Movement 124

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i<br />

bursaries is complex and many of those who would<br />

qualify don't apply because they believe the debt<br />

levels will apply to them too.<br />

Many people of an SCM persuasion will find themselves<br />

even more torn than most in the debate about<br />

who funds education and for whom. While on one<br />

hand we may wish to reject the drive towards targets<br />

and the notion that we all must reach the same<br />

level, we care about the individual and their opportunity,<br />

and that feel that'one size fits all'. At the<br />

same time, an interest in social justice on a wider<br />

scale means we must acknowledge that the market<br />

can be brutal, and some individuals need intervention<br />

in order to have the opportunity to realise their<br />

potential. lt is a difficult balance to try and strike,<br />

and one not recognised by the rhetoric of mainstream<br />

pol itical parties.<br />

But in a debate that tends to go round in circles,<br />

SCM as a movement, and the members who make<br />

it up, perhaps have a responsibility to highlight<br />

some of the deeper issues here that are not always<br />

discussed.<br />

One such issue is debt. Student debt has become<br />

significant culturally because it sets up young people<br />

to begin their adult life in debt, a debt that<br />

only then ever increases through their life in the<br />

form of credit cards, loans and mortgages. Just a<br />

couple of generations ago, debt would have been<br />

considered something to avoid at all costs and to<br />

pay back quickly when acquired. Now it has been<br />

normalised, it is assumed that you should speculate<br />

to accumulate. But this is wrong - not only because<br />

while graduates do benefit economically from their<br />

degrees on average, the nature of averages is that<br />

some won't, but also because of the way debt stifles<br />

personal freedom and creativity and overwhelms<br />

individuals and whole communities, Peter Selby's<br />

book on the subject, Crace and Mortgage, has<br />

much more to say here.<br />

Likewise as a thinking movement, we surely will<br />

want to resist attempts to suggest that higher education<br />

is purely about getting skills for the workplace.<br />

Yes, the skills we get should be varied and useful,<br />

but it shouldn't be a choice between employability<br />

and the value of learning for its own sake.<br />

The marketisation of education is about reducing<br />

courses to a simple equation of worth based on<br />

supply and demand, but the worth of the experience<br />

of challenging beliefs and preconceptions,<br />

asking searching questions, meeting new people,<br />

taking on new roles and acquiring confidence has<br />

been transformational for many in a quite vital way.<br />

Access to education means access to all these opportunities,<br />

not just a qualification, and if university<br />

isn't for all, then as a society we need to look at<br />

other ways of helping people achieve this.<br />

Beyond this, SCM as an organisation concerned<br />

with student life but also with spirituality and reflection<br />

should recognise our particular contribution to<br />

this debate and not be afraid to be counter-cultural<br />

in speaking up on education. O<br />

what do you value in<br />

hi{her education?<br />

We asked a number of students. graduates and Friends of SCM<br />

(former members who may have been students many years<br />

ago): What is it that you value most about you studies and your<br />

experience of university life?<br />

't thLwkz the thLwgs that (ve ewloged awd vaLued lznost as a<br />

sb,tdewt arethethLwgs I wever expected to do - boththLwgs<br />

that were Tart of nLU cot^yse awd thLwgs that werew't. t<br />

lzwow Lt sowwds reaLLg oorwu, bvct I thLwlz wwLversLtt4 Ls a<br />

fawtasti,o opovtwwLty to exTLore govtrseLf, t4our Lwterests<br />

awdwhat gowreaLLywawttobe/do - awd, of oourse, twawA<br />

qeoqLe vwa4e sovwe frLewds for LLfe owthe wag.'<br />

'lw the eayLu L96o.s I wAs actLve Lw ScM, beoovwLwg brawch<br />

secretarr4for a t1ear, awdthatwas a qyeatLwfLwewoe ow.'wl<br />

deveLoTtl"ewt. I rent"evwbey n/Law1 thLwgs frovw that tLrmet a<br />

oo,rw,rwL&,ee weektwd Lw Dwwdee, where we heLd a rovcwd-tabLe<br />

oovw,'wr,twLow; vweettwgs wLth Kaes Maxeu, thew scottlsh<br />

seoyetayu (hls wLfe sheLLa has reoewtLy beew Moderator<br />

of the v+wLted etforvwed chwroh); dLsottssLow gro,,c1s Lw<br />

qLasgow awd at swawwLclz where we argwed ovey awd weye<br />

LwsTLred bg books LLEe t-ta*Lw Bvcber's 'l Awd Thow' awd<br />

)ohw eobLwsow's 't+o^,estto qod'; awd Lots of socLaL evewts<br />

where we ?L(t the worLd to y'vghts as weLL as ewlogLwq owyseLves.<br />

of oourse, I stwdLed A Lot too, vwade Lots of frlewds<br />

(LwoLvtdLwg wy wLfe), joLwd other socleli,es awd a&ewded<br />

wwLow debatx. t tr4 stttdLes Trqared n*e for n'"g acadewLo<br />

cayeey bvtt I vaLwe jrl.st As t'wwoh aLL the other aotLvLtLes that<br />

deveLoTed twe as aTeYsow.'<br />

't ewlog beLwg a stwd.ewt beoawse I have the tLvwe to exTLore<br />

wew ayeas awd Learw sleLLLs that I wovtLdw't have Learwed<br />

otheywlse. tt Ls aLso a qyeat tLvwe to vwalze Loads of wew<br />

fi,ewds awd dLsoover what govt aotwaLtg LLfze doLwg.'<br />

'What I vaLvce vwost abo,"tt beLwg a stwdewt'r,s ,'wg aLoohoL<br />

dlsooutwt oard. t thLwk,the stwdewts' wwlowTerforvws a vLtaL<br />

fwwctLow Lw TrovLdLwg aLoohoL at svtbsLdl,sed rates.'<br />

'For vwe, Lt's aLL abovtt the exTerLewoe. lt hasw't beew the ex-<br />

Tertewce t LwLtLaLLg expeoted. tt's aw exTerLewce so far that<br />

has bvtLLt ,+ wA faLth Lw a wau that t wevey exTeoted Lt to,<br />

awdhas chawgedthewag t Look attheworLd aLreadg, evew<br />

Lw vwt4{Lrst UeaY.'<br />

't thLwk owe of the truost Lvw1o*awt awd vaLvtabLe qav+s of<br />

the stvtdewt exTerLewoe Ls the ohawoe to Learw Lwdqewdewoe.<br />

whew I was a stwd.ewt to tIeays ago, the vcwLversLtt4<br />

aclzwowLedged thLs bg provLdLwg (t wawcLaL assLstawoe to<br />

ewswye that LocaL stwdewts dLdw't have to LLve at hovwe. t<br />

thLwlzLt's a terrLbLe shavwe - for stwdewts awd fortheLrTarawts<br />

- that the growLwg (vwawoLaL devuawds ow studewts<br />

tweAw that n*ore Awd wLoye are beLwg forced, to LLve at hot+t"e<br />

Lwto theLr &vewttes.'<br />

movement 15

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