REVIA Magazine #07

Polish American Magazine

Polish American Magazine


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polish-american magazine #7, JAnUARY 2015reviamagazine.comtrue to his rootsJeFF cOnWAyPhoTo cReDiT: FRAnciS Son PhoTogRAPhY

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I want to start off by announcing someexciting news for <strong>REVIA</strong> magazine. Thisupcoming year I had the great honorof being nominated for a “Polonus”.“Polonusy” are awards given out toPolish Americans via 92.7FM’s PolishRadio. I was nominated this year as“Journalist of the Year”, and while Idon’t admit to being a journalist per say, that’s the category they put <strong>REVIA</strong> inand one that I will happily accept thenomination for in an effort to promotethis great magazine.I’m also excited to announce thepartnership with a new and excitingorganization “PAN – Polish AmericanNetwork.” PAN was founded in late 2014with the objective to bridge the existinggenerational and cultural gap in thePolish community. The organizationconsists of educated and affluentindividuals who want to nurture theprofessional development of Polish-Americans, while preserving theirvalued Polish heritage. By encouragingPolish-Americans to play a leadingrole in shaping a modern Polonia,PAN is a premier cultural platformthat offers business professionals thechance to develop, build, and sharetheir multicultural success stories andideas. PAN invites Poles to celebratetheir cultural pride, to develop strategicbusiness relationships, and help Poleslearn about their roots. We felt that thisorganization would be a perfect fit for<strong>REVIA</strong>, seeing how we share a similarpath and vision.With this wonderful partnershipwe have decided to work with PAN forour New Year kickoff party, to be heldon January 29th at Time Night Club inChicago. You can find full informationon our commencement party on thefollowing page. All the proceeds fromthe event will go to benefit PAN and itsgreatly anticipated development. Wehope that you can all attend and we arereally looking forward to everything thatthis new partnership holds for us in theupcoming year.kArL WrOBELgENErAL MANAgErIt's hard to not be optimistic about2015. The weather seems to be rathermild (especially compared to theGreat Polar Vortex of 2014), everyonein my family is healthy, and I am livingmy dream through this publication. Ifeel a deep sense of appreciation forthe blessings in my life. Though, it'snot always easy to keep a positivemindset when tough times comearound.In the past five years, I've had theprivilege to meet some of the mostbrilliant minds and purest spirits inChicago. What seemed like a dominoeffect of incredible introductions,evolved into lasting relationships andmentors. From each of these individuals,I have learned one thing we allhave in common: we are not perfect,we are progress. We are all on a pathand if only it were as easy as programmingyour Google Map and arrivingat a destination. Our paths consistof decisions and rituals, cognition andconsciousness. We have the choice tolive in love or in fear.I hope that this issue providesour readers with some fresh toolsand perspectives on living life to thefullest and finding progress along thepath. Our featured interview with JeffConway demonstrates how steppingout of your comfort zone can buildconfidence and lead to greatness.Likewise, Dr. Michael Felinski givesa solid look at NYE resolutions.Also, based on the requests that wereceived from our ‘end of year’ note,we’ve compiled a list of resources tohelp jumpstart your goals,We are excited to hear yourfeedback on how this issue helps yougrow this year, and we look forwardto celebrating with you at the 2015Kickoff Party!Pozdrawiam!ANIA JABLONOWSkIEDITOrIAL DIrECTOr302406 --- Contributors08 --- eve of eve09 --- Sylwester Chicago10 --- the grinch that gave Back christmas11 --- Connect.Inspire.grow12 --- Live Out Loud charity13 --- A Formal Affair16 --- First generation American17 --- Ask an Attorney18 --- Mama of the year19 --- Ask an Eye Doctor20 --- Jeff conway: true to His roots24 --- Polish Cities: Tarnów26 --- resolutions for the resolute27 --- Mind, Body, Soul & Finances28 --- zdrowie na talerzu30 --- Valentine’s Day gift guide32 --- La Mode34 --- The ‘DO List: Hair Tips for 201536 --- Beauty tips by Anna37 --- Ask Anita36284revia reviamagazine.com #7, 2015

A b o u t P o l i s h A m e r i c a n N e t w o r k - PA NPAN was founded in the beginning of 2015 with the objective to bridge theexisting generational and cultural gap in our community. Our organizationconsists of educated and affl uent individuals who want to nurture theprofessional development of Polish-Americans, while preserving the valuedPolish heritage.The mission of Polish American Network is to provide a social, educationaland business platform for Polish-Americans to build a stronger communityin the US. We invite Poles to celebrate their cultural pride, develop strategicbusiness relationships, and learn about their roots.The voice of the NEXT generationof Polish AmericansBy encouraging Polish-Americans to play a leading role in shaping amodern Polonia here in America, PAN is a premier cultural platform thatoffers business professionals the chance to develop, build, and share theirmulticultural success stories and ideas.w w w . p o l i s h a m e r i c a n n e t w o r k . c o m#7, 2015 reviamagazine.com revia 5

contriBUtorsAniA sZyMAnskAAnia Szymanska was born in a Poland and has residedin Chicago for over 12 years. Ania enjoys children of allages, loves dogs and is extremely passionate about helpingothers. Ania recently completed her make-up artistrycertification and now works with a variety of clientsranging from local college students to aspiring actorsand singers. As a makeup professional, Ania has the opportunity to put a confidentsmile on many of her clients faces – simply put, Ania truly enjoys what she does andis enthusiastic about expanding her opportunities.DiAnA eVA LeBieckiDiana is very active in Polish and Non-Polish events inChicago, while working full time and also getting herMBA at Kellogg @ Northwestern. Like many young Polesborn in Chicago to Polish immigrants, she attendedPolish Saturday school all through her childhood andwas active in Polish Clubs in high school and college.She enjoys meeting new people, volunteering and exploring all Chicago has to offer.In addition she is on the Junior Board of Gift From the Heart Foundation (Dar Serca)and is always looking for new volunteers to help plan more events for this greatcharity. Diana@darserca.orgLeAnDro MULetLeandro Mulet was born in Cuba and at age nineteenhe moved to the United States. Mulet is a fashiondesigner currently based in Chicago. His designs havemanaged to catch the attention not only from modelsand fashion producers, but also from photographersdesiring to use his editorial ensembles for photoshoots.With his fashion expertise and good styling, Leandro has dressed manylocal celebrities from Miami to Chicago.Dr. MicHAeL FeLinskiMichael hails from Poland's magical city of Krakow, andhas emigrated to Chicago in the mid 90's with part of hisfamily. His love of science, dragons, castles and travelshas motivated him to return to his hometown to acquirea medical degree, and currently he is undertaking anacute medicine residency as a senior doctor in sunnyUK. With aim of acquiring an MBA with a focus on medical leadership, he plans onhelping tackle global health issues from the top-down in the future.MArtA ZAWADZkAActivist, Editor and Writer. Originally from Poland, sheis well known amongst the Polish community for herdedication and action for those in need. Marta is a verymotivated, outgoing, highly imaginative, and a veryresourceful individual whose goal is to positively changeother’s lives. For the past four years she has been helpingwomen with her motivational group “Success in a Skirt”, where she helps womenachieve their goals and pursue their dreams. Marta loves vegetarian cooking andtraveling.MArtA PAtLAnThe first American born in her family, Marta’s parentscame to the US over 30 years ago. She grew up inChicago in a typical Polish household and attendedPolish school where she learned to read and write. Shemet her husband, a Mexican-American, with a similarfamily immigration story and together they have threesmall children, ages 5, 3, and 1. A life-long learner, Marta has a love for writing aswell as an interest in sharing stories with other moms about running a home, beinga full-time professional, and keeping Polish traditions alive (with a twist!) for the nextgeneration.AnitA cHiPALATwo of my passions in life are helping people with theirlove life and writing. With my advice column, “Ask Anita, ”Iget to combine the two! As a dating & relationship expert,I’m on a mission to prove that happy and satisfying relationshipsare possible. I’m a Licensed Marriage & FamilyTherapist and hold a Master’s in Marital & Family Therapyfrom the University of San Diego. I founded Relationship Reality 312, Inc., and I workwith clients both internationally and in my Chicago downtown office.roBert siMPson iiiRobert Simpson III has been styling out hair for womenand men for over a decade. He loves transformingpeople’s perceptions of themselves. Robert’s diversecultural background includes Polish, Irish, NativeAmerican, and African American.3100 DUNDEE ROAD, SUITE 406, NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS 60062TEL: 847-559-1515, FAX: 847-272-6701E-MAIL: INFO@<strong>REVIA</strong>MAGAZINE.COM | WWW.<strong>REVIA</strong>MAGAZINE.COMrevia <strong>Magazine</strong> is not responsible for display advertisement, advertising articles and their contents.reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.Copyright 2014 © Chicago review Inc. All rights reserved6revia reviamagazine.com #7, 2015

c o n n e c t i n G c o M M U n i t i e s . r e M e M B e r i n G r o o t s .WANT TO rEAD MOrE rEVIA? HAVE IT DELIVErED rIgHT TO YOUr HOME Or OFFICE!get A FuLL yeAr OF Issues FOr Free AnD pAy OnLy $ 19 95 per yeAr FOr DeLIVeryreVIA <strong>Magazine</strong> is produced as a monthly periodical catering to young, assimilatedPolish-American professionals in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs. rEVIA is one ofthe only Polish themed publications where the majority of content is in English, allowingfor an unparalleled opportunity to remain part of the community for assimilated Poles.reVIA <strong>Magazine</strong> offers readers the absolute best in Polish culture, lifestyle andcommunity living that Chicago has to offer. We target both the Polish community thatwants to connect with the American culture, and the American community that desiresto better connect with Poles.reVIA <strong>Magazine</strong> is building a bridge and closing a generational gap to unite ourcommunity!get the inside scoop on:• Culture• Events• Interviews• Fashion• Film• Music• Health• Love• Food• And much more!gIVE THE gIFT OF CULTIVATINg CULTUrE sIgn up FOr Our FAMILy & FrIenDs pAckAgeWItH 3 suBscrIptIOns, AnD receIVe tHe 4 tH suBscrIptIOn Free!VIsIt WWW.reVIAMAg.cOM tO sIgn up tODAy, Or cALL us At: (847) 559-1515

e v e n t seve of eveOver 2,000 young professionals brought out their black -tie attire forthe Highsight’s 21st annual “Eve of Eve” celebration at the GrandHall of Chicago’s Union Station. Considered one of the top year-endcharity galas, the night was filled with live bands and DJs gettingthis beautiful crowd moving and mingling. All of this partying wasfor a good cause as proceeds from the ticket sales, raffle and silentauction helped towards Highsight’s mission of providing academicand social support to Chicago high school students.DIANA EVA LEBIECkIPHOTO CrEDIT: DWAYNE kUAN / SPECTACULIgHTS8 revia reviamagazine.com #7, 2015

