2000 Random Items

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947<br />

A cow leather belt that allows you to speak with cows, yet makes<br />

you sheepish in the presence of sheep.<br />

948 A ring that seems to get smaller while you wear it.<br />

949<br />

A hammer that whispers to you seductively in your sleep and takes<br />

pleasure in being used. You are usually creeped out by it.<br />

950 A bottle that contains an odd green liquid that floats on water.<br />

951 A leather pouch that contains seventeen sewing needles.<br />

952<br />

953<br />

954<br />

955<br />

956<br />

A letter that can barely be read, smudged by tears and withered by<br />

seawater, with the legible parts reading "Cam.....ere..on..e'll b..hap...<br />

med.y....-N..."<br />

A baked clay figurine of a wide-eyed kobold with a bone in its<br />

mouth.<br />

A rudimentary deck of playing cards made on the backs of "Wanted<br />

Person" leaflets.<br />

A thick leather belt with impressions and engravings depicting the<br />

stages of a moon.<br />

An old farmers almanac with pages cut to conceal small items<br />

inside.<br />

957 A highly-polished, palm-sized steel orb that always rolls downhill.<br />

958 A ship's flag that doesn't move in the wind.<br />

959<br />

960<br />

961<br />

962<br />

The fantastical skull of a rare hornless unicorn... or at least that's<br />

what the merchant who sold it to you claimed it was. He wouldn't<br />

have lied to you now, would he?<br />

An otherwise ordinary skull, if not for the third eyehole nestled in the<br />

center of its forehead.<br />

A scrimshaw depicting several northern nomads hunting a great elk,<br />

carved into the tooth of a saber-toothed tiger.<br />

A black ring covered with some very faint, illegible etchings that<br />

glow with a red light when in darkness. It feels somewhat warm to<br />

the touch when worn.<br />

963 The last baby tooth of a young giant, who lost it long ago.<br />

964<br />

965<br />

966<br />

967<br />

968<br />

969<br />

970<br />

971<br />

972<br />

973<br />

974<br />

975<br />

The skull of a wolf, peculiar for the rack of antlers sprouting from the<br />

top of its head.<br />

A small, mechanical bear that fits in the palm of your hand. It dances<br />

whenever music is played, yet no power source nor mechanism can<br />

be detected.<br />

A small wooden top that refuses to stop spinning, despite your best<br />

efforts.<br />

A sealed glass jar filled with a pale, reddish liquid. A small,<br />

deformed humanoid floats in the middle of it, and you swear that you<br />

can see it twitch whenever you are not looking directly at it.<br />

A note you found in your pocket one day instead of a pouch of<br />

coins. It only says "IOU".<br />

An odd torch that produces a blue flame yet seemingly no heat or<br />

light. At least it never goes out.<br />

A set of exquisitely crafted dice, carved from the tusks of a<br />

mammoth. Dwarvish runes replace the typical pips on the sides, and<br />

glow a faint blue.<br />

A vial of purple fluid that, when poured onto an inanimate object of<br />

size small or tiny, will cause said object to become translucent in<br />

appearance for one hour.<br />

An incredibly crude knife seemingly carved from a stone giant's<br />

toenail.<br />

A silver ring with runic etchings. In place of where a jewel would go,<br />

however, there is instead a small depression wherein rests an orb of<br />

green flame that never goes out but which also does not burn.<br />

A walking stick shaped from a gnarled elm root. A small branch is<br />

sprouting from it, tipped with several leaves.<br />

A sealed Ship in a Bottle, enchanted by a wizard. As you watch, the<br />

ship rocks back and forth as tiny waves crash about it.

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