1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology

1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology

1 - Ivan Allen, Jr. Digital Collection - Georgia Institute of Technology


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..,City COUJlcilTo Vote on' 1976 PanelThe City council Mondayked to create awill be as paid Atlanta3O-membe~, un CommissionBicentenrual . liesto plan the, ci~y's acti~.for the nation 5 700thversal'Y 1ft 1976. ,The ordinance creatingthe commission, in~;::by Councilman Ric ~G thman was approved 'Jth~ council' 5 Committee onthe Executive TUesday.Former Mayor S ,8 mMasseU twood as] d e=ais for a local b~n·C()mmission,saYl,ngAtlanta was not a Citywhen the nation wa.sfounded and benet; not h di •recUy involved 111 ,1 ebicrotemial celebration.Mayor Maynard Jack·son, hov;evef, supports f:heide a <strong>of</strong> a biffiltenlU alcommission. . ordiUnder Guthman s. . .nance the commiSSIoncould 'soliCit fur.ds from'vate and public sources,::t could use no ci~y fundsto finance its <strong>of</strong>fice andstaff.uldThe mayor wo appointup to 30 ~bers, m·eluding a cluurman. Alleast one member must beselected from each <strong>of</strong> the12 CQW'lCil distriCts.The commission would"raise and accept" r~dsfor itself and for the City,to be used for planning andcarrying out bicent~l~ialprograms. The commiSSIOncould apply for federal andstale grants, and, would, berequired to submit semiannualreports to the city,... " '~,.,.PiG... w.:::iPAN AMERICAt;::' h.1~~• N .U RANCI!! coVows AppointmentsMerit Plan Effectivedone now is on an interimb:t.s.is," lie added,Those elevated before therrrerit system comes in willbe subject to a re-evaluationand he Is "pretty sure" thesecond look will invol\'e par.Uons <strong>of</strong> the merit system.,Eaves said,"If these men l!a\'e provedtheir capability in the interimit would certainly weigh intheir favor, A great deal <strong>of</strong>weight would be given tothis," Eaves said.But' leadership must be pr0.­vided during the interim, hesaid,"I don't want to be accused<strong>of</strong> letting crime run rampantwhile I'm planning, so I've gotto flx some responsJbllity," beadded.Coundlman Richard Guth.man, .... ilo was instrwnental inOVer1I1m1ng Jackson's etrort toexclude the council from rule.making for the general CivilService, said Monday he d~n't think an ordinance wouldbe required to implement theCivil Service system,"But It probably would bebetter if it were, It "'auld giveit the strength and effect <strong>of</strong>law and would have to be fol.lowed, If it was an admJni ..trath'e procedure 0 n 1 y, Itcould be changed, a II thetime," GIlUunan said,Co\mcil President WytheFowter said he would have tosee what Eaves proposes toinclude In the system beforehe can judge the need for anordinance, and thereby forCOlmCiI approval.Meanwhlle, Eaves hasmoved Into the <strong>of</strong>fice occupiedby former Police Chief, nowbureau director, John Inmanuntil th~ week,Inman got an adjoining <strong>of</strong>.flee, saki to be less than athird the size <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficeEal'es is taking,Strict security measures at•....... -TI~ police station ha\'e beeneased "'itb the disbanding ot •building ttcurity unlt put intooperaticn under the Inman roelime.~rity !I. the builcl..lra' willl,Jd orta1nla;ned, but mo~illllG,) .... v manner a.f,e 9 II!. .. 5tJ: ,,'a,1ii1 ~ fl1f,)~V ... Q ""'",%.,~"eU°tlQ

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