
This is the Sri Lankan's Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on January - 2020 Edition - 28. “Mettavalokanaya” International Buddhist Magazine has been successfully distributed to 40 countries worldwide. Specially distributed to Overseas High Buddhist Monks, Masters, Nuns, Worldwide famous Buddhist Monasteries & Associations, International Buddhist conferences and Forums. “Mettavalokanaya” International Monthly Buddhist Magazine has been awarded as the “2018 - The Global Buddhist Ambassador Award” from Thailand as the World’s Best and Most popular Buddhist Magazine. The Mettavalokana Buddhist Publications Centre is a registered Buddhist Publications Centre in Sri Lanka and has received many International accolades. Our publications are absolutely free of charge to general public. The magazine comprises of special articles on Buddhism written by leading Buddhist Monks from foreign countries. “Mettavalokanaya” is currently been published in English and includes full color 52 pages.

This is the Sri Lankan's Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on January - 2020 Edition - 28. “Mettavalokanaya” International Buddhist Magazine has been successfully distributed to 40 countries worldwide. Specially distributed to Overseas High Buddhist Monks, Masters, Nuns, Worldwide famous Buddhist Monasteries & Associations, International Buddhist conferences and Forums. “Mettavalokanaya” International Monthly Buddhist Magazine has been awarded as the “2018 - The Global Buddhist Ambassador Award” from Thailand as the World’s Best and Most popular Buddhist Magazine. The Mettavalokana Buddhist Publications Centre is a registered Buddhist Publications Centre in Sri Lanka and has received many International accolades. Our publications are absolutely free of charge to general public. The magazine comprises of special articles on Buddhism written by leading Buddhist Monks from foreign countries. “Mettavalokanaya” is currently been published in English and includes full color 52 pages.


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paintings and more. The biggest reason

for why I continued painting Buddhist

paintings is the inexplicable joy I feel

when and after painting. Learn happily,

paint happily and enjoy the dharmic joy

you feel after you’ve painted.

It takes a lot of patience and

attention to details when painting

meticulous styled paintings. After

you’ve painted for some period of time,

you’d feel less anxiety and unease,

your thoughts will become more clear,

and you’d even feel that things will go

smoother when you’re taking care of

business. What makes me feel the most

touched is the selfless dedication of our

teachers. The classes are completely free

of charge, not to mention we are able to

receive endearing and earnest guidance.

Besides the teaching of painting

techniques, there is also the explanation

of Dharma. Immersed in the sentiment

of love and bliss, I sincerely respect and

appreciate these compassionate and

loving teachers. Conclusion: The Buddhist

paintings that are being taught here are

mainly comprised of Bodhisattvas, with

some aspects of traditions incorporated

in new ideas. We welcome all whom has

affinities with us to come and learn to

paint Buddhist paintings.

Wisdom and


by Paintings….

The Buddha’s and Bodhisattvas

paintings we learn about their

giving, wisdom, and compassion.

When painting Buddhas and

Bodhisattvas, we would see their

dignified images, and learn to set our

我 來 自 中 華 民 國 的 台 灣 , 在 台 北 的 「 陳

裕 源 老 師 佛 畫 藝 術 推 廣 協 會 」, 學 畫 已 有 三

年 , 我 的 感 想 是 :(1) 建 立 信 心 。 初 中 上 過 美 術

課 後 , 就 沒 提 起 畫 筆 , 直 到 年 近 六 十 歲 才 學 佛

畫 。 沒 有 繪 畫 基 礎 , 但 在 老 師 的 鼓 勵 下 , 已 完

成 十 多 幅 畫 。(2) 法 喜 充 滿 。 讓 我 持 續 繪 畫 的 最

大 原 因 , 就 是 難 以 言 喻 的 愉 悅 。 快 樂 的 學 習 ,

快 樂 的 繪 畫 , 以 及 享 受 完 成 佛 畫 的 欣 喜 。(3)

情 緒 穩 定 。 工 筆 畫 需 要 很 大 的 耐 心 和 細 心 , 畫

久 了 , 情 緒 少 了 躁 動 和 不 安 , 思 惟 也 變 得 清

晰 , 做 事 都 變 得 很 順 利 。 最 讓 我 感 動 的 是 老 師

們 無 私 的 奉 獻 。 完 全 不 用 學 費 , 卻 能 得 到 親 切

又 認 真 的 教 學 , 不 只 是 畫 技 的 傳 授 , 還 有 佛 法

的 解 說 。 處 在 愛 與 幸 福 的 感 覺 裡 , 我 由 衷 的 敬

佩 與 感 恩 這 些 發 心 的 老 師 。 結 語 : 這 裡 所 教 的

畫 像 , 以 佛 菩 薩 像 為 主 , 在 傳 統 中 有 創 新 的 構

想 。 歡 迎 有 緣 人 參 訪 學 畫 。

The Chairman of the Chen

Yu Yuan Buddhist Art

Association and world’s

most popular Art Teacher

Chen Yu Yuan


minds on their purity and reflect on their

merits. After the painting is finished,

it could inspire viewers to appreciate

Buddhas’ and Bodhisattvas’ many

virtues. Therefore, painting Buddhas is

such a special and incredible practice,

simply because it is good for oneself and

good for others.

One of student said, After taking

art classes in junior high school, I haven’t

picked up the paint brush a single time. It

is only until recent years, after I’ve turned

sixty, that I finally started learning to paint

Buddhist paintings. I had zero painting

skills, but with the encouragement of my

teachers, I have already completed ten

“Peaceful minds

design with


40 l Mettavalokanaya l January l 2020 l www.mettavalokanaya.com www.mettavalokanaya.com l 2020 January l Mettavalokanaya l 41

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