Ambulance UK Feb 2020

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Volume 35 No. 1<br />

<strong>Feb</strong>ruary <strong>2020</strong><br />


Celebrating 41 years of support<br />

for the emergency services<br />

In this issue<br />

Tackling Pressures with a Sense<br />

of Humour<br />

A Major Re-Design of New A&E<br />

‘WAS’ Vehicles<br />

Newsline<br />


Patient Transport Management Software<br />

Low monthly subscription<br />

Fleet auditing made simple<br />

I believe it's the best system out there for private transport operators<br />

Jamie Smith<br />

NWPALS<br />

Control Room dispatch<br />

Web booking portal<br />

Driver app<br />

Fleet management<br />

HR<br />

Vehicle tracking<br />

Event management<br />

Route planner<br />

Crew allocation<br />

Drug Management<br />

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<strong>Ambulance</strong> <strong>UK</strong><br />


6 FEATURES<br />

6 Tackling pressures with a sense of humour<br />

8 A major re-design of new A&E ‘WAS’ vehicles at<br />

the North East <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service unveiled<br />

10 NEWSLINE<br />

33 IN PERSON<br />


This issue edited by:<br />

Sam English<br />

c/o Media Publishing Company<br />

48 High Street<br />



Terry Gardner, Brenda Pickering<br />


Media Publishing Company<br />

Media House, 48 High Street<br />

SWANLEY, Kent, BR8 8BQ<br />

Tel: 01322 660434 Fax: 01322 666539<br />

E: info@mediapublishingcompany.com<br />

www.ambulanceukonline.com<br />


<strong>Feb</strong>ruary, April, June, August,<br />

October, December<br />


Founded in November 1979, DS Medical looks to celebrate its 41st year<br />

of business supporting healthcare professionals. We have been the<br />

proud providers of exceptional pre-hospital and primary care products<br />

to our varied health care customers for over four decades. Our aim is to<br />

continue to develop fantastic products and services.<br />

You don’t have to look far to see the growth we have exhibited over the years. Our product<br />

range has expanded from stethoscopes and general fi rst aid supplies for the pre-hospital<br />

care market, to emergency medical equipment, haemostats, and consumables for all<br />

stages of medical support. With the introduction of manufacturing 12 years ago DS<br />

Medical is able to provide a range of Response Bags that many of the leading NHS<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Trusts and other institutions utilise on their vehicles and for their personnel,<br />

making DS Medical one of the leading suppliers of medical care products in the <strong>UK</strong>.<br />

Since 1979, attention to detail and customer care have been core values held by DS<br />

Medical. Over the years we have developed close bonds with numerable institutions, NHS,<br />

Fire, Police, Maritime, and Industry, enabling us to add to our expertise, understanding and<br />

support of client requirements within the emergency services industry.<br />

Increased long-standing supplier relationships with renowned global leave us confi dent<br />

that our consumers can rely on us for products that ensure excellent patient care.<br />

In our 41 years of business, our primary focus has never wavered from our customers’<br />

needs. Aiming to deliver the best customer care, our four decades of medical expertise,<br />

industry knowledge and our in-house clinician means we are able to do just that.<br />


Media Publishing Company<br />

Media House<br />

48 High Street<br />

SWANLEY, Kent, BR8 8BQ<br />


The views and opinions expressed in<br />

this issue are not necessarily those of<br />

the Publisher, the Editors or Media<br />

Publishing Company.<br />

Next Issue April <strong>2020</strong><br />

Subscription Information – <strong>Feb</strong>ruary <strong>2020</strong><br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> <strong>UK</strong> is available through<br />

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We are also able to process your<br />

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Designed in the <strong>UK</strong> by me&you creative<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

Do you have anything you would like to add or include? Please contact us and let us know.<br />




Welcome to this issue of A<strong>UK</strong>.<br />

As you read this the <strong>2020</strong> <strong>Ambulance</strong> Leadership Forum will soon be taking place. I was once asked<br />

about my leadership qualities at interview, I’m not going to give you my response but while it’s easy to<br />

talk generally about leadership, its quite difficult to identify your own style. It therefore seems appropriate<br />

to spend a little time thinking about leadership, especially in an NHS where times are tough and issues<br />

complex.<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

“I’d<br />

rather be<br />

a sheep<br />

in charge<br />

of an<br />

army<br />

of lions<br />

than a<br />

lion in<br />

charge<br />

of an<br />

army of<br />

sheep.”<br />

I don’t give orders in my day to day role, nor do I pretend to be all-knowing, my skill has always been in<br />

recognising the strengths of the team and delegating tasks appropriately. I read some of the work from<br />

David Marquet, a former submarine commander turned leadership guru, who beautifully describes how<br />

good leaders move ‘authority towards information’ in much the same way, the video is well worth a watch.<br />

This isn’t a new concept, TQM (Total Quality Management) was a concept of W.Edwards Deming in the<br />

1940’s and focused on a simple premise, recognising that the man who packs the beans is the best<br />

placed to know how to make economies in packing beans. It dictates that when people are valued for their<br />

knowledge or insight, not only is the institution better placed to improve quality but also the leadership is<br />

seen as successful, even though the actual effort may be as simple as being visible and talking to staff.<br />

I suppose that although you could look at this in many ways, in its simplest form it demonstrates that the<br />

key skills in leadership are obvious if not easily acquired, are to listen, ask, understand and empower the<br />

team depending on the situation. It’s all about how we handle ourselves in relationships, whether they<br />

be personal or professional. It isn’t possible to avoid a single conclusion, good leadership is about the<br />

investment you make in those you lead.<br />

So, the next time I’m asked about leadership there’s a simple answer, I’d rather be a sheep in charge of an<br />

army of lions than a lion in charge of an army of sheep…<br />

Sam English, Co-Editor <strong>Ambulance</strong> <strong>UK</strong><br />

4<br />

For more news visit: www.ambulanceukonline.com




Heading into winter 2019, newspaper headlines reported the NHS was<br />

preparing to face the ‘worst winter it has ever endured’ with harsh weather<br />

conditions, the potential of a severe flu outbreak, an NHS pensions issue<br />

with doctors and the uncertainty of Brexit potentially ‘crippling’ the health<br />

service.<br />

Along with the rest of the NHS, North West <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service (NWAS)<br />

and ambulance trusts across the country face increased patient numbers<br />

year on year and specifically during the winter months which is why there<br />

are intense plans created well before the cold snap to ensure patients in<br />

need get the help they are entitled to.<br />

At NWAS, winter planning days involving staff across all directorates, not<br />

just operations, and start during the summer – the idea being that all staff<br />

have a part to play and are fully bought into tackling the challenging times<br />

together.<br />

As winter approached, many initiatives to support demand management<br />

were underway. Alternative care pathway providers were encouraged to<br />

make new schemes available and to respond to referral requests quickly<br />

to minimise ambulance crews’ time on scene, clinical support in contact<br />

centres was available 24/7, voluntary ambulance services were brought<br />

in to respond to non-urgent cases, patient transport crews supported<br />

discharges and shared public health leaflets with their patients.<br />

Through a quality improvement programme called ‘Every Minute Matters’,<br />

collaborative work was also ongoing to minimise hospital handovers.<br />

One key aspect of the trust’s winter plan each year is how it will<br />

communicate with patients, stakeholders and the public. The trust’s<br />

Communications Team is responsible for creating new opportunities to<br />

capture the attention of the public, providing information about when it is<br />

appropriate to call 999 and the other ways they can get help from the NHS.<br />

A few years after the launch of the trust’s award winning ‘make the right<br />

call’ campaign, it was time for a new approach. Could something be done<br />

to help reduce the 37% of 999 calls to NWAS that were for urgent rather<br />

than emergency situations such as slips and falls, tummy and backache?<br />

Created in a studio, the film featured an emergency medical dispatcher<br />

as the star and narrator of the film, one simple prop for each story and<br />

actors to play the parts of patients – it even involved a rabbit!<br />

The film ended with a twist when chilling audio from a real-life cardiac<br />

arrest call was played.<br />

Beyond the video, a new web page was created explaining when a<br />

situation is an emergency and what to do when it is not. In addition, radio<br />

adverts were commissioned with major stations across the five counties<br />

of the North West to correlate with the timing of the video campaign<br />

– just before Christmas when calls tend to reach an all-time high. The<br />

radio adverts played out an example of an emotive call to pull at the<br />

heartstrings of listeners, interrupted by petty, non-emergency scenarios.<br />

Information was issued to the media featuring an embeddable video for<br />

them to use and a link to NHS 111 Online. Interviews were set up with<br />

spokespeople and local TV news channels, which broadcast to 1.8 million<br />

people.<br />

Reaching out to the public through the media enabled the trust to explain<br />

that whilst the video contained extreme examples to capture public<br />

attention, over a third of 999 calls come from people who do need help, but<br />

not for emergencies and it was those people that would benefit from using<br />

NHS 111 instead of 999. 93% of media coverage included the campaign’s<br />

key messages and 11% of coverage included a link to NHS 111 online.<br />

The video was posted on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, driving<br />

606k video views, reaching 1.1 million people and resulting in 18,435<br />

engagements.<br />

Sentiment online about the video was hugely positive, with comments<br />

including: “The man at the end of the video was my dad. We called<br />

after mum suffered from a massive heart attack and cardiac arrest. Our<br />

emergency services and NHS are amazing. Mum survived.”<br />

The campaign delivered far beyond expectations, achieving standout<br />

broadcast TV coverage and incredible digital engagement at a very<br />

busy time.<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

999 – I can’t reach the toilet roll<br />

Inspired by Channel 4’s tongue in cheek advert, which features celebrities<br />

narrating their own complaints, the trust commissioned a film that would<br />

use humour to bring to life some of the most ridiculous 999 calls it had<br />

received.<br />

Examples of genuine ‘emergency’ calls featured in the video included a<br />

stubbed toe, hiccups, a broken kettle, complaints about the TV show ‘999<br />

what’s your emergency?’ and someone who called because they could<br />

not reach the toilet roll.<br />

More importantly, the impact on the public was phenomenal and played<br />

its part in contributing towards a decrease in incidents on key dates<br />

during the festive period (compared to the year before); including a 10<br />

percent decrease in incidents on New Year’s Eve and 6.3 decrease in<br />

incidents on New Year’s Day.<br />

Thank you for saving my life<br />

The next part of the trust’s communications work to support demand<br />

management was the launch of a ‘thank you’ campaign to show NWAS<br />

staff just how much they mean to every day members of the public.<br />

6<br />

For further recruitment vacancies visit: www.ambulanceukonline.com


The idea behind this phase of the public campaign was to highlight cases<br />

where the intervention of the ambulance service had made the difference<br />

between life and death, to remind people that 999 is for life threatening<br />

emergencies only.<br />

Five fi lmed case studies were used to launch the campaign.<br />

One of the grateful patients was Joe Holding from Liverpool, who was<br />

attacked in his home and was left fi ghting for his life after a gang of men<br />

broke into his home, beat him up, slashed him with a machete, threw<br />

petrol on him and set him on fi re.<br />

The men had doused the entrance of the house with petrol and set it on<br />

fi re which blocked the escape for Joe who ended up having to jump out<br />

of a fi rst fl oor window of the burning building.<br />

Joe said: “I remember screaming in pain and panic. My whole body was<br />

on fi re and I had no choice but to escape by jumping out of an upstairs<br />

window.”<br />

Left in a critical condition after the attack, Joe was covered in blood and<br />

slash wounds with burns over half of his body. His neighbour called 999<br />

and the emergency services attended within minutes of receiving the call.<br />

Joe was taken to hospital where he remained in an induced coma.<br />

He almost lost his life due to the extent of his injuries but thankfully he<br />

recovered and was able to reunite with Dave and Daryl, paramedics from<br />

NWAS’ hazardous area response team.<br />

“It was so important for me to meet with David and Daryl as they, along<br />

with the other ambulance crew who treated me, really did save my life,”<br />

said Joe. “It really has been the pinnacle in my recovery as whilst I have<br />

healed physically, mentally it has been tough. I can’t thank North West<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service enough for what they did for me.”<br />

Case studies such a Joe’s, alongside the hashtag #ThankYouNWAS,<br />

drove the public to share their own stories on social media. NWAS staff<br />

joined the conversation too, with one person commenting on Facebook:<br />

“It’s amazing for us as crew to get positive feedback… We don’t do the<br />

job for the recognition but is always nice when we do receive it.”<br />

i-view video laryngoscope<br />

Video laryngoscopy wherever and<br />

whenever you intubate<br />

Happily ever after<br />

To appeal to adults and children alike, the trust’s fi nal phases of winter<br />

work saw age-old fairy tales such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,<br />

Sleeping Beauty and Hansel and Gretel given a modern twist in a new<br />

book.<br />

In the book, Snow White takes a bite of her apple and falls unconscious<br />

due to an allergic reaction and Sleeping Beauty helps a prince having a<br />

seizure by dialling 111.<br />

Filled with beautiful pictures and engaging stories, the book’s themes<br />

will stay with children throughout their lives and help them make the right<br />

decisions in future.<br />

For more information about NWAS winter communications, go to<br />

www.nwas.nhs.uk.<br />

i-view is the new, single use, fully disposable<br />

video laryngoscope from Intersurgical, providing<br />

the option of video laryngoscopy wherever you<br />

might need to intubate.<br />

www.intersurgical.co.uk/info/iview<br />

Quality, innovation and choice<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />






The new 44 ambulances procured last year were re-designed to make<br />

them more accessible to disabled people, including people with sight<br />

and hearing impairments and people living with dementia. NEAS is the<br />

first ambulance service in the country to completely re-design some of<br />

their vehicles to meet the needs of all of these patients.<br />

Some patients currently have difficulty seeing handrails and steps,<br />

while others have problems seeing or understanding signs in vehicles.<br />

Changes to the colour scheme and signage have been made at no cost<br />

to the Trust.<br />

Among the changes are a new look interior, an improved colour<br />

scheme, flooring, seat colours, better signs and handrails. The colour<br />

contrast between the walls, floor and cabinets has also been changed<br />

to improve access for patients.<br />

NEAS chief executive Helen Ray said: “Being in an ambulance can be a very<br />

traumatic experience - even more so for patients who have specific needs.<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

The work follows an extensive consultation exercise with stakeholder<br />

and patient representative groups. The vehicles have been approved by<br />

the Alzheimer’s Society as dementia friendly vehicles and the outside of<br />

the vehicles will display a sign indicating the new vehicles are dementia<br />

friendly spaces.<br />

“What might appear to be small adaptations, such as changing signs<br />

and the colour of handrails, can make a big difference to disabled<br />

patients. These changes will mean that they can access our vehicles<br />

more easily and help people to live more independently. This will help to<br />

reduce the stress and anxiety they can feel.<br />

“I’d like to thank all the people and groups who have helped us redesign<br />

these vehicles. Their contribution has been invaluable.”<br />

8<br />

For further recruitment vacancies visit: www.ambulanceukonline.com


Tom Howlett of vehicle manufacturer ‘WAS’ which carried out the<br />

ambulance conversion, said: “It’s been a very rewarding project to work<br />

on knowing that it will have a positive impact on patient experience.<br />

It’s easy to forget the difficulties that some patients can face when they<br />

are in an ambulance vehicle. We hope the adaptations can make a real<br />

difference for them.”<br />

Andrew Ball of the Alzheimer’s Society said: “More and more people<br />

are living with dementia – in their own homes but out of the community.<br />

We need to make the journey in an ambulance as comfortable as<br />

possible for them and for ambulance staff to understand the needs<br />

of people living with dementia. NEAS has been brilliant at listening to<br />

the experts and the views of people with impairments. It’s been really<br />

welcome that the changes have been for everybody, including those<br />

with disabilities.”<br />

Julie Walker, of Willowdene Care Home, said: “I am really impressed<br />

with the changes. What they have done is more than we asked for.<br />

They have really taken on board the suggestions of how to help people<br />

who have dementia. All of the changes will make the lives of people<br />

who have to use an ambulance hugely better.”<br />

And Darren Taylor, managing director of Empowerment Consultancy<br />

and Training in Birtley added: “It was important that service users were<br />

involved throughout the process, not just at the end. I think the changes<br />

will make a big difference and people will appreciate them because<br />

they’ve been consulted.”<br />

WAS <strong>UK</strong> Ltd<br />

Email : wasukinfo@was-vehicles.co.uk<br />

Phone : 0845 45 927 85<br />

Website : www.was-vehicles.com<br />

Twitter : @WAS<strong>Ambulance</strong>s<br />

Facebook : www.facebook.com/was.vehicles<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

Do you have anything you would like to add or include in Features? Please contact us and let us know.<br />



YAS<br />

Yorkshire <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Service receives its<br />

