2000 Random Items

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74<br />

75<br />

76<br />

77<br />

A vial of holy water (fiends) or glowing crystal (undead) that focuses<br />

your divine senses. When you use Divine Sense you can choose to<br />

only detect fiends or undead, depending on your trinket, and the<br />

range of your senses extends to 90 feet.<br />

A mummified body part of a creature. If this creature’s type is your<br />

favored enemy selection than once per day you can reroll a 1 on a<br />

Survival or Intelligence check related to the creature type.<br />

An elemental gem (pick cold, fire, thunder, electricity) that once per<br />

day can act as a focus for a metamagic spell. The gem changes half<br />

the spells damage type to match the gem.<br />

A token of a fey (electricity), far realm (psychic), or fiendish (fire)<br />

power. Once per day if you cast eldritch blast the token changes the<br />

damage type of the blast.<br />

78 A ritual book that lets you cast arcane rituals half the normal time.<br />

79<br />

80<br />

An obsidian ring that allows one individual you can see who can’t<br />

speak in Thieves’ Cant to understand you when you speak in<br />

Thieves’ Cant.<br />

A steel torc engraved with the image of boars. If you roll a 1 to<br />

recover hit points when you use your second wind you may reroll<br />

the die. You must use the results of the second roll.<br />

81 A mirror that can grow and shrink from hand sized to full length.<br />

82 A ring that turns a willing wearer to stone until the ring is removed.<br />

83 A nightcap that, when worn, gives you pleasant dreams.<br />

84<br />

85<br />

86<br />

87<br />

88<br />

A small fan with a humming bird painted on it that will hover near<br />

you and fan you.<br />

A glass orb filled with smoke. If you concentrate on it an image of<br />

the person you are thinking about appears.<br />

A stone orb that half lit and half dark. The dark and light halves<br />

rotate around the orb once per day.<br />

A 6 inch long crystal coffin. When empty if touched to a dead body<br />

the body is shrunken and placed inside the coffin. The body can be<br />

released from the coffin by opening it. While in the coffin the body is<br />

under the effects of a gentle repose spell.<br />

A brass key that burns you when you hold it (1pt per round) if you<br />

aren’t resistant to fire and allows you to speak Ignan.<br />

89 An iron pot or pan who’s handle never gets hot.<br />

90<br />

91<br />

92<br />

The feather of a Solar that is always immaculate. While holding it<br />

you can speak Celestial.<br />

A horn from a Devil or Demon that allows you to speak Infernal or<br />

Abyssal respectively.<br />

A spirit in the shape of a gear. The spirit can instantly count anything<br />

you can see or let you know when a specific amount of time has<br />

passed.<br />

93 A dowsing rod that points to any water within 20 feet.<br />

94<br />

95<br />

96<br />

A wooden wand that lets you magically move unattended objects<br />

weight less than a pound that are within 15 feet.<br />

A statue of a cricket that chirps softly in the dark. The cricket stops<br />

chirping if an invisible or incorporeal creature comes within 10 feet.<br />

A collar that lets a dog or cat speak in common. It doesn’t change<br />

the animal’s intelligence.<br />

97 An acorn that prevents you from being hit by natural lightning.<br />

98<br />

99<br />

100<br />

A finger bone from an executed man in a small wooden box. You<br />

have +1 on death saving throws while it’s in your possession.<br />

A book of very short stories. Reading a story from the book (an<br />

action) acts like using a healer’s kit.<br />

Roll again twice and the trinket shifts between the two forms at<br />

dawn, 1st roll, and dusk, 2nd roll. Reroll if you roll 100 again.<br />

101 A small round coin with a hole in it made of a strange black metal.<br />

102<br />

A tiny doll depicting a blonde, blue eyes child, when placed down it's<br />

eyes appear to follow people.

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