sylwester chicago new years eveOne of the top spots to be at this past New Year's Eve wasSylwester Chicago 2015 at the Meridian Banquets. Eventhough the event took place in Rolling Meadows, it feltnothing like a suburban banquet hall NYE party. Nearly1,000 guests of this sold-out lavish event (promoted andproduced by LYVE Group) enjoyed numerous attractionsand gourmet-quality cuisines inside 3 uniquely decoratedballrooms. The dinner reception surprised all of theguests with a thrilling fire dance show, modern balletperformance, and a ballroom queen contest. The nightfeatured 10 DJs who played everything from top 40 hits,to classic 80’s and 90's tunes, and even sophisticatedglobal house music. Some of these top Chicago's DJsincluded Mixin Marc, Erik K, Andre Solaris, Tima Fei, andRevia's own, KB Elements. For access to all photos andvideos please visit sylwesterchicago.com.#7, 2015 reviamagazine.com revia 9

e v e n t sAdriannka Wegiel and Pat SellerDerrick Fleming and Jerome HolstonWhitney Reynolds (host of theWhitney Reynolds Show) andhusband David HeinerJennifer Delrivero, DoraHernandez, Mirella Perezand Jennifer ZipserJennifer Fletcher, Toni Siprut and Pooja NaikMatthew Robin, Samia Rageband Shanya PolowczakCEO and Founder of Rockit RanchProductions, Billy DecRachel Sussman, NatalieGreen and Hannah WaunpoleGrinch Who Gave Back christmasKeisha Keywest and Nick Bravo withthe Grinch herself, Lora MichaelOn Friday, December 12, 2014, Chicago altruist andentrepreneur, Marco Foster, held the 4th annual Grinch WhoGave Back Christmas charity event benefiting the BrainInjury Association of Illinois at one of Chicago’s hottestnight spots, The Underground. The stylish and festive eventlasted from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. and included an evening ofpremium drinks, live music and an appearance from TheGrinch herself. Raising over $10,000 for the Brain InjuryAssociation of Illinois, the popular event was the perfectway to celebrate the Christmas season while inspiring theChicago community to give back.PHOTOgrAPHY PrOVIDED BY:BLACk PEArL PHOTO & EDISON DEACHINgThe Grinch Who Gave BackChristmas Host, Marco FosterKatie Prowie and Jakub LisekMarco Foster and guestsenjoying the eveningWilliam Holdemanand Paul IaconoJustin JacobsonThe Grinch Who GaveBack Christmas Host,Marco FosterJoe Davis, Brian Cacciopo and Nathaniel MitchellLisa Musialowiczand Erin BrooksBreanna O’Neiland Billy FogelThe Grinch Who Gave Back ChristmasHost, Marco Foster and Rudy Marin10 revia reviamagazine.com #7, 2015

cOnnect.InspIre.grOWHoliday networking event 2014On Thursday December 18th, Connect.Inspire.Growhosted an event to help business professionalsconnect, get inspired, and grow their network. Theholiday networking event was held at The BlackstoneRenaissance Hotel located at 636 South Michigan AveChicago is known for inspiring entrepreneurs,and Connect.Inspire.Grow strives to connect eventattendees with them. This event honored InspiringChicagoans success stories from panel speakersJessica Zweig, Raj Sai, Jenny Sepulveda, Tracy A.Campbell, and Dr. Robert C. Wolcott.Special thanks to event sponsors; Rockin’ Rodizio,Ewa Bielska from BioLife Organic Spa, Ilona Erst fromAmerican Maids Green Cleaning, Lauren Payne fromPayne Personal Training, Silvio from Ricci KapricciSalon, Jodi Kindle from Whole Health Transformations& Juice Plus, Dr. Mohiuddin from Dentologie, JD–JDGO Rent-A-Car, Dean DeLisle founder of ForwardProgress, Svetlana Baklanova, Evolutionary MeditativePractice By Master HORA (USA), Nick TerziskiBusiness Development at www.modere.com, EvePrzadka – Owner of Elite Insurance and FinancialServices, Inc, Marta Krasnicka Senior Loan Officer atMB Financial Bank, Rhon Daguro from Nervana Group,Ray Thompson – Rockin’ Ray Photography, Ron fromSquare One, Rewia <strong>Magazine</strong>, and Andrew Ferrer fromwww.flipfotobooth.comFeatured entertainment for the night was singerand musician, Chris Thompson. Official event video wasprovided by Indirap Productions, event video hostess– Mrs. Illinois International 2014 Randi Moxi. Musicand lighting was provided by Kamil Bartoszcze of KBEEntertainment, official event photography was providedby JorgeTookYourPicture.com & Raymond Thompson.Complimentary gift bags were sponsored by NickTerziski Business Development at www.modere.com.Connect.Inspire.Grow connects with a cause! Thefeatured charity for this holiday networking event wasA Safe Haven Foundation.To connect with the Founder of Connect.Inspire.Grow you can e-mail Monika@connectinspiregrow.comPHOTO CrEDIT: rOCkIN rAY PHOTOgrAPHY#7, 2015 reviamagazine.com revia 11

e v e n t sLive out Loud charityLive Out Loud Charity’s 2 nd annualChicago Fashion Show was surely oneof the largest holiday fashion eventof the year, celebrating life throughfashion and saving lives throughsuicide prevention. The atmospherewas fun, captivating, and lively as theorganization brought together people ofall different cultures and lifestyles.The event included thirteenfashion designers, in addition tocelebrity actors, fashion communitymembers, performers, and all LOLCadvocates. Guest speakers fromthe LOLC Leadership Academyprovided heartening insight intosuicide prevention, anti-bullying, andthe importance of core characterdevelopment.Countless makeup artists andhairstylists also helped produce theshow and Live Out Loud Charityproudly crowned its newly appointedambassadors for 2015. Theseambassadors will speak on behalf ofLive Out Loud Charity during the nextyear.Throughout the evening, viewerswere immersed in a glamorous worldof beauty as each child and adultmodel alike adorned the runway ingolden hues of beauty, boldly spiritedprints, and bedazzling jewelry pieces,featured from collections from dozensof esteemed fashion designers. Thecrowd was definitely moved to tears asemotions were felt during this specialeffort to give back to the community.Leandro Mulet closed the showwith his Egyptian inspired, NEFFERcollection. This majestic collection hadeveryone awe-struck and transportedtaken back in time to the royal Egyptiandays. The show closed with a strongstatement, Leandro Mulet raised the barof Chicago Fashion.LOLC’s 3rd Chicago Fashion showwill take place during the ChicagoFashion Week, premiering March14th, so mark your calendars and getready for one of the most anticipatedshowcases during the extraordinaryChicago Fashion Week. Visit the LiveOut Loud Charity website for moreinformation and how to support theircause, www.liveoutloudcharity.orgPHOTO CrEDIT:rOCkIN rAY PHOTOgrAPHY12revia reviamagazine.com #7, 2015

A Formal AffairGenuine Entertainment, Matt Deichl and Nishil Patelhosted their “A Formal Affair” event on Saturday, December6, 2014. The event was held at HeadquartersBeercade in River North. The event raised money forthe charity Selfless, founded by Luke Jensen, Whostrive to create a world where we live and give selflessly.Men at the event were expected to wear tuxedos andladies looked elegant in green attire.#7, 2015 reviamagazine.com revia 13

u s i n e s s p r o f i l eEstablished over 50 years ago, Chicago Dental Arts is a 2nd generationfamily-owned practice that has maintained patient loyalty throughoutthe years and currently services hundreds of patients throughout Chicagoland.Dr. Fedin personally took over the practice over 20 years agoand improved it with the latest state-of-the-art dental technology. ChicagoDental Arts recognizes that success is demonstrated by repeatcustomers and we value the loyalty we have received over the years.DOIng yOur DentAL HOMeWOrk:tIps FrOM Dr. FeDInMost of us can agree that quality usually costs moneyand dentistry, like any other industry, without exceptionworks the same way. Chicago Dental Arts understandsthat what makes a dentist great, one that stands outfrom the rest, is different for everyone. However, weat our practice have a consensus that quality shouldnever be compromised when it comes to receiving dentalcare and we take great pride in this philosophy andstrive to implement it with every patient. Our numberone priority is ensuring the highest quality of dentalwork for patients, while affording bottom line pricesflexible enough for any budget.When choosing a dentist, it is important to reflecton whether a dental practice shares your core valuesand beliefs about what makes dental serviceworthy of your time and money. While some peoplemay choose a dentist simply for convenient officehours or location, others may focus on makingsure they receive the best suited care, regardlessof cost. Chicago Dental Arts realizes that every patientis unique, with their own individual needs andrequirements, so we make it a priority to shape ourpractice through each client experience in orderto provide top-of-the-line care every time. We offerplans and services that fit everyone’s distinctivedental needs, while still adhering to a patient’s budget.We also make sure that our patient experienceis comfortable and painless.Another valuable question to ask when shoppingfor a dentist is whether a doctor stays current withthe latest technology and if they continue to perfecttheir skills through continuing education, which ensuresthat not only are you getting the best treatmentpossible, but that you also have access to the latestdental technology.Respectively, it is crucial to review the cost ofspecific dental services to determine if prices seemreasonable and realistic for the quality of workreceived. For instance, does the cost for a specificdental service seem oddly low, or on the reverse, arethe prices exaggeratedly sky high? There is a bigdifference between really getting a good deal versusbeing cheated with poor quality care for a “good price”,or for example, being promised premium servicejust because you pay top dollar. At Chicago DentalArts we believe that choosing a dentist is not likeshopping for a car, which is a onetime decision andmoney investment. A good dentist has to provide thebest experience possible each and every time, at thebest cost– no exceptions. Therefore, we know howimportant it is after each dental visit to feel like you’veinvested in a new luxury car, and you deserve to feellike that each and every time.Reflecting on all of these deciding factors will helpensure your complete satisfaction in every possibleway when choosing the right dentist.A tHOugHt FrOM Dr. FeDInEvery dentist should approach a patient in the mostpersonal, understanding and caring way. That’s why, inorder to better understand his patients’ needs, Dr. Fedinasks himself this: what kind of dentist would I want?With keeping those answers in mind, Dr. Fedin thenincorporates his own advice and uses it on his ownpatients. Likewise, Dr. Fedin understands that no oneknows what a patient wants better than the patient, solistening to a patient’s story, and understanding theirdental history and concerns also helps in assessing thebest treatment option for them.Dr. FeDIn’s pHILOsOpHy OF preVentIOnPrevention in its simplest form is like that of anyphysician: determining a potential problem, beforeit becomes serious, is key. In many cases, dentalproblems work the same way as any other disease.Problems, if not detected early, can go unnoticed andby the time a patient feels the pain or discomfort, it canbe too late to save the situation. This can unfortunatelylead to requiring complicated treatments or even resultin tooth loss. Many people learn they need dentalwork through a routine physical check-up, so we urgepatients to keep up with their health examinations withother physicians on a consistent basis.Overall, we believe that prevention is the key to superiordental health. Our dentists strive to catch early signsof dental problems in order to correctly diagnose apatient and begin an appropriate treatment plan. Wecan save our patients from the harm of neglecteddisease, and help avoid unnecessary pain and suffering,while in the long run, saving them more timeand money.tHe crAFt OF DentIstry &tecHnOLOgyOffering the most advanced technology here atChicago Dental Arts gives us the ability to providea financially feasible treatment center for all ofour patients’ dental health needs. Our practiceincludes: sedation dentistry; state-of-the-art labutilizing microscope technology for maximumprecision; Waterlase Technology for cavity fillings,without the need for shots or drilling; Cone Beam3D-Imaging technology to ensure perfect implantplacement; on-site lab technicians to ensure perfect-fitcustom fittings; digital x-rays for accurate treatmentdiagnosis with minimal radiation exposure; digitalimaging to help design the perfect smile; UltheraphyTherapy Facial Rejuvenation.We are committed to 100% satisfaction in an absolutepain-free environment. Patients have access to multipledoctors and often can have their procedure completed inone day. Scheduling appointments and reminders is alsoeasy and convenient and we and we even offer a courtesycar for worry-free transportation to and from our offices.The Smart City Smiles Loyalty Plan is our inofficemembership program, created by thedoctors of Chicago Dental Arts. For just asmall membership fee, you and your familycan have access to top-quality dental care atdeeply discounted rates at any of our convenientlylocated offices.What exactly is the smart citysmiles Loyalty plan?The Smart City Smiles Loyalty Plan entitlesour members to receive up to 80% off mostOur Dental Health Loyalty Program. tHIngs tO knOW AnD FAQ:common dental procedures. This plan is anaffordable and easy to use alternative to typicaldental insurance. Loyalty plan membershave access to the same high quality dentalcare at any of Chicago Dental Arts and IllinoisDental Arts offices, but at a discounted price.How does the smart city smilesLoyalty plan differ from other dentaldiscount plans?Most discount dental plans do not originatefrom an actual dental office. Therefore, theseplans are not directly involved with the treatmentprocess, and as a result, the quality ofwork performed is not guaranteed by theircontracts. The Smart City Smiles Loyalty Planwas originated and is operated by doctorsbelonging to Chicago Dental Arts and IllinoisDental Arts. That is why we guarantee thequality of any and all work provided.Is smart city smiles Loyalty plan aninsurance plan?No, Smart City Smiles Loyalty Plan is not aninsurance plan. The Smart City Smiles LoyaltyPlan provides our members with discountedprices on a range of most common dentalprocedures. You will pay for services at the discountedplan price at the time services are provided.Depending on which plan you choose determineswhich procedures will be discounted.please visit our websites for moreinformation: smartcitysmiles.com &chicagodentalarts.com – or contactus at 847-558-223714 revia reviamagazine.com #7, 2015

