“The Death Issue” December 2015 1




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lines between his thoughts and hers muddled. His answers lacking.<br />

As this failure grows wider, he feels convinced that it's unhealthy to try and secondguess<br />

her. Then, in full cycle, he wonders if his reflections about the church and his love<br />

reveal any truth, or if he's simply more concerned with himself, and has a tendency to<br />

overanalyse.<br />

The initial point becomes tiresome. His vision stained from staring at the window.<br />

“Er gab dir den Wille zu wählen,” says the priest.<br />

“He gave you the will to choose,” says Michelle, leaning in.<br />

“Freiheit durch Gnade oder Knechtschaft durch Laster,” he says.<br />

“Freedom through grace or bondage through vice,” she says.<br />

“Was wirst du tun?” he says, slowing towards the end.<br />

“What does that mean?” Aaron asks.<br />

“What will you do?” she answers.<br />

The congregation stand to recite the Lord's Prayer. Aaron recounts the lines from<br />

childhood, mumbling those jumbled, unaware of his lovers gaze.<br />

During a closing hymn, the senior priest walks around with a collection plate. Michelle<br />

and Aaron root for change and drop several coins.<br />

With the service over, they prepare to leave.<br />

While they pass, those stood chatting in the isle turn to say “Auf Wiedersehen.”<br />

The couple say the same. The sun on their faces, as they exit the church.<br />


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