“The Death Issue” December 2015 1




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(“1.1″, “1.2”, “1.3”, etc.,) suggest the formation of a “record”, a form of self-curation that<br />

may either be terrifying or desirable. Is this the poet-self massing together the ephemera of<br />

their thoughts, loves, lives for public consumption, or is it a third-party’s assiduous and<br />

coherent record of that self, the passive net of surveillance which captures everything, and<br />

brings it together? It’s why you can’t escape this idea of expansion and contraction. The<br />

poems pulse in their language, but also through their form and the possibilities that this<br />

form raises. Test Centre’s handsome and pleasing and readable booklet only adds to this<br />

sense of flippability, parsing, of archive cards sorted together, referring to a universe of<br />

wunderkammer “stuff” existing beyond it; in a basement, behind glass cabinets, on<br />

bedroom floors, miles in the air. In dismissing the poetic, McClean also highlights those<br />

conditions which we believe it represents. It’s as if he has stripped out and wrecked-up the<br />

Mansion of the House of the Poets, only to throw all of its heavy velvet curtains, stuffed<br />

animal’s heads, dining services, bed spreads, antique linen, swords and cables and love<br />

letters back inside. A jumble that is also a totality. A different kind of coherence.<br />

Pangs! is effusive, bubbling, witty, mocking, sad. It is perhaps the modern equivalent of a<br />

lurid Mass Observation experiment. It’s a pornography about Soviet ideology meetings in<br />

which lapsed workers had to admit their ideological faux pas to their comrades. It is an oil<br />

portrait of the squirrel my friend once saw drinking gravy from a polystyrene box. Pangs!<br />

accumulates and reinvents itself. Naughty and nice. Violent. Scary. Darkly relatable.<br />


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