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Drinks & Dialoguewith Alex FilinBy: Ania Jablonowskiremember when you were achild and your parents wouldtell you that you are going onvacation? Think of all the excitementand thoughts of adventure that filledyour head, how your imagination wouldrun wild with expectations of fun andnew discoveries. Now, imagine thatyou arrive to your destination withyour family, and they let you know it isactually a permanent vacation, acrossthe ocean and thousands of milesaway from your home. Surprise, you’vemoved!This is exactly what first generationAmerican Alex Filin experienced at theage of six. Though he didn’t have achance to say goodbye to his friends,Alex adapted to his new home andstarted a new life as a first generationAmerican.He shares, “I'm originally born inRiga Latvia in late 1983. At that time itwas a Soviet Union country, that's Russia.”His family immigrated to the US onMarch 8, 1990. “I remember it like yesterday,my dad had one family friend,we had no family here, and he owned acondo on Division & Dearborn in downtownChicago. It was a very nice place.My parents were celebrating and I wasin the corner crying my eyes out, andjust not knowing what's going on. Justshocked, thinking ‘What's going on?’ Itwas a culture shock, big time.”Alex’s family came to the States insearch of a better life for their family.“At that time in the late 80's, early 90's,it was the fall of Communist RussiaSoviet Union, so it wasn't too pretty.Where I was born in Latvia, it used tobe its own country, and Soviet Unioncame and overtook it. My parents wentthrough some rough times; apartmentgot robbed, there were minor wars goingon. Just not a safe place. My fatherand mother just wanted a better future.They were still young, my dad was 29at that time, my mom was 26. I wassix years old. They were still young,wanting a better future, but moreimportantly, they wanted a better futurefor me, which was amazing.”The Filins lived with their familyfriend in the Chicago Gold Coast forthree months to get their start, andthen moved again to the northwest sideof the city. “There was a Jewish-Israelkind of network where they house youin their apartment. I think it was in thearea of California & Devon which, oncein a while, I still like to drive by and mymemories go back. We lived there forabout a year, and then we moved toSkokie, where my parents live now.”He recalls learning English in hisearly years. “What helped with myEnglish was definitely the ESL programwhere I went to school.” Alex notes thathe didn’t like having to be separatedfrom his classmates during the schoolday when he had to attend his ESLcourses because he didn’t want to feeldifferent, but he knew it was important.He continues, “A lot of people makefun of this, and I make fun of it nowtoo, but I literally used Hooked onPhonics. But I think the main reasonbehind what helped my English is justbeing around American kids.” Alex alsoattended a Russian-Jewish Sundayschool to preserve his culture.Alex remembers some of thedifficulties in picking up the Englishlanguage and fitting in. “I still had anaccent at that time. A lot of kids madefun of me. I forget how ruthless theywere. There is no filter with kids. Theydon't really know any better besides tosay what they're feeling. My parents dida very good when would I go back andcried or complained, or told them aboutmy experience. They would say, ‘Don'tlisten to them. Don't worry about them,they're mean. Don't be like that. Don'tmake fun of people.’”We laughed at how growing up withaccents enabled us to perfect accentsas adults, and how we lovingly usethem now when recappingsomething that ourown parents say. Hesays, “I like to make littlejokes with my parents,and then my momcomes back and tells mea hard Russian word tosay and I can't say it, soshe makes fun of me.”Growing up playingsports with his father,athletics gave Alexa chance to shine. “When I was inRussia, from I what remember, at agefour, five, six years old, I played a lotof tennis and soccer, which were twopopular sports in Russia. Then, when Icame to the US and moved to Skokie,and there was recess, we playedsports, mainly soccer. I definitelythink I earned the respect of otherkids. They were just like, ‘Oh wow,you're good!’ I was recently talking toa friend that lives in San Francisconow. He's an avid soccer player, buthe's deaf as well. We were having aconversation how soccer is a universallanguage of just hand signals, justunderstanding the game.”With language being a barrier inthe beginning, and the necessity to putfood on the table, both my mom andAlex’s mom cleaned houses. He says,“I remember a couple of downtownChicago high-rises, but it was moreof the suburbs and huge mansions.I went there from a two-bedroomapartment to this huge mansion justlooking around, thinking ‘Oh my God,’running, playing in the yard, going inthe swimming pool. At that time mymom is cleaning the house while I'mhaving fun. As I got older, that's whenI started realizing, I've seen thesehouses, what did they do to get there?And why are my parents here? Why arethey in this situation? Looking back atit now, it all comes together. It makesall more sense.” He recognizes hisparents’ struggle and the sacrifice theymade to come to America and pursuea better life.During college, Alex’s parents lethim know about another surprise. “Iwas the only child for the majorityof my life. When I played football incollege, my parents came and I was asenior, starting football season. They'dFIRST GENERATION AMERICANYou know whatit’s like to growup with multiplelanguagesin the house,eat differentfood than yourAmerican friends,celebrate certain traditions that areliterally foreign to your peers, and have tobreak down your name syllable by syllable.For first generation Americans, the art ofbalancing two cultures is a unique, yetfundamentally similar experience, and itshapes us in a very significant way.We are on a mission to document thesestories.come to every game, and one time theysaid, ‘We have an early graduation giftfor you. We're pregnant.’ It was definitelya shock, but it was excitementtoo. So ironically, my brother was bornon the exact day I took my last final incollege, so it’s pretty cool.”Being over two decades apart, thefirst generation American experience isa little different between Alex and hislittle brother, but the family continuesto preserve the culture. Alex says, “Myparents taught Russian first, which Ithink is very key, so my brother doesspeak fluent Russian, and I speak withhim as much as I can. He looks like anAmerican little boy. I want to show himour culture, our roots. Where we comefrom. Never forget. For myself, I'm veryproud. I consider myself an American-Russian, not a Russian-American, butI never forget where I'm from. For meto pass on my stories with him, for myparents to pass on stories, I think, isvery key.” Alex’s brother is now sevenyears old.These days, Alex works as a partnerat New York Life Insurance. He says hisexperience as a first generation Americanhelps him relate to his clients andteam. “My job is to recruit individualsinto our business, so I always share mystory with whomever I am interviewing.Personally, a lot of people have told methat I truly have a cool story to share.It took me a while to realize this. Mostpeople that look at me, I'd say only oneout of ten people could really figure outthat I was born somewhere else, thatEnglish was not my first language. Partof my story, part of why I work so hardnow goes back to the way I was raised.So, it's not more specifically the Russianpart of it, it's more my background,what I went through, that has helpedme with my business today.”16revia reviamagazine.com #7, 2015

Ask an AttorneyMy name is Lucas Fuksa and I am an attorney engaged primarily in the practice of business law,construction law, real estate transactions, and commercial litigation. I co-founded Fuksa Khorshid, LLC in late2006, a boutique law firm located in the River North neighborhood of Chicago. I served as president of the PolishAmerican Chamber of Commerce for four years. Through the PACC, I have been a part of many initiatives focusedon promoting the interests of the Polish-American business community. In late 2012, I co-founded a politicalaction committee, the Polish American Leadership Political Action Committee (PAL-PAC), whose main focus isto address political issues that are important to the Polish-American community, engage the Polish-Americancommunity in the political process, and elect candidates that will best serve the needs of Polish Americans.Q: A pipe burst inside a vacant, but owned,unit in my condominium building. Is thecondominium association responsible for itor is the unit owner’s responsibility?A: The answer will come from the condominiumassociation’s declaration, whichwill define whether the pipe is a commonelement or part of each unit, and why thepipe burst. Pipes that serve the buildingas a whole are usually common elements.If the unit owner specifically installed thepipe, then it is usually part of his unit. It isnormally the association’s duty to repair orreplace items that are common elements.However, if the pipe burst as a result of theunit owner’s negligent action/omission (i.e.the unit owner failed to pay his gas bill andthe condominium association’s by-laws requirethe unit owner to maintain his unitso as to not prevent waste to the commonelements), then the unit owner will be liable.However, if the pipe burst as a resultof normal wear and tear, or because of thecondominium association’s negligent action/omission,then the condominium associationwill be responsible for any repairs.Q: I’ve started my own business on the sideto supplement my income. What are somerisks I need to consider?A: Starting a business, even as part-timework, is a major undertaking that can greatlyreward hard work. However, those withfull time jobs should consider the ramificationsof beginning a new venture. First ofall, you should take a look at your employmentcontract or employment handbook.Make sure that there are no restrictive covenantssuch as a “non-compete” or “nonsolicitation”clause that might prevent youfrom doing work outside of your employer.This is especially important if your new privatecompany will work in the same generalfield as your employer. Second, make sureto formally organize a business entity, suchas a corporation or limited liability company(LLC), to shield your personal assets fromany business liability. Filing the articles oforganization for a new LLC with the IllinoisSecretary of State costs $500. Filing foran employer identification number (EIN)through the IRS’ online application will letyou open up a bank account in your company’sname to help keep your assets protected.Thirdly, you should search the internetto see if any other existing companiesuse a similar business name to yours, as youdon’t want to get hit with a Cease and Desistletter (or, worse, a trademark infringementlawsuit) just as business starts to roll in. Aconsultation with an intellectual propertyattorney can also help clear the field. Next, ifyou are responsible for paying income taxesfor any revenue you produce, be sure to setup an appointment with an accountant toensure you can track all of the money youbring in and pay any appropriate taxes on it.New businesses can help you develop professionalskills and networks, but this list ofissues is an introduction to the legal itemsyou need to address to ensure your businessoperates in accordance with the law.LUCAS FUKSA#7, 2015 reviamagazine.com revia 17

