Movement 124

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writing about culture (popular<br />

and otherwise), and reviews of<br />

books, GDs, films and websites<br />

media<br />

a new book sutgests<br />

some creative new<br />

approaches to holy<br />

communion<br />

beanfeast?<br />

Have you ever thought about where the practice and theology of Holy Communion<br />

comes from? Have you ever been frustrated, puzzled or upset at the way churches<br />

celebrate this communal meal?<br />

ln Other Contmunions of lesus, Henson takes the reacler on a tour of the various nreals<br />

that .lesus shared with people, fronr the wedding feast at Cana, through the feecling of<br />

the 5,000 on the hill, to the meal at Emmaus followirrg his resurrection. He suggests<br />

three sinrple criteria for spotting the celebration of Holy Communion: the presence of<br />

Jesus, shared food and drink, ancl the spiritual symbolism of the elements. From this<br />

he concludes that the Last Supper is only one of many potential ltatterns for the sacrecl<br />

meal at the heart of our faith community.<br />

The inrplication of this conclusion is explored widely throughout the book. The range of<br />

ideas is at times overwhelnring but this stops the book from being repetitive as it moves<br />

from story to story. ls it raclical? This deperrds on your view of Holy Conrmunion. The overwlrelrning<br />

message of the book is that the spiritual meal we share shoulcl lte inclusive, open<br />

and jubilant, to put it in Henson's words'a joyful celebration' not a'solenrn menrorial', or<br />

even more colourfLrlly 'a victory beanfeast' rather than a 'gathering around the cenotaph'.<br />

While reading this book I was reminded of an SCM conference a couple of years ago<br />

and the main speaker lnderjit Bhogal's thoughts on Holy Conrnrunion.ln ATable For<br />

A// he says that: 'My vision of Church and community pictures Cod's table and banquet<br />

which has room for all people, of all nations, of all ages. God's respect, Cod's embrace<br />

and Cod's life includes everyone. Hunran beings create the strategies which give pride<br />

of place to a chosen few at theTable and place the rest underneath the table to eat the<br />

scraps that fall off, or are thrown at them. ln Jesus, God calls us to end divisive strategies<br />

so that all may sit and eat together at the Table for all.'<br />

Henson offers us a similar prophetic picture. As well as delving into the theological<br />

and lristorical background of Holy Communion, Henson outlines his vision for Cod's<br />

Feast and offers practical suggestions. Vegetarians may have problems with the proposal<br />

that fish be introduced into communion, but that's the joy of this book, it surprises and<br />

challenges at every turn. lt is sensitive, offering suggestiorrs not prescriptions, and takes<br />

a creative look at different ways of celebrating communion. As a vegetarian myself I<br />

wouldn't say no to the iclea of offering wlrite chocolate in the shape of little fishes!<br />

Henson's work on the Cood as New version of the scriptures gives an interesting idiosyncratic<br />

flavour to his writing. The Bible passages are written in modern larrguage translation<br />

and create a playful tone throughout the whole book. Depending on your sense of humour<br />

you may or may not be amused that Peter is renamed as 'Rocky', Mary Magdalene becomes<br />

'Maggie', Jolrn the Baptist is'John the Dipper' and, best of all, Zaccheus is 'Keith'.<br />

The strength of this book is in its breadth and its potential for creative use. lt would fornr<br />

an excellent basis for a series of stuclies for small groups. Each chapter coulcl be used<br />

to plan a Bible study as the material gives a fresh perspective on familiar stories. An appendix<br />

of liturgies is also included, each one based on a meal thatJesus shared. ln one,<br />

reminiscent of the feecling of the 5,000, a child brings forth bread and fish and the rest of<br />

the congregation start sharing the cakes and biscuits they have beerr hidirrg. The liturgies<br />

could easily be used straight from the page, or adapted and expanded.<br />

Other Comntunions of lesus presents us with a vision of God's Feast that stretches<br />

beyond the often narrow and exclusive ritual of Holy Communion. lf you like your<br />

theology quirky ancl accessible, and rooted in the stories of everyday life, then this is a<br />

book to read. o<br />

't-f<br />

ffi<br />

aJ t1-- f .l Arr.fd tl,<br />

other communions<br />

ofjesus<br />

John Henson, O Books, f11.99<br />

this book is<br />

sensitive, offerin$<br />

suggestions not<br />

prescriptionsn and<br />

takes a creative<br />

look at different<br />

ways of celebrating<br />

communion<br />

Rosie Venner is a n'tentl':,er oi<br />

SCM's Ceneral Council. She ls a<br />

grad uate of B i r nt i ngh arn U n iversity<br />

and currently works in the Social<br />

Responsibility clepartntent of the<br />

Diocese of Lichfielc!.<br />

B<br />

movement 27

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