Annual Report 2011 - The Malaysian Institute Of Certified Public ...

Annual Report 2011 - The Malaysian Institute Of Certified Public ...

Annual Report 2011 - The Malaysian Institute Of Certified Public ...


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President’s Statement Financial Statement10314. TAXATION(a)For tax purposes, the <strong>Institute</strong> is treated as a “Trade Association” under section 53(3) of the Income Tax Act,1967 under which its income is taxed at scale rates.<strong>2011</strong> 2010RMRMIncome tax over provided in prior years (3,641) (305)No income tax has been provided for in the current financial year as the <strong>Institute</strong>’s chargeable income fromother activities has been fully set off by the current year’s tax losses.(b)<strong>The</strong> numerical reconciliation between the effective tax rate and the applicable tax rate of the <strong>Institute</strong> is asfollows:<strong>2011</strong> 2010% %Applicable tax rate 23.51 20.84Tax effects in respect of:Utilisation of unabsorbed tax losses - (2.88)Non taxable income (27.87) (54.81)Non allowable expenses 1.38 4.60Deferred tax income not recognised 2.98 32.25Effective tax rate - -(c)Subject to the agreement with the Inland Revenue Board, the <strong>Institute</strong> has unabsorbed tax losses andunutilised capital allowances amounting to RM1,247,396 (2010 : RM1,096,561) and RM156,846 (2010 : NIL)respectively which are available for set-off against future taxable surplus.

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