Economic Report of the President - The American Presidency Project

Economic Report of the President - The American Presidency Project

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Year ormonthTABLE B–99.—Indexes of prices received and prices paid by farmers, 1975–99Prices received byfarmersCropsAllfarmproductsLivestockandproductsAllcommodities,services,interest,taxes,andwagerates 1[1990–92=100, except as noted]Total 2FeedPrices paid by farmersProduction itemsLivestockandpoultryFertilizerAgriculturalchemicalsFuelsFarmmachineryFarmservicesRentWageratesAddendum:Averagefarmrealestatevalueperacre(dollars)31975 ........... 73 88 62 47 55 83 39 87 72 40 38 48 44 3401976 ........... 75 87 64 50 59 83 47 74 78 43 43 52 48 3971977 ........... 73 83 64 53 61 82 48 72 71 46 47 57 51 4741978 ........... 83 89 78 58 67 80 65 72 66 48 51 60 55 5311979 ........... 94 98 90 66 76 89 88 77 67 61 56 66 60 6281980 ........... 98 107 89 75 85 98 85 96 71 86 63 81 65 7371981 ........... 100 111 89 82 92 110 80 104 77 98 70 89 70 8191982 ........... 94 98 90 86 94 99 78 105 83 97 76 96 74 8231983 ........... 98 108 88 86 92 107 76 100 87 94 81 82 76 7881984 ........... 101 111 91 89 94 112 73 103 90 93 85 86 77 8011985 ........... 91 98 86 86 91 95 74 98 90 93 85 85 78 7131986 ........... 87 87 88 85 86 88 73 90 89 76 83 83 81 6401987 ........... 89 86 91 87 87 83 85 86 87 76 85 84 85 5991988 ........... 99 104 93 91 90 104 91 94 89 77 89 85 87 6321989 ........... 104 109 100 96 95 110 93 99 93 83 94 91 95 6681990 ........... 104 103 105 99 99 103 102 97 95 100 96 96 96 96 6831991 ........... 100 101 99 100 100 98 102 103 101 104 100 98 100 100 7031992 ........... 98 101 97 101 101 99 96 100 103 96 104 103 104 105 7131993 ........... 101 102 100 104 104 102 104 96 109 93 107 110 100 108 7361994 ........... 100 105 95 106 106 106 94 105 112 89 113 110 108 111 7981995 ........... 102 112 92 109 108 103 82 121 116 89 120 115 117 114 8441996 ........... 112 127 99 115 115 129 75 125 119 102 125 116 128 117 8871997 ........... 107 116 98 118 119 125 94 121 121 106 128 116 136 123 9261998 ........... 101 106 97 115 113 110 88 112 122 84 132 115 120 129 9741999 ........... 95 96 95 115 112 101 95 105 122 97 134 115 117 135 9921998: Jan ... 103 109 95 117 116 123 94 116 123 96 131 115 120 131 974Feb .... 101 109 94 117 116 122 95 115 123 92 131 115 120 131 .............Mar ... 102 111 95 116 114 118 91 115 123 86 131 115 120 131 .............Apr .... 104 114 95 116 114 114 94 114 122 89 132 115 120 129 .............May ... 103 112 96 116 114 112 92 115 122 91 132 115 120 129 .............June .. 102 106 98 115 113 110 88 114 123 85 132 116 120 129 .............July ... 102 107 96 115 113 112 83 113 122 82 132 116 120 125 .............Aug ... 101 103 99 114 112 107 83 112 124 79 132 116 120 125 .............Sept .. 99 101 98 113 110 102 80 110 120 82 132 116 120 125 .............Oct .... 99 100 98 114 110 100 86 109 122 81 134 115 120 131 .............Nov ... 99 101 97 114 111 103 86 108 122 79 134 114 120 131 .............Dec ... 98 100 97 114 110 104 85 107 122 69 134 114 120 131 .............1999: Jan ... 97 97 96 115 111 104 90 107 122 69 134 114 117 137 992Feb .... 96 98 94 115 111 103 94 106 120 66 134 114 117 137 .............Mar ... 96 98 95 115 111 101 92 107 121 72 134 114 117 137 .............Apr .... 96 103 90 115 111 102 92 107 121 88 135 114 117 135 .............May ... 98 104 93 115 111 102 89 106 120 91 135 115 117 135 .............June .. 97 100 95 115 111 101 93 105 121 91 135 116 117 135 .............July ... 95 95 94 115 111 98 92 104 121 100 135 116 117 131 .............Aug ... 98 99 97 115 112 99 91 104 122 111 135 116 117 131 .............Sept .. 96 95 98 116 112 99 94 104 124 116 132 116 117 131 .............Oct .... 91 88 96 117 113 100 101 105 124 114 132 116 117 135 .............Nov ... 93 89 98 117 114 100 105 104 123 120 133 115 117 135 .............Dec ... 92 90 95 118 115 101 110 105 123 124 133 115 117 135 .............1Includes items used for family living, not shown separately.2Includes other production items not shown separately.3Average for 48 States. Annual data are: March 1 for 1975, February 1 for 1976-81, April 1 for 1982-85, February 1 for 1986-89, andJanuary 1 for 1990-99.Note.--Data on a 1990-92 base prior to 1975 have not been calculated by Department of Agriculture.Source: Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service.420

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