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Baby & Toddler


body. This damages the body's immune

system and leaves children susceptible

to various diseases and ailments.

A deficiency of iron, for example, can

lead to anemia. Anemia, combined with

the overload of complex sugars and

saturated fats found in any sample junk

food, can lead to a weak and habitually

lethargic child.

Deficiency of calcium damages the

teeth, nails and bones, reducing bone

density and increasing the chances of

skeletal damage and tooth decay.

Point to ponder for

pregnant moms

Studies have suggested that

even heavy consumption

of junk food by a pregnant

woman can result in the child

being predisposed to favor

the taste.

What can parents do

As stated earlier, fast food doesn't

necessarily mean junk food. Salads,

fruits (preferably fresh and whole/

sliced, or else in the form of fresh fruit

juice), nuts and non-processed cheese

can make for healthy and tasty quicksnacks.

Including more veggies and

fruits in meals never hurts, although

kids are likely to reject the relatively

bland alternatives in favor of spicier

junk foods, even if the blander options

are the healthier ones.

Habituating children to healthy foods

without introducing junk foods from

a young age is the most reliable and

effective way to keep the kids off junk

food, without having to admonish them.

If you can't get your children off

unhealthy fast foods, you can at least

make healthier choices for them.


Getting a pizza without the usual

extra cheese would go a long

way. Nobody can taste the extra

cheese anyway!


Burgers can be ordered with a single

patty instead of the usual double,

and with extra lettuce (or coleslaw),

tomatoes and onions.


Whole wheat bread contains

much more fiber than the white

counterpart, and thus aids digestion.

Making (or ordering) sandwiches

made from whole wheat bread is a

healthier option.

Alternatives will help decrease adverse

effects, even when resigned to giving

in to your children's clamor for junk

foods. However, it is worth keeping in

mind that the craving for the addictive

tastes is only natural. Going cold

turkey on this matter and banishing

fast foods completely may only serve

to fuel the craving.

While junk foods are harmful if

consumed continually, occasionally

indulging in the sinful pleasure is fine.

When it comes to enjoying things

in moderation, nothing teaches kids

better than following in their parents’

footsteps, so practice what you preach

and lower your own intake of such

foods too.

Make your own

healthier version

Homemade versions of

burgers, nuggets, pizza and

the likes can be prepared

in healthier ways, such as

reducing the amount of

spices, sugar and salts, or by

using low-fat or non- dairy

products. Freshly cooked,

homemade fast foods

are inherently

healthier than their

commercially sold

avatars, for you

are in control of

what goes into

the recipe.

BabyTalk | December 2019 35

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