conference programme and abstracts book - Sudanjp.org

conference programme and abstracts book - Sudanjp.org

conference programme and abstracts book - Sudanjp.org


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Child Human SecurityIn post conflict SudanBy: Dr. Hussein Elobeid.helobeid@hotmaiI.comNation coming of along st<strong>and</strong>ing intrastate conflict experience a shift in perspectivefrom state to individual human security <strong>and</strong> Sudan is a classical example. The GoS<strong>and</strong> SPLM/A have identified, through the JAM process, the human security elementsof l<strong>and</strong>mines action, DDR, IDPs reintegration <strong>and</strong> SSR as the corner-stone for peacebuilding, However, l<strong>and</strong>mines, firearms <strong>and</strong> unaccopmaniedness are considered as themajor child human security threats. Almost all the battlefields of the civil war (TheSouth,NM,BN <strong>and</strong> Kassala) have witnessed indiscriminate use of l<strong>and</strong>mines. L<strong>and</strong>mineswill continue to maim <strong>and</strong> kill (20 - 50% mortality rate) humans, particularlycivilian population (92% of the victims in Kassala state were civilians). L<strong>and</strong>linesdenied access to health facilities in Kassala state (9% of hospitals, 5% of health centres<strong>and</strong> 3% of the dispensaries). The food security was severely affected in Kassala state<strong>and</strong> consequently impacted the health <strong>and</strong> nutrition, particularly that of women <strong>and</strong>children. Availability <strong>and</strong> use of SALW create insecurity, encourage crime, freeze communitydevelopment <strong>and</strong> deny the future generation (children) their right for survival<strong>and</strong> development. The redundancy of 100,000 child solders <strong>and</strong> availability of SALWconstitute a major security hazard <strong>and</strong> exacerbate childhood vulnerability. Physical<strong>and</strong> psychological trauma, spread of infectious diseases including HIV IAIDS <strong>and</strong> childdestitute in general impose extra health burdens. Unaccompanied minors released fromthe war hostage back to the communities a pause daunting challenger for action.Child health professionals are at cross-roads to decide on how to react to child healthchallenges for post conflict Sudan, at the broader political l<strong>and</strong>scape, whereby contributingto durable peace building of the nation.An Update on Childhood NeuromuscularDisordersMustafa A.M. SalihProfessor; Division of Paediatric Neurology. Department of Paediatrics. College of Medicine,King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi ArabiaThe paper highlights the epidemiologic, clinical <strong>and</strong> genetic profile of neuromusculardisorders in childhood <strong>and</strong> the contribution of research from the Region to the identificationof new entities <strong>and</strong> unravelling of the molecular pathologic features of these

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