and CUltural Affairs.and Community Developmentt departments.-Reduce the funding for repl~~menteqUipment by $1rruJllon. The committee instruc1edFinance CommissionerCharles Davis to compilea list <strong>of</strong> items that couldbe deferred unUllate in 19:\Davis told a reporter the replace-mentmoney goesprimarily to buy new lrucksand police cars.setaside tor funding <strong>of</strong> the policehelicopter squad after federalLaw Enforcement AssistanceAdministration funds run outAug. JI.'I't!e committee gave no fn..dication ot where it WOUld getthe money to operate the$Quad next year, but expressedgeneral hope that thelegISlature will provtde newfe\'enue sources'for the CIty.-Cut $30,000 from the (,.)IyCouncil sW'f bUdget, $90,000from the new Bureau <strong>of</strong>

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