2000 Random Items

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1167 An ever-lit smoking pipe<br />

1168<br />

1169<br />

Pocket hand-bellows that were probably meant as a child's toy but<br />

are useful for starting fires none-the-less.<br />

A pocketbook of flame identification called 'Tongues and Their<br />

Reading' used to tell magical flames from natural ones and much<br />

more.<br />

1170 A candlestick with a jeweler's mark stamped into the base.<br />

1171 A ring that grows warm when near common magical items<br />

1172<br />

1173<br />

1174<br />

1175<br />

1176<br />

1177<br />

1178<br />

1179<br />

A dagger that was once owned by a man struck by a lightning bolt<br />

spell; it still flickers with (harmless) electricity.<br />

A simple crown of woven rowan that glows faintly with unearthly<br />

light.<br />

A wand that, when waved over a bowl, makes the food therein taste<br />

spicy.<br />

A spoon that, when used to stir a drink, makes the beverage piping<br />

hot.<br />

A shallow bowl that makes all spellcasters who eat or drink from it<br />

feel faintly nauseous.<br />

A rock that may be absorbed into any point on the body and<br />

produced from another point at will.<br />

A small compass that never points north, and sometimes points at<br />

strangers.<br />

A strange purple dust that can be sprinkled on tiny objects, causing<br />

them to hover 5 feet off the ground for 1 minute.<br />

1180 A bobbin of thick string with which it is impossible to tie knots<br />

1181 A blue sash cut from perfectly hydrophobic cloth.<br />

1182<br />

1183<br />

1184<br />

1185<br />

1186<br />

1187<br />

1188<br />

A small, hollow metallic orb that vibrates when tapped. While<br />

vibrating it prevents anyone in close proximity from sleeping. It stops<br />

vibrating when tapped again.<br />

A sheet of papyrus that captures a person’s portrait when a<br />

command word is spoken (reusable if the command word is known).<br />

A hand crank music box which plays a melody that causes listeners<br />

to think they are dreaming.<br />

A chain of alternating silver and bronze links. The silver links are<br />

ethereal, while the bronze links are not, but they can still interact<br />

with the other links.<br />

A box and lid crafted from a strange, white, pliable material.<br />

Foodstuffs sealed within remain fresh for two weeks.<br />

An acacia wood spinning top which never topples. When spun on<br />

flat wood, it carves elegant abstract engravings.<br />

An invitation to a magician’s circle on a date that doesn’t quite make<br />

sense.<br />

1189 A stuffed jackdaw that occasionally blinks or cocks its head.<br />

1190 A titanium sewing needle that can only unweave thread.<br />

1191<br />

1192<br />

1193<br />

1194<br />

1195<br />

An empty scabbard with an intricate design etched into the leather.<br />

With enough study, it may be interpreted as a map that purports to<br />

leads to the location of the matching sword.<br />

A 1-inch high pewter elf soldier, armed with a shield and longsword;<br />

the base reads “4 of 7”.<br />

A bill of sale for two dozen magic morningstars, sold by Alvin<br />

Cogsbottom and purchased by Farbgarble (bugbear warlord).<br />

A pencil-on-paper schematic of a crossbow-like contraption of tubes,<br />

triggers and optics.<br />

A blue blade shard that hums. If a person holds the piece for long<br />

enough they will start hearing voices that urge him to kill and claim<br />

souls for it.<br />

1196 A pair of tailor’s shears that can cut through any kind of leather.<br />

1197<br />

A curious talking ebony walking stick, well versed in history and<br />


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