Madison Messenger - January 20th, 2019

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PAGE 4 - MADISON MESSENGER - January 20, 2019 Water plant repairs come in lower than expected By Kristy Zurbrick Madison Editor The costs to repair and upgrade the water treatment plant at London Correctional Institution are coming in much lower than Madison County officials expected. Rob Slane, county administrator, reported that clean-up, repairs and upgrades are estimated to cost $400,000, instead of the $2 million originally estimated. “This is very good news,” he said at the Jan. 15 county commissioners meeting. The county purchased the plant from the Ohio Department of Corrections in late December for $1. The county is taking over water and waste water service to London Correctional, Madison Correctional Institution, the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy, and the Ohio Bureau of Identification and Investigation. The county also plans to expand the water plant’s service area up State Route 56 to Summerford, out Route 40 to Lafayette, and up Route 29 to the I-70 and U.S. Route 42 interchange. One of the most pressing tasks, Slane said, is cleanup of the water plant’s lime lagoons. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said the work needs to be done as soon as possible. “The EPA had findings and orders on the lagoons when the state owned the plant. With the transfer, the county accepted the findings and orders, so it’s our responsibility to take care of them,” Slane said. The commissioners gave Slane approval to hire a local company to do the work. The cost is $60,000 and is part of the $400,000 in clean-up, repair and upgrade expenses. Slane asked the commissioners how they want to pay for the expenses in the short-term. The county won’t see revenue from the plant until water payments come due in February. Among the options he presented were an allocation from the general fund or a bond or loan through the county treasurer’s office. The commissioners said “no” to the general fund allocation, so Slane will talk with county Treasurer Donna Landis about bond and loan options. The county also will be paying the city of London approximately $120,000 per month for waste water treatment services for the new service area. Before and after waste water payments start coming in, the county will pay London through its Sewer District 2. Burr Oaks sewer payments The county manages waste water services for the Burr Oaks subdivision, which lies just outside of the Mount Sterling corporation limits. The county contracts with the village of Mount Sterling for the services. Last year, the village increased its water and sewer debt fees to pay off loans for upgrades to its waste water plant and construction of its water plant. The county is passing part of the increase along to customers in Burr Oaks. The previous rate was $14.30 per 1,000 gallons. The new rate is $27.30 per 1,000 gallons. Burr Oaks residents will see the increase starting with their March bills. Services for special education students in WJ By Linda Dillman Staff Writer Special education staffers Jennifer Merb and Joe Gatore shared department programming and statistics at the Jan. 14 Jefferson Local school board meeting. Merb reported that 281 students in the district, from pre-school to high school age, are identified as having various special needs. “We have 41 students who are new to the district or newly identified since Aug. 21,” Merb said. “Every year, we struggle with how many teachers we need, and 41 new students is a lot. That gives us a full roster.” Merb stated the number of special education students completing programs at Tolles Career and Technical Center in Plain City has dropped since the 2016-17 school year when 10 Jefferson Local students finished programming at the center. In 2017-18, four district students completed programs at Tolles. The number stands at three for 2018- 19 after two students returned to the district’s high school this year. “We definitely need more of our students to go to It all adds up X E X D S S U M M A T I O N M C M R N U W E K C H Z O K B S A H W A K O C C O O Q J T G L L S V P P A U A Q R E H T A G C S S X O M D T D D R N U U L U S F E U E O S C E U Q T B W L X I L M B R C Z O E M E U E A M A S S B P I M L M V R J I T T N O O L L A B Y O E P N G E T A U L A V E W L C U C R H R W H C N U B D V K O L E F C U L T I M A T E O R U S J Q L G W F D V R B N G D U X S X U I Y T H R Q Q K E L I P M O C Tolles,” Merb said. In an effort to familiarize themselves with Tolles, West Jefferson High School intervention specialists toured all of the career center’s programs in late September. They met with students on Nov. 4 to discuss Tolles programs. As part of the district’s special education transition service, intervention specialists assess students turning 14 or older for post-education preferences, interests and needs. The specialists then develop individualized transition goals for each student. “They have to think about a job and what they’re going to do after high school,” Merb said, “including who they are going to live with.” Introducing special education students to life skills useful after high school sometimes includes a trip to LifeTown, a realistic indoor city designed for children with special needs. Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, the Madison County Board of Developmental Disabilities, and Capabilities Ohio also provide transition services. The agencies help transition students with job training F G D R A O H K T N U O C C M Messenger Word Search ACCUMULATE AMASS AMOUNT ASSEMBLE BALLOON BLOSSOM BUNCH CALCULATE COMPARE COMPILE COUNT EQUAL EVALUATE EVOLVE EXPAND Solution on page 9 Created by Sue Bender FIGURE FINALIZE GATHER GROUP HOARD INCLUDE OUTCOME PRODUCE RECKON RESULT STACK SUMMATION TOTAL ULTIMATE WEIGH and skills, such as how to write a resume and dress for an interview. Individual Education Plan teams may also decide to defer graduation for students to continue school-age services until their 22nd birthday. “It’s a very challenging world out there in special education,” said Superintendent William Mullett. “We deal with a lot of serious situations.” Organizational Meeting Prior to the regular monthly meeting, the board held its annual organization meeting. David Harper was named board president and Melissa Adams was named vice president. Regular board meetings will be held at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of the month at the high school. Academic Hall of Fame The London Academic Boosters is seeking nominations for individuals to be considered for induction into the London Academic Hall of Fame. The purpose of the Academic Hall of Fame is to recognize individuals who have made an important, positive impact on the school, local community or global community. The individual must have attended a school in the London City School District, been employed by the school district, worked as a volunteer in the school district, or in some other direct way made a significant contribution to the academic success of the schools in the district or other educational institutions. Nominations for the Academic Hall of Fame may be made by anyone connected to the London community. Nomination applications are available at the London High School office and at the London Public Library. Applications must be turned in to the London High School principal’s office by March 15, 2019. madison Messenger Published every Sunday Distribution: 14,984 Jim Durban ............................................................Office Manager Grant Zerkle ...................................................Advertising Manager Kristy Zurbrick ........................................................Madison Editor Becky Barker..........................................................Office Assistant Brittany Zerkle .....................................................Graphic Designer 78 S. Main St., London, Ohio 43140 (740) 852-0809 • January 20, 2019 - MADISON MESSENGER - Page 5 Alder changes bus routes due to driver shortage By Kristy Zurbrick Madison Editor Due to a shortage of bus drivers, Jonathan Alder Local Schools is rerouting the district. Mark Fenik, assistant principal at the high school, said the district will notify parents this week of the changes. The new routes will go into effect Feb. 1. “There won’t be any drastic changes,” Fenik noted. Two of the district’s 21 regular bus drivers resigned this month, and the district has no pool of substitute drivers. School officials hope to fill the vacancies. They’ve also created a combination driver/custodial fulltime position in an attempt to attract applicants. The shortage of bus drivers is a problem not only for Jonathan Alder but for many area districts, said Fenik, who announced the rerouting plan at the Jan. 14 school board meeting. Fenik also told board members about his research into bussing and transportation software. Many surrounding school districts use software to organize various aspects of their transportation, from routes to vehicle maintenance. The estimated cost is $10,000 to $16,000, he said, depending on the software brand and add-on features. He suggests that the district start with the basic level and add on features as the staff gets comfortable with the software. He plans to present a final recommendation at the February board meeting. At the Jan. 14 meeting, the board approved emergency response pay rates for bus drivers. The decision comes in the wake of drivers assisting with emergency evacuations at the high school and at Tolles Career and Technical Center in December. In other action regarding safety and security, the board approved an upgrade to the security camera system at Monroe Elementary at a cost of $26,400. The board also approved several overnight trips for students: * High school