MAMA of the yeArBy: Marta patlanAt work I’ve been tasked with leadinga team that will pick an Employeeof the Year for 2014. We have spentweeks discussing criteria and askingSenior Leadership for their opinion onwhat it takes to win this prestigious title.This got me thinking…what would it taketo win Mama of the Year?The year is coming to an end, and asparents, we should take a look at some ofthe failures, the high points, and the timeswe managed to push through those regulardays that flowed right into each other.FAILURE: There was the time mytoddler was playing with his toy car atchurch. In between songs, he dropped acar off of the pew and let out a very loud,“Oh S**t!” All Polish Babcia eyes turned tous and I realized this was a failure.HIGH POINT: During Wigilia lastmonth, while the family was passingaround oplatek and wishing each otherwell for the coming year, I looked down atmy son and daughter together. My 5 yearold looked his little sister in the eye andsaid, “I love you. And Happy New Year”and hugged her as tight as he could. Thetwo small individuals that I watch fightand argue on a daily basis (see ‘RegularDays’ below) are now hugging each otherwithout being prompted. One of myfavorite parts of the year!REGULAR DAY: Most nights around 6pm, I pulled into the garage with 3 hungryand tired children. Obiad needed to get onthe stove, kids were constantly fighting,and Mama had a headache. Looking backI realize there is nothing wrong withregular days. The type of days that youcan’t remember how they started, butguaranteed they’d finish with a mess oftoys, laundry, and goodnight buziaki.Those days were the norm. Those dayshappened more often than not. Those daysI wouldn’t give up for the world.I’m not perfect as a person or Mamaand I have news for anyone reading this:neither are you. But here’s the great partabout this realization. 2014 is behind usand we can take the good, the bad, andthe ugly and make 2015 what we want it tobe. After all, our children are reflectionsof us just like we are reflections of ourparents. Be happy and you will have happychildren. Be a good person and yourchildren will surprise you with all of thegoodness they’ll exude.And as far as Mama of the Year, I’m notsure I’d win unless there are three littlepeople I know voting. Then I think I havea pretty good shot.18 revia reviamagazine.com #7, 2015

Dr. Joanna Slusky, O.D. was born in Poland and came to the United States duringher childhood. She attended Northwestern University, and graduated Magna CumLaude from the Illinois College of Optometry. Dr. Joanna’s academic merits includethe Tomb and Key Honor Fraternity, and Beta Sigma Kappa International HonorSociety academic honor recognition.In addition to providing comprehensive eye examinations, Dr. Joanna has aspecial interest in pediatric vision care, and the management of the anterior segmentof adult eyes. Specialty contact lens care, as well as dry eye and ocular allergytreatment are the emphasis of her vision and ocular health care in our community.Dr. Joanna has been recognized by the leaders of the contact lens industry for herrecommendations for the best vision care options for her patients."With dedication, dignity, and knowledge, I look forward to serving you and yourfamily's vision care needs as your eye care specialist. You are more than a patient inour practice; you are part of our family." – Dr. Joanna Slusky, O.D.Since 2008, Halsted EyeBoutique has been theleader and preferredprovider of quality vision careproducts and personalizedoptometric services to patientsin Chicago and the surroundingareas. Their experienceddoctors and staff offercomprehensive vision examinationsand specialize in thediagnosis and treatment ofa wide array of eye diseases,conditions, and problems.In her mission to providethe best eye care servicespossible, Dr. Joanna Slusky,O.D. uses only the most advanced,state-of-the-art diagnostictechnology and eyecare products available. Dr.Slusky is committed to educatingpatients and providingpersonalized eye care servicesto the people of Chicago. AtHalsted Eye Boutique, youwill find eye care professionalswho genuinely care aboutyour health and are dedicatedto providing exceptional personalservice to everyone whowalks through their door.Our full-service opticalboutique offers high-quality,limited edition frames fromleading designers in the eyewearindustry. Whether yourtaste is unique or classic, oryou wear progressive lenses,or you like to change frameswith every outfit, Halsted EyeBoutique care is here to help.Our on-site doctors offer completeoptical medical services.Whether you wear traditionalframes or contact lenses, wantlaser vision correction, havered or irritated eyes, needtreatment for diseases such asglaucoma, or are experiencingcommon computer eye strain,Halsted Eye Boutique canDR. JOANNA SLUSKY, O.D.lend a hand.Halsted Eye Boutique acceptsa wide variety of insurancecoverage, so you don’thave to switch doctors justbecause you switch jobs. Weare located in the Wicker Parksection of Chicago and haveconvenient hours that suityour individual schedule.Eyes are important indicatorsof overall health, andcomprehensive eye care goesbeyond a prescription forglasses or contact lenses. AtHalsted Eye Boutique, wetake the time to get to knowyou, your eye history, andyour current vision needs. Dr.Slusky supplies her patientswith expert care, advice, options,and the follow up youreyes need and deserve.Halsted Eye Boutique featuresa state-of-the-art automatedlens edger whichenables our technicians to tailoryour lenses or eyeglassesright here in our office. Wealso provide a wide array ofdesigner frames, fit for everystyle and budget, atop of featuringcomprehensive contactlens services.VISION & HEALTH NEWSImportance ofEye ExaminationsIt is recommended that everyonegets an annual eye exam, regardlessof their age or whether thereis any sign of eye illness or trouble.Children should be tested atbirth, then again at 6 months, at3 years, and then every year afterthat to ensure proper ocular andvisual development. If a childneeds glasses and is not wearingthem prior to being 6 years old,their brain may never develop theproper neurological connectionsand potentially preventing themfrom ever seeing with 20/20vision as an adult. For adults,however, the frequency of eyecare visits depends on the doctor’srecommendation and mayoccur every year or possibly moreoften, depending on your overalleye health, how you use your eyeson daily basis, and whether youwear glasses or contacts.Correcting Blurry VisionGlasses and contact lensescorrect blurry vision. You maywant to wear them more oftenin order to see things more comfortablyand without strainingyour eyes from squinting. To setthe misconception straight, gettingused to seeing things moreclearly will not make your eyesworse or dependent on needingglasses or having to wear lenses.However, your lens prescriptionmay change over time naturallybecause of age or external eyediseases. It is important to getannual exams to determine ifyour prescription is current andwhether there are any signs ofpossible disease.Schedule an appointment withDr. Joanna Slusky and give yourvision the level of care and attentionit deserves.2852 N. Halsted StreetChicago, IL 60657Phone: 773-549-1111www.visionsourcehalstedeyeboutique.com#7, 2015 reviamagazine.com revia19

As a Midwestern guywith a Polish-Americanupbringing, Jeff Conwayis honest, humble,and an intern at heart.He has learned fromthe generations ofhardworking familymembers that nothingcomes easily, andthat you have to earnyour wins. From beingbullied as a child toeventually being crownedHomecoming king,Jeff shares his story ofovercoming insecurityand reaching for the“stars” (literally, moviestars that is) as hostand producer of SocialAvenue.Jeff conwayBy: Ania JablonowskitrUe to His roots20 revia reviamagazine.com #7, 2015

