Economic Report of the President - The American Presidency Project

Economic Report of the President - The American Presidency Project

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TABLE B–51.—Industrial production indexes, selected manufactures, 1950–99[1992=100; monthly data seasonally adjusted]Durable manufacturesNondurable manufacturesYear or monthTotalPrimarymetalsIronandsteelTransportationequipmentTotalMotorvehiclesandpartsFabricatedmetalproductsIndustrialmachineryandequipmentElectricalmachineryLumberandproductsApparelproductsTextilemillproductsPrintingandpublishingChemicalsandproductsFoods1950 ................. 75.5 106.9 43.0 14.5 7.4 24.9 38.0 45.3 52.5 38.3 25.7 10.1 32.21951 ................. 82.1 119.5 45.9 18.4 7.4 27.8 34.8 45.2 51.5 38.0 26.2 11.4 32.81952 ................. 75.0 105.2 44.8 20.0 8.5 32.3 29.8 44.6 54.2 37.6 26.1 11.9 33.51953 ................. 85.0 121.3 50.6 20.9 9.7 40.6 37.6 47.1 54.9 38.6 27.3 12.9 34.21954 ................. 68.8 94.3 45.5 17.8 8.6 35.3 32.4 46.8 54.2 36.1 28.4 13.1 34.91955 ................. 89.4 125.3 52.0 19.5 9.9 40.6 43.4 52.3 59.9 41.2 31.3 15.3 36.91956 ................. 88.8 123.0 52.7 22.4 10.7 39.4 35.2 51.7 61.3 42.3 33.2 16.4 39.01957 ................. 85.0 118.5 54.1 22.3 10.6 42.2 36.9 47.4 61.1 40.3 34.4 17.3 39.61958 ................. 67.4 89.3 48.5 18.8 9.7 33.3 27.3 48.2 59.4 39.8 33.6 17.9 40.61959 ................. 78.8 102.8 54.4 21.9 11.8 37.7 35.4 54.6 65.4 45.0 35.9 20.8 42.61960 ................. 78.5 104.5 54.5 22.0 12.8 39.0 40.0 51.5 66.7 44.1 37.3 21.6 43.81961 ................. 77.0 99.8 53.1 21.4 13.6 36.7 35.1 53.9 67.1 45.4 37.5 22.7 45.01962 ................. 82.6 104.0 57.7 24.0 15.7 42.4 42.7 56.8 69.9 48.5 38.9 25.2 46.41963 ................. 89.1 113.3 59.6 25.6 16.1 46.5 47.3 59.5 72.7 50.3 40.9 27.6 48.11964 ................. 100.5 128.9 63.3 29.2 17.0 47.7 48.5 63.9 75.3 54.3 43.4 30.2 50.31965 ................. 110.6 141.4 69.6 32.8 20.3 56.7 62.0 66.4 79.5 59.1 46.2 33.7 51.51966 ................. 117.4 145.7 74.5 38.1 24.4 60.8 60.9 68.9 81.6 62.7 49.7 36.7 53.41967 ................. 108.5 134.6 77.9 38.9 24.5 59.5 53.6 68.2 81.2 62.7 52.4 38.4 55.81968 ................. 112.4 139.0 82.1 39.2 25.8 64.6 64.2 70.2 83.2 70.0 53.3 43.2 57.31969 ................. 120.9 151.4 83.5 42.4 27.5 64.1 64.5 70.1 85.9 73.6 55.9 46.7 59.21970 ................. 112.5 140.9 77.4 41.1 26.3 53.8 51.9 69.7 82.5 72.0 54.3 48.6 60.11971 ................. 106.7 128.9 77.0 38.2 26.4 58.2 65.0 71.5 83.5 76.0 54.8 51.7 62.01972 ................. 119.5 143.3 84.5 44.3 30.2 62.2 71.0 81.9 88.6 83.3 58.5 58.2 65.31973 ................. 135.6 163.1 93.9 51.8 34.4 70.8 82.7 82.2 89.3 86.7 60.0 63.6 66.61974 ................. 131.4 158.0 90.1 55.1 34.1 64.4 71.4 74.6 85.3 78.9 59.1 65.9 67.51975 ................. 104.7 127.0 78.1 47.7 29.3 57.9 60.5 69.5 77.9 75.2 55.3 60.1 67.11976 ................. 117.1 139.9 86.5 50.1 32.9 65.9 79.7 79.0 91.8 83.5 60.4 67.2 70.91977 ................. 119.0 138.0 94.7 56.6 38.1 71.9 92.4 86.1 98.0 88.3 66.3 72.4 74.61978 ................. 128.0 147.5 98.2 63.3 42.2 77.5 96.8 87.5 100.4 88.6 70.1 76.4 77.21979 ................. 130.0 148.4 101.6 70.2 46.9 78.7 89.0 86.3 95.3 91.5 72.0 79.2 77.91980 ................. 108.0 119.0 94.4 70.5 48.6 70.3 65.8 80.4 95.4 89.0 72.4 75.9 79.71981 ................. 113.9 126.6 93.0 74.7 51.0 66.9 62.8 78.1 97.3 86.3 74.3 77.3 81.41982 ................. 80.5 80.5 84.9 65.8 51.7 63.0 56.9 70.3 96.3 80.1 77.5 71.0 82.41983 ................. 88.2 90.0 87.2 65.2 55.9 70.5 72.1 83.3 100.3 89.9 81.4 76.0 84.61984 ................. 98.7 98.9 95.2 78.9 66.7 80.5 87.3 89.8 102.2 90.4 87.0 79.3 86.41985 ................. 