1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology

1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology

1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology


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ICouncil Clears Way for RaiseBy Hk'\K EZELLOn I pair <strong>of</strong> flip-{loJXs. the Atllil1.ta City Councl1 has givenitself immediate clearance to raise its O\\:n pay and has .rejtttedan enlargement for the budget policy and evalualionsWI.In both cases. the final actions came after ~anJack SwnmeCs asked for reconsideration <strong>of</strong> the council s flThI• cti.0II.Both ~ures require tbe :.ignature <strong>of</strong> .Mayor :\laynardJack::;on 10 becOme la ....The S"lriich on pay fabes for elected <strong>of</strong>ficials came afterradio and tele\ision reporters had bit. the Monday rneetmg, acircumstal'lC! "him brought indignant protests from oppo--"""'. "This is tile my kind <strong>of</strong> action whidl causes the peopleor Atlanta to lose faith In their public <strong>of</strong>ficIal!," contendedCOUncilman Buddy Fowlkes."In fact, some <strong>of</strong> IlS ma~' be overpaid" at the present$8,800 salary Fowlkes added.The salary proposa1 WO'...:ld remove from the City CharterHOW THEY VOTEDFORCharles Helms, James Howard, James Bond, :\lorrisFinely, Nick Lambros. Ira Jackson, Panke Bradley, Q. V.Williamson, Jack Summers.AGAINSTJohn Calhoun. George Cotsakis. Richard Guthman,Arthur Langford <strong>Jr</strong>., Hugh Pierce, Gregory Grigg!, Mar·-.vm Arrington, Buddy Fowlkes.•8 provision which prohibits elected <strong>of</strong>ficials (rom raising theirpay during their current term <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice. The measure does notactually raise the present pay <strong>of</strong> the councilmen. counCilpresident or mayOI'.Summers said he changed his mind because "r wasWlder the impression to begin \\itb that it was a salary in·crease."'Ihe proposal finally ~sed on a H vote. reversing the8-9 rejection made two hours earlier .Councilman Q. V. Williamson said he would \'ote againstactual pay raiseS. but "this is a maller <strong>of</strong> holL

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