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Baby & Toddler


There are two kinds of

excessive criers: those who are

crying because of colic or some kind

of internal discomfort, and those who

are just not sleeping well. Colicky

babies tend to cry every few hours,

every day, for weeks. Often these

episodes occur late in the day and are

accompanied by babies scrunching up

their faces and pulling their knees to

their chests. There is no set cause or

treatment for colic.

There are some babies who cry more

than others, and their wailing sounds

may signal colic or some other underlying

medical condition. Some babies,

especially newborns, may also take a

longer time adjusting to a life outside the

comforts of their mother’s womb.

It is important that parents determine

the cause of the baby's distress.

Recent studies show that, with time,

babies will cry less, if their cries are

promptly answered. Colic is a different

matter; this condition will probably

run its course no matter what parents

do. Generally, though, if an infant's

needs are not met, the crying tends

to escalate and the little one becomes

more difficult to console.

Parents need to understand their

child's crying language. The biological

and hormonal changes a mother

experiences when she hears her baby

cry, urge her to pick up and comfort

her baby. It's important to listen to your

own biological cues when your baby

cries, since most parents have natural

instincts for calming their infant.

Why babies have to cry

Crying has two main functions. One,

it's a message to the parents that

something is wrong. A baby's cry

is really designed to be heard. The

second function is a self-regulatory

one. Babies use crying as an adaptive

tool that helps them adjust to different

environments. For example, in an

airplane, an infant's crying is her body's

attempt to deal with the change of

air pressure in the plane. This crying

actually helps balance the pressure in

the inner ear.

Sometimes a change of

formula is helpful

It’s worth a try, for babies can’t

really tell you that they’re feeling

uncomfortable after a feed. Not all

formulas are the same, and if you mix

around with moms and babies long

enough, you’ll hear stories of how one

formula turned out to be much better

for their infant compared to another

formula. In breastfed children, a review

of the mother's diet may be needed.

Certain foods transferred through the

mother's milk may not agree with the

baby's digestive system.

They’ll grow out

of it

During the first few weeks

of life, parents' main

concern is making sure

they are well fed and

cared for, and also, to

ensure that their baby

feels safe, secure and

comforted. But

as months pass,

in addition to all

these parents need

to teach babies to

self-sooth and get used

to being by themselves

from time to time. This

is where parents need

to have a balance, and

resist the urge to mollycoddle. Most

babies will wake up several times

each night and they need to be able

to comfort themselves so they will go

back to sleep. After the third month,

parents should set up a routine with

a regular bedtime. This can be done

by having a set time for dinner, some

rewinding, a warm bath if needed, a

milk feed if needed together with a

story-telling session and/or lullaby, and

BabyTalk | December 2019 31

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