10 millionth call into<br />

NHS 111<br />

Yorkshire <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service<br />

NHS Trust has clocked up its<br />

10 millionth call to the NHS<br />

111 service it provides across<br />

Yorkshire and the Humber.<br />

The Friday before Christmas<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

marked the day that the milestone<br />

call was received since the NHS<br />

111 service was launched in<br />

March 2013.<br />

Based at two call centres in<br />

Wakefield and Wath upon Dearne,<br />

the NHS 111 service is operated<br />

by experienced health advisors<br />

and clinicians who handle calls<br />

24 hours a day, seven days a<br />

week. They provide advice to<br />

patients who call when they have<br />

an urgent healthcare need which<br />

is not an emergency and are able<br />

to signpost them to the most<br />

appropriate care.<br />

Karen Owens, Director of Urgent<br />

Care and Integration at Yorkshire<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service NHS Trust,<br />

said: “Our service remains one<br />

of the largest in the country and<br />

we are proud of the care our staff<br />

are able to provide to thousands<br />

of patients every day. NHS 111 is<br />

a compassionate service that is<br />

accessible to all and the fact that<br />

we have now received 10 million<br />

calls shows that the public relies<br />

on the NHS 111 service when they<br />

need trusted advice for a medical<br />

problem and are unsure what to<br />

do.”<br />

On a typical weekday, the service<br />

currently responds to an average<br />

of 3,300 calls, around 6,300 on a<br />

Saturday and just over 5,700 on<br />

a Sunday.<br />

Remember that the NHS 111<br />

service can offer you advice if:<br />

• your case isn’t life-threatening<br />

and is less urgent than a 999<br />

call<br />

• you don’t have a GP to call or a<br />

GP isn’t available<br />

• you aren’t sure which service<br />

you need<br />

• you need health information<br />

and the confidence to know<br />

what to do next.<br />

For less urgent health needs,<br />

contact your GP or visit your<br />

local pharmacy in the usual<br />

way. You can also find support<br />

and information on symptoms,<br />

conditions, medicines and<br />

treatments on the NHS website at<br />

www.nhs.uk<br />

For immediate and life-threatening<br />

emergencies, always dial 999.<br />

WAA<br />

Increased demand<br />

for Wiltshire Air<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> in 2019<br />

Wiltshire Air <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

undertook 1,233 missions in<br />

2019 - an increase of 12% on<br />

the previous year.<br />

It was also the most number of<br />

missions carried out in a year<br />

since the charity became a<br />

stand-alone air ambulance in<br />

2015.<br />

Of the 1,233 missions last year,<br />

920 were in the Rapid Response<br />

Vehicles (cars) while 313 were by<br />

helicopter.<br />

During 2019 the charity hired<br />

a back up helicopter, an MD<br />

902, before securing its own<br />

Air Operator Certificate (AOC)<br />

enabling its Bell 429 helicopter<br />

to resume flying in November on<br />

HEMS (Helicopter Emergency<br />

Medical Service) missions.<br />

David Philpott, chief executive<br />

of Wiltshire Air <strong>Ambulance</strong>, said:<br />

“Despite the well documented<br />

issues with our Bell 429<br />

helicopter during 2019, our<br />

aircrew were busier than they<br />

have ever been.<br />

“When our helicopter is unable<br />

to fly our critical care paramedics<br />

and doctors use Rapid Response<br />

Vehicles. The vehicles have the<br />

same medical equipment that is<br />

onboard the helicopter so we are<br />

still able to provide gold standard<br />

medical care to patients.<br />

”We rely on donations to provide<br />

our essential service so we’d like<br />

to thank our supporters for their<br />

generosity and our volunteers<br />

for their dedication in attending<br />

fundraising events and raising<br />

awareness of our charity.”<br />

The largest number of call<br />

outs in 2019 were to cardiac<br />

emergencies - 384 - almost one<br />

in three missions, while 239 were<br />

to road traffic collisions - almost<br />

one in five missions.<br />

The team were also called to<br />

112 falls, 104 medical collapses,<br />

78 assaults and 66 sporting<br />

injuries, of which 27 were horse<br />

riding accidents. More than one<br />

in ten incidents - 132 - involved<br />

children.<br />

More than one in three missions -<br />

479 - took place at night.<br />

The largest number of incidents<br />

that Wiltshire Air <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

responded to were in the<br />

Swindon area - 224.<br />

Other areas in Wiltshire where<br />

the team were called to were;<br />

Amesbury - 29; Bradford-on-Avon<br />

- 20; Calne - 39; Chippenham -<br />

90; Corsham - 29; Cricklade - 6;<br />

Devizes - 73; Marlborough - 28;<br />

Malmesbury - 23; Melksham - 61;<br />

Mere - 4; Pewsey - 16; Royal<br />

Wootton Bassett - 17; Salisbury<br />

- 57; Tidworth - 19; Tisbury - 3;<br />

Trowbridge - 82; Warminster - 57<br />

and Westbury - 27.<br />

Wiltshire Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> were<br />

also called to incidents in<br />

neighbouring counties including<br />

Bristol, Dorset, Gloucestershire,<br />

Hampshire, Oxfordshire and<br />

Somerset.<br />

This year Wiltshire Air <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

celebrates a significant milestone<br />

- its 30th year of operation.<br />

For more information about<br />

the charity visit www.<br />

wiltshireairambulance.co.uk.<br />

10<br />

For more news visit: www.ambulanceukonline.com


NWAS<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

communicators win<br />

gold at CIPR awards<br />

Celebrated for its ‘outstanding<br />

public relations team’, North<br />

West <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service<br />

(NWAS) took home double<br />

gold at the regional PRide CIPR<br />

Awards, held in Manchester.<br />

Scooping the top prize in two<br />

categories, ‘outstanding inhouse<br />

public relations team’<br />

and ‘public sector campaign’,<br />

NWAS’ Communications Team<br />

saw off tough competition from<br />

high profile companies including,<br />

Electricity North West, M&S Bank,<br />

Manchester Airport, and silver<br />

award winners Essity.<br />

Recognised for its “impressive<br />

communications service”, the<br />

judges’ comments reflected on the<br />

team’s hard work and the many<br />

different aspects of communications<br />

they successfully manage and<br />

undertake on a day-to-day basis,<br />

including press office and an<br />

out of hours service, internal and<br />

external communications, public<br />

affairs, stakeholder and community<br />

engagement, FOI, videography,<br />

social, digital and campaigns.<br />

Judges commented, “NWAS has<br />

achieved results out of proportion<br />

to the resources available to it.<br />

From providing frontline access<br />

for major broadcasters to crisis<br />

communications, the team<br />

has successfully managed the<br />

full spectrum of public sector<br />

public relations with skill and<br />

professionalism.”<br />

Volunteer car driver recruitment<br />

campaign, Star in a Car, was also<br />

awarded the gold prize in the<br />

public sector campaign category.<br />

Using animations, case studies<br />

and social media to drum up<br />

interest in the volunteer roles, the<br />

judges commented how they<br />

were “impressed by how NWAS<br />

reached out beyond its traditional<br />

supporters, using innovative social<br />

media channels to really engage a<br />

younger audience with the work this<br />

essential public service delivers.<br />

“With limited resources, this<br />

campaign achieved great results<br />

with 50 new volunteers joining<br />

the service. Overall, this was<br />

an excellent campaign, fully<br />

deserving of success.”<br />

The CIPR PRide Awards is the<br />

<strong>UK</strong>’s most prestigious nationwide<br />

awards scheme, recognising<br />

excellence in public relations and<br />

communications. This year, the<br />

PRide Awards attracted around<br />

1,000 entries from public relations<br />

teams, consultancies and<br />

individuals across the <strong>UK</strong>.<br />

Julie Treharne, Head of<br />

Communications and Engagement<br />

at NWAS said: “It’s fantastic to be<br />

recognised by industry experts at<br />

the CIPR awards and to beat off<br />

competition from private sector<br />

teams with bigger budgets. We’re<br />

honoured to fly the flag for NHS<br />

communicators!<br />

“The team supports all the services<br />

the trust provides from our 999<br />

emergency response, to patient<br />

transport, NHS 111 and corporate<br />

projects. It’s our aim is to bring<br />

to life our organisation’s vision<br />

and values through compelling<br />

narrative that connects with our<br />

wide variety of stakeholders.<br />

“We try to put patients at the<br />

heart of everything we do to<br />

enhance their experience with<br />

the organisation and make<br />

meaningful connections with<br />

our front line services; doing so<br />

using our creativity and innovative<br />

approaches whilst using money<br />

responsibly. To be labelled<br />

‘outstanding’ for this is a something<br />

we’re incredibly proud of.”<br />

Keep up to date with NWAS by<br />

following them on Twitter,<br />

@NW<strong>Ambulance</strong>, Facebook,<br />

nwasofficial and Instagram,<br />

@nwasofficial.<br />

SECAMB<br />

Rochester couple<br />

and baby reunited<br />

with ambulance team<br />

A couple from Rochester<br />

have been reunited with the<br />

ambulance team which came<br />

to their aid when mum-to-be<br />

Carly Walker started fitting and<br />

collapsed at 35 weeks pregnant.<br />

Carly, 37, attended Medway<br />

ambulance station recently with<br />

baby Naomi, now five months old,<br />

and husband Nick to personally<br />

thank all those involved in<br />

responding to them on 27 July,<br />

one of the hottest days of the year.<br />

First to arrive at the family home,<br />

after call taker Joanne Hards had<br />

taken Nick’s 999 call was Critical<br />

Care Paramedic, Luke Hamilton.<br />

Luke was quick to realise the<br />

seriousness of the situation.<br />

He said: “My immediate concern<br />

was that Carly was suffering from<br />

eclamptic seizures. As soon as<br />

I’d taken her blood pressure this<br />

was confirmed and I knew I had to<br />

administer a magnesium sulphate<br />

infusion and that ultimately she<br />

had to deliver her baby as soon<br />

as possible.”<br />

Luke liaised with a consultant to<br />

agree a course of action involving<br />

administering the drug to attempt<br />

to lower Carly’s blood pressure.<br />

As the plan was agreed, Carly<br />

suffered a further seizure. By this<br />

time crew mates George Osborne<br />

and Adrian DeBari had arrived<br />

with an ambulance. Medication<br />

was administered to stop the<br />

seizure and the team then worked<br />

together to get Carly safely to<br />

the ambulance from the top of<br />

the couple’s town house, which<br />

involved removing a bedroom<br />

door.<br />

Carly was then rushed to Medway<br />

Maritime Hospital, which Luke had<br />

contacted in advance to enable<br />

them to ready a team for her<br />

arrival. Carly delivered Naomi by<br />

caesarean section and spent a<br />

week receiving further treatment in<br />

hospital before being discharged<br />

with a healthy Naomi.<br />

Luke said: “It’s been lovely to<br />

meet with Carly and Nick in much<br />

better circumstances with her and<br />

Naomi doing so well. In my 14<br />

years as a paramedic this is the<br />

only time I have attended a patient<br />

who is not pre-eclamptic but<br />

suffering from actual eclamptic<br />

seizures.<br />

“We knew we had to act quickly<br />

to provide some immediate<br />

treatment at the scene but that<br />

ultimately Carly needed to deliver<br />

to bring her blood pressure<br />

down from such a dangerous<br />

level. Nick was amazing. He was<br />

the textbook husband and did<br />

everything we needed him to do<br />

including letting us know the detail<br />

of Carly’s medical history and<br />

reassuring Carly. On behalf of the<br />

whole team I’d like to wish them<br />

all a very happy and peaceful<br />

Christmas.”<br />

Pharmacy technician, Carly<br />

said: “We’re both so thankful for<br />

everything Luke and the team. It<br />

all happened so suddenly without<br />

any warning. I had been booked<br />

in for a C-section for unrelated<br />

reasons but of course that all had<br />

to be brought forward. I’d also like<br />

to thank everyone at the hospital<br />

including the multi-disciplinary<br />

team responsible for my care led<br />

by Miriam.<br />

“I’m receiving some ongoing<br />

treatment to help with my blood<br />

pressure levels which are still a<br />

little raised but we’re all doing<br />

really well and Naomi is perfect.<br />

Thank you to everyone for<br />

ensuring we received the help we<br />

needed so quickly.”<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

For the latest <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service News visit: www.ambulancenewsdesk.com<br />


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AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

British Red Cross<br />

calls for change<br />

in law to improve<br />

response when <strong>UK</strong><br />

emergencies or<br />

disasters strike<br />

The British Red Cross is calling<br />

for the law to be updated to give<br />

individuals and communities<br />

more say in how they are<br />

treated and the support they get<br />

in an emergency.<br />

Currently emergency services,<br />

government bodies and councils,<br />

who together are responsible for<br />

planning for emergencies, aren’t<br />

legally bound to involve voluntary<br />

and community groups.<br />

As a result, local knowledge<br />

about needs, vulnerabilities and<br />

sensitivities may not always be<br />

known or taken into consideration.<br />

In its latest report, People Power<br />

in Emergencies, the charity<br />

looks at how far local resilience<br />

forums, which lead local council<br />

emergency planning, factor in the<br />

knowledge, skills and capacities<br />

of the voluntary and community<br />

sector.<br />

It reveals that collaboration is<br />

variable, meaning responses<br />

to emergencies tend to focus<br />

chiefly on “command and control”<br />

mechanisms, which of course are<br />

important.<br />

At the same time, this can mean<br />

missed opportunities to mobilise<br />

people power encouraging<br />

communities to build their<br />

resilience and support their<br />

recovery from within.<br />

The report highlights the very<br />

different needs of individuals and<br />

how those needs can best be<br />

met.<br />

One of the report’s key<br />

recommendations is for an<br />

urgent review of the 2004 Civil<br />

Contingencies Act.<br />

The British Red Cross is calling<br />

on whoever wins the election<br />

to update the act to enshrine in<br />

law the role of the voluntary and<br />

community sector in emergencies.<br />

Other recommendations in the<br />

report include:<br />

• A “people at the heart of<br />

planning” checklist for local<br />

resilience forums, produced<br />

by the British Red Cross,<br />

and championed by the<br />

recently formed voluntary and<br />

community sector Emergencies<br />

Partnership<br />

• A further amendment to<br />

the Civil Contingencies Act,<br />

Regulations and Guidance to<br />

require local resilience forums,<br />

in partnership with the voluntary<br />

and community sector, to plan<br />

what the report calls a more<br />

‘person-centred’ approach to<br />

preparing for and dealing with<br />

disasters and emergencies.<br />

Previous research by the British<br />

Red Cross has shown how<br />

involving grassroots organisations<br />

in responding to emergencies<br />

ensures people and communities<br />

feel listened to and more<br />

empowered and in the face of<br />

disaster.<br />

As every individual will react<br />

differently, it is unrealistic to ask<br />

councils and emergency services<br />

to adopt a ‘one size fits all’<br />

approach.<br />

The British Red Cross is calling<br />

on local authorities and the<br />

voluntary and community sector<br />

to work with it on the report’s<br />

recommendations, and to see the<br />

law amended urgently.<br />

British Red Cross CEO Mike<br />

Adamson said: ‘Our own<br />

response to the recent floods<br />

across Yorkshire and the Midlands<br />

has shown the value we bring,<br />

whether supporting fire and<br />

rescue to distribute sandbags, or<br />

welcoming people who’ve been<br />

flooded out of their home into rest<br />

centres.<br />

“This is about showing how we<br />

complement the work of our<br />

partners.<br />

“It’s also about giving a voice to<br />

those affected by emergencies<br />

and highlighting local challenges,<br />

sensitivities and opportunities to<br />

help people survive and recover<br />

better.<br />

“It’s people and communities<br />

who know best what their needs<br />

are and how they want them<br />

addressed.<br />

“They are the experts in who may<br />

be seriously ill, have a disability or<br />

mobility issue, or face difficulties<br />

because of language barriers,<br />

poverty, immigration status or<br />

anything else.<br />

“By listening harder and tapping<br />

into that resource, people will<br />

have the best possible chance of<br />

survival and recovery.<br />

“By updating the law so that<br />

statutory agencies work more with<br />

communities and the voluntary<br />

sector, people’s immediate needs<br />

will be met more easily, in the<br />

most appropriate way.”<br />

Dr Andy Johnston, Chief<br />

Operating Officer of the Local<br />

Government Information Unit<br />

(LGIU), and Convenor of the<br />

Local Government Flood Forum,<br />

has welcomed the report: “It<br />

is very timely, given the recent<br />

emergency response to flooding<br />

in the North of England and the<br />

Midlands.<br />

“Emergencies in the <strong>UK</strong> are<br />

evolving, with climate change<br />

and threats of terrorism, and<br />

are very complex, affecting both<br />

communities and councils.<br />

“I am therefore pleased to see the<br />

recommendation for reviewing<br />

the legislation to better guide the<br />

local agencies in their planning for<br />

emergencies.<br />

“In my roles as part of the LGIU<br />

and Convenor of the Local<br />

Government Flood Forum, I very<br />

much look forward to working<br />

more closely with both councils<br />

and the voluntary and community<br />

sector to take forward these<br />

insights and recommendations to<br />

ensure community insight is key<br />

to local government emergency<br />

planning.”<br />

EEAST<br />

Volunteer wins<br />

lifesaver award<br />

A community first responder<br />

was presented with an award<br />

by TV host Dr Hilary Jones after<br />

saving a woman’s life.<br />

Andrew Hartshorne, community<br />

first responder for East of England<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service NHS Trust<br />