baseball team—Fort Mill, S.C., during spring break, March 23-30, 2019; * High school choral program—Chicago, Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 2019; * High school boys’ basketball—KSA Events Classic basketball tournament, Orlando, Fla., during winter break, Dec. 26-31, 2019; and * Spanish Club—Ecuador, June 6-16, 2020. Social work JoLynn Wheatley, the district’s social worker, provided school board members with an update on services provided by her department. Last school year, she received 114 social work referrals. So far this year, the number is 70. Most of the referrals are for high school students and most involve mental health issues. Most of the referrals come from school guidance counselors and principals. When possible, Wheatley helps students with their issues or refers them to Jonathan Alder’s in-school mental health therapist. Currently, the therapist, under contract through The Counseling Source, is helping 25 students. Wheatley would like to add another part-time therapist to keep up with an increase in referrals. She attributes the increase in part to greater awareness of the availability of in-school services. The district started offering in-school therapy 18 months ago. Among other student support services at Jonathan Alder are Kindness Day, Internet safety classes, and Signs Of Suicide (SOS). The district is extending SOS, a program affiliated with Nationwide Children’s Hospital, to fifth-graders for the first time. The program is slated for late January. With the addition of fifth-graders, the district will phase out the program for sixth-graders. It also is provided to eighth- and 10th-graders. Community collaborations benefitting students include the LIFT mentor program. John Lanka with Daily Needs Assistance in Plain City recruits adult mentors to pair with children in grades K-12. The program is serving 27 students; the goal is 50 students. To inquire about becoming a mentor, contact Wheatley at (614) 873-8617, ext. 8324. Other collaborations include Sufficient Grace and Hope’s Lantern, which last year provided take-home food to 148 students in need, and the Plain City Church Fellowship’s food basket project, which helped 145 families this past Christmas. Organizational meeting The board held their annual organizational meeting prior to the regular meeting, electing Steve Votaw as board president for 2019 and Tom Birches as vice president. The board’s regular meetings will continue to take place at 6:30 p.m. on the second Monday of each month in Room 228 at the high school, with some exceptions. Two meetings will take place on Tuesdays, June 25 and July 16. Meetings with different locations are: Feb. 11, junior high; April 8, Monroe Elementary; Oct. 14, Plain City Elementary; and Dec. 9, Canaan Middle School. For more information about the school board or about the district, including building specific news and events, go online to Madison Plains Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet The Madison-Plains Athletic Hall of Fame induction and dinner is set for 6 p.m. Feb. 2 in the high school gym. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased in advance from any Boosters officer, at Wilson Printing & Graphics in London, or at the high school. Tickets can be purchased at the door, as well. Honorees are: LeRoy Simpson, Madison South, Class of 1961; Clark Mace, Madison Plains, Class of 1997; Donna Gray Long, Madison Plains, Class of 1977; the 1988 4x800-meter relay team—Andy Crawford, Scott Elam, Todd Engle, Chris Smith; the 1960 Madison South football team. 2018 Voted Rate 2018 Effective Ag/Res Rate Other County Ag/Res County Other School Ag/Res School Other Vo-Tech Ag/Res Vo-Tech Other Township Ag/Res Township Other Corporation Ag/Res Corporation Other Tax Reduction Ag/Res 01 CANAAN TWP - JONATHAN ALDER SD 63.250 47.615209 54.267460 19.822106 23.316742 24.693103 27.850718 1.600000 1.600000 1.500000 1.500000 0.247191 0.142017 02 DARBY TWP - JONATHAN ALDER SD 64.850 48.878740 55.828702 19.822106 23.316742 24.693103 27.850718 1.600000 1.600000 2.763531 3.061242 0.246281 0.139111 03 DARBY TWP - FAIRBANKS SD 69.750 52.522714 61.327065 18.402017 21.833208 29.757166 34.832615 1.600000 1.600000 2.763531 3.061242 0.246987 0.120759 04 PLAIN CITY CORP. - JONATHAN ALDER SD 71.800 54.620045 62.442687 19.822106 23.316742 24.693103 27.850718 1.600000 1.600000 2.463531 2.761242 6.041305 6.913985 0.239276 0.130325 05 DEERCREEK TWP - LONDON SD 63.350 42.893548 51.005464 16.857209 19.301329 23.036339 28.704135 1.600000 1.600000 1.400000 1.400000 0.322912 0.194863 06 DEERCREEK TWP - JONATHAN ALDER SD 58.400 44.672152 50.150339 16.979049 19.299621 24.693103 27.850718 1.600000 1.600000 1.400000 1.400000 0.235066 0.141262 07 FAIRFIELD TWP - MADISON PLAINS SD 66.750 35.530149 63.459317 7.907537 10.077028 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 3.903147 4.358399 0.467714 0.049299 08 JEFFERSON TWP - JEFFERSON SD 60.060 52.234122 59.337028 9.176327 11.577028 30.717003 33.660000 1.600000 1.600000 10.740792 12.500000 0.130301 0.012038 09 JEFFERSON TWP - JONATHAN ALDER SD 61.750 46.361521 53.511280 9.327626 11.560562 24.693103 27.850718 1.600000 1.600000 10.740792 12.500000 0.249207 0.133421 10 JEFFERSON CORP - JEFFERSON SD 60.060 52.234122 59.337028 9.176327 11.577028 30.717003 33.660000 1.600000 1.600000 9.740792 11.500000 1.000000 1.000000 0.130301 0.012038 11 MONROE TWP - JONATHAN ALDER SD 58.500 44.772152 50.250339 16.979049 19.299621 24.693103 27.850718 1.600000 1.600000 1.500000 1.500000 0.234665 0.141020 12 DEERCREEK TWP-JEFFERSON CORP-LONDON CSD Tax Reduction Other 64.250 43.793548 51.905464 16.857209 19.301329 23.036339 28.704135 1.600000 1.600000 1.400000 1.400000 0.900000 0.900000 0.318389 0.192133 13 OAK RUN TWP - MADISON PLAINS SD 68.600 39.278425 66.839977 15.558960 17.816087 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 0.000000 0.000000 0.427429 0.025657 14 PAINT TWP - MADISON PLAINS SD 73.000 42.597467 70.257327 15.558960 17.816087 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 3.319042 3.417350 0.416474 0.037571 15 PIKE TWP - FAIRBANKS SD 58.870 42.161792 50.772310 7.907537 10.077028 29.757166 34.832615 1.600000 1.600000 2.897089 4.262667 0.283816 0.137553 16 JEFFERSON TWP ANNEX - JEFFERSON SD 60.060 52.234122 59.337028 9.176327 11.577028 30.717003 33.660000 1.600000 1.600000 10.740792 12.500000 0.130301 0.012038 17 PLEASANT TWP - MADISON PLAINS SD 71.050 38.905385 69.300918 14.288253 19.377028 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 0.897667 0.900000 0.452423 0.024618 18 MT STERLING CORP - MADISON PLAINS SD 71.950 39.805385 70.200918 14.288253 19.377028 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 0.797667 0.800000 1.000000 1.000000 0.446764 0.024310 19 PLEASANT TWP - WESTFALL SD 57.750 42.079073 50.392308 14.288253 19.377028 24.528878 26.988573 2.364275 3.126707 0.897667 0.900000 0.271359 0.127406 20 PLEASANT TWP - MIAMI TRACE SD 56.270 48.833059 54.935264 14.288253 19.377028 31.638701 32.206839 2.008438 2.451397 0.897667 0.900000 0.132166 0.023721 21 RANGE TWP - MADISON PLAINS SD 73.100 38.817700 70.356296 11.168778 15.877028 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 3.929457 5.455378 0.468979 0.037534 22 MIDWAY CORP - MADISON PLAINS SD 79.000 43.861698 74.806524 11.168778 15.877028 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 3.429457 4.955378 5.543998 4.950228 0.444789 0.053082 23 RANGE TWP - MIAMI TRACE SD 58.320 48.745374 55.990642 11.168778 15.877028 31.638701 32.206839 2.008438 2.451397 3.929457 5.455378 0.164174 0.039941 24 SOMERFORD TWP - LONDON SD 61.700 40.981934 49.313266 12.107209 14.551329 23.036339 28.704135 1.600000 1.600000 4.238386 4.457802 0.335788 0.200758 25 SOMERFORD TWP - JONATHAN ALDER SD 56.750 42.760538 48.458141 12.229049 14.549621 24.693103 27.850718 1.600000 1.600000 4.238386 4.457802 0.246511 0.146113 26 SOMERFORD TWP - MECHANICSBURG SD 57.400 44.414855 52.700220 8.701516 11.077028 28.875138 34.565390 2.599815 2.600000 4.238386 4.457802 0.226223 0.081878 27 STOKES TWP - MADISON PLAINS SD 69.250 37.249901 67.457414 11.168778 15.877028 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 2.361658 2.556496 0.462096 0.025886 28 SOUTH SOLON CORP - MADISON PLAINS SD 71.250 38.159981 68.522324 11.168778 15.877028 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 1.961658 2.156496 1.310080 1.464910 0.464422 0.038284 29 UNION TWP - MADISON PLAINS SD 70.000 40.678425 68.239977 15.558960 17.816087 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 1.400000 1.400000 0.418880 0.025144 30 UNION TWP - LONDON SD 63.350 42.893548 51.005464 16.857209 19.301329 23.036339 28.704135 1.600000 1.600000 1.400000 1.400000 0.322912 0.194863 31 LONDON CORP - LONDON SD 61.600 40.956723 49.246644 12.107209 14.551329 23.036339 28.704135 1.600000 1.600000 0.000000 0.000000 4.213175 4.391180 0.335119 0.200542 32 LONDON CORP - MADISON PLAINS SD 67.350 37.841600 65.581157 10.808960 13.066087 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 0.000000 0.000000 3.313175 3.491180 0.438136 0.026264 33 PLEASANT TWP ANNEX - MADISON PLAINS SD 71.050 38.905385 69.300918 14.288253 19.377028 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 0.897667 0.900000 0.452423 0.024618 34 DEERCREEK TWP ANNEX JEFFERSON - LONDON SD 2018 Tax Rates, MADISON County, Ohio Rate is expressed in Dollars and Cents on One Thousand Dollars valuation 63.350 42.893548 51.005464 16.857209 19.301329 23.036339 28.704135 1.600000 1.600000 1.400000 1.400000 0.322912 0.194863 35 DARBY TWP ANNEX - JONATHAN ALDER SD 64.850 48.878740 55.828702 19.822106 23.316742 24.693103 27.850718 1.600000 1.600000 2.763531 3.061242 0.246281 0.139111 MM JANUARY 6 & 13, 2019 Donna L. Landis, Treasurer, MADISON County, Ohio MM2019101 <strong>January</strong> 20, <strong>2019</strong> - MADISON MESSENGER - Page 5<br />

