Thrive_Autumn 2019 digital issue

MARGIN Rhythm and Pace

MARGIN Rhythm and Pace

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thrive-magazine.ca<br />

thrive / 13<br />


WITH A<br />

CHILD<br />

by Norman Nielsen<br />

Today’s children carry a burden laid on<br />

them by adults. “Adulting” demands that<br />

we fix what we have broken by commission,<br />

or have allowed to stay broken by omission.<br />

Worldwide there are an estimated 140 million<br />

orphaned children, deprived of one or<br />

both parents. It is also estimated that 100<br />

million children live on the streets today, vulnerable to exploitation<br />

and abuse. The United National High Commissioner for<br />

Refugees (UNHCR) reports that over half of the world’s refugees<br />

(25.4 million) are children who spend their childhood away<br />

from home and often separated from family. A joint World<br />

Bank-UNICEF study published in 2016 reports that 385 million<br />

children around the world live in extreme poverty.<br />

It’s hard to wrap our heads around these kinds of numbers. How<br />

is it possible for so many children to be denied all the things<br />

that we take for granted, considering them to be human rights?<br />

It is easy to be overwhelmed by the deep and desperate need<br />

that the numbers represent.<br />

As followers of Christ we have a compelling reason to be instruments<br />

of change, to fix what adults like us have broken or<br />

ignored. We are commanded to do so. The parables of the New<br />

Testament include a description of what the people of God’s<br />

Kingdom look like when Jesus says: “Come, you who are blessed<br />

by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you<br />

since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me<br />

something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I<br />

was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed<br />

me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came<br />

to visit me.” Matthew 25:34-36. (NIV)<br />

But what can we do to lift some of that crushing weight borne<br />

by the weakest and most vulnerable? How can we best respond<br />

to the hopelessness, and yes, accusation in the eyes of a hurting<br />

child?<br />

This fall, FAIR, in partnership with Fellowship International<br />

missionaries on-site, has launched Journey With a Child, an appeal<br />

introducing The Fellowship Child Sponsorship Program. This<br />

new program is dedicated to a holistic approach to meeting the<br />

needs of the most vulnerable in Lebanon, Honduras, and Sri<br />

Lanka. Each situation has unique features but The Fellowship<br />

Child Sponsorship Program strives to provide what is specifically<br />

needed in each location, including education, healthcare, food,<br />

and shelter over the period the child or youth is in the program.<br />

Two of the programs are residential, two are non-residential.<br />

Our top priority is the spiritual wellbeing of the children.<br />

Opportunities to share the Gospel, for discipleship, for spiritual<br />

development, and for prayer support are built in. These children<br />

have the capacity to be change-makers for Christ in their<br />

communities and around the world.<br />

In order to fully fund the four locations included in The<br />

Fellowship Child Sponsorship Program, FAIR needs 665 sponsors<br />

giving $35 monthly to support needy children in<br />

Honduras, Lebanon, and Sri Lanka.<br />

Co-sponsors, where several sponsors support one child or youth,<br />

will receive regular updates and, where possible, photos. Each<br />

program has its own fund into which individual support is<br />

pooled so that everyone within that location is benefitted equally.<br />

In addition to long-term support from sponsors, FAIR,<br />

through the Journey With a Child appeal, is seeking to raise<br />

an additional $80,000. These funds will provide for the framework<br />

that supports the program, including: bridge funding to<br />

maintain the current locations until sponsorships are in place,<br />

on-site staff expenses, and promotion of the programs.<br />

Take that journey with a child, one that will lighten the load<br />

they bear and turn their feet from a path of hopelessness to one<br />

of hope.<br />

—Norman Nielsen serves as Associate FAIR Director.<br />



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