GTZ Project Document No. 51 Report on Nahi Baseline Survey

GTZ Project Document No. 51 Report on Nahi Baseline Survey

GTZ Project Document No. 51 Report on Nahi Baseline Survey


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<strong>Nahi</strong> <strong>Baseline</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> April- May 2001sources refer to income generated by family members engaged in carpentry, religious andoff-farm activities.Since the resp<strong>on</strong>dents were not able to remember and provide informati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> incomereceived from different sources the quantificati<strong>on</strong> of different source in terms ofc<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong> to the total household income was not possible. Moreover, whenever farmerswere asked about the household income or expenses, often most farmers tend to refer tocash income and expenses <strong>on</strong>ly, and usually do not include the un-traded crop andlivestock products as income or otherwise as expense if spent.The Figure 2.2 presents a case study of a single farmer’s (Ap Dorji in Nabesa) householdincome sources and the area of expenses. The figures in bracket present the ranking of theincome sources and expense areas, while the percentage shows the amount received fromdifferent income sources and areas of expenses respectively. The Annexure 2.1 presentsthe annual cash income and expenses of Ap Dorji, according to which his householdincome is much lower than his expenses. It is assumed, that the figures for his incomeand expenses are mostly limited to the direct cash transacti<strong>on</strong>s and thereby have notincluded the income and expenses received or spent in kinds.Figure 2.2 Ap Dorji ’s cash income sources and areas of expensesINCOME SOURCES(1)Crops(2)Livestock(3)Forest products(4)Others (Vegetables)68%14%7%11%HOUSEHOLD40%32%28%AREA OFEXPENSES(1)Family c<strong>on</strong>sumpti<strong>on</strong>(2)Annual Puja(3)School ExpensesThe structure of Ap Dorji’s annual income and expenses shows the crops (68%) as themain income source followed by livestock (14%), vegetables (11%) and forest products(7%) respectively. While <strong>on</strong> the other hand family expenses (40%) was expressed as themajor area of expenditure followed by Annual puja (32%) and School expenses (28%).2.2.4 Household ExpensesThe expenditure of farm households in the valley could be classified into seven differentgroups: family living expenses; Annual puja; School expenses, crop expenses; livestock10

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