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Neonatal Brain Injuries and Outcomes:<br />
It is Time to Re-Think Assumptions<br />
Deb Discenza<br />
As a parent of a premature baby that had numerous<br />
developmental challenges and as one that supports over 28,000<br />
parents of premature babies around the world on the Preemie<br />
Inspire network (, I find that<br />
families are consistently given the most gruesome prognoses<br />
for their brain injured infant. The conversation often revolves<br />
around an expectation of significant physical, and intellectual<br />
disabilities. Some parents are even told that the baby is better<br />
off being pulled from support.<br />
Interestingly enough, over time, I found that a large number<br />
of these babies on the forum end up doing way better than<br />
expected. So imagine my great interest when I happened upon<br />
Karen Pape, MD, a neonatologist from Canada who had a strong<br />
background in Neonatal Follow-Up. With her forthcoming<br />
book, The Boy Who Could Run But Not Walk: Understanding<br />
Neuroplasticity in the Child’s Brain, I realized that I had in my<br />
midst a person who could finally provide concrete answers about<br />
babies brains, neonatal brain injury and how to achieve the best<br />
outcomes possible.<br />
Deb Discenza: Dr. Pape, please tell me about your background<br />
and how you came to write this book.<br />
Karen Pape: As a neonatologist and clinical neuroscientist, I<br />
have been teaching parents and medical professionals for over<br />
30 years about baby brain neuroplasticity. I think differently<br />
from most of my colleagues about this topic, largely because<br />
of my training that started off in neuropsychology at McGill<br />
University. Donald Hebb, the chairman of the department<br />
taught us about the complexity of our human brains and how<br />
we learn. At the time, his ideas were completely at odds with<br />
the dominant theory that our brains were really more like<br />
supercomputers than anything else. If part of our supercomputer<br />
brain was damaged, it was commonly assumed that the function<br />
was lost for life. In contrast, Hebb taught us that there were<br />
well-documented adult humans who had somehow managed<br />
to completely recover from devastating injuries. I left McGill<br />
knowing that even adult human brains could occasionally<br />
recover. At this point in my life, I just assumed that a growing<br />
baby brain would recover even better.<br />
You can only imagine my surprise when I hit medical school and<br />
was told the exact opposite. Animal brains could recover, but<br />
Deb Discenza is the head of PreemieWorld, LLC and the co-author of<br />
“The Preemie Parent’s Survival Guide to the NICU” available at www.<br /><br />
human brains were far too complex. If your brain was damaged,<br />
you were damaged for life.<br />
So I kept my mouth shut in medical school and throughout<br />
my training in pediatrics and neonatology, but I kept reading<br />
the neuroscience literature. By the 1980s and 90s, pioneers in<br />
human neuroplasticity were challenging the standard medical<br />
way of thinking, with clear evidence that all brains, from rats to<br />
monkeys and even some adult humans, had neuroplasticity.<br />
I use the word neuroplasticity to describe many different<br />
mechanisms by which the brain can recover after an injury. It<br />
can grow new brain cells, it can repair areas of damage, it can<br />
rewire around areas of injury and it can even co-opt different<br />
areas of the brain to take over lost function.<br />
DD: In your book you use the term “recovery” for an infant brain<br />
injury akin to an adult stroke patient that receives therapy to<br />
recover from brain injury. Please explain.<br />
KP: Thanks to the pioneers in neuroscience and popular writers<br />
like Norman Doidge, author of The Brain That Changes<br />
Itself, most people know that an adult with a first-time, mild<br />
stroke has an excellent chance of a complete recovery. 1 Over<br />
the past 10 to 20 years, improvements in early diagnosis and<br />
treatment as well as vastly improved early rehabilitation<br />
therapy has changed the outlook for an adult with a stroke from<br />
a relatively hopeless expectation of permanent impairment to<br />
a system wide active intervention policy. But unfortunately,<br />
the expectation of full recovery for a baby with a similar mild<br />
brain injury is that they will at best recover, but they will<br />
have cerebral palsy for life. This does not make sense. The<br />
neuroscience research tells us that animal brains from rats to<br />
monkeys can recover. Baby animals recover faster and more<br />
completely. We now know that adult humans can recover from<br />
many brain injuries. It is not logical to continue to believe that<br />
there is no hope of recovery in our NICU babies with a wide<br />
variety of early brain damage.<br />
DD: Why is it that neonatologists continue to think of brain<br />
injury as not recoverable?<br />
KP: There are several reasons that contribute to create this<br />
problem and I discuss them in some detail in my book. Each of<br />
them plays an important part.<br />
Knowledge Overload – This is one of the biggest problems. New<br />
research knowledge is being produced at an unbelievably fast<br />
rate. Busy NICU professionals are hard-pressed just to keep up<br />
38 neonatal <strong>INTENSIVE</strong> <strong>CARE</strong> Vol. 29 No. 4 • Fall 2016