1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology

1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology

1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology


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S)SU.,.,oI0.!lpapualx:INorthsiders To HostTennessee GovernorTe nnessee Governor Lee Malone, and James H.Winfield Dunn will be on Sherard; state legislatorsthe North Side Friday, May Senator Paul Coverdell,31, for a reception to be Representative Mike Egan,held at the horne <strong>of</strong> Tuxedo Representative Ki lRoad NOrlhsider D.C. Townsend; Atlanta CityJackso n. The reception is Councilman R icha r dthe first mlUor fund·raising Guthman; and prominentevent for John Savage, Northsiders Mrs. James M.D.D.S., a Georaia state Cra wford, <strong>Jr</strong>., Robertrepresentative who is an Garges, Alton V. Hallum,a nnounced candidate for Sr., M.D. , Lee H. Henkel,Lieutenant Governor. <strong>Jr</strong>., and Mrs. Joseph W.A bevy <strong>of</strong> North siders has Jo nes.headed the organization Also serving on thecommittee <strong>of</strong> the reception reception committee arethatiscCKhairedbyChulcs Thornton Kennedy,H. Smith, D.D.S, and Richard Kimberly, JulianJackson. LeCraw, John Lundeen,Sponsors <strong>of</strong> the spring Louis McLennan, Dillardbuffet, scheduled from six Munford , Robert Redfern,to nine o'clock Friday Mrs. Glenn A. Tatum,eveninJ, include dentists H.Randolph Thrower, CharlesWilliam Allsup, Stan West, John L. West more-Hopkins, RoUin Mallemee, land and Bruce Wilson.~~ hr /IG',,-~ ~•U!VH lVuo1sv;noIivpoJ.lallJuam·q1fnoua a!J!;)3dS lOU pue pBOJq-.I\)AO seuaodqns \l q 1 palle;)J01~d 1'll'!;)3dS a q J..Jg;),{1511{ ;m'lOH 91!lL\\ \lq1 wOJJ •p;ru!!S3.J '{at{1 uaq.'ll. PU!qaq lJa( ..'fluaurn:>Op UA\O .l'!aq1 paeu~qns ptq .{attL ·V;J.ll'll']'qa.(sds,SJaqsll3 I a r u 6' Q 10SlttS!-I I!AP \lql pallll~ .{alflJu~1tp IUaW1;)fPU! 1m Uf ..1J.1tj10 aaJ1(1 JM. u1?pU3}ap~---~~ ~1 t •.\. nil. 'TI.,'\T\ fO'""TI"O,\ ..... 1 •• June I. 1971.•Inmall-----From Pall" "A('nd that our public mponsibilUy be md andjusUeebe don(',"GuUunan said bt- was voline for a trialbecaUJe '.J think lhls maUrr must be fullyheard," and Pietee aa1d h~ Will opposing ItbeatuIe the quesUoos are already before thecourts aDd • RrarnJ Jury. other COWlolmendid not explain their votes., Bond. who introduced the rtsOluUon ImpeachingInman, .bo had • rtaolution to set~ Juoe 11 date and to create a 1~ia1committee to draw up rules <strong>of</strong> procedure.To that committee, Fowlei' appointedFowlkes, Griggs, Jackson, LambroI and Wil­Iia ......~ c:ommlUee is "instructed to sedcthe lUUestionl" 0( Imnan on trOpe!' rules..............Grigs is chairman 0{ the Finance Committee,which pn!'\'lomly ... oted dr)v,-n an orrli·n~ to hire a I)X'daJ trial lawyer at C'Ofitsup to SS,OOO. But GI'i&II' new ord.inanceautmriza h.iriDi apecial COWl_or' at msts upto '15,000.GriU! called a spec:la.1 meeting d. thecommittee MOIIday monung to comlder theordinance before the full council wleS on it!tloodayafterncm.~tayor Jackson wants to hire the 1Ipec.ia1lawyer on the grounds that city attorneyscannot prosecutl'! Jmlan and advise thecouncil at the same lim

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