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anomalous records, and aggregating the passenger<br />

and revenue flows to better facilitate regional analysis.<br />

All value measures were inflation-adjusted to 2014<br />

dollars.<br />

For more information see Tomer, Adie, Robert<br />

Puentes, and Zachary Neal. 2012. “Global Gateways:<br />

International Aviation in Metropolitan America.”<br />

Brookings Institution. October 25, 2012.<br />

http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/research/files/<br />

reports/2012/10/25-global-aviation/25-globalaviation.pdf<br />

Geocoding Process<br />

An addition layer of data assignment was required for<br />

data that was not available at the metropolitan scale.<br />

Geographic identifiers were used to process individual<br />

data points through the Google Maps Geocoding API<br />

to obtain latitude, longitude and other geographic<br />

information. 6 Using the latitude and longitude information,<br />

we assigned an observation to a metropolitan<br />

area using defined geographic boundaries through a<br />

geo-intersection. 7 Finally we aggregated observations<br />

and created a metropolitan level indicator. We iterated<br />

this process several times to ensure data consistency<br />

and the adequate allocation of observations to its corresponding<br />

geographic boundaries.<br />

FDI Intelligence:<br />

The source of the Greenfield FDI data is the Financial<br />

Time’s fDi Markets database. This database tracks<br />

all cross-border investment into new physical projects<br />

or expansions of an existing investment, otherwise<br />

known as “Greenfield” investment. Company<br />

announcements form the basis for the database and<br />

each submission is manually verified before being<br />

published. In cases when the capital investment and<br />

job counts are not publicly released, analysts impute<br />

the value invested and jobs created using an econometric<br />

model. The primary sources of the data are<br />

newswires, internal sources, top business journals,<br />

industry organizations, investment agencies, and data<br />

purchased from private vendors. Brookings’ analysts<br />

assigned metro areas to the city-level information<br />

available in the database and processed the flows<br />

between different investor and recipient geographies<br />

and industry levels. The preferred metric is the cumulative<br />

stock of FDI invested and jobs created over the<br />

reference period from 2009 to 2015. All value measures<br />

were inflation-adjusted to 2014 dollars.<br />

For more information see fDi Markets.com http://<br />

www.fdimarkets.com/faqs/<br />


1. For an overview of the three methods utilized see Trevor<br />

Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman, The Elements<br />

of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction,<br />

Springer: New York, 2011.<br />

2. For industry analysis we collected industry-level data and<br />

estimates for Real Gross Value Added (GVA). Given the heterogeneity<br />

of the industrial classification used among the different<br />

metro areas we reclassified all the GVA information into eight<br />

major industrial sectors: transportation; utilities; business,<br />

financial and professional services; local non market services;<br />

construction; trade and tourism; manufacturing; and commodities.<br />

To see a complete list of the industries included in these 8<br />

categories see: Parilla and others, Global Metro Monitor 2014: An<br />

uncertain recovery, Brookings Institution: Washington DC, 2015.<br />

3. See I.T. Jolliffe, Principal component Analysis: Second Edition,<br />

Springer: New York, 2002.<br />

4. Similar approaches to quantify complexity of data have been<br />

implemented at the national level, see: Ricardo Hausmann, César<br />

A. Hidalgo, Sebastián Bustos, Michele Coscia, Alexander Simoes,<br />

and Muhammed A. Yildirim, The atlas of economic complexity :<br />

mapping paths to prosperity, MIT press: Boston, 2014.<br />

5. Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman, The<br />

Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and<br />

Prediction, Springer: New York, 2011<br />

6. For more information on the Google Maps Geocoding API see:<br />

https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/intro<br />

7. Wilpen L. Gorr and Kristen S. Kurland, GIS Tutorial 1: Basic<br />

Workbook, Esri Press: California, 2013.<br />



POLICY<br />



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