(EEAST), won the SADS (Sudden<br />

Arrhythmic Death Syndrome) <strong>UK</strong><br />

award after performing successful<br />

resuscitation while off duty.<br />

Mr Hartshorne, who volunteers<br />

in the Aylsham area, had been<br />

out shopping in Market Place<br />

with his wife when he noticed<br />

three people gathered around<br />

a woman, who was lying on the<br />

floor unresponsive.<br />

The three people all offered to<br />

help and, under his guidance,<br />

rotated between performing chest<br />

compressions and mouth to<br />

mouth.<br />

As soon as a public access<br />

defibrillator arrived, Mr Hartshorne<br />

shocked the patient four times<br />

before she began breathing on<br />

her own again.<br />

Janet Green, 69, was taken to<br />

Norfolk and Norwich Hospital<br />

14<br />

For further recruitment vacancies visit: www.ambulanceukonline.com


where she was fi tted with a<br />

pacemaker and has since made a<br />

full recovery.<br />

Mr Hartshorne said: “I was<br />

very pleased to be recognised,<br />

The presentation was held<br />

November 16 at the British<br />

Academy of Contemporary Artists<br />

in London, at the annual dinner<br />

and awards ceremony of SADS<br />

<strong>UK</strong>.<br />

The Trust would also like to thank the<br />

public for its support and messages<br />

of appreciation across the whole<br />

festive and New Year period.<br />

While the peak period of the night,<br />

their hard work over the last few<br />

weeks. We’ve seen some very busy<br />

days, especially in the week leading<br />

up to Christmas and, as ever,<br />

everyone has risen to the challenge<br />

to ensure the demand met.<br />

volunteers are not as high profi le<br />

as some frontline staff.<br />

“I have been with EEAST since<br />

2013 and I’m proud to be a<br />

Interested in volunteering with<br />

EEAST? Visit eastamb.nhs.uk/<br />

join-the-team/volunteering-andvolunteers.htm<br />

(midnight-1am) saw the Trust<br />

handle slightly fewer calls than<br />

previous years with 155 calls,<br />

overall in the seven hours from<br />

8pm on New Year’s Eve to 3am<br />

“Working for the ambulance<br />

service is never easy but<br />

spending time away from family<br />

and loved ones when others are<br />

volunteer. Often, we reach<br />

on New Year’s Day it dealt with 61<br />

celebrating can make it even<br />

patients in a life-threatening<br />

emergency before an ambulance<br />

crew arrives so the work we do is<br />

really important.<br />

“Our fi rst responder group has<br />

wonderful support from the<br />

SECAMB<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> service<br />

thanks staff, volunteers<br />

and public after busy<br />

New Year’s Eve<br />

more calls than last year.<br />

Demand is expected to remain<br />

high today, (January 1), and<br />

throughout the fi rst weekend of<br />

the year. People are urged to<br />

continue to make use of the NHS<br />

tougher. Throughout SECAmb<br />

there are examples of staff and<br />

volunteers who have gone the<br />

extra mile to make working at this<br />

time of year easier for everyone.<br />

“I’d also like to thank members<br />

public and we have been very<br />

busy teaching CPR to schools,<br />

mother and toddler groups and<br />

other organisations. Interest in<br />

saving lives in the area has really<br />

increased since this event took<br />

place.”<br />

South East Coast <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Service NHS Foundation Trust<br />

(SECAmb) would like to thank<br />

its staff and volunteers for their<br />

commitment and hard work<br />

over what was, as ever, a busy<br />

New Year’s Eve.<br />

111 service and only call 999 in<br />

the event of a life-threatening or<br />

serious emergency.<br />

SECAmb Chief Executive Philip Astle<br />

said: “I’d like to thank every single<br />

member of staff and volunteer for<br />

of the public for their continued<br />

support. In the middle of winter,<br />

we know that we are going<br />

to have some very busy days<br />

ahead and the support and<br />

understanding of the public is very<br />

much appreciated.”<br />

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AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

For the latest <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service News visit: www.ambulancenewsdesk.com<br />



Health Scholars,<br />

the Virtual Reality<br />

Healthcare Training<br />

Platform, Launches<br />

First VR ACLS<br />

Training Simulation<br />

for First Responders<br />

Application allows for more<br />

affordable training and effective<br />

assessment of emergency<br />

medical personnel, potentially<br />

saving lives.<br />

(Westminster, CO, 1/14/<strong>2020</strong>)<br />

– Health Scholars, known for<br />

their VR simulations and cloudbased<br />

simulation management<br />

platform utilized for management,<br />

delivery, and analysis of clinical<br />

training, have announced the<br />

availability of the fi rst Virtual<br />

Reality (VR) Advanced Cardiac<br />

Life Support (ACLS) training<br />

designed specifi cally for fi rst<br />

responders. Made possible<br />

with the company’s Public<br />

Safety Innovation Accelerator<br />

Program – User Interface grant<br />

from the National Institute of<br />

Standards and Technology<br />

(NIST) Partnership and the<br />

State of Colorado’s Advanced<br />

Industries Accelerator Program,<br />

the company is excited about the<br />

possible impact to the industry<br />

and the community.<br />

Designed in accordance with<br />

American Heart Association<br />

guidelines and input from local<br />

EMS partners, providers play the<br />

role of the team lead running a<br />

mega code and are provided<br />

thirteen total scenarios that refl ect<br />

cardiac and non-cardiac arrest<br />

scenarios. Using voice direction,<br />

providers identify rhythms and<br />

direct virtual team members to<br />

shock, give meds, and/or perform<br />

CPR as necessary. The simulation<br />

provides extensive practice<br />

on communication, situational<br />

awareness, decision-making and<br />

competencies such as accurate<br />

hospital notifi cation.<br />

“With average adult survival rates<br />

of 26% for in-hospital cardiac<br />

arrest and up to 11%[1] for out-ofhospital<br />

cardiac arrest, continuous<br />

improvement to cardiac arrest<br />

response and training is an<br />

obligation to patients,” says<br />

Brian Gillett, MD, President of<br />

Health Scholars. “ACLS is just<br />

the fi rst application within a larger<br />

resuscitation suite because we<br />

believe that designing scalable,<br />

self-directed, and affordable<br />

simulation for fi rst responders<br />

was an untapped, yet imperative<br />

market to develop. They are on<br />

the front lines of patient safety<br />

and deserve effective, experiencebased<br />

training and skills<br />

assessment.”<br />

By virtualizing training, small or<br />

rural EMS organizations are now<br />

able to integrate more immersive<br />

training practices and VR provides<br />

agencies of all sizes an additional<br />

training modality that easily scales<br />

to any number of providers, is at<br />

least 50% less than the cost of<br />

traditional physical simulation,<br />

and provides performance<br />

reporting that is actionable.<br />

“Our goal in working with Health<br />

Scholars is to introduce new<br />

technology within the EMS<br />

market, but more importantly<br />

provide an effective solution to<br />

make training more accessible<br />

and frequent, help EMS staff stay<br />

sharp and provide EMT’s an easy<br />

way to grow skills” says Ed Smith,<br />

Captain, Clear Creek EMS.<br />

The work involved with<br />

development and management<br />

of this new training is being<br />

performed under the following<br />

fi nancial assistance award<br />

70NANB18H149 from U.S.<br />

Department of Commerce,<br />


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National Institute of Standards<br />

and Technology. For more<br />

information on the grant and<br />

development details visit https://<br />

hubs.ly/H0cRQmC0<br />

“This grant has provided Health<br />

Scholars the ability to advance<br />

the use of virtualization in public<br />

safety. VR has the power to<br />

fundamentally improve the way<br />

training products are designed<br />

and how training is executed in<br />

public safety. The possibilities are<br />

endless and with NIST’s program<br />

and our EMS partners we have<br />

been able to bring the fi rst of<br />

many VR training simulations to<br />

market” – Cole Sandau, CEO,<br />

Health Scholars<br />

WMAS<br />

WMAS proud to be<br />

disability confi dent<br />

leader<br />

West Midlands <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Service is proud to receive<br />

recognition as a ‘Disability<br />

Confident Leader’ by the<br />

Department for Work and<br />

Pensions (DWP).<br />

The Trust was given the coveted<br />

‘Disability Confi dent Leader’<br />

status by the DWP Disability<br />

Confi dent Scheme this week<br />

for the work undertaken by the<br />

service to recruit people with<br />

disabilities and support our staff<br />

people into work, within the next<br />

10 years.<br />

The initiatives undertaken by<br />

the Trust to support people with<br />

disabilities include the following:<br />

• Actively attracting and recruiting<br />

disabled people to help fi ll<br />

opportunities (including jobs,<br />

apprenticeships, internships,<br />

work experience, etc.)<br />

• Providing a fully inclusive and<br />

accessible recruitment process.<br />

• Being fl exible when assessing<br />

people so disabled job<br />

applicants have the best<br />

opportunity to demonstrate that<br />

they can do the job.<br />

• Ensuring there are no barriers<br />

to the development and<br />

progression of disabled staff.<br />

Anthony Marsh, the Trust’s<br />

Chief Executive Offi cer, said: “I<br />

am immensely proud that West<br />

Midlands <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service<br />

is one of only two ambulance<br />

services in the country to be<br />

awarded this status. We pride<br />

ourselves on being an inclusive<br />

place to work as well as providing<br />

excellent care to our patients<br />

regardless of health inequalities.<br />

“The quality of our service relies<br />

heavily on our staff, and we can<br />

only deliver an excellent service<br />

by continuing to show respect for<br />

and giving support to each and<br />

every member of staff.<br />

Health Scholars will continue to<br />

develop VR Training for healthcare<br />

and public safety providers<br />

throughout <strong>2020</strong> with input from<br />

their partners and customers.<br />

Images, demos, and interview<br />

available upon request.<br />

with disabilities.<br />

The Disability Confi dent<br />

scheme has been running since<br />

November 2016 and supports<br />

the Government’s commitment<br />

to help one million more disabled<br />

• Ensuring employees have<br />

appropriate disability equality<br />

awareness training.<br />

• Supporting employees to<br />

manage their disabilities or<br />

health conditions.<br />

“I would like to place on record<br />

my sincere thanks to everyone<br />

at West Midlands <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Service, in particular my staff<br />

within Recruitment and Human<br />

Resources for their dedication and<br />

commitment to equality.”<br />

About Health Scholars<br />

Our mission is to advance<br />

healthcare education through<br />

virtualization, making experiencebased<br />

training scalable,<br />

accessible and affordable to<br />

both Healthcare and Public<br />

Safety providers. Health Scholars<br />

is a cloud-based, VR-ready<br />

clinical training platform with<br />

VR Simulations, Simulation<br />

Management, and Clinical<br />

Readiness Reporting solutions<br />

for the management, delivery and<br />

analysis of clinical training. Our<br />

VR simulations extend physical<br />

simulation beyond the simulation<br />

center, enabling repeatable<br />

practice of proper workfl ows<br />

as well as critical soft skills like<br />

communications, situational<br />

awareness and critical thinking.<br />

For more information, see www.<br />

HealthScholars.com. You may<br />

also contact Chris Ingwalson<br />

at (303) 915.0087, or by<br />

email at Chris.Ingwalson@<br />

HealthScholars.com<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

Do you have anything you would like to add or include in Newsline? Please contact us and let us know.<br />



Major Trauma Centre<br />

first in <strong>UK</strong> to benefit<br />

from weather station<br />

University Hospitals of North<br />

Midlands Major Trauma Centre<br />

is the first in the <strong>UK</strong> to benefit<br />

from a weather station which<br />

provides certainty and real<br />

time information for emergency<br />

helicopter pilots about weather<br />

conditions, ensuring that its<br />

patients are seen quicker and<br />

with more efficiency.<br />

The weather station, called<br />

“Skyview”, which has been<br />

donated by the HELP Appeal,<br />

which is the only charity in the<br />

country dedicated to funding<br />

hospital helipads, measures<br />

visibility and conditions around<br />

the Royal Stoke University<br />

Hospital site and helps<br />

ambulance crews understand the<br />

next steps for our critically injured<br />

patients, making sure they are<br />

air lifted to the most appropriate<br />

trauma centre avoiding bad<br />

weather conditions that can make<br />

flying difficult.<br />

Martyn Ashworth, Major Trauma<br />

& Neurosurgery Service Manager<br />

at UHNM, said: “I would like<br />

to thank the HELP Appeal for<br />

this generous donation, our<br />

Major Trauma team is extremely<br />

excited about having the first<br />

ever weather station at a NHS<br />

trust in the <strong>UK</strong> and we want to<br />

share that excitement with the<br />

local community and surrounding<br />

areas.<br />

“Our aim is to provide the pilots<br />

and flying medical crews with the<br />

latest local weather information<br />

and provide them with the<br />

most up to date and accurate<br />

facilities we can, bringing the<br />

most advanced, innovative and<br />

comprehensive resources directly<br />

into the forefront of Trauma care.”<br />

Robert Bertram, Chief Executive<br />

of the charity’s HELP Appeal,<br />

said: “We are delighted that we<br />

have funded the first ever weather<br />

station for a <strong>UK</strong> Major Trauma<br />

Centre, which means patients<br />

can receive more efficient care.<br />

As the weather station informs<br />

air ambulance crews of the<br />

conditions at Royal Stoke, it can<br />

accurately inform them if it’s safe<br />

to land on Royal Stoke’s helipad<br />

or if they need to be transferred to<br />

a surrounding hospital. This will<br />

save precious time, a must when<br />

a patient urgently needs specialist<br />

care to help save their life.”<br />

NWAS<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> service<br />

sees rise in<br />

emergencies over<br />

festive period<br />

From street fighting in<br />

Merseyside, firework injuries in<br />

Bolton to assaults in Lancashire,<br />

New Year’s Eve is historically one<br />

the busiest times of year for North<br />

West <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service (NWAS)<br />

and this year was no exception.<br />

The trust received over 5,300* 999<br />

calls on New Year’s Day alone.<br />

Christmas Day saw an increase of<br />

seven per cent when compared<br />

to last year and the day started in<br />

an extra special way with a baby<br />

being born in an ambulance just<br />

after midnight.<br />

Messages of well wishes and<br />

support came flooding in on<br />

social media for the thousands of<br />

NWAS staff who worked over the<br />

festive period, sacrificing time with<br />

their families to help others.<br />

Director of Operations, Ged<br />

Blezard said: “As always, we were<br />

well prepared for the spike in calls<br />

over the Christmas period with<br />

months of planning and additional<br />

resources on key dates.<br />

“I would like to thank everyone for<br />

their support during this busy time.<br />

We must prioritise life-threatening<br />

emergencies which can mean that<br />

patients in a less serious condition<br />

do experience a wait. We have<br />

been able to reduce wait times<br />

as much as possible by utilising<br />

our clinical hub providing medical<br />

advice over the phone and<br />

treating patients in the community<br />

wherever possible, reducing<br />

unnecessary A&E admissions.<br />

“Alongside our dedicated staff,<br />

we are also very grateful for the<br />

support from our Community First<br />

Responders over Christmas and<br />

New Year. We have had the highest<br />

number of sign-ons from them than<br />

ever before and their presence is<br />

invaluable. The fact that they are<br />

volunteers and give their time freely<br />

makes their contribution even more<br />

commendable.”<br />

NHS 111 has also been extremely<br />

busy, the busiest day being<br />

Saturday 28 December with 12,460<br />

calls, one every seven seconds.<br />

Ged continues: “As we head into<br />

January and <strong>Feb</strong>ruary and the<br />

temperature plummets, we are<br />

expecting the high demand to<br />

continue and ask for the public to<br />

continue to help us by only calling<br />

999 in life-threatening emergencies.”<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

(L – R) Robert Bertram, Chief Executive of the HELP Appeal presents a cheque for £51,000 to University<br />