eVIA MAgAzIne: your last nameis Irish. What is your connection topoland?JeFF cOnWAy: I am actually half Polish,from my mom’s side. Before thisinterview, I never really knew thewhole story of how and why my familycame to America. I was able to uncovermissing pieces of information thatI otherwise would have never lookedin to, in preparation for our talk.My great grandmother, HarrietMrozinski, and my great grandfather,Walter Pilarski, both came from Krakow.Our whole lives, we referred tothem as “Nana” and “Dziadzi”. Nanamoved from Poland to Chicago whenshe was five years old. Dziadzi snuckonto a German ship with his brotherat the age of seventeen, and landedin New York. When my great grandparentsgot married, they maintainedtheir Polish culture and passed it on totheir children.My grandparents were always veryprideful of their roots. My GrandmaLee is rather seasoned in the Polishlanguage, shopping at the Polishmarts and cooking the traditional Polishcuisine. They both lived in a largePolish community in Chicago. It waslike “Little Poland.” My grandma andher sisters also were encouraged bytheir parents to learn the Americanway of life because they wanted theirchildren to fit in.Grandma Lee met my grandfather,Ray Sachajda, when he came backfrom World War 2 following an injuryduring battle. He too comes from100% Polish heritage. They married in1950 and then seven years later, theyhad my mom, Cheryl. She was an onlychild, and the Polish traditions werepassed on to her.My dad’s family is very Irish, evenplaying bagpipes (rightful shoutoutto my Aunt Ger!). He does havesome Italian in his blood, too, thoughhis side of the family has been in theU.S.for some time. My paternal greatgrandmother’s maiden name was Valentine,so you don’t get much moreItalian than that.Growing up, my twin brother Eric,our older sister Kelly and I all livedin the suburbs of Chicago with ourparents. We also spent a lot of timein Jefferson Park, visiting with myGrandma Lee and Grandpa Ray, aswell as my Grandma Jean and PapaJim. For St. Patrick’s Day, as children,we would of course visit with mydad’s side of the family and do all ofthe traditional celebrations. It wasn’ta culture shock being at either house,but we were always aware of the differences– in a great way. I am told mydear Grandma Jean, who passed awaya few short years ago, also had somePolish ancestry, so I have receivedPolish roots all around!I have a strong relationship withGrandma Lee, and call her every singleday to check up on her, as she livesalone now since my grandpa’s passingin 1998. I have regular date nightswith her, too. I’ll bring movies over byher, we’ll play cards together, and I’lleven ask her to dance, as she used toadore doing so as a young woman.In high school, I had a new classmate,Peter, who came to Chicagofrom Poland. I knew he would appreciatemy knowledge of Polish cuisine,so one day, I told him my grandmawas making stuffed cabbage, except Ipronounced it wrong. Instead of sayinggołąbki, I said gumki, which Peterinformed me that translated in slangto meaning condoms. It was prettyfunny, and now I always pronounce itclearly.rM: What was your first “real job” aftergraduating college?Jc: When I graduated from IllinoisState University, I moved back hometo the Chicago suburbs for the summerand landed an internship at a newshow called 24/7 on NBC5. On my firstday, I showed up in a three-piece suit.The staff was leaving the office to gofilm somewhere, and I asked if thereis anything I can do. One of the bosseslooked around and said to me, “Canyou take the trash out?” My responsewas immediately (with a smile),“Of course!” I wasn’t afraid to get myhands dirty (literally, not figuratively),because you have to be a “Yes Man” inany industry you have passion in whileearning your way up through, no matterwhat. To this day, I am still a “YesMan” and I pride myself on that…I’ma “Yes Man” for the right things, mindyou!I evengot to siton actorchanningtatum’slap after aninterviewonce. I liketo thinkI taught“MagicMike”everything heknows inthat briefmoment…A little while later, I overheard atthe 24/7 office that comedian SarahSilverman was coming into town andour show was going to potentiallyinterview her. I learned that I wasassigned a completely different project,which included writing a scriptfor the show. I did the assignment asassigned, but in addition, I went onlineand found a bunch of facts aboutSarah and wrote up some samplequestions, just in case the 24/7 hostswere looking for some different kindof material and may lack creativity inthe moment.From day one, I was there to give110%. I ended up being chosen to jointhe production team in Milan, Italyduring Fashion Week, because theysaw how dedicated I was. To this day, Itake pride in creating all my successesthrough loyalty, integrity, hard workand by never complaining.Shortly after Italy, when the show’sproducer decided to leave 24/7, theshow had the spot open and readyto fill, and they were about to searchfor someone to fill it. In a bold move,I went to my bosses and said, “I havebeen shadowing him (the producer)for about 6 months, and I think I cando as good – if not better – of a jobthat he’s been doing. Let me do oneshow, and if you don’t like it, I’ll begrateful for you giving me a chance.”I impressed them, and for the nextshow and for about two and a halfyears following that, I became theshow’s sole producer. They later askedme to be an on-camera correspondenton the show, too. I got to go skydivingon-camera, which was very scary, yetamazing, had a TV segment that endedup helping me get selected as anEmmy award nominee in 2012 for myon-camera performance. I even gotto sit on actor Channing Tatum’s lapafter an interview once. I like to thinkI taught “Magic Mike” every thing heknows in that brief moment…WiTh gRAnDmA JeAn#7, 2015 reviamagazine.com revia 21

RM: You seem so poised in your videosof interviewing celebrities. Wereyou always that confident?JC: I was really shy when I was a child.My brother and our friends from theblock played street hockey and basketball,but I felt like I didn’t belong. Iwas very self-conscious and didn’t feellike I was contributing anything ontheir teams, so I would isolate myselfin the house. During my freshman &sophomore years in high school, I wasbullied pretty badly. I made myself atarget; I lacked confidence and didn’thave any strong holding.By the time I started my junior yearin high school, I decided that enoughwas enough and I gained the confidenceI needed by taking a risk andputting myself out there. I took on a“you’ll regret it if you don’t” mentalityand joined student council and a fewother clubs. Then in my senior year, Iwas elected Student Council Presidentand Homecoming King. I played intramuralsports, and decided to take astab at being in a musical (can’t carrya tune for the life of me, but I think Isound rather good in the shower). Itwas all about stepping outside mycomfort zone and finding that confidenceto be the young man I knew Icould be.My on-camera confidence alsocomes from the experience in myfield early on. It was always a dreamof mine to interview movie stars. Iloved watching films growing up, andidolized the actors. During college, Istudied Broadcast Journalism at IllinoisState University, with a minor inSpanish. Living on the Service & Leadershipfloor of my dorm for the firsttwo years, I made wonderful, life-longfriends and got to know the communitythrough volunteer activities andcharity work. I also started my ownentertainment show called HollywoodCorner, where we would show clipsIt’s theMidwesternguy that Iam, and Ido believemy Polishupbringinghelpedcraft meinto theman I amtodayabout movies and actors, and thendiscuss them.My favorite college memory waswinning the “Outstanding Senior inJournalism” Award. They select onlyone journalism senior each year forthe honor, and I believe I received theaward because of my documentarywork based on the ‘50s actor, JamesDean. He passed away in a tragic caraccident in 1955, but I have alwaysrelated with his rebellious natureand choosing to live to the beat of hisown drum. So, on a whim, I called hiscousin Marcus Winslow Jr. in Indiana(whom James grew up with as morelike a brother) and asked if I can interviewhim for my school documentaryproject I was creating. He agreed, soI drove to Indiana by myself and visitedthat same home Marcus continuesto live in, which James Dean grewup in too. I also brought flowers toJames Dean’s grave at the cemetery,and through his high school friendwho worked at the town museum, Ilearned all about “Jimmy” and his oldbasketball memories, and so muchmore. When I returned back to school,I edited the whole documentary onmy own and was able to share my experience,which was televised aroundthe Central Illinois region. The Deanfamily still keeps in touch with meto this day, as we send each otherChristmas cards every holiday. I wasborn more than 30 years after JamesDean passed away, yet I have built ameaningful relationship with his family,which I cherish almost more thananything.RM: Tell us about your role with SocialAvenue.JC: In 2013, Comcast started a newshow on My DealTV called SocialChicago, a special weekly series thatshines a spotlight on the people, placesand things that make our city theunique destination it is today. Fromthe hottest parties, the tastiest restaurantsand the best “staycations” intown, “SoChi” was a one-stop sourcefor experiencing the locals’ pulse ofChicago. My co-host Jillian Conleyand I take our viewers along for theride to explore the Windy City’s biggestand brightest things that havepeople saying, “Now that’s SoChi!”We recently changed the name fromSocial Chicago to Social Avenue, as wehave had the good fortune of receivingnational & international interest towardour show.In my last role on NBC5, I had 3minutes of camera time as a correspondent,and now I have 24 minuteswith Social Avenue as host. I also producethe show, which is so nice to havethat creative freedom because manyproductions don’t give to the “talent.”If you can find a job where you havecreative freedom and ensure your genuine“voice” is being portrayed properly,it’s a beautiful thing.It’s great to be able to connect withdifferent cities, and meet so many talentedactors. A few weeks ago, I hadan exclusive interview with SiennaMiller, star of the Academy AwardBest Picture nominated film AmericanSniper. I did a lot of researchabout Sienna before the interviewand found out that her mother wentinto labor with her at a live productionof The Nutcracker in New York.So, when I sat down with Sienna forSocial Avenue, I wanted to give heran early birthday present that wouldbe justifiable to that story. I called upmy friends at Chicago’s Joffrey Balletand got Sienna a Nutcracker dolland a Joffrey teddy bear ballerina forSienna’s daughter, Marlowe. Sienna’sreaction was priceless, and she was sohappy with the gifts. You can watchthis charming interview anytime onYouTube when you search “Social AvenueSienna Miller.”RM: In the spirit of the New Year, doyou have any advice for our readers?JC: Be true to you. To this day, I willalways be that intern, that “Yes Man.”It’s the Midwestern guy that I am, andI do believe my Polish upbringing helpedcraft me into the man I am today.It’s about having Midwestern values,and being a good, honest person thatmakes you look at yourself in the mirrorwith pride everyday.Also, live your own life. Don’t liveit for other people, or for the gratificationof others. Know that you areenough. I struggled with that for awhile, but now I know what truly matters.22revia reviamagazine.com #7, 2015homecoming king

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p o l i s h c i t i e st A r n Ó WBy: Monica Doleckathe legendary and rustic Polish city ofTarnów first rose to its existence asa standalone city in 1330 under thegoverning guidance and leadership of KingWladyslaw Lokietek. With the permission ofKing Lokietek, Kraków’s then Governor, SpicymirLeliwita from the Lewita coat of arms,signed the official document that establishedTarnów as we know it today. During theSecond Polish Republic, the time betweenthe first two world wars, Tarnów belongedto the original Kraków Voivodeship (province),and not until 1999 did Tarnów jointhe Lesser Poland Voivodeship, also referredto as the Malopolska Province, which iscomprised of smaller provinces of the citiesof Krakow, Tarnow, Bielsko-Biala, Katowice,Kielce, Nowy Sacz, and Krosno.Nestled hillside in the southeasternregion of Poland, Tarnów is home to over115,000 residents, and is bordered by thefamous Carpathian Mountains, alongsidethe scenic Biala and Dunajec rivers. TodayTarnów is a major railroad focal-point,strategically linking Poland from the city ofLwów all the way to Kraków, with 4 majorrailroad lines, including one that extendswest towards Kraków, another east towardsDebica, south way to Now Sacz, and via asecondary route to the city of Szczucin.Today, you can still see the bursts of red,yellow and orange that vibrantly splash offof Tarnów’s cultured European background,and as you pass through the city, you will bedelighted with the calmness of the quainthistoric Tarnowian homes, the small brickand mortar shops and boutiques run by thecity’s residents, as well as the city’s venerableadministration buildings that serve thepeople of the Tarnów community. In total,there are currently 16 “osiedla”, or districtsthat section the city.Some famous historic sites in Tarnów includeone of the most revered and respectedmonuments, the famous Tarnów railwaystation, which many believe perpetuated theSecond World War after the tragic bombingof the station by German soldiers in 1939.Other attractions still visited today includethe Old Bernardine Monastery, StrzeleckiPark, Sekler’s Gate, as well as the Statue andresiding house of famous 19th Century PolishGeneral Jozef Bem. The Bem Mausoleumis also a great historic site that educatesvisitors about Poland and the life of GeneralBem.More recently, Tarnów has just completedanother stretch of the long-continuedproject to extend the A4 Freeway that connectsKraków and Rzeszów, which will be arelief for commuters looking for an easierpass between these two major cities thatneighbor Tarnów.Also, approaching the 100th anniversaryof Poland’s Independence, only shy of afew years, the Tarnów Tourist InformationCenter recently commemorated Tarnów’sand the rest of Poland’s historical quest forindependence, by articulating that, “As theanniversary speeches fade, it behooves us totake a look at places connected with Poland’sstruggle for independence – and notonly those from 1918. Some of these sitesare unusual, some partially forgotten, somerecently discovered. Above all, we shouldthink about the people connected withthese locations, because – as historians arefond of repeating – “Those who don’t knowhistory are destined to repeat it””. (http://www.it.tarnow.pl/index.php/eng/Worth-seeing/News/In-the-Footsteps-of-Independence.-Top-10-sights-connected-to-Polish-history).The Tarnów tourist center passionatelyrecognizes Poland’s long-time struggle forIndependence, and proudly recognizes themodern day importance of Tarnów for itscitizens– those residing there today, as wellas future generations.24revia reviamagazine.com #7, 2015