98.4 98.8 96.5 81.2 68.4 88.8 95.0 92.0 98.6 86.5 90.2 79.4 88.91986 ................. 91.2 86.8 95.6 81.8 71.0 94.1 94.2 99.6 101.8 90.5 93.4 82.4 91.21987 ................. 97.8 95.4 101.9 86.0 75.6 96.1 94.9 104.9 105.5 96.3 102.5 87.0 93.51988 ................. 106.2 107.6 106.1 97.1 82.5 101.1 100.2 105.1 103.5 95.0 103.4 92.2 94.91989 ................. 104.9 106.2 104.8 103.0 85.8 105.1 101.2 104.3 100.3 96.5 103.5 95.1 95.91990 ................. 104.0 106.4 101.2 100.1 87.7 102.3 95.3 101.6 97.2 93.2 103.1 97.3 97.01991 ................. 96.7 96.0 96.2 95.4 89.6 96.5 88.5 94.5 97.8 92.7 99.1 96.4 98.41992 ................. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.01993 ................. 105.1 106.1 104.4 110.1 109.4 103.5 113.0 100.8 102.4 105.3 100.7 101.6 102.01994 ................. 113.8 114.4 112.2 125.6 130.5 107.5 130.6 105.9 106.3 110.6 100.7 104.8 103.71995 ................. 116.2 116.5 116.4 143.7 165.7 106.7 133.2 107.9 107.1 110.2 101.3 107.4 105.81996 ................. 119.6 118.9 120.1 159.6 206.6 107.6 131.8 110.1 104.1 108.7 101.3 109.8 105.41997 ................. 126.7 125.6 126.1 178.3 260.0 117.1 140.6 115.0 102.1 111.9 105.2 114.6 107.81998 ................. 125.6 122.6 128.8 206.4 315.1 121.6 141.7 118.5 96.6 110.9 105.1 115.1 109.31999 p ............... 126.5 122.9 128.8 230.5 389.6 122.3 151.0 121.7 90.8 111.2 104.5 117.1 110.31998: Jan .......... 130.7 130.5 129.4 193.5 287.4 121.7 143.7 116.3 100.4 114.7 106.0 116.3 109.9Feb .......... 130.6 130.8 129.3 196.3 289.6 120.8 141.9 117.2 98.9 112.2 105.7 115.7 109.3Mar ......... 128.9 129.1 129.2 199.1 291.9 120.4 140.6 116.9 98.7 112.5 105.5 115.5 109.4Apr .......... 128.9 127.4 129.4 199.2 298.0 121.9 143.3 117.6 97.7 112.7 105.5 116.2 109.4May ......... 128.3 127.0 129.9 201.1 303.5 124.1 146.6 117.5 96.8 113.6 105.5 115.6 109.5June ........ 123.5 121.4 129.2 205.9 311.7 113.2 123.2 117.9 97.0 112.3 104.2 114.9 108.9July ......... 123.8 121.6 127.7 209.9 319.0 105.6 106.9 118.6 96.9 112.0 104.4 115.5 108.4Aug ......... 124.9 122.3 127.2 211.7 323.3 129.1 155.8 119.6 96.3 110.6 104.5 114.0 107.7Sept ........ 128.3 125.9 128.4 235.5 402.1 123.1 155.6 119.7 89.0 110.8 104.6 117.4 109.6Oct .......... 128.3 124.4 129.0 239.0 410.9 122.1 156.6 120.4 89.6 114.0 106.4 119.1 110.6Nov .......... 131.2 129.9 130.1 240.5 417.7 121.8 156.4 120.9 89.5 112.3 106.0 120.7 111.9Dec .......... 131.3 129.7 130.3 241.6 425.4 118.9 152.0 121.6 89.5 111.8 106.0 121.2 110.41999: Jan .......... 122.9 118.1 129.0 217.5 346.7 122.7 146.5 122.6 92.3 108.0 104.3 114.5 111.0Feb .......... 120.1 114.6 128.4 221.7 347.5 123.2 147.8 122.3 92.2 110.5 104.3 116.6 111.4Mar ......... 124.0 118.1 128.5 224.6 354.0 122.6 148.1 121.7 91.8 110.1 103.7 116.8 110.9Apr .......... 123.9 119.4 128.0 227.0 366.4 122.1 148.4 121.5 92.4 111.4 104.2 115.6 110.6May ......... 123.9 120.1 127.2 228.4 373.3 122.8 150.6 123.9 91.2 110.9 104.1 117.0 110.6June ........ 127.4 124.5 128.3 228.2 384.2 123.5 152.9 122.2 90.7 110.8 103.5 116.3 110.0July ......... 128.0 126.2 128.6 230.0 399.2 122.9 152.2 121.5 89.8 112.3 102.8 115.8 108.9Aug ......... 129.6 127.6 128.5 231.4 401.3 122.9 152.2 120.2 89.2 111.7 103.6 117.7 108.9Sept ........ 128.3 125.9 128.4 235.5 402.1 123.1 155.6 119.7 89.0 110.8 104.6 117.4 109.6Oct p ........ 128.3 124.4 129.0 239.0 410.9 122.1 155.6 120.4 89.6 114.0 106.4 119.1 110.6Nov p ....... 131.2 129.9 130.1 240.5 417.7 121.8 156.4 120.9 89.5 112.3 106.0 120.7 111.3Dec p ....... 131.3 129.7 130.3 241.6 425.4 118.9 152.0 121.6 89.5 111.8 106.0 121.2 111.4Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.366

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