
This is the Sri Lankan's Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on November Edition - 26. “Mettavalokanaya” Buddhist Magazine has been successfully distributed to 40 countries including all districts across Sri Lanka and distribute to all Overseas Chief Sangha Nayaka Theros, Worldwide Buddhist Associations, High Commissions & Embassies situated in Sri Lanka & overseas Sri Lankan High Commissions & Embassies.

This is the Sri Lankan's Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on November Edition - 26. “Mettavalokanaya” Buddhist Magazine has been successfully distributed to 40 countries including all districts across Sri Lanka and distribute to all Overseas Chief Sangha Nayaka Theros, Worldwide Buddhist Associations, High Commissions & Embassies situated in Sri Lanka & overseas Sri Lankan High Commissions & Embassies.


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greatness still

shines today”….

Buddhism recognizes two kinds of

Truth, the apparent conventional

truth concerning mundane

matters and the real or ultimate

Truth concerning the supramundane.

The ultimate Truth can be realized

only by developing the mind through

meditation, and not by theorizing or


The Buddha’s Teaching is about

the Ultimate Truth regarding the world.

Buddhism, however, is not a revealed

or an organized religion. It is the first

example of the purely scientific approach

applied to questions concerning the

ultimate nature of existence. This

timeless Teaching was discovered by

the Buddha Himself without the help of

any divine agency. This same teaching

is strong enough to face any challenge

without changing the basic principles

of the doctrine. Any religion that is

forced to change or adjust its original

The Chief Incumbent of

Buddhist Maha Vihara,

Brickfields Kuala Lumpur,


Most Venerable Datuk

Kirinde Dhammaratana

Nayaka Maha Thero





Teachings to suit the modern world, is

a religion that has no firm foundation

and no ultimate truth in it. Buddhism

can maintain the Truth of the original

Teaching of the Master even under the

difficult conditions prevailing in the

modern world. It can face any challenge

posed by the most rigorous method of

scientific inquiry. The Buddha did not

introduce certain personal or worldly

practices which have no connection with

morality or religious observances. To the

Buddha, such practices have no religious

value. We must make the distinction

between what the Buddha taught and

what people preach and practice in the

name of Buddhism.

Every religion consists of not only

the teachings of the founder of that

religion but also the rites and ceremonies

which have grown up around the basic

core of the teachings. These rituals

and ceremonies have their origins in

the cultural practices of the people

who accepted the religion. Usually the

founders of the great religions do not lay

down precise rules about the rituals to

be observed. But religious leaders who

come after them formalize the religion

and set up exacting codes of behavior

which the followers are not allowed to

deviate from. As we discussed earlier,

this is one of the reasons why the Buddha

did not appoint a successor.

Even the religion which we call

‘Buddhism’ today is very different in its

external practices from what the Buddha

and His early followers carried out.

Centuries of cultural and environmental

influence have made the Myanmar,

Thai, Chinese, Tibetan, Sri Lankan,

Japanese and Korean Buddhist way of

life different. But these practices are not

in conflict, because the Buddha taught

that while the Truth remains absolute,

the physical manifestation of this truth

can differ according to the way of life of

those who profess it. Thus, the modern

religion we see in many countries is the

product of normal human beings living in

a country and adjusting to various social

and cultural environments. However,

Buddhism as a religion did not begin as

a super-worldly system that came down

from heaven.

Rather it was born and evolved

through a long historical process. In its

process of evolution, many people slowly

moved away from the original Teachings

of the founder and started different

new schools or sects. All the other

existing religions also face the same

situation. A few hundred years after

His passing away, the disciples of the

Buddha organized a religion around the

Teachings of the Master. While organizing

the religion, they incorporated, among

other concepts and beliefs, various types

of miracles, mysticism, fortunetelling,

charms, talismans, mantras, prayers

and many rites and rituals that were not

found in the original Teaching. When

these extraneous religious beliefs and

practices were introduced, many people

neglected to develop the most important

practices found in the original Teaching:

self-discipline, self-restraint, cultivation

of morality and spiritual development.