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esOLutIOnsfor the resOLuteBy: Dr. Michael J Felinskisince childhood, the fun and ambitiousconcept of New Year's Resolutionshas been verbally engrained intoour common vernacular, and rightfully so,as it represents one of the few remainingmodern folk tales originating as far back asthe Babylonians. The Babylonians used theirresolutions as a yearly promise to the godsto repay their debts, while the Romans madecommitments to god Janus (January), andas the knights took the resolute “peacockvow” during yearly re-affirmation of theirchivalry. As noble the origins of resolutionsmay be, if not handled right, this conceptcan potentially have detrimental effects, andwith a 92% fail rate, it isno laughing matter.Statistics dictate that45% of Americans makeresolutions, followed by17% who infrequentlydo, lastly tailed by ahefty 38% who neverconsider making and committing to a resolution.So no matter which category you fall into,the theoretical concept in itself is innocentand potentially beneficial, but differs fromthe historical model in that today's resolutionstend to be more interpersonal, whichsets a high margin for residual psychologicalstress if the set goal is never met.The top 3 Resolutions of 2014, accordingto the University of Scranton Journal ofClinical Psychology, were:1. Lose Weight.2. Get organized.3. Spend less, save more.In total, only 8% were happy to report thatthey have succeeded.If you happen to have the self-disciplineand have been meriting years of successfulresolutions, I applaud you for your resoluteness.If, however, you lost faith in resolutionsand/or never considered attemptingone, here are a few tips and context that mayhelp you tackle this demanding task.Firstly, find a fresh resolution that youthink you can achieve; one that is actuallyvaluable to your individual life. And committo making only one resolution. Yourchance of success is greater when you channelenergy into changing just one aspect ofyour behavior. It is a bad idea to revisit oldand failed resolutions as they are taintedwith previous shortcomings, negativity andsubconscious guilt. Once you taste the confidenceof accomplishing a few resolutions,and learn exactly what combination of behaviorsallowed you to stay on course, it willnot only be easier but also more rewardingto tackle ghosts of the past that once seemeddaunting.Next, be realistic and do not defineyourself per say by your intended resolution.Professor Richard Wiseman of the Universityof Hertfordshire found in a 5000 participantstudy, that many people who failedshared the commonality of focusing on thedownside of not achieving their goal. Thosepeople also adopted role models, fantasizedabout their goal, and relied on will poweralone. "Many of these ideas are frequentlyrecommended by self-help experts but ourresults suggest that they simply don't work,"says Professor Wiseman. Steve Salerno, authorof Sham: How the Self-Help MovementLeft America Helpless, says, “My concernis that the resolution takes the place of theaction, as is also true with so many millionsof people who sign up for an endless successionof self-help programs. They think somemagic word, some avowed promise, willmagically transformtheir lives, when weall know that the realtransformational workis tough, grueling,and usually involvessacrifice among otherunpleasant choices.”If you are going to beserious about tackling a personalissue you want to alter such as smoking, addictionor relationship issues, for example,then you need to be armed with honestintrospection, the genuine desire to changeand firm dedication. Just setting out to seta resolution will not automatically meanachieving it, and effortlessly hyping it up, orglorifying it, will only increase your chancesof never taking off with the right mindset.Psychologists have found that we're morelikely to succeed if we break our resolutioninto smaller goals that are more specific,measurable and time-based. This preventsus from tying behavioral change to a specifictime frame, which in this case is a year andquite a long period, considering the intricaciesof daily life that can interfere withour goals. Establishing sub-goals, in turn,permits the crucial and healthy opportunityto fail and recover, while also providingmotivation for reaching self-establishedcheckpoints. Giving yourself small rewardsalong the way for hitting targets, as thiswill help reinforce your progress. If we onlyprovide ourselves with one shot, then weare more likely to give up all together if wefail even just once, which deprives us of anyintended benefit for the remainder of theyear, in any capacity. Be accepting of andready to revert to your old ways from time totime. This is natural, especially when thingsget tough, but remember to only treat theseas a minor setback while you quickly try toget back on track.It is a good idea to share your resolutionwith friends, family and social media, asthey are likely to help lift you up and carryyou in times of failure, especially at thebeginning when you feel you are on yourown with your undertaking. This way, you'remore likely to get support and therefore, youwill naturally want to avoid failure in orderto avoid disappointing those around you.Keep in mind that record keeping doesnot work for all, but it was found that amajority of the successful 8% had a setsystem of measuring their progress, whetherthrough checklists, spreadsheets, journals,graphs, calendar entries or smart phoneapps. This is a visual chance to have funwith your personal journey, and if provensuccessful, can be stored away as a trophy ofsuccess.Remember to be, first and foremost, realisticand dedicated, and to use support whenyou need to, always bearing in mind thatlearning to “fail better” along the way is betterthan giving up completely.I sincerely hope these tipswill fill your scrapbooks withpleasant conquests for years tocome!26 revia reviamagazine.com #7, 2015

Path to ProgressMind, Body, Soul,and Finance tools for 2015By: Ania JablonowskiThese days there is no shortage ofmotivational speakers, self-helpbooks, and gurus in the area ofimprovement. In a world of DIY everything,we have the power to access tools that caninfluence our efforts and outcomes. Thisyear, I invite you to commit to a path toprogress. Rather than wanting to changefrom A to B, try mapping out your effortsfrom A to Z, and allow yourself to marvel inthe rituals that are needed to create positiveoutcomes. Remember: we are not perfect,we are progress. Here are some resources tohelp you on your path this year:MINDlynda.comGet the best of online learning at lynda.com, a company that helps anyone learnbusiness, software, technology and thecreative skills needed to achieve personaland professional goals. Through individual,corporate, academic and governmentsubscriptions, members have access to thelynda.com video library filled with engaging,top-quality courses taught by recognizedindustry experts. The company also provideslanguage content under the video2brainbrand name. Visit: www.lynda.comThe ShiftOpen to anyone who would like a betterenvironment to work, study, pursue a hobby,or finish a project, The Shift guaranteescomfortable seating, spacious individualwork tables, tons of outlets, fast Wi-Fi,a private meeting room, color printer,unlimited Metropolis coffee, tea, and snacks,too! The most you'll ever pay is just $4/hourfor a Shift. Or, join as a Monthly Memberand get other major discounts! Visit: www.theshiftchicago.comBODYChicago Athletic ClubsAccess the finest workout machines, cardioequipment and free weights, coupled withuber-modern locker room amenities andstunning facilities geared for anything fromenergizing spinning classes to relaxingmassages. You’ll workout among rockclimbing walls, indoor lap pools, basketballcourts and dozens of conveniently scheduledgroup classes like Body Pump, Zumba,Kickboxing and others, included in yourmembership. Chicago Athletic Clubs servicesdon’t end there. Nutrition counseling,Kids Clubs, and highly acclaimed personaltrainers will also help make your CAC gymyour ‘home away from home’. Visit: www.chicagoathleticclubs.comOrgaNick LifeThe best and most beneficial source of bioavailablenutrients for the human body isfrom fresh, raw, organic super veggies andgreens that are loaded with a synergisticarray of natural vitamins, minerals,enzymes, probiotics, fiber and thousandsof other important phytonutrients. Thesephytonutrients are essential in providingmaximum nutrient value as well assupporting an overall increase in health andvitality. OrgaNick Life products are madeusing only those aforementioned organicveggies, greens, fruits, berries, and wheatgrass that contain the utmost levels of overallnutrient density. Visit: www.organicklife.comSOULCommunity SanctuaryConnect with a sacred communitywhose purpose is to awaken a greaterexperience of peace, joy, creativity andfreedom. Embracing many spiritual paths,Community Sanctuary holds a special spacefor an inner journey to assist in cultivatingand developing a personal connection toyour heart’s song. They are an inspiredcommunity committed to personal growth,discovering the interconnectedness of allbeings and living a sustainable life. Visit:www.communitysanctuary.comFINANCESLearnVestConnect with a program for your money.The mission of LearnVest is to makefinancial planning affordable, accessible,and even delightful. LearnVest integratesfinancial analysis and recommendationswith behavioral change strategies to helppeople reach their money goals. Get startedwith a free account and download their app.Visit: www.learnvest.com#7, 2015 reviamagazine.com revia 27