Hospitals of North Midlands Major Trauma Centre.<br />

People can take advice from a<br />

pharmacist for common health<br />

niggles, book an appointment<br />

with their GP for health issues<br />

which will not go away, visit an<br />

urgent treatment centre for minor<br />

illnesses and injuries or use NHS<br />

111 online for health advice. In<br />

emergencies, if it is safe to get<br />

to an emergency department<br />

(A&E) without an ambulance then<br />

people should do that as arriving<br />

at hospital by ambulance won’t<br />

mean you’re seen any quicker.<br />

*This statistic includes 999 calls,<br />

duplicate calls, incidents at events<br />

where NWAS is the medical<br />

provider and 111 pass throughs.<br />

18<br />

For further recruitment vacancies visit: www.ambulanceukonline.com


Midlands Air<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Charity<br />

makes a strategic<br />

promotion<br />

Midlands Air <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Charity is pleased to announce<br />

the promotion of aircrew<br />

team leader and critical care<br />

paramedic, Jim Hancox, to<br />

the position of assistant air<br />

operations manager.<br />

Jim has over 17 years’ experience<br />

with the ambulance service, and<br />

has served with Midlands Air<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Charity since 2006.<br />

Jim will support the charity’s air<br />

operations manager, Ian Roberts,<br />

with a number of responsibilities<br />

in line with the charity’s mission<br />

to offer advanced clinical care to<br />

those in critical need in the prehospital<br />

environment 365 days<br />

a year.<br />

Ian Roberts, air operations<br />

manager for the charity, states:<br />

“We have three helicopters and<br />

three rapid response vehicles<br />

operation across six Midlands<br />

counties, and more recently we<br />

have added two critical care cars<br />

to our asset-base to support<br />

patient care in the region. The<br />

expansion of our service, to<br />

enable us to reach and treat over<br />

1,000 more patients each year led<br />

to a requirement for further seniorlevel<br />

operations support.<br />

“Jim has shown clear leadership,<br />

strategic thinking and clinical<br />

excellence throughout his work<br />

with the service, and will be<br />

an invaluable member of the<br />

operations team.”<br />

On his new position as assistant<br />

air operations manager, Jim<br />

added: “Delivering the highest<br />

level of clinical care to critically ill<br />

and injured patients is something I<br />

am hugely passionate about. I am<br />

extremely proud to take on this<br />

challenging new role, supporting<br />

the future development of our<br />

organisation and ensuring that<br />

Midlands Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> Charity<br />

remains at the forefront of<br />

emergency pre-hospital patient<br />

care, offering the very best<br />

treatment to patients.”<br />

Find out more about Midlands<br />

Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> Charity at:<br />

midlandsairambulance.com or<br />

follow the charity on social media.<br />

SECAMB<br />

Kent man reunited<br />

with lifesavers<br />

A man who collapsed in cardiac<br />

arrest, enjoyed a Christmas<br />

reunion with the ambulance<br />

team who came to his aid.<br />

Garry Henderson, 55, from<br />

Shorne, near Gravesend, Kent,<br />

was reunited with his life-saving<br />

team recently at Medway<br />

ambulance station in Chatham<br />

following his collapse at home on<br />

6 September last year.<br />

Garry, along with his partner,<br />

Sue and brother, Simon, met<br />

with Critical Care Paramedic,<br />

Dave Hawkins, Operational Team<br />

Leader, Alexandra Hemsley,<br />

ambulance crew Daisy Vickery<br />

and Adrian Biles as well as 999<br />

call taker, Nick O’Doherty.<br />

And now Garry is keen to spread<br />

the message of the importance<br />

that people learn CPR and other<br />

life-saving skills and urged people<br />

to listen to the potential warning<br />

signs of suffering a heart attack.<br />

Garry, had unknowingly at the<br />

time, suffered a heart attack in<br />

June 2018. Having not acted on<br />

the signs, he attended a doctor’s<br />

appointment four days later and<br />

was subsequently fitted with two<br />

stents, having been informed he<br />

had suffered a heart attack.<br />

The subsequent collapse in<br />

September 2018 saw him<br />

spend close to five weeks at<br />

William Harvey Hospital in<br />

Ashford in an induced coma<br />

and recovering having received<br />

further emergency treatment and<br />

having been fitted with an internal<br />

defibrillator.<br />

Garry’s expert hospital treatment<br />

followed quick thinking of partner<br />

Sue in calling 999 while CPR<br />

was provided at the scene by a<br />

members of staff from a nearby<br />

nursery, Claire and Sam, and a<br />

GP, Dr Adaji from Shorne medical<br />

practice.<br />

Dave said: “The chain of survival<br />

started with Sue speaking to Nick<br />

on the phone. Help was quickly<br />

sought, and it was so critical<br />

that Garry was given CPR prior<br />

to our arrival. It takes a team to<br />

save a life and everyone worked<br />

really well together. We shocked<br />

Garry’s heart twice to return it to a<br />

normal rhythm before heading off<br />

to the William Harvey for Garry to<br />

undergo emergency treatment.”<br />

Garry remembers nothing of his<br />

ordeal but was quick to praise the<br />

team on an emotional reunion. “It<br />

feels like the stars aligned for me<br />

so that everything was in place<br />

that day”, he said. “I’m so grateful<br />

for everything everyone did. From<br />

Nick at the end of the phone, to<br />

the GP and nursery staff to the<br />

whole team and my subsequent<br />

treatment in hospital. It was very<br />

emotional but it was lovely to see<br />

everyone in person to properly<br />

thank them.<br />

“I know in hindsight I should have<br />

listened to my body more rather<br />

than wait four days to see my GP.<br />

I’d urge people to take the warning<br />

signs seriously and ourselves and<br />

our friends and family know first<br />

hand how vital it is for people to<br />

learn how to save a life.”<br />

Sue added: “I know I wasn’t very<br />

patient with Nick on the phone<br />

and so it was really nice to be<br />

able to apologise and to meet<br />

everyone in better circumstances.<br />

Thank you to everyone involved<br />

in ensuring were together at<br />

Christmas.”<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

For the latest <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service News visit: www.ambulancenewsdesk.com<br />



ALF <strong>2020</strong>: The<br />

Conference for the<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Sector<br />

The <strong>Ambulance</strong> Leadership<br />

Forum (ALF <strong>2020</strong>) will take<br />

place on 17 & 18 March <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Hosted by the Association of<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Chief Executives at<br />

the Jurys Inn, Hinckley Island,<br />

Nuneaton Leicestershire,<br />

ALF <strong>2020</strong> is shaping up to be<br />

another high quality event.<br />

ALF <strong>2020</strong> promises to be bigger<br />

and better than ever, with a<br />

superb range of speakers and<br />

facilitators over two main days<br />

of conference.<br />

Exploring themes relating to<br />

engagement across the STP/<br />

ICS landscape and integrated<br />

urgent care, speakers will look<br />

to stimulate discussion, provoke<br />

thought and share insights and<br />

experience. Can your workplace<br />

be improved? What role can the<br />

sector play in system leadership<br />

and how? Do you work for an<br />

employer of choice?<br />

Day One<br />

A first class line up of speakers<br />

already confirmed for Day One<br />

includes:<br />

Baroness Dido Harding<br />

The Chair of NHS Improvement<br />

will be our keynote speaker<br />

and open the conference.<br />

Expect to learn from Dido’s<br />

vast experience on some<br />

of the solutions needed to<br />

overcome challenges facing<br />

the NHS – and ambulance<br />

services in particular. Reducing<br />

unwarranted variation is a goal<br />

but integrating to respond to<br />

local need is very much a reality<br />

– how do we manage the two?<br />

Nigel Edwards<br />

We are thrilled to welcome the<br />

Nuffield Trust Chief Executive to<br />

speak again at ALF. Few others<br />

can share Nigel’s insight into<br />

policy and strategies, whilst<br />

making sense of what the data<br />

really shows.<br />

Bobby Pratap<br />

Putting mental health front and<br />

centre we are delighted to that<br />

Bobby, Deputy Head of Mental<br />

Health at NHSE & I, is joining<br />

us at ALF for the first time. He<br />

will discuss how the ambulance<br />

sector can get the best returns<br />

for mental health patients from<br />

the new Long Term Plan funding<br />

put into these vital services.<br />

Chris Hopson<br />

This year Chris, Chief Executive<br />

at NHS Providers, looks<br />

forward to briefing delegates<br />

on a strategic vision (being<br />

launched jointly with AACE) that<br />

will provide clear statements<br />

on where we feel ambulance<br />

services can make the best<br />

contributions within changing<br />

health structures.<br />

For a second year, ALF will be<br />

chaired over the two days by<br />

AACE Council Chair and SCAS<br />

Chair Lena Samuels, who brings<br />

her extensive knowledge and<br />

understanding to proceedings<br />

– and will be ready to challenge<br />

any sweeping statements from<br />

the podium!<br />

Day Two<br />

A varied range of sessions<br />

on Day Two of ALF will<br />

include insights into quality<br />

improvement, organisational<br />

development, satellite<br />

technology, visibility for<br />

disability, ‘safe space’<br />

conversations, the ambulance<br />

data set project, volunteering<br />

and falls, the joint ambulance<br />

improvement programme,<br />

rotational roles and how<br />

ambulance services can<br />

become employers of choice.<br />

More speaker and topics will<br />

be published over the coming<br />

weeks.<br />

Organised and managed by<br />

the Association of <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Chief Executives (AACE) this<br />

important event enables senior<br />

managers, suppliers and others<br />

with an interest in the effective<br />

management of ambulance<br />

services to join forces to share<br />

ideas and best practice in a<br />

supportive and high-profile<br />

environment.<br />

Non-Executive Director (NED)<br />

Development Seminar<br />

Preceding the opening of ALF,<br />

there will be a seminar focused<br />

on non-executive director<br />

roles and responsibilities.<br />

The evolving NHS landscape<br />

requires ambulance trust<br />

boards to remain current and<br />

informed, which isn’t always<br />

easy given the pace of change.<br />

The bespoke seminar will<br />

share learning from experts<br />

and provide insight into how<br />

best non-executive functions<br />

can effectively engage with<br />

and navigate the wider health<br />

and social care system. The<br />

seminar will be delivered by the<br />

Association of <strong>Ambulance</strong> Chief<br />

Executives in conjunction with<br />

The King’s Fund, NHS Providers<br />

and the NHS Confederation.<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

The NED Development Seminar<br />

takes place on Mon 16 March,<br />

14.00 – 17.30.<br />

The ALF Awards Dinner<br />

As part of ALF <strong>2020</strong> we will<br />

again come together to<br />

celebrate outstanding service<br />

from across the <strong>UK</strong> at the<br />

Awards Dinner on the evening<br />

of Tuesday 17 March.<br />

20<br />

For more news visit: www.ambulanceukonline.com


Attendance at this popular<br />

event is included as part of the<br />

Conference Delegate Package<br />

and will be arranged, along with<br />

conference bookings, by your<br />

Trust Lead.<br />

As always, the Awards Dinner will<br />

provide an excellent opportunity<br />

for <strong>Ambulance</strong> Leadership Forum<br />

attendees to applaud excellence,<br />

discuss developments from<br />

the last year, and network with<br />

colleagues.<br />

However, most importantly,<br />

the evening will provide an<br />

opportunity for AACE and<br />

colleagues to recognise members<br />

of staff from across all <strong>UK</strong><br />

ambulance services who have<br />

provided truly outstanding service,<br />

going above and beyond the call<br />

of duty in a variety of categories<br />

that represented the whole<br />

breadth of service delivery.<br />

Research papers presentations<br />

– a call for Abstracts<br />

AACE is pleased to announce<br />

that dedicated time will again<br />

be scheduled for the main stage<br />

presentation of research focused<br />

on ambulance service delivery<br />

and leadership. Following last<br />

year’s success we expect high<br />

quality submissions and a close<br />

vote from the audience to select<br />

the winner for the £500 travel<br />

bursary.<br />

International Roundtable of<br />

Community Paramedicine<br />

(IRCP <strong>2020</strong>)<br />

Directly following the ALF<br />

conference, AACE are delighted<br />

to host the IRCP annual meeting<br />

over Wednesday 18 and<br />

Thursday 19 March <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

A full agenda will be compiled<br />

though the normal IRCP<br />

channels.<br />

The conference will be free<br />

to attend and will include<br />

refreshments and a working<br />

lunch on the Thursday.<br />

The Venue – Hinckley Island<br />

Hotel<br />

Hinckley Island is one of the<br />

most accessible and wellappointed<br />

conference venues<br />

in the Midlands. Nestled in<br />

the heart of Leicestershire<br />

and surrounded by beautiful<br />

countryside, the four-star hotel<br />

provides a great business base<br />

for the <strong>Ambulance</strong> Leadership<br />

Forum.<br />

The hotel is just off the M1, M6<br />

and M69 motorways, and is<br />

short drive to both Birmingham<br />

and East Midlands Airports.<br />

For more details contact Steve<br />

Irving at AACE at steve.irving@<br />

aace.org.uk.<br />

Steps to take in<br />

recognising and<br />

referring DVA<br />

“Our vision is a world in which<br />

gender-based violence is<br />

consistently recognised and<br />

addressed as a health issue.<br />

Our mission is to improve<br />

the healthcare response<br />

to gender-based violence<br />

through health and specialist<br />

services working together.”<br />

Medina Johnson, CEO IRISi<br />

The IRIS programme has helped<br />

refer over 15,500 women to<br />

date. An IRIS programme is first<br />

commissioned within a certain<br />

geographical area. Local IRIS<br />

teams are recruited and trained<br />

and these teams then train local<br />

GPs, healthcare professionals<br />

and clinicians in recognising<br />

signs and symptoms of<br />

Domestic Violence and Abuse<br />

(DVA) and how to ask the right<br />

questions of the patient. If<br />

the patient requires help, they<br />

are referred to an Advocate<br />

Educators (AE), who provides<br />

support to both the practice and<br />

the patients that are recognised<br />

and referred.<br />

“Many of us know the statistics”<br />

says Medina Johnson, CEO at<br />

IRISi.<br />

“25% of women will experience<br />

Domestic Violence and Abuse<br />

(DVA) at some point in their lives.<br />

Two women are killed every week<br />

at the hands of a current or former<br />

partner, or adult family member.<br />

Behind each statistic is a woman,<br />

a friend, a sister, a daughter, a<br />

mother, a grandmother, an auntie.<br />

Most of these women will have<br />

had recent contact with health<br />

services. How many of them will<br />

have found it difficult to say what<br />

was happening for them at home<br />

during their appointment? How<br />

many of them wanted someone<br />

to look beyond what they were<br />

saying? How many women will<br />

have sat with a doctor or nurse<br />

who felt uncomfortable to look<br />

beyond and ask their patients<br />

about what was happening for<br />

them at home or whether they felt<br />

frightened or controlled by anyone<br />

because they didn’t think they had<br />

the right words or knowledge of<br />

the next steps to take? How many<br />

women were missed?”<br />

“We know that DVA impacts both<br />

the mental and physical health<br />

of those it affects and that this<br />

has ramifications throughout the<br />

family.” Continues Medina. “In<br />

cold, hard business speak, we<br />

also know that DVA also costs<br />

the NHS a lot of money in terms<br />

of appointments, chronic illness<br />

and prescriptions. Clinicians want<br />

to know how to best support<br />

patients and how to offer support.<br />

This is why they become medics.<br />

We can’t expect them to simply<br />

know what to do to support<br />

patients affected by DVA without<br />

offering training and support<br />

and onward referral pathways.<br />

We need to support our clinical<br />

colleagues to look beyond and we<br />

need commissioners to fund this<br />

support in a sustainable way.”<br />

The IRIS model rests on five<br />

principles:<br />

Recognise when a patient is<br />

affected by DVA<br />

Ask them about it<br />

Respond in an understanding<br />

way<br />

Refer the patient into specialist<br />

support<br />

Make a record of the consultation<br />

and disclosure.<br />

If you are concerned a patient<br />

might be affected by DVA, only<br />

ask them about this if they are<br />

alone. It is not safe to ask when<br />

a patient is accompanied, even<br />

by a child. As a minimum, have<br />

national helpline numbers to offer<br />

or the contact information for your<br />

local, specialist service. If you<br />

have safeguarding concerns then<br />

follow your usual safeguarding<br />

procedures. Do not prescribe<br />

what the patient should do but<br />

let them know that support is<br />

available. Be sure to record the<br />

consultation in the electronic<br />

medical record. These are useful<br />

numbers for you:<br />

National 24 Hour Helpline –<br />

0808 2000247<br />

Men’s Advice Line –<br />

0808 8010327<br />

Respect – 0808 8010327<br />

IRIS teams provide in-house<br />

specialist domestic violence<br />

training sessions to enable staff<br />

to become better equipped<br />

to respond to concerns and<br />

disclosures of DVA from all<br />

patients including perpetrator.<br />

The team then receive ongoing<br />

support and DVA consultancy<br />

after training is completed from<br />

a named Advocate Educator.<br />

Regular attendance from the<br />

Advocate Educator at team<br />

meetings helps remind staff about<br />

the service and also provides<br />

health care workers with support<br />

for any challenging cases.<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

Do you have anything you would like to add or include in Newsline? Please contact us and let us know.<br />



AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

Huge donation<br />

lights up emergency<br />

helipads across<br />

Lincolnshire and<br />

Nottinghamshire<br />

With thanks to a generous<br />

donation from the HELP Appeal,<br />

new helipad lighting has<br />

recently been installed at three<br />

different landing sites frequently<br />

used by the life-saving crew at<br />

Lincs & Notts Air <strong>Ambulance</strong>.<br />

A total of £69,000 was donated<br />

by the HELP Appeal, the only<br />

charity in the country dedicated<br />

to funding hospital and air<br />

ambulance helipads, which has<br />

fully funded the installation and<br />

upgrade of helipad lights at the<br />

Lincs & Notts Air <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

airbase at RAF Waddington,<br />

Fenland Airfield in South<br />

Lincolnshire, and Nottingham<br />

Airport (Tollerton).<br />

The installation of these new lights<br />

will prove to be an invaluable<br />

addition for the crew on board the<br />

helicopter, who regularly use these<br />

landing sites when responding to<br />

some of the most critically ill and<br />

seriously injured patients across<br />

Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire.<br />

The state-of-the-art landing lights<br />

has made each site significantly<br />

more visible during the event of<br />

low visibility and landing at night;<br />

vital in the Charity’s recent move to<br />

24/7 operations.<br />

Robert Bertram, Chief Executive<br />

of the HELP Appeal, recently paid<br />

a visit to the upgraded facility<br />

at the Charity’s airbase at RAF<br />

Waddington. He was joined by<br />

members of the crew from the<br />

Lincs & Notts Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> and<br />

their iconic AgustaWestland 169<br />

helicopter.<br />

Robert said: “We are delighted to<br />

be able to support the life-saving<br />

work of the air ambulance and<br />

despite fewer daylight hours<br />

during winter, Lincs & Notts Air<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> will now be able<br />

to treat patients at incidents in<br />

Lincolnshire or Nottinghamshire<br />

after dark. The crew can then<br />

rapidly transfer patients in urgent<br />

need of specialist care to hospital<br />

and return to land safely on their<br />

newly illuminated helipads.”<br />

Llewis Ingamells, Chief Pilot at<br />

Lincs & Notts Air <strong>Ambulance</strong>,<br />

added that these lights would<br />

ensure the safety of the Helicopter<br />

Emergency Medical Service crew<br />

and increase the capabilities of<br />

the service they provide.<br />

He said: “Having these new<br />

modern night landing aids not<br />

only gives us lit landing sites for<br />

aircraft refuelling during the hours<br />

of darkness at targeted locations,<br />

but it provides us with lit diversion<br />

destinations for weather or<br />

planning around one of the largest<br />

response areas; 3,500 square<br />

miles, covered by any single Air<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> in the <strong>UK</strong>.<br />

“The introduction of Night<br />

Vision Goggles has required an<br />

update of technology not just<br />

in the aircraft but to the ground<br />

infrastructure to support our 24/7<br />

operations. These lights bring the<br />

latest technology with infrared<br />

lighting for night vision goggles,<br />

pilot-controlled functionality,<br />

all whilst offsetting our carbon<br />

footprint with 100% solar<br />

technology.<br />

“We extend a huge thank you<br />

to HELP Appeal for the funding<br />

of these fantastic lights, FEC for<br />

constructing and installing them,<br />

and our friends at Fenland Airfield<br />

and Nottingham Airport for their<br />

continued and increasing support<br />

for our 24-hour operations.”<br />

As of this month, the Lincs &<br />

Notts Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> is now<br />

operating a 24/7 service. Along<br />

with the ongoing support of the<br />

local community, these state-ofthe-art<br />

lighting upgrades at the<br />

Charity’s most frequent landing<br />

sites has helped to support this<br />

incredible development for the<br />

local Air <strong>Ambulance</strong>, who are now<br />

able to respond to emergencies<br />

24-hours a day, 7 days a week.<br />

Karen Jobling, Chief Executive<br />

Officer at Lincs & Notts Air<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong>, said: “We are truly<br />

grateful for the support of the<br />

HELP Appeal and this generous<br />

donation, which has enabled us<br />

to upgrade our helipad lights<br />

across our most frequent landing<br />

sites. As a Charity, we receive<br />

no direct Government funding,<br />

meaning that our life-saving work<br />

“There is no<br />

doubt that the<br />

installation<br />

of these new<br />

lights will help<br />

drastically<br />

when our<br />

crew take on<br />

even more<br />

life-saving<br />

missions in<br />

the hours of<br />

darkness. ”<br />

is only possible with thanks to<br />

the generosity and support of our<br />

local community.<br />

“There is no doubt that the<br />

installation of these new lights<br />

will help drastically when our<br />

crew take on even more lifesaving<br />

missions in the hours of<br />

darkness. We know that patients<br />

can become seriously ill or injured<br />

at any time of the day or night,<br />

and by operating 24 hours a day,<br />

7 days a week, we hope to be<br />

able to treat approximately 400<br />

additional patients every single<br />

year.<br />

“This new state-of-the-art lighting<br />

system will allow us to land, no<br />

matter what time of day, so that<br />

our patients can receive the best<br />

possible treatment as quickly as<br />

possible.”<br />

The HELP Appeal relies solely on<br />

charitable donations and does not<br />

receive any government funding<br />

or money from the National<br />

Lottery. For more information on<br />

the charity visit www.helpappeal.<br />

org.uk or call 0800 3898 999.<br />

22<br />

For further recruitment vacancies visit: www.ambulanceukonline.com


Isle of Wight<br />

NHS opens new<br />

Community Unit<br />

Isle of Wight NHS Trust<br />

has opened a new 14-bed<br />

Community Unit to help ease<br />

winter pressures and support<br />

people to leave hospital as<br />

soon as they are able to.<br />

The Trust, which provides<br />

ambulance, hospital, community<br />

and mental health services on<br />

the Island, announced the new<br />

nurse-led unit as part of its plan<br />

to manage increased demand<br />

during the winter months and to<br />

support people to leave hospital.<br />

Alice Webster, Nursing Director<br />

at Isle of Wight NHS Trust,<br />

said: “This is fantastic news for<br />

our patients and for the wider<br />

community.<br />

“Investing in community services<br />

is one of our top priorities<br />

because it will help people to live<br />

healthy and independent lives.<br />

“Hospitals are very busy places<br />

during the winter months and<br />

we want to do everything that<br />

we possibly can to help make<br />

sure that people are supported<br />

to leave hospital as soon as they<br />

are able to.<br />

“We are looking forward to<br />

seeing the positive difference that<br />

this new unit will make for our<br />

community.”<br />

The unit, based on the site of<br />

the former Compton Ward at<br />

St Mary’s Hospital, will care<br />

for people who need nursing<br />

support and a period of rest and<br />

convalescence before they can<br />

leave hospital.<br />

The NHS team will work<br />

alongside an Activities<br />

Coordinator and Living Well<br />

support from Age <strong>UK</strong>.<br />

It has been funded by part of the<br />

£1.192 million additional money<br />

made available to support the<br />

local NHS through winter.<br />

The Unit, which has a large day<br />

room and group dining table to<br />

encourage people to move and<br />

interact, opened on January 6<br />

and is now fully operational with<br />

14 beds.<br />

People will be discharged<br />

from hospital and referred to<br />

the Community Unit, which is<br />

being run as a standalone unit<br />

supporting people who are<br />

medically fit to leave hospital but<br />

who may be waiting for social<br />

care support or who may need<br />

nursing care as they continue<br />

their recovery before going<br />

home.<br />

Visiting time is 2pm to 8pm<br />

daily, to create a protected lunch<br />

time for patients and to ensure<br />

plenty of time for activities to aid<br />

recovery and improve people’s<br />

mobility.<br />

Isle of Wight NHS Trust also<br />

plans to invest in additional IT<br />

support for the Community Unit<br />

which will help monitor patient’s<br />

activity levels in hospital and at<br />

home, to track and maximise<br />

people’s movement and mobility.<br />

The Isle of Wight Health and Care<br />

Plan, published in September<br />

2019, highlighted the need to<br />

invest in community services as a<br />

key priority for the Island’s health<br />

service.<br />

In autumn 2019 the Local Care<br />

Board, which brings together the<br />

NHS, social care, primary care<br />

and the community and voluntary<br />

sectors, agree to invest £800,000<br />

in strengthening community<br />

services.<br />

The investment is designed<br />

to support people in their own<br />

homes as part of their recovery<br />

after a stay in hospital.<br />

It is also being used to place<br />

district nurses and therapists into<br />

A&E so that they work alongside<br />

the social workers who are<br />

supporting people to return to<br />

their homes rather than spending<br />

unnecessary time in hospital.<br />

EMAS<br />

East Midlands<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service<br />

responds to more<br />

than 1,000 calls in<br />

first seven hours of<br />

New Year’s Day<br />

East Midlands <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Service received 1,021<br />

emergency and urgent calls<br />

during the first seven hours<br />

of <strong>2020</strong>, with a new 999 call<br />

received every 20 seconds<br />

throughout the busiest hours.<br />

By 3am, our 999 control<br />

rooms had taken almost 600<br />

emergency and urgent calls – a<br />

figure not normally reached until<br />

at least 9am even on busy days.<br />

Calls were for a variety of<br />

conditions including trips and<br />

falls, breathing problems and<br />

road traffic collisions. Many calls<br />

related to illness or injury suffered<br />

as a result of too much alcohol.<br />

EMAS has been running a<br />

strategic command cell – key<br />

operational leads and senior<br />

management – each day since<br />

early December to respond<br />

swiftly to incidents, to support<br />

with peaks in demand and to<br />

liaise with other parts of the care<br />

system to manage the increased<br />

demand.<br />

Strategic commander Ben<br />

Holdaway said “We expect New<br />

Year’s Eve and into News Year’s<br />

Day to be our busiest time of<br />

the year, but we have also seen<br />

unprecedented levels of activity<br />

in the service over the last<br />

couple of months. Our teams<br />

have been working tirelessly<br />

to prepare for the overall rise<br />

in demand expected during<br />

December, January and into<br />

<strong>Feb</strong>ruary and we continue to<br />

work closely with colleagues<br />

in other NHS organisations to<br />

ensure patients receive the help<br />

they need.<br />

“Crews in our emergency<br />

ambulances and fast response<br />

vehicles, volunteer responders<br />

and teams in our Emergency<br />

Operations Centres have worked<br />

fantastically over the first few<br />

hours of the year.<br />

“The support they have received<br />

from our mechanics, support<br />

staff and administration teams<br />

has been equally impressive.<br />

“I would like to send my<br />

personal thanks to all colleagues<br />

and volunteers for their hard<br />

work and wish them a Happy<br />

New Year.”<br />

EMAS is continuing to urge<br />

people to use only use 999 for<br />

urgent and immediately lifethreatening<br />

conditions, such as:<br />

• Suspected strokes<br />

• Breathing difficulties<br />

• Heavy bleeding/bleeding that<br />

won’t stop<br />

• Loss of consciousness.<br />

EMAS expects activity levels to<br />

remain high through January<br />

and <strong>Feb</strong>ruary and during busy<br />

periods will prioritise the most<br />

serious cases, advising other<br />

callers that they will need to<br />

wait until resources become<br />

available.<br />

People are being asked to play<br />

their part by seeking out the<br />

most appropriate service for<br />

their conditions. Help with less<br />

serious conditions is available<br />

from GP surgeries, pharmacies,<br />

by dialling NHS111 or NHS111<br />

online, or by visiting local walk-in<br />

centres.<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

Life Connections - The Affordable CPD Provider: www.lifeconnections.uk.com<br />



EEAST<br />

Norfolk cardiac<br />

arrest survivor<br />

reunited with her<br />

life-savers<br />

Sue Purvis, 62, from Norfolk,<br />

was given the opportunity<br />

to be reunited with the team<br />

that saved her life when her<br />

heart stopped beating in her<br />

Wymondham home, and convey<br />

a special thank you to the call<br />

handler who took her call.<br />

On 7 June 2019, the East of<br />

England <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service NHS<br />

Trust (EEAST) Norwich control<br />

room received an emergency 999<br />

call from Mark Purvis, after he<br />

witnessed his wife Sue collapse<br />

in their kitchen whilst she was<br />

cooking dinner.<br />

John Chapman was the EEAST<br />

call handler who took the call<br />

at 4.50pm and proceeded to<br />

talk Mark through how to do<br />

cardiopulmonary resuscitation<br />

(CPR).<br />

the crew and transported to the<br />

Norfolk and Norwich University<br />

Hospital (NNUH).<br />

Bryony said: “We were all<br />

pleasantly surprised to find Sue<br />

sitting up and trying to talk whilst<br />

travelling in the ambulance.<br />

“She was in such good condition<br />

by the time we reached the<br />

hospital, even the doctors were<br />

shocked she’d had a cardiac<br />

arrest just half an hour before!”<br />

Just a few months later, Sue wrote<br />

a letter to the patient experience<br />

department at EEAST.<br />

In her letter, Sue wrote: “It has<br />

taken a long time for me to write<br />

this letter because I have been<br />

unable to select the appropriate<br />

wording to reflect my feelings.<br />

“I have, however, decided that<br />

some words are better than none.<br />

“Maybe all I need is a million<br />

‘thank yous’ to the people who<br />

take the 999 calls.”<br />

to collaborate on creating the<br />

best paramedic undergraduateeducation<br />

experience in<br />

Scotland.<br />

RGU successfully bid to bring<br />

paramedic undergraduate<br />

education to the Highlands &<br />

Islands and Grampian in October<br />

of 2019, boosting the capacity<br />

for training new paramedics in<br />

Scotland and enhancing patient<br />

care.<br />

The university’s new Visiting<br />

Professor, Paul Gowens, will<br />

support its BSc Paramedic<br />

Practice course at a strategic<br />

level, as well as providing<br />

masterclass opportunities for<br />

students.<br />

Paul has experienced numerous<br />

strategic roles, including<br />

Programme Director and Chair<br />

of the Clinical Transformation<br />

Programme Board. As Lead<br />

Paramedic Consultant, he is<br />

tasked with leading clinicaldevelopment<br />

transformation<br />

across the Scottish <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Service (SAS).<br />

national level.<br />

“It’s exciting and humbling to<br />

be involved in the development<br />

of the paramedic curriculum<br />

and profession,” said Paul.<br />

“I think it’s a great honour for<br />

any professional to be given<br />

responsibility for how education<br />

and training will be delivered,<br />

and to develop research and new<br />

knowledge in that field. To be<br />

part of that from the onset is very<br />

exciting.”<br />

Ian adds: “For RGU, we will<br />

ensure that our programme is<br />

addressing the needs of future<br />

paramedics, who are not just<br />

going to operate in an urban<br />

environment but also in remote<br />

and rural contexts. We’re fortunate<br />

to have both as part of our<br />

programme going forward.<br />

“There are exciting opportunities<br />

for collaborating with Paul,<br />

and SAS, on research and<br />

how we deliver on the Scottish<br />

Government’s commitment to<br />

ensure equity of healthcare across<br />

the population and the nation.”<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

