1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology

1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology

1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology


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..:r~IftrAD_lI.... vr Mollynard Jackson'TUNday conct'ded defeat Inhis bailIe to g~ the J975 city~t be wanted, saying "myjob now is to operate withinthe guidelillt'$ set by the citycouncil. "The mayor said he will notveto t~ 1.3 mill increase inthe property tax levy pa'lo;edIn a special session <strong>of</strong> thecouncil Monday even thoughbe wanted '3 larger iocreasewhich would produce a largerbudget.Jackson charged after thecouncil meeting that there willbe a significant drop in thelevel <strong>of</strong> services delivered toAtlantans as a result <strong>of</strong> thebudget set by the touncil.The council voted 11 to 7 for"ouse Jf14IaJl" 19i5 lax 1915 tax InStal:Value wltbout with J.3 mill roro\~r-15sincrease increase.,.,... S 3JI •.H S 157.15 $ 111.85 $ 0."$40.'" S , tUG $ 519.1S $ 533.(5 S 3%3.71$I01,oeo SI.I58.41 SI,W.7SI' ....." , 1,US.50the 1.3 mill increase. far lessthan the 3 mill boost Jacksonoriginally sought or tbe 2.Zlrom increase he later <strong>of</strong>ft:redas,a compromise.The council also approvedan ordinance requiring Cityemployes to take five days <strong>of</strong>unpaid leave during the secondhalf <strong>of</strong> next year. Themeasure passed by a 14 to 4vote despite letters <strong>of</strong> oppositionfrom several organiza-tions reprtscnling city employes.The millage rate passed bythe COWlcil would set nextyear's city budget at $86.2million, a figure which themayor caUed "far too short"and "dangerously close."" The citizens must. under-­stand that there wiU be a cutbackin city services as a re-Turn to Page SA,I'l61 ',Z ·,ao ',(opsan.l.LNOK:I- MAYOR !COnUnued From Page lAsuit <strong>of</strong> the council's actiontoday," Jackson said.Jackson said areas <strong>of</strong> serv­Ice whldl are "imperiled" bythe council's budget plan includefire protection, police,street maintenance and sanitationservices,Asked for specifics, tilemayor said there may be areduction <strong>of</strong> U to SO police<strong>of</strong>ficers aDd "we may bave togo from twice a week garbagepickup to once a week."But the council memberswho voted against the highermillage rate favored by Jack­IOn expressed. conlidence thatthe budget wiU be adequate.Council President WycheFowler s aid the budget"places tbe burden <strong>of</strong> sacrificeon the government, wbereit belongs. We' v e alreadyasked the taxpayer to sacrifice."Councilman G reg 0 r yGriggs, chairman <strong>of</strong> the C

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