Alder changes bus routes due to driver shortage<br />

By Kristy Zurbrick<br />

<strong>Madison</strong> Editor<br />

Due to a shortage of bus drivers,<br />

Jonathan Alder Local Schools is rerouting<br />

the district.<br />

Mark Fenik, assistant principal at the<br />

high school, said the district will notify parents<br />

this week of the changes. The new<br />

routes will go into effect Feb. 1.<br />

“There won’t be any drastic changes,”<br />

Fenik noted.<br />

Two of the district’s 21 regular bus drivers<br />

resigned this month, and the district has<br />

no pool of substitute drivers. School officials<br />

hope to fill the vacancies. They’ve also created<br />

a combination driver/custodial fulltime<br />

position in an attempt to attract<br />

applicants.<br />

The shortage of bus drivers is a problem<br />

not only for Jonathan Alder but for many<br />

area districts, said Fenik, who announced<br />

the rerouting plan at the Jan. 14 school<br />

board meeting.<br />

Fenik also told board members about his<br />

research into bussing and transportation<br />

software. Many surrounding school districts<br />

use software to organize various aspects of<br />

their transportation, from routes to vehicle<br />

maintenance. The estimated cost is $10,000<br />

to $16,000, he said, depending on the software<br />

brand and add-on features. He suggests<br />

that the district start with the basic<br />

level and add on features as the staff gets<br />

comfortable with the software. He plans to<br />

present a final recommendation at the February<br />

board meeting.<br />

At the Jan. 14 meeting, the board approved<br />

emergency response pay rates for<br />

bus drivers. The decision comes in the wake<br />

of drivers assisting with emergency evacuations<br />

at the high school and at Tolles Career<br />

and Technical Center in December.<br />

In other action regarding safety and security,<br />

the board approved an upgrade to<br />

the security camera system at Monroe Elementary<br />

at a cost of $26,400.<br />

The board also approved several<br />

overnight trips for students:<br />

* High school baseball team—Fort Mill,<br />

S.C., during spring break, March 23-30,<br />

<strong>2019</strong>;<br />

* High school choral program—Chicago,<br />

Nov. 29-Dec. 1, <strong>2019</strong>;<br />

* High school boys’ basketball—KSA<br />

Events Classic basketball tournament, Orlando,<br />

Fla., during winter break, Dec. 26-31,<br />

<strong>2019</strong>; and<br />

* Spanish Club—Ecuador, June 6-16,<br />

2020.<br />

Social work<br />

JoLynn Wheatley, the district’s social<br />

worker, provided school board members<br />

with an update on services provided by her<br />

department.<br />

Last school year, she received 114 social<br />

work referrals. So far this year, the number<br />

is 70. Most of the referrals are for high<br />

school students and most involve mental<br />

health issues. Most of the referrals come<br />

from school guidance counselors and principals.<br />

When possible, Wheatley helps students<br />

with their issues or refers them to Jonathan<br />

Alder’s in-school mental health therapist.<br />