Also, in the house at the time was<br />

the couple’s son, Stuart Purvis<br />

who was able to take over CPR<br />

from his father until the EEAST<br />

crew arrived.<br />

Two ambulance crews and an<br />

ambulance officer were sent to<br />

Sue’s home by dispatcher, Glenn<br />

Pell and Dispatch Team Leader,<br />

Laura Denman.<br />

Bryony Shipsey (intermediate<br />

ambulance practitioner) and<br />

her crewmate Mark Wright<br />

(paramedic) were the first to<br />

arrive on scene, closely followed<br />

by Ben Corrigan (emergency<br />

medical technician), Oliver Oxbury<br />

(paramedic), Will Armstrong<br />

(paramedic) and Gary Steward<br />

(critical care paramedic).<br />

After receiving three shocks,<br />

and a shot of adrenaline, Sue<br />

was successfully resuscitated by<br />

She was able to say thank you<br />

in person to her call handler, and<br />

some of the team that saved her<br />

life, when she reunited with them<br />

this week accompanied by Mark,<br />

Stuart and her other son Chris.<br />

Sue said: “My family and I cannot<br />

ever thank these people, and in<br />

fact all of their colleagues, for the<br />

amazing work they do.”<br />

SAS<br />

Top paramedic<br />

collaborates on<br />

undergraduateeducation<br />

in<br />

Scotland<br />

The Lead Paramedic Consultant<br />

for the Scottish <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Service has accepted the<br />

position of Visiting Professor at<br />

Robert Gordon University (RGU)<br />

Professor Ian Murray, Head of the<br />

School of Nursing and Midwifery<br />

at RGU, said: “To have Scotland’s<br />

leading paramedic as part of our<br />

team is one of many steps we<br />

are taking to provide a curriculum<br />

that’s fit for purpose and the<br />

future. Paul’s contribution will help<br />

us take strides toward becoming<br />

the leading university in Scotland<br />

for paramedic practice.<br />

“Through Paul, students will<br />

be able to engage directly with<br />

someone who’s not just leading<br />

practice but also operating<br />

at a strategic level in terms of<br />

ambulance-service experience in<br />

Scotland.”<br />

Paul’s links to SAS will also help<br />

the university to identify areas<br />

for demand-led research, which<br />

will support the development of<br />

the paramedic profession on a<br />

WAA<br />

Plasma on Wiltshire<br />

Air <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

provides additional<br />

lifesaving capability<br />

Wiltshire Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> has<br />

enhanced the blood products<br />

it can give to critically injured<br />

or unwell people by carrying<br />

plasma.<br />

The charity is now carrying two<br />

units of plasma onboard and this<br />

will be used with two units of O<br />

negative blood (packed red blood<br />

cells).<br />

Wiltshire Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> has<br />

been carrying packed red blood<br />

cells on its helicopter and Rapid<br />

Response Vehicles (cars) since<br />

August 2015 and 72 patients have<br />

been given pre-hospital blood<br />

24<br />

For more news visit: www.ambulanceukonline.com


transfusions by its critical care<br />

paramedics and doctors.<br />

The packed red blood cells help<br />

carry oxygen around the body and<br />

replaces blood lost by patients,<br />

while plasma contains essential<br />

clotting factors to help stop<br />

bleeding.<br />

The plasma carried by Wiltshire<br />

Air <strong>Ambulance</strong>, called LyoPlas,<br />

is freeze dried and is in powder<br />

form in a glass vial. It is mixed<br />

with water to form a yellow liquid<br />

before it is given intravenously.<br />

Ben Abbott, critical care<br />

paramedic and operations officer<br />

at Wiltshire Air <strong>Ambulance</strong>,<br />

said: “We believe the addition of<br />

plasma will make a significant<br />

difference to the care of patients<br />

who require emergency prehospital<br />

blood transfusions and<br />

improve their chances of reaching<br />

hospital alive in order for them<br />

to receive further emergency<br />

treatment.<br />

“We’ve been giving pre-hospital<br />

blood transfusions since 2015<br />

and we have seen the visible<br />

difference they can make to<br />

critically injured or unwell patients<br />

who are bleeding as a result<br />

of trauma or acute medical<br />

conditions. Blood products<br />

are a precious commodity and<br />

emergency blood transfusions<br />

can save lives.<br />

“It is a privilege for the critical care<br />

team at Wiltshire Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> to<br />

be able to give blood and plasma<br />

to patients who require it in the<br />

pre-hospital environment.”<br />

Richard Miller, clinical services<br />

and ground base manager at<br />

Wiltshire Air <strong>Ambulance</strong>, said:<br />

“Our paramedics and doctors<br />

provide gold standard medical<br />

care to patients and the addition<br />

of plasma is an enhancement to<br />

our service.<br />

“Having blood products on board<br />

our aircraft and Rapid Response<br />

Vehicles is only possible thanks<br />

to the kind donations our charity<br />

receives from the community,<br />

businesses and grant-making<br />

trusts to run our vital service.”<br />

NWAS<br />

Flu angels help<br />

vaccinate frontline<br />

staff<br />

Two North West <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Service (NWAS) ‘flu angels’<br />

have been out and about across<br />

Cheshire and Merseyside on a<br />

decommissioned ambulance<br />

dubbed the ‘flu bus’ delivering<br />

vaccinations to busy ambulance<br />

staff.<br />

Paramedic, Kelsey Morgan and<br />

Emergency Medical Technician<br />

1, Sarah Jane Pettitt along with<br />

help from Paramedic, Debbie<br />

Stephens have delivered around<br />

140 vaccines so far and will<br />

be continuing to deliver flu<br />

vaccinations at convenient times<br />

for staff.<br />

The flu vaccination is the most<br />

effective way for people to protect<br />

themselves and their families<br />

against the influenza virus and<br />

healthcare workers are entitled to<br />

a free jab each year.<br />

Advanced Paramedic, Rob<br />

Palmer said: “Our frontline staff<br />

work very closely with poorly and<br />

vulnerable patients and are more<br />

likely to be exposed to flu - and to<br />

pass it on. It’s really important for<br />

them to protect themselves and<br />

their patients by getting the flu<br />

vaccination.<br />

“It can be a challenge for staff<br />

to attend designated flu clinics<br />

around their busy shifts so this<br />

is an excellent way to bring the<br />

vaccinations to them!”<br />

Kelsey and Sarah, who are both<br />

expecting babies and therefore<br />

currently on light duties, have<br />

been turning up at local hospitals<br />

and ambulance stations working<br />

during different shift times to offer<br />

the vaccine to as many staff as<br />

possible.<br />

Kelsey said: “This is really well<br />

received by staff who often<br />

struggle to find time to have their<br />

flu vaccination.<br />

“The viruses that cause flu can<br />

change every year, which is why<br />

it’s really important for staff to get<br />

their flu jab annually and the more<br />

staff we can get protected, the<br />

better.”<br />

The flu bus will be in action whilst<br />

supplies last and staff are also<br />

able to book in time slots to be<br />

vaccinated.<br />

All NWAS staff are entitled to<br />

the flu vaccination and clinics<br />

and initiatives are run across the<br />

region to target as many staff as<br />

possible.<br />

The <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Staff Charity (TASC)<br />

launches its new<br />

brand and website<br />

The <strong>Ambulance</strong> Staff Charity<br />

(TASC), a national charity<br />

which provides the <strong>UK</strong>’s<br />

ambulance community with<br />

mental, physical wellbeing<br />

and financial support, is<br />

excited to announce the<br />

launch of its new brand and<br />

redesigned website at www.<br />

theasc.org.uk.<br />

Beginning as The <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Services Benevolent Fund<br />

in 1986, the charity officially<br />

launched in 2015. Since its<br />

creation, TASC has gone<br />

through a number of significant<br />

developments, including a<br />

recent change to its charitable<br />

constitution to now support <strong>UK</strong><br />

ambulance service volunteers,<br />

and this rebrand reflects the<br />

changes in the organisation, it’s<br />

continued commitment to the<br />

people in the <strong>UK</strong>’s ambulance<br />

community and it’s vision for<br />

the future.<br />

The Coventry-based charity’s<br />

new website was developed in<br />

partnership with local creative<br />

agency Rawww and features<br />

a fully responsive modern<br />

design, brand new content<br />

and improved functionality.<br />

The website will be updated<br />

regularly with useful information<br />

and advice and the charity’s<br />

latest news. There are also<br />

plans for the continued<br />

development of the site,<br />

including an online shop which<br />

will be launching in <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Karl Demian, TASC’s Chief<br />

Operating Officer, said:<br />

“2019 was a year of great<br />

change for the organisation,<br />

including widening the range<br />

of support we provide and<br />

developing our services<br />

to deal with the increasing<br />

numbers and demand from<br />

the ambulance community.<br />

The entire TASC team and<br />

our partners at RAWWW have<br />

worked incredibly hard over<br />

the last five months and we’re<br />

very excited to launch our new<br />

brand and website - it was the<br />

perfect way for us to end 2019<br />

and begin the next chapter in<br />

TASC’s growth.”<br />

Maria Louca, Sales and<br />

Marketing Manager at Rawww,<br />

said:<br />

“As a creative agency<br />

proudly based in Coventry,<br />

we love working with local<br />

organisations. To be working<br />

with a national charity like<br />

TASC, supporting the <strong>UK</strong>’s<br />

amazing ambulance community,<br />

gives the Rawww Team an<br />

added incentive to deliver<br />

a fabulous new website<br />

showcasing the great work<br />

TASC does.”<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

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AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

WAS<br />

Emergency services<br />

celebrated for<br />

dementia friendly<br />

initiatives at annual<br />

Alzheimer’s Society<br />

awards<br />

Following Alzheimer’s Society’s<br />

annual Dementia Friendly<br />

Awards on 27 November, three<br />

local emergency services have<br />

been recognised nationally for<br />

their achievements in leading<br />

the sector by helping to support<br />

people with dementia to live<br />

safely in their local community.<br />

Kent Fire and Rescue Service,<br />

Welsh <strong>Ambulance</strong> Services<br />

NHS Trust and Cleveland Police<br />

were all shortlisted for either<br />

a large or small ‘Dementia<br />

Friendly Organisation of the<br />

Year’, two of nine categories at<br />

the sixth prestigious Dementia<br />

Friendly Awards that celebrate<br />

individuals, organisations<br />

and communities who are<br />

leading and inspiring change<br />

to transform the lives of people<br />

with dementia, challenge<br />

misunderstandings and alter<br />

attitudes around dementia.<br />

Keeping safe and well is<br />

important to everyone, but it may<br />

be more of a concern if a person<br />

has dementia. For instance,<br />

people with dementia may find<br />

it harder to manage everyday<br />

risks and may forget to turn<br />

things off such as the oven or<br />

gas or become confused about<br />

how things work or where they<br />

are. These services have been<br />

commended for going above<br />

and beyond to support people<br />

affected in their community.<br />

The shortlisting of the services<br />

coincides with the launch of<br />

Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia<br />

Friendly Emergency Services<br />

guide, which sets out best<br />

practice for Emergency Services<br />

looking to support and assist<br />

people with dementia. In 2017,<br />

Emergency Services across the<br />

<strong>UK</strong> made a strategic commitment<br />

to become more dementia<br />

friendly and support people in<br />

their local community affected<br />

by dementia. Since 2017, 28<br />

services have signed up to<br />

become dementia-friendly and<br />

the sector now has over 35,300<br />

Dementia Friends. The release<br />

of the guide will help support<br />

services across the nation<br />

in meeting this goal, and the<br />

three services shortlisted are<br />

showcased in this guide.<br />

Shortlisted for the large<br />

organisation section of the<br />

‘Dementia Friendly Organisation<br />

of the Year’ category, the Welsh<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Services NHS<br />

Trust has been recognised for<br />

providing an invaluable service<br />

to over three million people<br />

across the country. Recognised<br />

by Alzheimer’s Society as a<br />

Dementia Friendly Organisation<br />

in 2017, the service involves<br />

people with dementia across its<br />

activities, from board meetings<br />

to training delivery. The Trust has<br />

also co-produced a dementia<br />

friendly leaflet with people living<br />

with the condition, advising<br />

residents about what to do in an<br />

emergency and how to get help<br />

in easy to understand language<br />

and pictures.<br />

Alison Johnstone, Programme<br />

Manager for Dementia at the<br />

Welsh <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service said:<br />

“We are extremely honoured to<br />

be shortlisted for the Dementia<br />

Friendly Awards 2019. This<br />

acknowledgement is testament<br />

to the priority that the Trust has<br />

given to our dementia plan. As<br />

an organisation, we are fully<br />

committed to improving the<br />

experiences of people living with<br />

dementia. The relationships that<br />

we have nurtured and maintained<br />

with people affected by dementia<br />

remains at the heart of everything<br />

we do. This nomination means a<br />

lot for the selfless people on my<br />

team who have worked tirelessly<br />

to continue to improve our<br />

services for those who need them<br />

the most”<br />

Cleveland Police, has also been<br />

recognised for taking extensive<br />

steps to support people with<br />

dementia in the local community,<br />

from signposting to local<br />

Alzheimer’s Society support on<br />

their vehicles to ensuring their<br />

station is dementia friendly by<br />

encouraging police officers<br />

to become Dementia Friends,<br />

the positive impact of the<br />

force’s dedication was shown<br />

in November 2018, when an<br />

83-year-old resident was spotted<br />

walking by a Police Station only<br />

wearing a dressing gown and<br />

slippers on a cold night, without<br />

any identification. She was<br />

taken inside and was extremely<br />

frightened and disorientated. The<br />

officers, who were both Dementia<br />

Friends, were able to put her<br />

at ease and immediately made<br />

the necessary adaptations to be<br />

able to communicate with the<br />

individual.<br />

Police and Crime<br />

Commissioner Barry Coppinger,<br />

who is also a recognised<br />

Dementia Champion, said:<br />

“There has been a great effort<br />

within Cleveland Police to<br />

establish themselves as a<br />

Dementia Friendly organisation,<br />

which I have supported<br />

enthusiastically. It’s important that<br />

the police reflect and understand<br />

the communities they serve and<br />

I’m pleased their work has been<br />

recognised nationally.<br />

“The close partnership working<br />

we have in Cleveland means<br />

officers, staff, volunteers and<br />

police cadets have all been able<br />

to improve their knowledge and<br />

establish processes to help<br />

improve their service for people<br />

living with dementia.”<br />

Another finalist, Kent Fire and<br />

Rescue Service, has made<br />

the majority of its staff (90%),<br />

Dementia Friends, produced<br />

a booklet for carers to provide<br />

advice on how to support<br />

people with dementia in the<br />

local community, and worked<br />

with Alzheimer’s Society to<br />

be an expert voice for other<br />

services wishing to become more<br />

dementia friendly.<br />

Sean Bone-Knell, Director of<br />

Operations at Kent Fire and<br />

Rescue Service, said: “Here at<br />

Kent Fire and Rescue Service,<br />

offering extra support and help to<br />

those living with dementia is just<br />

a part of what we do as a service.<br />

However, for a number of years<br />

now, we have also been actively<br />

working to ensure members of<br />

our community truly understand<br />

dementia and the small things<br />

everyone can do to make a big<br />

difference.”<br />

“These awards are a great<br />

opportunity to celebrate the<br />

good work taking place in<br />

communities around the <strong>UK</strong>,<br />

and so we are honoured to have<br />

been shortlisted this year. It’s<br />

vital for emergency services<br />

to meet the needs of those<br />

living with dementia and ensure<br />

everyone can live well within<br />

their community – it is something<br />

myself and our staff are incredibly<br />

passionate about promoting.”<br />

Dementia is the 21st century’s<br />

biggest killer in the <strong>UK</strong>. Someone<br />

develops the condition every<br />

three minutes, but too many face<br />

it alone and without adequate<br />

support, even though two thirds<br />

of people with dementia live in<br />

their local community. Alzheimer’s<br />

Society is at the forefront of a<br />

movement to ensure everyone<br />

living with dementia is understood<br />

and included in society, with its<br />

Dementia Friends initiative being<br />

the largest of its kind, uniting over<br />

three million people to take action<br />

to change the way the nation<br />

thinks, talks and acts about<br />

dementia.<br />

26<br />

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The three shortlisted services<br />