Instead of practicing the original Teaching,

they gave more of their attention and

effort to protection from evil spirits and

became more interested in discovering

ways and means of getting rid of the

so-called misfortunes or bad influences

of stars, black magic, and sickness. In

this manner, through time the religious

practices and beliefs degenerated, being

confined to worldly pursuits. Even today,

many people believe that they can

get rid of their difficulties through the

influence of external powers. People still

cling to these beliefs. Hence they neglect

to cultivate the strength of their willpower,

intelligence, understanding and

other related humane qualities. In other

words, people started to abuse their

human intelligence by following those

beliefs and practices in the name of

Buddhism. They also polluted the purity

of the sublime teaching of the Buddha.

One should therefore not come

to a hasty conclusion either to judge

the validity of a religion or to condemn

it simply by observing what people

perform in the name of that religion.

To understand and evaluate the real

nature of a religion one must study and

investigate the original Teachings of the

founder of that religion. In the face of the

profusion of ideas and practices which

were later developments, it is useful for

us to return to the positive and timeless

Dharma taught by the Buddha. Whatever

people believe and practice in the name

of Buddhism, the basic Teachings of the

Buddha still exist in the original Buddhist


Buddhism is one of the oldest

religions still being practiced in the world

today. While the names of many other

religions which existed in India have

been forgotten, the teachings of the

Buddha, (better known as the Dharma)

are still relevant to the needs of today’s

society. This is because the Buddha

always considered Himself as a human

religious teacher whose message was

meant to promote freedom, happiness

and wellbeing of others. The Buddha’s

primary concern was to help His followers

to live a normal life without going to the

extremes of either self-denial or totally

surrendering to sensual desires.

The practical nature of the

Buddha’s teaching is revealed in the

fact that not everyone is expected to

attain exactly the same goal in one

lifetime, since the mental impurities are

rooted differently in individuals. Some

people are spiritually more advanced

than others and they can proceed to

greater heights according to their state

of development. But every single human

being has the ultimate potential to attain

the supreme goal of Buddhahood if he or

she has the determination and will to do


Even now does the soothing,

sweet voice of the Buddha ring in our

ears. And sometimes we perhaps feel

a little ashamed because we do not

understand Him fully. Often, we only

praise His Teaching and respect Him, but

do not try to practice what He preached.

The Buddha’s Teaching and message

have had their effect on all people for

thousands of years whether they believe

in any religion or not.

His message is for all. Though the

Buddha, the flower of mankind, is no

longer in this world, the sweet fragrance

and exquisite aroma of His Teachings

have spread far and wide. Its balmy,

diffusing fragrance has calmed and

soothed millions. Its ambrosial perfume

has heartened and cheered every nation

which it has penetrated. The reason that

His Teachings have captured millions of

hearts is because they were introduced

not by weapons or political power but

by love and compassion for humanity.

Not a drop of blood stains its pure path.

Buddhism wins by the warm touch of

love, not by the cold claws of fear. Fear

of the supernatural and the doctrine

of everlasting hell-fire have no place in


During the last 25 centuries since

the appearance of the Buddha, many

changes have taken place in this world.

Kingdoms have risen and fallen; nations

have prospered and perished. And the

world today has forgotten many of these

past civilizations. But the name of the

Buddha remains alive and fresh in the

minds of millions of people today. The

Kingdom of Righteousness that He built

is still strong and steady. Although many

temples, pagodas, images, libraries

and other religious symbols erected in

His honor were destroyed by religious

fanatics from time to time, His untainted

Noble Name and the message He gave

remain in the minds of understanding


Tribute to Most Venerable Dr.

Kirinde Sri Dhammananda Maha Thero.

16 l Mettavalokanaya l November l 2019 l www.mettavalokanaya.com www.mettavalokanaya.com l 2019 l November l Mettavalokanaya l 17

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