Currently, the therapist, under contract<br />

through The Counseling Source, is helping<br />

25 students. Wheatley would like to add another<br />

part-time therapist to keep up with an<br />

increase in referrals. She attributes the increase<br />

in part to greater awareness of the<br />

availability of in-school services. The district<br />

started offering in-school therapy 18<br />

months ago.<br />

Among other student support services at<br />

Jonathan Alder are Kindness Day, Internet<br />

safety classes, and Signs Of Suicide (SOS).<br />

The district is extending SOS, a program affiliated<br />

with Nationwide Children’s Hospital,<br />

to fifth-graders for the first time. The<br />

program is slated for late <strong>January</strong>. With the<br />

addition of fifth-graders, the district will<br />

phase out the program for sixth-graders. It<br />

also is provided to eighth- and 10th-graders.<br />

Community collaborations benefitting<br />

students include the LIFT mentor program.<br />

John Lanka with Daily Needs Assistance in<br />

Plain City recruits adult mentors to pair<br />

with children in grades K-12. The program<br />

is serving 27 students; the goal is 50 students.<br />

To inquire about becoming a mentor,<br />

contact Wheatley at (614) 873-8617, ext.<br />

8324.<br />

Other collaborations include Sufficient<br />

Grace and Hope’s Lantern, which last year<br />

provided take-home food to 148 students in<br />

need, and the Plain City Church Fellowship’s<br />

food basket project, which helped 145<br />

families this past Christmas.<br />

Organizational meeting<br />

The board held their annual organizational<br />

meeting prior to the regular meeting,<br />

electing Steve Votaw as board president for<br />

<strong>2019</strong> and Tom Birches as vice president.<br />

The board’s regular meetings will continue<br />

to take place at 6:30 p.m. on the second<br />

Monday of each month in Room 228 at<br />

the high school, with some exceptions. Two<br />

meetings will take place on Tuesdays, June<br />

25 and July 16. Meetings with different locations<br />

are: Feb. 11, junior high; April 8,<br />

Monroe Elementary; Oct. 14, Plain City Elementary;<br />

and Dec. 9, Canaan Middle<br />

School.<br />

For more information about the school<br />

board or about the district, including building<br />

specific news and events, go online to<br /><br />

<strong>Madison</strong><br />

Plains Athletic<br />

Hall of Fame<br />

Banquet<br />

The <strong>Madison</strong>-Plains<br />

Athletic Hall of<br />

Fame induction and<br />

dinner is set for 6<br />

p.m. Feb. 2 in the<br />

high school gym.<br />

Tickets are $10 and<br />

can be purchased in<br />

advance from any<br />

Boosters officer, at<br />

Wilson Printing &<br />

Graphics in London,<br />

or at the high school.<br />

Tickets can be purchased<br />

at the door,<br />

as well.<br />

Honorees are:<br />

LeRoy Simpson,<br />

<strong>Madison</strong> South,<br />

Class of 1961;<br />

Clark Mace, <strong>Madison</strong><br />

Plains, Class of<br />

1997; Donna Gray<br />

Long, <strong>Madison</strong><br />

Plains, Class of<br />

1977; the 1988<br />

4x800-meter relay<br />

team—Andy Crawford,<br />