also help make up over 450<br />

Alzheimer’s Society Dementia<br />

Friendly communities across<br />

England, Wales and Northern<br />

Ireland, which are helping to<br />

ensure people with dementia are<br />

better able to live the life they<br />

choose and are involved in their<br />

local communities.<br />

Jeremy Hughes, Chief<br />

Executive of Alzheimer’s<br />

Society, said: “There are 850,000<br />

people living with dementia in the<br />

<strong>UK</strong> and this number is increasing.<br />

Having Emergency Services that<br />

understand the complexities of<br />

dementia and can respond to<br />

often distressed and frightened<br />

individuals is a lifeline, so this<br />

recognition of the fantastic work<br />

of the three organisations, who<br />

have gone above and beyond<br />

to support people with dementia<br />

in their local communities, is<br />

thoroughly deserved.<br />

“Defeating dementia will take<br />

a societal response, where<br />

individuals, organisations and<br />

whole sectors are changing the<br />

way they think, talk and act about<br />

dementia. I would encourage<br />

every other fire, ambulance and<br />

police service to take a look at<br />

our Dementia Friendly Emergency<br />

Services Guide to create even<br />

more change.”<br />

Find out more about how to<br />

become a Dementia Friendly<br />

Organisation by visiting<br />

dementiafriends.org.uk/<br />

Falmer, East Sussex is expected<br />

to be operational by Autumn<br />

<strong>2020</strong>.<br />

SECAmb’s Make Ready system<br />

minimises the risk of crossinfection<br />

and keeps vehicles on<br />

the road for longer with speciallytrained<br />

operatives regularly deepcleaning,<br />

restocking and checking<br />

vehicles for mechanical faults.<br />

The central reporting model will<br />

also see ambulance staff who<br />

currently start and end their shifts<br />

in Brighton, Hove and Lewes<br />

instead start and finish at the<br />

new centre – a way of working<br />

already in place across much of<br />

SECAmb’s, region.<br />

The Make Ready Centre will be<br />

named Chamberlain House, in<br />

recognition of Professor Douglas<br />

Chamberlain, who founded the<br />

first paramedics in Europe in<br />

Brighton in the 1970s.<br />

The renowned retired cardiologist,<br />

who worked as an advisor for<br />

SECAmb for many years, visited<br />

the building development recently<br />

alongside two of Brighton’s<br />

longest serving and newest<br />

paramedics.<br />

The new development will be<br />

supported by a network of<br />

dedicated <strong>Ambulance</strong> Community<br />

Response Posts, (ACRPs), with<br />

suitable rest facilities for crews<br />

between calls and when on a<br />

break.<br />

subject to wider development<br />

plans.<br />

The introduction of Make Ready<br />

means that the Trust does not<br />

require large stations in which<br />

to store equipment and restock<br />

and maintain vehicles. The new<br />

centre will also provide modern<br />

training and meeting facilities.<br />

SECAmb Operating Unit Manager<br />

for the Brighton area Tim Fellows<br />

said: “I’m delighted that work<br />

on this important development<br />

is now well under way. The new<br />

centre will ensure we have new<br />

modern facilities for staff and that<br />

we are able to fully implement the<br />

Make Ready system in Brighton<br />

and the surrounding area.<br />

“Crews will still respond from the<br />

same towns under this system<br />

but will begin and end their shifts<br />

at staggered times with a vehicle<br />

prepared for them that is fully<br />

operational. The facilities that<br />

Chamberlain House provides will<br />

also ensure crews have access<br />

to improved educational and<br />

skills training accommodation<br />

and increased access to<br />

leadership team support. It is<br />

only right that the city, as the<br />

birthplace of the <strong>UK</strong> paramedic<br />

profession, has the estate to<br />

match its prestigious history.”<br />

SECAmb has already developed<br />

five purpose-built Make Ready<br />

centres in Ashford and Paddock<br />

Wood in Kent and in Crawley,<br />

Tangmere and Polegate in<br />

Sussex. It also has Make Ready<br />

Centres in Chertsey, Hastings<br />

and Thanet.<br />

What is Make Ready?<br />

• The Make Ready initiative<br />

significantly enhances and<br />

improves the service SECAmb<br />

provides to the community.<br />

• It minimises the risk of crossinfection;<br />

frees up front-line<br />

staff, who traditionally cleaned<br />

and re-stocked ambulances,<br />

to spend more time treating<br />

patients; and keeps vehicles<br />

on the road for longer.<br />

• The initiative ensures that<br />

specially-trained operatives<br />

regularly deep-clean, restock<br />

and check vehicles for<br />

mechanical faults.<br />

• Make Ready Centres are<br />

supported by a network<br />

of <strong>Ambulance</strong> Community<br />

Responses Posts (ACRPs)<br />

across the area with staff<br />

beginning and ending their<br />

shifts at the new centre.<br />

• During their shifts, staff will<br />

respond from the ACRPs<br />

which will provide facilities for<br />

staff.<br />

These are located based on<br />

patient demand.<br />

The service provided to Brighton<br />

SECAMB<br />

Work progressing<br />

on new Brighton<br />

ambulance centre<br />

Work is progressing well on the<br />

development of South East Coast<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service’s, (SECAmb),<br />

latest Make Ready Centre.<br />

The new development at<br />

Woollards Field, near the A27 at<br />

and the surrounding area will be<br />

protected by strategically-placed<br />

response posts located across<br />

the area including in Seven Dials<br />

and Hanover District in Brighton,<br />

Lewes, Peacehaven, Newhaven<br />

and Hove. Shifts will also begin<br />

and end on a staggered basis to<br />

ensure that ambulance cover is<br />

maintained in all areas served by<br />

the new centre. New ACRPs at<br />

the current Brighton and Lewes<br />

ambulance station sites are<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

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AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

Her Royal Highness<br />

The Princess Royal<br />

officially opens new<br />

helipad at Maidstone<br />

Hospital<br />

Her Royal Highness The<br />

Princess Royal visited<br />

Maidstone Hospital on<br />

Wednesday 11 December<br />

2019 to officially open its new<br />

helipad.<br />

The HELP Appeal, which is<br />

the only charity in the country<br />

dedicated to funding hospital<br />

helipads, donated £300,000 to<br />

Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells<br />

NHS Trust to build the all-weather<br />

pad at the rear of the oncology<br />

unit. It replaces the temporary site,<br />

which was often water-logged.<br />

The helipad will help increase<br />

the life chances of seriously ill or<br />

injured patients being brought to<br />

Maidstone Hospital for treatment<br />

or flown from the hospital to<br />

specialist centres elsewhere in<br />

the country for treatment. Air<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Kent Surrey Sussex<br />

will be the main user but it can<br />

also be used by other emergency<br />

services as well as charities such<br />

as the Children’s Air <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

which provides a medical transfer<br />

service for critically ill babies and<br />

children up to the age of 18.<br />

Prior to unveiling a plaque to<br />

mark the official opening of the<br />

helipad, Her Royal Highness was<br />

introduced to representatives from<br />

HELP Appeal, the Trust’s helipad<br />

response team as well as crew<br />

members from Air <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Kent Surrey Sussex which is<br />

celebrating 30 years of service<br />

this year.<br />

During her visit Her Royal<br />

Highness also met with the Trust’s<br />

Chief Executive Miles Scott,<br />

Chairman David Highton, as<br />

well as representatives from the<br />

hospital’s clinical services and<br />

departments, including Cancer<br />

and Emergency Medicine and<br />

Occupational Therapists, and the<br />

West Kent Dementia Partnership,<br />

during which she spoke to them<br />

about their achievements.<br />

Shirley Hollinshead, who this year<br />

celebrated 53 years’ continuous<br />

NHS service, presented Princess<br />

Anne with a bouquet of flowers<br />

as a thank you for visiting the<br />

hospital.<br />

Miles Scott, Chief Executive<br />

at MTW NHS Trust, said: “We<br />

are extremely grateful to Her<br />

Royal Highness for taking the<br />

time to open the new helipad at<br />

Maidstone Hospital which was<br />

only made possible thanks to the<br />

generosity of HELP Appeal.<br />

“To be able to offer a landing<br />

pad 24 hours a day seven<br />

days a week so we can work in<br />

partnership with other agencies<br />

to ensure our patients receive the<br />

best possible care at the right<br />

time in the right place is priceless.<br />

“It was also a fantastic opportunity<br />

for The Princess Royal to meet<br />

some of our wonderful staff and<br />

for her to hear first-hand from<br />

those working on the frontline<br />

about the amazing work they do<br />

every day to ensure we provide<br />

outstanding care to our patients.”<br />

Robert Bertram, Chief Executive<br />

of the HELP Appeal, said: “As<br />

we rapidly approach the shortest<br />

day of the year when there will<br />

be just eight hours of daylight,<br />

it’s fantastic to see Maidstone<br />

Hospital having a helipad, which<br />

not only enables patients to<br />

have immediate access to the<br />

Emergency Department, but is<br />

also fully illuminated, allowing<br />

air ambulances to land during<br />

darkness hours for the first time<br />

with critically ill patients.<br />

“We never hesitated for a second<br />

to fund this helipad, as we knew<br />

the difference it could make to the<br />

people of Maidstone, Kent and<br />

beyond. I am delighted that its<br />

significance is being recognised<br />

by Her Royal Highness The<br />

Princess Royal today.”<br />

Helen Bowcock, Chair of Trustees<br />

Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> Kent Surrey<br />

Sussex, said: “We have been<br />

working closely with Maidstone<br />

Hospital for nearly 30 years and<br />

Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells<br />

NHS Trust is a key partner of ours.<br />

“The opening of this helipad<br />

further strengthens that<br />

relationship and provides us<br />

with the infrastructure to provide<br />

a round-the-clock, enhanced<br />

service that will help save lives<br />

and improve patient outcomes.<br />

“We are grateful to the HELP<br />

Appeal for their funding and were<br />

honoured to be present at the<br />

official opening of the new facility<br />

by The Princess Royal.”<br />

LAS<br />

First London<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service<br />

cycle paramedic<br />

bicycle on show at<br />

the Science Museum<br />

The first bicycle used by the<br />

London <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service’s<br />

pioneering Cycle Response<br />

Unit (CRU) twenty years ago is<br />

now on display in the Science<br />

Museum’s new Medicine<br />

Galleries.<br />

The bicycle, and the kit cycle<br />

medics carried at the turn of<br />

the millennium, is on display<br />

in a newly opened and eagerly<br />

anticipated lifetime exhibition at<br />

the central London museum –<br />

donated by the founder of the<br />

CRU, Tom Lynch MBE.<br />

The Medicine: The Wellcome<br />

Galleries at the Science<br />

Museum in London opened on<br />

16 November. It’s the biggest<br />

exhibition of its kind in the world,<br />

at 3,000 square metres.<br />

Medic Tom - a BMX Racing<br />

Champion - first proposed a<br />

dedicated bicycle response team<br />

in 1998 – getting the go-ahead to<br />

launch a team in 2000.<br />

The bike he used as a singlemedic<br />

unit operating a trial in the<br />

West End is on display and a<br />

second, spare bicycle Tom used<br />

is at the London <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Service Historic Collection.<br />

After Tom’s trial responding in the<br />

West End proved a success, he<br />

started to expand the unit across<br />

the capital.<br />

In addition to the bicycle in the<br />

exhibit is the kit and medical<br />

equipment Tom would carry when<br />

responding to patients. This<br />

includes a defibrillator, oxygen<br />

and Tom’s BMX-style helmet.<br />

Tom said:<br />

“It was very special for me to see<br />

the display for the first time - in<br />

this amazing new exhibition and<br />

among some wonderful pieces of<br />

medical innovation.<br />

“Our Cycle Response Unit has<br />

come a long way since I rode this<br />

bicycle around the West End – we<br />

estimate our riders have since<br />

cycled an equivalent distance of<br />

circling the planet 70 times!<br />

“As we approach 20 years since<br />

the formation of the unit, it’s<br />

wonderful to have this integral<br />

display of our history showcasing<br />

how we’ve developed in the<br />

Science Museum for decades to<br />

come. I am so proud to represent<br />

the Service in this way.”<br />

Nowadays cycle medics still<br />

respond in the busy centre of the<br />

capital, including the West End<br />

and the City of London. The unit<br />

also has cycle responders in train<br />

28<br />

For more news visit: www.ambulanceukonline.com


stations and shopping centres<br />

in Stratford, Kings Cross and St<br />

Pancras and there is also a team<br />

based at Heathrow Airport and in<br />

Kingston and Richmond.<br />

In 2007 Tom Lynch was listed in<br />

the Queen’s New Year’s Honours<br />

List and appointed as a Member<br />

of the Order of the British Empire<br />

(MBE) for services to cycling,<br />

including his BMX career as a<br />

champion racer and coach, which<br />

was presented by HRH The Prince<br />

of Wales.<br />

HELP Appeal invests<br />

in new kit bags<br />

for Midlands Air<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Charity<br />

To support advanced patient<br />

care in the region, Midlands<br />

Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> Charity<br />

has unveiled new medical<br />

equipment kit bags, funded by<br />

the HELP Appeal, which are<br />

proving to aid clinicians on<br />

scene.<br />

The charity is dedicated<br />

to continuously improving<br />

specialist pre-hospital<br />

emergency care and recognised<br />

a more effective way of carrying<br />

equipment, medical supplies<br />

and drugs could be established.<br />

This led to a working group<br />

researching and subsequently<br />

implementing the new system.<br />

Manufactured by PAX the new<br />

bags include colour-coded<br />

areas for easy access of kit and<br />

medicines by the flight doctors<br />

and paramedics and those<br />

assisting on scene, such as the<br />

ambulance service.<br />

As part of the charity’s<br />

consistent approach, the<br />

new kit bags are now being<br />

used on the service’s three air<br />

ambulance helicopters, airbase<br />

rapid response vehicles and two<br />

critical care cars in Birmingham<br />

& the Black Country and<br />

Worcester.<br />

Ian Roberts, air operations<br />

manager for Midlands Air<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Charity, stated:<br />

“Previously the kit bags were<br />

bulky and cumbersome. Plus,<br />

due to wear and tear would only<br />

last up to six months before<br />

needing to be replaced. They<br />

were also difficult to fix into<br />

place in the helicopters, so a<br />

solution was required.<br />

“The new streamlined bags are<br />

being used up to ten times a day<br />

and are proving to further aid<br />

the delivery of advanced urgent<br />

medical care to patients due to<br />

the easy access pouches for<br />

medicines and equipment.”<br />

In addition to the new kit bags,<br />

the medical stores at each<br />

Midlands Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> Charity<br />

base have been reconfigured<br />

to mirror the colour coding of<br />

the bags, to streamline the<br />

restocking process.<br />

Collectively, across all Midlands<br />

Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> Charity’s<br />

vehicles, the bags cost £22,000,<br />

which was generously funded by<br />

a grant from the HELP Appeal.<br />

Robert Bertram, chief executive<br />

of the HELP Appeal, said: “The<br />

HELP Appeal is about saving<br />

time wherever possible, whether<br />

that is funding lifesaving hospital<br />

helipads all over the country or<br />

funding kit bags which allow<br />

doctors to have much quicker<br />

access to lifesaving medicine<br />

and kit. If we can shave vital<br />

minutes off the time it takes to<br />

treat a critically ill patient, this<br />

could help to save their life.”<br />

Ian concludes: “Before rolling<br />

out the new bags on missions,<br />

the aircrew undertook training<br />

and guidance on where<br />

everything is stored, which<br />

received positive feedback. I’d<br />

like to take this opportunity to<br />

thank aircrew team leader at<br />

our Strensham airbase, Julian<br />

Spiers, for leading on the<br />

working group and creating<br />

a solution which will support<br />

advanced patient care for many<br />

years to come.”<br />

LAS<br />

Specialist training<br />

for ambulance<br />

staff to support<br />

the treatment of<br />

terminally ill patients<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> crews in the capital<br />

have undergone specialist<br />

training to ensure that terminally<br />

ill people get care that meets<br />

their needs but respects their<br />

wishes.<br />

All front-line staff are receiving<br />

training through a partnership<br />

between London <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Service and Macmillan Cancer<br />

Support that aims to improve<br />

palliative and end of life care for<br />

patients and their families.<br />

Clinicians get additional guidance<br />

and education to support dying<br />

patients, whether that be on an<br />

emergency 999 call, an NHS 111<br />

call, or as part of a scheduled<br />

ambulance transport service.<br />

This can help avoid unnecessary<br />

trips to the hospital which can be<br />

distressing to the patient and their<br />

family.<br />

The London <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service<br />

team leading the project, which<br />

is now entering its second year,<br />

have also worked with other<br />

health and social care providers<br />

and charities to deliver bespoke<br />

communication and bereavement<br />

courses to staff.<br />

London <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service’s Chief<br />

Quality Officer Dr. Trisha Bain, said:<br />

“We strive to provide dignified,<br />

compassionate and respectful<br />

end of life care. Our work with<br />

Macmillan has meant extra<br />

training and education for all our<br />

crews on the road and our call<br />

handlers taking 999 calls.<br />

“This has ensured patients have<br />

their needs met and wishes<br />

respected and often avoids an<br />

unnecessary trip to hospital,<br />

which can be distressing to both<br />

the patient and their family.”<br />

All 18 ambulance group<br />

stations serving London have<br />

an ambulance clinician with<br />

additional training to help<br />

patients nearing their end of<br />

life and support their families.<br />

These volunteer clinicians lead<br />

improvement in their local<br />

area, sharing education with<br />

colleagues, promoting patient’s<br />

care plans and supporting the<br />

wellbeing of their colleagues.<br />

All staff have rapid access<br />

to Coordinate My Care, an<br />

electronic system holding<br />

patient care records. This means<br />

that clinicians have patients’<br />

notes at their fingertips and<br />

can understand a person’s<br />

preferences for care when a<br />

crisis occurs. The team has<br />

also been working with hospices<br />

and palliative care teams<br />

across London to create new<br />

appropriate care pathways,<br />

which offer specialist advice and<br />

access to services for London<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service Clinicians.<br />

Macmillan Paramedic<br />

Programme Lead, Georgina<br />

Murphy-Jones, said:<br />

“When someone is reaching<br />

their end of their life, we only<br />

have one chance to get it<br />

right. We aspire to provide<br />

compassionate care that meets<br />

the individual’s needs and<br />

wishes. This can be commonly<br />

achieved by supporting patients<br />

and their families at home.<br />

“Our partnership with Macmillan<br />

Cancer Support is enabling<br />

us to develop the knowledge,<br />

confidence and skills of our staff<br />

to provide quality care and an<br />

improved experience to those<br />

with advanced illness or when<br />

nearing their end of life.”<br />

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AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