z d r o w i e n a t a l e r z uMIŁOŚĆ w KUCHNIWALENTYNKITO PORA, KIEDY MOŻNA SPRÓBOWAĆDOTRZEĆ DO SERCA UKOCHANEJ OSOBY PRZEZ ŻOŁĄDEK.PRZYGOTOWALIŚMY DLA WAS ŁATWE PRZEPISY, KTÓRE BYĆMOŻE ZACHWYCĄ NIE TYLKO SMAKIEM ALE I WYGLĄDEM.Linguine z szynką parmeńską,rukolą i pomidorkami w kremowym sosieTarta na spodzie serowym z camembertem, żurawiną imigdałami z cynamonem i zielonym pieprzem.• 2 porcje (około 120 g) makaronu linguine (lub spaghetti)• 2 porcje rukoli• 6 pomidorków koktajlowych• 1 łyżka masła lub oliwy• 1 ząbek czosnku• 4 plasterki szynki parmeńskiej (prosciutto crudo)• 1/4 szklanki śmietanki kremowej• 1 surowe żółtko• sól morska i świeżo zmielony czarny pieprz, oliwa extravergine• opcjonalnie: tarty parmezan lub grana padanoprzygOtOWAnIe:Makaron ugotować w dużym garnku w osolonejwodzie (al dente). Odcedzić zachowując około 1/4szklanki wody z gotowanego makaronu. Rukolęopłukać, osuszyć, wyłożyć na talerz, obok położyćpokrojone pomidorki, wszystko posypać świeżozmielonym pieprzem i skropić oliwą extra vergine.Na patelni rozgrzać łyżkę masła lub oliwy, włożyćpokrojony na cieniutkie plasterki czosnek i smażyćna średnim ogniu przez około pół minuty aż zaczniesię lekko rumienić (nie można go przypalić).Zmniejszyć ogień i dodać pokrojoną na kawałkiszynkę parmeńską (jeśli szynka była paczkowana, powymieszaniu składników od razu odstawić patelnięz ognia, jeśli szynka była krojona z dużego kawałka– należy ją chwilę podsmażyć aż wytopi się tłuszcz iszynka nabierze nieco chrupkości).Garnek po makaronie ustawić z powrotem nagazie, dodać wodę z gotowanego makaronu i gdysię zagotuje dodać makaron, wymieszać, dodaćśmietankę i podgrzać. Odstawić z ognia, dodaćzawartość patelni z szynką parmeńską oraz żółtko,wszystko razem wymieszać (żółtko nie powinnosię ściąć, powinno wtopić się w sos). Dodaćrukolę z pomidorkami i wyłożyć do głębokichtalerzy. Posypać solą morską i opcjonalnie tartymparmezanem lub grana padano.skŁADnIkI, 6 pOrcJI:spód:• 125 g mąki pszennej• 125 g sera białego• 75 g masła, zimnego• około 1/2 łyżeczki soli• 3 płaskie łyżki mielonychmigdałów (lub zmielonychpłatków migdałów) – opcjonalnie• szczypta suszonego lub świeżegorozmarynu• 1/2 jajkanadzienie:• 200 g gęstej śmietany 18%(kwaśnej, homogenizowanej zkubeczka)• sól i świeżo zmielony pieprz• 200 g sera camembert• 4 – 5 łyżek płatków migdałów(lekko zrumienionych na suchejpatelni)propozycja podania:• słoiczek żurawiny, 1 łyżeczkacynamonu, 2 łyżeczkirozkruszonego zielonego pieprzu(lub kolorowego), rukola –opcjonalnieprzygOtOWAnIe:Ciasto serowe na spód: na stolnicęprzesiać mąkę, dodać ser i masło,posiekać wszystko nożem na drobnekawałeczki. Dodać sól, migdały irozmaryn i wymieszać, następniedodać jajko i zagnieść ciasto łączącskładniki w jednolitą kulę. Włożyćdo lodówki na około 1 godzinę lubna całą noc. Gotowe ciasto możnaprzechować w lodówce przez 1 – 2dni.Przygotować blaszkę do pieczeniao wymiarach około 20 x30 cm. Posmarować ją masłem(niedokładnie) i wyłożyć papieremdo pieczenia. Rozwałkować ciastopodsypując stolnicę niewielkąilością mąki. Wyłożyć spód i 1 cmboków formy i wstawić do lodówkina czas nagrzania piekarnika.Piekarnik nagrzać do 200 stopniC (góra i dół bez termoobiegu).Wstawić blaszkę z ciastem i piecprzez około 20 minut na jasnobrązowy kolor (sprawdzić czy spódteż jest zrumieniony na złoty kolor).Gdyby spód podczas pieczeniasię podnosił, wystarczy ugnieśćgo widelcem. Wyjąć formę, niewyłączać piekarnika. W trakcie pieczeniapokroić ser i lekko zrumienićpłatki migdałów na suchej patelni.Na upieczony spód (możebyć gorący) wyłożyć śmietanędoprawioną solą i pieprzem. Ułożyćplasterki camemberta i posypaćzrumienionymi płatkami migdałów.Wstawić do piekarnika. Piec przez 4– 5 minuty aż ser się roztopi. Wyjąćz piekarnika i wyłożyć żurawinę.Doprawić rozkruszonym pieprzem(zielonym lub kolorowym) i cynamonem.ŹrÓD. WEB, kWESTIA SMAkU.28revia reviamagazine.com #1, 2015

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Masteringthe Artof Loving:Valentine’s DayGift GuideJAreDWomen’s Diamond Bracelet 14KWhite Gold 4 CT TW, $ 5,999Skokie, IL. www.jared.comsHeLLe JeWeLersWomen’s Dabakarov 14k White GoldDiamond and Blue Topaz Ring, $ 887 50Northbrook, IL. www.shellejewelers.comc.D peAcOck JeWeLersMen’s ALOR Forte collectionSwiss-made Watch, 1.04 ct Diamond, $ 2,495Chicago, IL. www.cdpeacock.comMerry rIcHArDs JeWeLersMont Blanc Men’s Cuff Links, $ 385Glenview, IL. www.merryrichardsjewelers.comArezzO JeWeLersPandora “From the Heart” gift set, $ 200Chicago, IL. www.arezzojewelers.comtIFFAny & cO.Men’s Paloma Picasso KnotWrap 18K Bracelet– Rose Gold,$2,000Chicago, IL. www.tiffany.comMIrA cOutureEvening Gown.Contact store for exact pricingChicago, IL. www.miracouture.comcArtIerWomen’s Paris Nouvelle Vague18K Yellow Gold Ring(Pink Sapphire available), $ 10,100Chicago, IL. www.cartier.usBeAutIFy At AMsFacial 360 –“The Hollywood Facial” includes1-Skin Tightening, 1-IPL, 1-Pixel,$350Chicago, IL. www.beautifyams.comHeAVenLy MAssAge80 minute deep tissue massage, $ 90Chicago and Suburbs, IL. www.heavenlymassage.com30 revia reviamagazine.com #7, 2015

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l a m o d etALe oF tHe seVAnew year has arrived; a time for new beginnings, changes,and the setting of goals. For many people, this may bepurchasing a new house, changing jobs, or somethingcompletely unrelated. However, I would love to encourageeach and every one of you to stop for a moment and embrace whoyou are now. Using fashion as a landscape, I present to you, "Taleof the Seven Princesses”, which resembles the encouragementto be yourself by creating your own story and finding the powerwithin yourself to celebrate being different. I always say, “Dressoutside of how you feel inside". Do not be afraid to be unique andto stand out of the crowd. Seldom are people remembered forbeing ordinary, so set a new goal for yourself this New Year to beyour best, extraordinary self.LEANDrO MULET32 revia reviamagazine.com #7, 2015

EN PRINCESSESDesigner & Exotic Environment Processing:Leandro MuletPhotography:Matthew SperzelHair and Make Up:Steven Papageorge Hair AcademyModels:Ashley SimoneBernadette Von DrachenbergDeimante JakelaitisJuatoya GleniceSherrie GearheartSamantha RaynesRimanelli Mellal#7, 2015 reviamagazine.com revia 33

h a i rtHe ‘Do ListBy: robert simpson IIICutrobert Simpson III has been styling hair for women and men for overa decade; he loves transforming people’s perception of themselves.robert wholeheartedly affirms, “Everybody is beautiful, and I lovebringing that out in them. Beauty is a feeling brought to life.” He alsoadds, “Sometimes confidence is just a haircut away.” robert shareshis insider tips for your ultimate 2015 ‘it’ do:ColorWOMen:This is the year of thechop! There is a commonmisconception that shorthair isn’t for everyone – nottrue at all. Whether your hairstops at the shoulders, or thechin, or even if it length-fullyextends down to the floor,you too can feel good aboutgoing short!tIp: try a bob. it is verycustomizable but should bemainly tailored to complementyour face shape. you can addinterior layers beneath the cutto create a heavier look withextra volume. With a bob cut,you’ll also benefit from all ofthe versatile styling optionsincluding: curly, slicked back,sleek and straight!Men:By focusing on length on top, theundercut style is again going tobe in this year for men. We'realso going to see a lot of tightfading, along with zeroed outnecklines, and of course a wellgroomed beard is also always agreat accessory!WOMen:Let your natural color show!Allow your roots to growback in, and remember notto bring the foil all the way tothe scalp when highlightingyour hair. Likewise, try totransition to more ashycolors, and opt to grow outthat ombre to get rid of anywarm-colored tones. Ladies,just like our fellas, can alsokeep their professional colorfresher and longer-lastingby brushing in a touch ofthe color with a comb eachmonth.Men:Calling all Silver Foxes!We're going to be seeing a lotof gray and silver this year.For men wanting to rocktheir natural color, but whostill want to also add moredepth and contrast, can alsobrush in hair color with acomb. This is an excellenttechnique to use that can bedone at home or by your hairprofessional.StyleAt Home CareWOMen:Play aroundwith volumeand length bytrying eitherclip-in orsew-in hairextensions.This styleoption isrecommended,and best doneby your hairstylist and is thesafest route to attain morelength. Extensions are alsoless time consuming and areone of the most affordablemethods for instant hairlengthening. We recommendsteering away from fusion(a technique using heatedglue), as that can weigh hairdown and cause breakageby pulling the hair out fromthe actual root, ultimatelycausing hair damage.Men:Men’s styling is not as trickyas you think! With the righttools and products, youcan achieve an awesomestyle. Adding volume anddirection on top with a blowdryer, coupled with the rightfinishing products can helpcreate a new and polishedlook for 2015. The AmericanCrew hair product line isgreat and has everything youneed to style it up.WOMen:The winter can be just astaxing on hair health as thesummer. Your hair is just likeyour skin. Sometimes it’s oily,sometimes it’s dry. Change upyour products and try addingmoisture to your ends with adeep conditioning mask, or withan argan oil like L’or D’afrique(www.orafrique.com). Rotatingshampoos can also help balanceout the ‘do.Men:Selecting the right shampooand conditioner is key foranyone, regardless of hairtype. Even with short hair, forinstance, you'd be surprisedto know you may not needthe extra moisture andadditives found in conditioner,which can weigh down yourhairstyle. Have a professionalanalyze your hair type to makeyour ideal shampoo selectioneasier.FOr yOur neW 2015 ‘DO, yOu cAn cOnnect WItH rOBert sIMpsOn III At: WWW.rOBstyLe24.cOM34revia reviamagazine.com #7, 2015

RSFUASTERIRITEASFURSGRAND OPENING!NEW ARLINGTON HEIGHTS FUR BOUTIQUE FEATURES AN AMAZING SELECTIONOF LUXURIANT ONE-OF-A-KIND FURS FOR 2015, MADE IN GREECE AND ITALY,AND EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE AT ASTERI FURS.This high-end boutique offers an unparalleled selection of fur coats in all sizes and styles, includingbeautiful short coats, as well as deluxe mink or fox coat varieties. Indulge yourself in this timeless pieceof luxury of unprecedented quality tailored to every fashion taste and budget. At Asteri we can tailoryour order specifi cally to your body type and style preference. We also offer select fur storage and careservices for the summer months, including the cleaning and repairing of all types of furs.VISIT US TODAY AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNTDURING OUR SPECIAL GRAND OPENING SALE EXTRAVAGANZA!YOU’LL SHINE LIKE THE BRIGHTEST STAR IN AN ASTERI FUR COAT4222 N. Arlington Heights Rd., Arlington Heights, IL 60004847-818-0489 / Asteri is open every day, Monday- Friday from 11-7 pmwww.asterifurs.com