Scott Elam,<br />

Todd Engle, Chris<br />

Smith; the 1960<br />

<strong>Madison</strong> South<br />

football team.<br />

2018<br />

Voted<br />

Rate<br />

2018<br />

Effective<br />

Ag/Res<br />

Rate<br />

Other<br />

County<br />

Ag/Res<br />

County<br />

Other<br />

School<br />

Ag/Res<br />

School<br />

Other<br />

Vo-Tech<br />

Ag/Res<br />

Vo-Tech<br />

Other<br />

Township<br />

Ag/Res<br />

Township<br />

Other<br />

Corporation<br />

Ag/Res<br />

Corporation<br />

Other<br />

Tax Reduction<br />

Ag/Res<br />

01 CANAAN TWP - JONATHAN ALDER SD 63.250 47.615209 54.267460 19.822106 23.316742 24.693103 27.850718 1.600000 1.600000 1.500000 1.500000 0.247191 0.142017<br />

02 DARBY TWP - JONATHAN ALDER SD 64.850 48.878740 55.828702 19.822106 23.316742 24.693103 27.850718 1.600000 1.600000 2.763531 3.061242 0.246281 0.139111<br />

03 DARBY TWP - FAIRBANKS SD 69.750 52.522714 61.327065 18.402017 21.833208 29.757166 34.832615 1.600000 1.600000 2.763531 3.061242 0.246987 0.120759<br />

04 PLAIN CITY CORP. - JONATHAN ALDER SD 71.800 54.620045 62.442687 19.822106 23.316742 24.693103 27.850718 1.600000 1.600000 2.463531 2.761242 6.041305 6.913985 0.239276 0.130325<br />

05 DEERCREEK TWP - LONDON SD 63.350 42.893548 51.005464 16.857209 19.301329 23.036339 28.704135 1.600000 1.600000 1.400000 1.400000 0.322912 0.194863<br />

06 DEERCREEK TWP - JONATHAN ALDER SD 58.400 44.672152 50.150339 16.979049 19.299621 24.693103 27.850718 1.600000 1.600000 1.400000 1.400000 0.235066 0.141262<br />

07 FAIRFIELD TWP - MADISON PLAINS SD 66.750 35.530149 63.459317 7.907537 10.077028 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 3.903147 4.358399 0.467714 0.049299<br />

08 JEFFERSON TWP - JEFFERSON SD 60.060 52.234122 59.337028 9.176327 11.577028 30.717003 33.660000 1.600000 1.600000 10.740792 12.500000 0.130301 0.012038<br />

09 JEFFERSON TWP - JONATHAN ALDER SD 61.750 46.361521 53.511280 9.327626 11.560562 24.693103 27.850718 1.600000 1.600000 10.740792 12.500000 0.249207 0.133421<br />

10 JEFFERSON CORP - JEFFERSON SD 60.060 52.234122 59.337028 9.176327 11.577028 30.717003 33.660000 1.600000 1.600000 9.740792 11.500000 1.000000 1.000000 0.130301 0.012038<br />

11 MONROE TWP - JONATHAN ALDER SD 58.500 44.772152 50.250339 16.979049 19.299621 24.693103 27.850718 1.600000 1.600000 1.500000 1.500000 0.234665 0.141020<br />


CSD<br />

Tax Reduction<br />

Other<br />

64.250 43.793548 51.905464 16.857209 19.301329 23.036339 28.704135 1.600000 1.600000 1.400000 1.400000 0.900000 0.900000 0.318389 0.192133<br />

13 OAK RUN TWP - MADISON PLAINS SD 68.600 39.278425 66.839977 15.558960 17.816087 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 0.000000 0.000000 0.427429 0.025657<br />

14 PAINT TWP - MADISON PLAINS SD 73.000 42.597467 70.257327 15.558960 17.816087 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 3.319042 3.417350 0.416474 0.037571<br />

15 PIKE TWP - FAIRBANKS SD 58.870 42.161792 50.772310 7.907537 10.077028 29.757166 34.832615 1.600000 1.600000 2.897089 4.262667 0.283816 0.137553<br />

16 JEFFERSON TWP ANNEX - JEFFERSON SD 60.060 52.234122 59.337028 9.176327 11.577028 30.717003 33.660000 1.600000 1.600000 10.740792 12.500000 0.130301 0.012038<br />