m a k e u pc A r n i V A LCArNIVAL IS AN ODD BUT INTErESTINg PHENOMENON CONNECTED TO SOCIETIESWITH A HEAVY CATHOLIC INFLUENCE. THE OrIgINS OF THE "FESTIVE" SEASON STEMFrOM THE CATHOLIC LENTEN PErIOD, WHEN ADHErENTS gAVE UP EATINg SPECIFICFOODS LIkE MEAT, SUgAr, DAIrY PrODUCTS, AMONg MANY OTHErS. IT IS THOUgHTTHAT rIgHT BEFOrE THE 40-DAY LENT PErIOD BEgAN, PEOPLE WOULD THrOW A HUgEPArTY IN OrDEr TO gET rID OF (AND FEAST ON) THE LEFTOVEr FOOD THAT THEYSOON WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO EAT. WHAT CArNIVAL HAS DONE IN rEgArDS TO MAkEUPIS gENErATE A NEW, UNIQUE LOOk THAT IS A LOT OF FUN TO CrEATE AND SHOW OFF.When most people think of Carnival,they envision over-the-topcostumes that shine off vibrantcolors and patterns, as beautiful Brazilianwomen dance the samba to sexy andrisqué Latin music. It is no surprise thatCarnival is the most popular festival inRio de Janeiro. As a result, many of themakeup looks associated with Carnivalhave a loud, vivacious Brazilian flavor tothem, including using deeply pigmentedhues of blue, green, yellow and red.Often times the makeup will take onthe form of a mask, due to the masqueradeelement of the Carnival celebration.Another popular element or accessoryfound in most Carnival looks is the inclusionof feathers that can be worn oneyelashes, or as often seen, as an adorninghead piece. Scrolling makeup alongthe eyes and temple is a popular trend inCarnival fashion. Many women also loveto incorporate glitter and rhinestones intotheir festive look.Overall, choosing which makeupstyle to use and the extent of detail ofthe makeup is based on how a personinterprets the Carnival event and what itpersonally means to them.In the other parts of the world that celebratea Carnival-like party, makeup cantake on a much different appearance andmeaning, like for example the Venetianinspiredlook from Europe that alsoincorporates some traditional BrazilianCarnival elements, but for the most partkeeps the look specific to European taste.For this session, we'll focus on themost common, traditional “Carnival” look,as influenced by Brazil.Unique Makeup Tips and Inspiration rAINBOW COLOrINg AND HAIrSTYLETUTOrIALS AND IDEASRainbows are one of the more beautiful spectaclesof nature, never seeming to exhaust the gorgeouscolors we never grow tired of gazing at and being delightedby the curved arch of hues. That has inspiredmany of us to try out different looks with... INTENSE gOTHIC EYE MAkEUPIn the past we've talked about Gothic makeup ingeneral, looking at a variety of overall ways it canbe applied to achieve the look you want. With thisarticle we'll focus mostly on generating an intenseGothic look through eye makeup... MAkEUP TIPS AND TUTOrIALSINSPIrED FrOM THE 1940sThe 1940s continue to be a fascinating decade, asthe world faced one of the biggest wars in history,casting a gloomy period of depression in Americathat forced women to look at life from a completelydifferent perspective, forcing them to abandon andsacrifice their glamour and beauty. LEOPArD MAkEUPTUTOrIALS AND TIPSLeopards are a beautiful member of the cat family,instantly identifiable by their vibrant spots, whichare often densely distributed all over their body. Thebrown, white and black colors of the leopard make ita fun makeup idea with room for a lot of creativity. MErMAID MAkEUPDESIgNS AND TUTOrIALSMermaids have captured the imagination of peoplefor thousands of years as they unfold exotic telltalesof beautiful sea expeditions set forth by handsomeand valiant sailors. Many of these ‘stories of the sea’eventually resulted in the birth of famous marine legendsand myths that people believed in for centuries. TIgEr MAkEUPTUTOrIALS AND TIPSA tiger-themed makeup look can be very cool andchic, and is enthusiastically enjoyed by adultsand children, especially during Halloween time orfor other festive occasions. Tigers are the largestmembers of the feline family, and their distinctivemarkings and colors make them a mystique butawesome makeup option.36 revia reviamagazine.com #7, 2015

a s k a n i t aDear Anita,My boyfriend and I have been dating for over three years, with a six-month break in thattime. We broke up after a year and a half because he was unsure about marriage, andI didn't know what else to do besides try to move on with my life without him. After asix-month break, we ended up back together, as I was under the impression that he hadchanged his mind about marriage. I did ask him, very explicitly, about marriage afterthat, and he said, "Yes, we'll get married." We never had a timeline, but as far as I wasconcerned, we were headed in the right direction.A few more months went by and then marriage came up again, except this time, he wasunsure again. We talked about it, and he said sometimes he can see himself married tome and sometimes he just doesn’t know. I was thinking that a person who wants to getmarried and is dating a person who is unsure is not a match, so we decided to take afew days apart to think it through. I don't want to break up! There has to be some kindof middle ground – some kind of compromise between break up and get married, right?Where do I go from here?Feeling stuckTWO OF MY PASSIONS IN LIFE ArEHELPINg PEOPLE WITH THEIr LOVELIFE AND WrITINg. WITH MY ADVICECOLUMN, “ASk ANITA, ”I gET TOCOMBINE THE TWO! AS A DATINg& rELATIONSHIP ExPErT, I’M ON AMISSION TO PrOVE THAT HAPPY ANDSATISFYINg rELATIONSHIPS ArEPOSSIBLE. I’M A LICENSED MArrIAgE& FAMILY THErAPIST AND HOLD AMASTEr’S IN MArITAL & FAMILYTHErAPY FrOM THE UNIVErSITY OFSAN DIEgO. I FOUNDED rELATIONSHIPrEALITY 312, INC., AND I WOrk WITHCLIENTS BOTH INTErNATIONALLYAND IN MY CHICAgO DOWNTOWNOFFICE. ANY QUESTIONS YOU HAVEABOUT DATINg, rELATIONSHIPSAND MArrIAgE, PLEASE EMAIL MEDIrECTLY ATanita@relationshipreality312.com.I LOOk FOrWArD TO HEArINg FrOMYOU!Dear Feeling stuck,Your boyfriend’s uncertainty aboutmarriage doesn’t mean that you aren’ta good match. Of course he (and you)should be scared! Marriage is a lifelongcommitment and the decision about who tomarry shouldn’t be taken lightly. A phraseI frequently hear is, “When you know,you know.” This isn’t always the case. Ihighly doubt that with the divorce rate stillbetween 40-55% only the people who arestill married are the ones who believe this.Your boyfriend’s uncertainty aboutmarriage is justified, and finding thecause(s) can help you both move forward.For example, if someone has had negativepast relationship experiences, those couldactually make them believe that a lovethat lasts is too good to be true – or thatsomeone who is kindhearted is too goodto be true. How forthcoming has yourboyfriend been about his past relationshipsand the impact that they have on him? Weall have “baggage” from our past, and howhis affects him now and your relationship issomething to explore further.Fears can also get in the way of certainty,and your boyfriend has fears aboutmarriage that you two need to discuss.Common ones include: being hurt, notknowing if he’s making the right choice, hedisappoints you, he can’t make you happy,that you would nag, he won’t be able to seehis friends, you won’t have sex as much oranymore, and things will drastically changeafter kids, and that you will eventuallyleave him. He’s told you his feelings ofuncertainty but it doesn’t sound like he’sbeen vocal about why he’s unsure, but Ican guarantee he’s thinking about some ofthese. A way to approach him is by bringingup your own fears first and discussingthose, and then asking him what he fearsabout marriage. Don’t let him get awaywith saying “I don’t know.” Use the aboveexamples as prompts if necessary.You can also ask him what kind of ideas hehas about marriage. What would it look liketo him if he was married to you? What kindof marriage does he want? What are thingsthat would be important to him? Who arehis role models and what has he learned,liked and disliked from their marriage(s)?Now, guys don’t sit around with theirfriends talking about marriage like this, sohe may need some time to think of answersto questions like these. The point is to makethings concrete for him and it will lead tomore discussions about how you can makethe things he wants happen, and avoid thethings he doesn’t.Deciding if you should get married isn’tsomething that you have to figure outon your own. People get married for alot of reasons, but what’s exciting is thatthere’s more and more research aboutwhat makes marriages last. You actuallycan learn specific skills and put behaviorsinto practice that increase your chancesof staying happily married. I help couplesevery day in my own practice, so I knowit’s possible. Ask your boyfriend if he’dbe willing to see a good couples therapistto help you figure out if you’re a good fitfor each other. If he’s hesitant, remindhim that even if you break up, he may notnecessarily know if the next woman hedates is the one for him, either.I’ve met people who have admitted togetting married because of pressure fromtheir significant other or family, thinking itwas the “next logical step,” it was “the rightthing to do,” etc. I applaud your boyfriendfor voicing his uncertainty instead ofgetting married because he thinks heshould. Even if you decide you’re not a goodfit for each other, you’ll be able to moveforward to ultimately get what you want.#7, 2015 reviamagazine.com revia37

u s i n e s s p r o f i l eWelcome to theGELDNER CENTER680 N. Lake Shore Dr., Ste. 1325Chicago, IL 60611908 N. Elm St., Ste. 314Hinsdale, IL 60521tel: 312-981-4440Fax: 312-982-4441www.mygeldnercenter.comFacebook: facebook.com/thegeldnercentertwitter: @mygeldnercenterGo from ordinary to extraordinarywith today’s advanced cosmetic andreconstructive procedures from TheGeldner Center. Experience a whole newway to feel about yourself and gain a newoutlook on life.Located in Chicago, Hinsdale andGlenview, The Geldner Center uses thelatest technology to deliver the best results.Our professional staff is trained to be yourpartner on the journey to self-improvement.We have helped thousands of men andwomen look better, feel better and live betteras a result of cosmetic and reconstructiveenhancement. We can help you achieve thelook you desire so you have the confidenceto live life to the fullest.Our physician, Dr. Peter Geldner is anationally recognized Plastic Surgeon,recently seen on Fox New, ABC, NBC, NewYork Times, Chicago Tribune, ChicagoSocial and Michigan Avenue <strong>Magazine</strong>. Ourgoal is to bring patients into the diagnosisprocess and devise customized plans thattarget their specific objectives.Our practice philosophy is that it'snot what we think our patients need; it'sabout what is important to the patient.We consider the initial consultation anessential learning experience for both doctorand patient. Only when we have a clearunderstanding of our patients expectationscan we develop an appropriate treatmentplan. We distinguish ourselves by the qualityof our results and our commitment toproviding the highest level of care.Surgical Procedures we specializein include: Face Lift, Brow Lift; EyelidEnhancement (Blepharoplasty), BreastEnhancement; Liposuction; TummyTuck (Abdonimoplasty), Nose Reshaping(Rhinoplasty)Non-surgical procedures we specializeinclude: Botox, Juvederm, Restalyne,Cosmoplast, Radiasse, SculptraDeanna Stellato is our Licensed MedicalEsthetician and her aesthetics staff havehas been featured in several nationalpublications as well as listed among the “Top5 facials” in Chicago Social <strong>Magazine</strong>VISIT OUr WEBSITE AT:WWW.MygeLDnercenter.cOMFOr MOrE INFOrMATION.cALL (312) 981-4440FOr YOUr APPOINTMENT.38revia reviamagazine.com #7, 2015

ALWAYS TELL HER SHE IS BEAUTIFUL.Peter D. Geldner, MD• U.S. News & World Report Top Doctor, 2011• Castle Connolly America’s Top Plastic Surgeons, 2008-13680 North Lake Shore Drive, Suite 1325, Chicago908 North Elm Street, Suite 314, Hinsdale312.981.4440 | www.MyGeldnerCenter.com

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