17 PLEASANT TWP - MADISON PLAINS SD 71.050 38.905385 69.300918 14.288253 19.377028 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 0.897667 0.900000 0.452423 0.024618<br />

18 MT STERLING CORP - MADISON PLAINS SD 71.950 39.805385 70.200918 14.288253 19.377028 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 0.797667 0.800000 1.000000 1.000000 0.446764 0.024310<br />

19 PLEASANT TWP - WESTFALL SD 57.750 42.079073 50.392308 14.288253 19.377028 24.528878 26.988573 2.364275 3.126707 0.897667 0.900000 0.271359 0.127406<br />

20 PLEASANT TWP - MIAMI TRACE SD 56.270 48.833059 54.935264 14.288253 19.377028 31.638701 32.206839 2.008438 2.451397 0.897667 0.900000 0.132166 0.023721<br />

21 RANGE TWP - MADISON PLAINS SD 73.100 38.817700 70.356296 11.168778 15.877028 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 3.929457 5.455378 0.468979 0.037534<br />

22 MIDWAY CORP - MADISON PLAINS SD 79.000 43.861698 74.806524 11.168778 15.877028 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 3.429457 4.955378 5.543998 4.950228 0.444789 0.053082<br />

23 RANGE TWP - MIAMI TRACE SD 58.320 48.745374 55.990642 11.168778 15.877028 31.638701 32.206839 2.008438 2.451397 3.929457 5.455378 0.164174 0.039941<br />

24 SOMERFORD TWP - LONDON SD 61.700 40.981934 49.313266 12.107209 14.551329 23.036339 28.704135 1.600000 1.600000 4.238386 4.457802 0.335788 0.200758<br />

25 SOMERFORD TWP - JONATHAN ALDER SD 56.750 42.760538 48.458141 12.229049 14.549621 24.693103 27.850718 1.600000 1.600000 4.238386 4.457802 0.246511 0.146113<br />

26 SOMERFORD TWP - MECHANICSBURG SD 57.400 44.414855 52.700220 8.701516 11.077028 28.875138 34.565390 2.599815 2.600000 4.238386 4.457802 0.226223 0.081878<br />

27 STOKES TWP - MADISON PLAINS SD 69.250 37.249901 67.457414 11.168778 15.877028 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 2.361658 2.556496 0.462096 0.025886<br />

28 SOUTH SOLON CORP - MADISON PLAINS SD 71.250 38.159981 68.522324 11.168778 15.877028 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 1.961658 2.156496 1.310080 1.464910 0.464422 0.038284<br />

29 UNION TWP - MADISON PLAINS SD 70.000 40.678425 68.239977 15.558960 17.816087 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 1.400000 1.400000 0.418880 0.025144<br />

30 UNION TWP - LONDON SD 63.350 42.893548 51.005464 16.857209 19.301329 23.036339 28.704135 1.600000 1.600000 1.400000 1.400000 0.322912 0.194863<br />

31 LONDON CORP - LONDON SD 61.600 40.956723 49.246644 12.107209 14.551329 23.036339 28.704135 1.600000 1.600000 0.000000 0.000000 4.213175 4.391180 0.335119 0.200542<br />

32 LONDON CORP - MADISON PLAINS SD 67.350 37.841600 65.581157 10.808960 13.066087 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 0.000000 0.000000 3.313175 3.491180 0.438136 0.026264<br />

33 PLEASANT TWP ANNEX - MADISON PLAINS SD 71.050 38.905385 69.300918 14.288253 19.377028 22.119465 47.423890 1.600000 1.600000 0.897667 0.900000 0.452423 0.024618<br />



2018 Tax Rates, MADISON County, Ohio<br />

Rate is expressed in Dollars and Cents on One Thousand Dollars valuation<br />

63.350 42.893548 51.005464 16.857209 19.301329 23.036339 28.704135 1.600000 1.600000 1.400000 1.400000 0.322912 0.194863<br />

35 DARBY TWP ANNEX - JONATHAN ALDER SD 64.850 48.878740 55.828702 19.822106 23.316742 24.693103 27.850718 1.600000 1.600000 2.763531 3.061242 0.246281 0.139111<br />

MM JANUARY 6 & 13, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Donna L. Landis, Treasurer, MADISON County, Ohio<br />


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