LAS<br />

Taking the emergency<br />

department to<br />

the patient treats<br />

two-thirds in the<br />

community<br />

A specialist emergency service,<br />

which takes senior doctors<br />

and state-of-the-art medical<br />

equipment on the road, is<br />

successfully treating many<br />

patients at the scene, potentially<br />

avoiding almost 1,000<br />

ambulance trips to hospital and<br />

saving over £500,000 a year,<br />

according to new research led<br />

by Barts Health NHS Trust.<br />

The Physician Response Unit<br />

(PRU) is a collaboration between<br />

Barts Health NHS Trust, London’s<br />

Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> Charity and the<br />

London <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service,<br />

which takes the emergency<br />

department (ED) to the patient,<br />

delivering safe and effective<br />

emergency care in the community.<br />

The PRU is based at The Royal<br />

London Hospital and responds<br />

to 999 calls in northeast<br />

London. Staffed with a senior<br />

emergency doctor, in addition to<br />

an emergency ambulance crew<br />

clinician, the doctor’s experience<br />

enables the PRU team to treat<br />

a wider range of illnesses and<br />

injuries at the scene, compared<br />

to ambulance crews which more<br />

often need to take emergency<br />

patients to hospital.<br />

The PRU car carries advanced<br />

medication, equipment and<br />

treatments usually only found in<br />

hospital, such as instant-result<br />

blood tests, urine tests and<br />

sutures to stitch serious wounds.<br />

It also has a computer with<br />

access to patients’ electronic<br />

records, allowing the team to<br />

review hospital and GP notes.<br />

Barts Health, London’s Air<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> and the London<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service were<br />

the first in the <strong>UK</strong> to set up a<br />

PRU, launched in 2001. The<br />

innovative model has since been<br />

implemented across the <strong>UK</strong>,<br />

including Wales, Oxford and<br />

Lincoln, with other parts of the<br />

country also looking to develop<br />

similar services.<br />

Dr Tony Joy, Consultant in<br />

Emergency Medicine at<br />

Barts Health NHS Trust and<br />

Clinical Lead of the PRU, said:<br />

“Emergency Departments,<br />

inpatient wards and <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Services are under a lot of<br />

pressure, so the time is ripe for<br />

a service like this to be rolled out<br />

more widely.<br />

“The Physician Response Unit<br />

takes the emergency department<br />

directly to the patient. We’re able<br />

to provide immediate patientcentred<br />

care for those who would<br />

normally need to be taken to ED.<br />

This also frees up hospital and<br />

ambulance resources, and allows<br />

us to prioritise care in ED for very<br />

sick patients.”<br />

Earlier this month, Charles<br />

Rumsey, aged 90 from East Ham,<br />

London, had a blocked catheter<br />

for which a district nurse advised<br />

calling 999 for hospital attention.<br />

He has advanced dementia, and<br />

he and his wife were braced for a<br />

long day at A&E. Instead, a PRU<br />

team arrived and were able to<br />

change his catheter at their home.<br />

His wife, Valerie Rumsey, said: “I<br />

initially phoned the local nurse,<br />

who said we should call an<br />

ambulance because it needed<br />

quick attention. So I phoned 999,<br />

and we got ourselves ready to go<br />

to hospital in an ambulance.<br />

“The response was so quick,<br />

arriving in around 10 minutes, and<br />

I was amazed when a car turned<br />

up with two medics, including a<br />

senior doctor, and an unbelievable<br />

amount of equipment. They<br />

examined Charles, and said it<br />

could be done there and then. I<br />

just couldn’t believe it. The doctor<br />

who unblocked the catheter was<br />

absolutely brilliant, and sorted<br />

everything out so quickly.<br />

“Because my husband has<br />

advanced dementia, it meant<br />

an awful lot to us not to have to<br />

take him to hospital. It’s made us<br />

quite emotional, feeling so well<br />

looked after without having to<br />

leave the house. This should be<br />

made available to as many people<br />

as possible. A lot of people our<br />

age would benefit, and so would<br />

babies and children. Everybody<br />

would benefit, in fact.”<br />

The latest research, published in<br />

the Emergency Medicine Journal,<br />

shows that many patients seeking<br />

emergency care via ambulance<br />

can be managed outside of<br />

hospital using the PRU:<br />

• The PRU saw 1,924 patients<br />

over the 12 month period<br />

(September 2017-September<br />

2018), averaging 5.3 per day,<br />

with 1,289 (67%) of patients<br />

being treated successfully in<br />

the community.<br />

• Of those managed in the<br />

community, 945 (73%) were<br />

likely to have been taken<br />

to hospital by a standard<br />

ambulance resource.<br />

• The PRU was estimated to<br />

deliver a reduction of 868<br />

inpatient bed days and replaced<br />

the need for three ambulance<br />

responses per day, generating<br />

an estimated total net saving of<br />

£530,107 over the year.<br />

• 640 patients (33%) underwent<br />

diagnostic tests not normally<br />

available with regular<br />

ambulance service resources.<br />

• 98% of 52 patients surveyed<br />

were extremely likely to<br />

recommend the service.<br />

Patients were overwhelmingly<br />

positive about being able to<br />

receive a specialist medical<br />

consultation in their own home,<br />

avoiding a trip to hospital.<br />

This includes the elderly and<br />

infirm where a hospital episode<br />

increases the incidence of<br />

disorientation, falls and infections.<br />

Dr Tony Joy from Barts Health<br />

added: “A big motivation for us<br />

is getting emergency doctors out<br />

into the community to learn more<br />

about the people they serve. It’s<br />

empowering for the doctor to<br />

see the patient in their own home<br />

rather than in ED where they see<br />

so many patients over a short<br />

period. And unsurprisingly, the<br />

patients love it too.<br />

“In addition to the patients<br />

benefiting, our clinicians are<br />

also finding great reward<br />

and satisfaction from more<br />

collaborative working between<br />

the ambulance service and the<br />

hospital team.”<br />

London <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service Chief<br />

Medical Director Dr Fenella Wrigley<br />

said: “This service, with support<br />

from London <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service<br />

emergency ambulance crew, helps<br />

bring expertise into a person’s<br />

home potentially saving a patient<br />

an unnecessary trip to hospital.<br />

This means more ambulances may<br />

be available for even more critically<br />

injured patients.<br />

“This is one of a number of<br />

advances the Service has<br />

made to reduce the number of<br />

patients we take to emergency<br />

departments by offering the right<br />

care for them elsewhere and<br />

reducing pressure on the wider<br />

healthcare system in London.”<br />

Jonathan Jenkins, Chief Executive<br />

of London’s Air <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

said: “I’m incredibly proud of the<br />

innovative work Tony and everyone<br />

at the PRU are doing and the<br />

difference it is making to patients’<br />

lives. London’s Air <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Charity knows the importance<br />

of bringing the emergency<br />

department to the patient and<br />

the PRU is a crucial part of this,<br />

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allowing us to do the very best for<br />

our patients. The opportunity to<br />

expand this work, both ourselves<br />

and with partners, is huge.”<br />

St John <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Services in East<br />

Midlands rated<br />

‘good’ by CQC<br />

First official rating for the First<br />

Aid Charity<br />

St John <strong>Ambulance</strong> East Midlands<br />

has received its first rating from<br />

the Quality Care Commission and<br />

was awarded ‘good’.<br />

The rating comes after an inspection<br />

was announced at short notice<br />

in August last year and the CQC<br />

acknowledged improvements that<br />

have been made in the charitable<br />

service since the previous inspection<br />

in 2017. Both the Patient Transport<br />

Service and Emergency & Urgent<br />

Care Service were reviewed, and<br />

both were found to provide safe,<br />

caring, effective and responsive care<br />

to patients.<br />

The ‘well-led’ criterion was found to<br />

be ‘needing improvement’, but the<br />

announcement comes in the middle<br />

of a re-structuring period for St<br />

John <strong>Ambulance</strong> and the CQC has<br />

acknowledged further improvements<br />

in the five-month period since the<br />

inspection took place.<br />

St John is now implementing<br />

its <strong>2020</strong> business strategy for<br />

ambulance provision and looks<br />

forward to welcoming the CQC<br />

back to see further improvements;<br />

not only in the East Midlands, but<br />

across the country.<br />

St John <strong>Ambulance</strong> is<br />

exceptionally proud of the work it<br />

does, providing urgent care and<br />

support to communities across<br />

the country. This rating proves that<br />

this work more than meets the<br />

expectations of the independent<br />

regulator of health and social care<br />

in England.<br />

Craig Harman, the National<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> & Community<br />

Response Director at St John<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> comments: “I am<br />

pleased that the CQC found<br />

our leaders to be visible and<br />

approachable and that our<br />

people felt supported, respected<br />

and valued. I was also pleased<br />

that the inspectors witnessed<br />

good care, witnessing our<br />

people speaking to patients with<br />

compassion and kindness. Since<br />

the inspection in August we have<br />

restructured, moving to a national<br />

operational structure. We will use<br />

the feedback provided by the<br />

inspection team to underpin our<br />

new national processes as we<br />

build on the hard work already<br />

carried out by our people and<br />

continuously improve the service<br />

we provide in our communities.<br />

Driving standards across the<br />

independent ambulance sector<br />

and within the event industry is a<br />

key strategic objective for St John<br />

and this CQC report is an excellent<br />

example of the work we are<br />

already doing to help us get there”.<br />

YAS<br />

Helping to boost<br />

the Restart a Heart<br />

campaign in Sri<br />

Lanka<br />

A Yorkshire <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service<br />

manager, who leads the Restart<br />

a Heart campaign, is heading<br />

to Sri Lanka to help improve<br />

cardiopulmonary resuscitation<br />

(CPR) training across the<br />

country.<br />

Jason Carlyon, senior<br />

engagement lead for Yorkshire<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service based in<br />

Wakefield and project manager<br />

for the Resuscitation Council,<br />

has been asked for help by Dr<br />

Nilmini Wijesuriya of the College<br />

of Anaesthesiologists and<br />

Intensivists of Sri Lanka.<br />

The country took part in the World<br />

Restart a Heart campaign for the<br />

first time in 2019 and more than<br />

3,700 people were trained in CPR.<br />

Their first campaign was launched<br />

with support from Jason by<br />

phone, Skype and email and his<br />

advice and input was recognised<br />

by making him a founder member<br />

of the project.<br />

The college is now keen to<br />

develop the campaign to make it<br />

bigger and better in <strong>2020</strong> and has<br />

asked Jason to spend a week in<br />

Sri Lanka to share his knowledge<br />

and experience with colleagues.<br />

Jason will be visiting the capital<br />

city of Colombo at the end of<br />

January and will be teaching<br />

medics how to train others in<br />

CPR as well as providing advice<br />

on how to roll-out the campaign<br />

across the country.<br />

Jason, who lives in Scarborough,<br />

said: “I am absolutely delighted<br />

to be invited to Colombo to<br />

help the college develop this<br />

important work. We have seen<br />

here in Yorkshire how successful<br />

the campaign can be and we are<br />

happy to support more people<br />

to learn this important life-saving<br />

skill with the aim of improving outof-hospital<br />

cardiac arrest survival<br />

rates.”<br />

Dr Wijesuriya<br />

said: “We<br />

look forward<br />

to Jason’s<br />

assistance<br />

with the<br />

development<br />

of this<br />

project, in<br />

order to<br />

raise public<br />

awareness<br />

in bystander<br />

CPR and<br />

also his<br />

expertise to<br />

make World<br />

Restart a<br />

Heart Day<br />

<strong>2020</strong> even<br />

more successful.”<br />

On Restart a Heart Day 2019<br />

in Yorkshire more than 860<br />

volunteers provided CPR training<br />

to more than 46,000 students at<br />

163 secondary schools across the<br />

region.<br />

The concept of Restart a Heart<br />

Day was first developed in 2013<br />

by the European Resuscitation<br />

Council. On 16 October 2014,<br />

Yorkshire <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service<br />

visited 49 schools and taught<br />

CPR to 11,500 youngsters –<br />

with the help of hundreds of<br />

volunteers, mostly off-duty staff<br />

and community first responders.<br />

In 2016 Yorkshire <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Service supported the roll-out of<br />

the event to all <strong>UK</strong> ambulance<br />

services and two years later it<br />

was adopted by the International<br />

Liaison Committee on<br />

Resuscitation to encourage mass<br />

CPR training on a global scale<br />

under a World Restart a Heart Day<br />

banner.<br />

The Yorkshire event is sponsored<br />

by the Yorkshire <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Service Charity and organised in<br />

partnership with the Resuscitation<br />

Council (<strong>UK</strong>), British Heart<br />

Foundation, St John <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

and other partners.<br />

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AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

SCAS<br />

999 service hits<br />

all response<br />

time targets over<br />

Christmas and New<br />

Year<br />

Thanks to the hard work and<br />

dedication of all its staff and<br />

volunteers working over the<br />

busy Christmas and New<br />

Year period, South Central<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service NHS<br />

Foundation Trust (SCAS) is<br />

delighted to announce that it<br />

met all its national response<br />

time targets in the two-week<br />

period from ‘Black Friday’, 20<br />

December 2019 to 2 January,<br />

<strong>2020</strong>.<br />

This means that all patient<br />

emergencies received by SCAS’<br />

clinical co-ordination centres<br />

in Bicester, Oxfordshire, and<br />

Otterbourne, Hampshire –<br />

whether triaged as a Category<br />

1 life-threatening emergency<br />

or a Category 4 less urgent<br />

emergency – received an<br />

ambulance response within<br />

the timescales set out by NHS<br />

England that all ambulance<br />

services are measured by.<br />

Mark Ainsworth, Director of<br />

Operations at South Central<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service NHS<br />

Foundation Trust, said:<br />

“The Christmas and New Year<br />

fortnight is an exceptionally<br />

busy time for all emergency<br />

services and I’m delighted that<br />

we were able to continue to<br />

deliver excellent clinical care<br />

both in person and over the<br />

phone, and a responsive and<br />

appropriate service to all those<br />

patients who called 999 during<br />

these two weeks.<br />

As well as passing on my<br />

gratitude to our staff working<br />

in our clinical co-ordination<br />

centres and on the road,<br />

we also received fantastic<br />

support right across the South<br />

Central area from our volunteer<br />

community first responders<br />

and co-responders from local<br />

fire and rescue services,<br />

police services and military<br />

personnel.”<br />

Will Hancock, Chief Executive<br />

at South Central <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Service NHS Foundation Trust,<br />

added:<br />

“I’d like to thank all our staff<br />

and volunteers for working<br />

so hard all year round, and<br />

particularly over the Christmas<br />

and New Year season when<br />

they are away from their<br />

families. Despite an increase<br />

in demand for our 999 service<br />

compared to 12 months ago,<br />

the dedication, professionalism<br />

and commitment over the last<br />

two weeks has delivered these<br />

fantastic results at the busiest<br />

time of the year.<br />

I would also like to thank<br />

members of the public across<br />

our region for continuing to<br />

use NHS 111, urgent treatment<br />

centres, their local GP surgery<br />

and pharmacies for minor<br />

injuries and illnesses. This<br />

really helps ensure that we can<br />

respond quickly to the most<br />

serious and life-threatening<br />

emergencies via our 999 service<br />

whenever and wherever they<br />

happen in our region.”<br />

YAS<br />

Yorkshire <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Service Emergency<br />

Medical Dispatcher<br />

scoops national<br />

award<br />

An experienced Emergency<br />

Medical Dispatcher (EMD)<br />

from Yorkshire <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Service NHS Trust has been<br />

awarded EMD of the Year<br />

2019 by the International<br />

Academies of Emergency<br />

Dispatch as part of their<br />

annual <strong>UK</strong> Navigator Awards.<br />

Aneela Ahmed, a 999 call<br />

handler in the Trust’s Wakefield<br />

Emergency Operations Centre,<br />

was commended for her great<br />

teamwork, professionalism<br />

and ability to cope well under<br />

pressure.<br />

She has worked for the region’s<br />

ambulance service for 22 years<br />

and has a wealth of experience<br />

in reassuring callers to the 999<br />

service and providing clear<br />

direction on what they need to<br />

do to help patients prior to the<br />

arrival of an ambulance.<br />

On receiving the award, Aneela<br />

said: “As an EMD we deal with<br />

a multitude of scenarios and I<br />

always try to do my very best to<br />

help callers whatever situation<br />

they are faced with. People can<br />

be very distressed when calling<br />

999 for ambulance assistance<br />

and it’s humbling to receive<br />

an award for helping others<br />

and doing a job I love. I am<br />

proud to be taking this award<br />

back to Yorkshire – it is for all<br />

the staff who work tirelessly in<br />

emergency operations centres.”<br />

Ashley Bond, Emergency<br />

Operations Centre Team Leader<br />

at YAS, was delighted about<br />

Aneela’s prestigious win and<br />

said: “Aneela is a role model for<br />

all EMDs and sets a standard<br />

that newcomers into the service<br />

should be aiming to achieve.<br />

She is so knowledgeable about<br />

the ambulance service as a<br />

whole, not just within the role<br />

she holds as an EMD. She isn’t<br />

afraid to help her colleagues<br />

when they are in need and does<br />

this in a confident, professional<br />

manner.”<br />

This is the third time a Yorkshire<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service EMD has<br />

won the award held by the<br />

International Academies of<br />

Emergency Dispatch during the<br />

past six years.<br />

Aneela, who lives in Bradford,<br />

is a Governor for Bradford<br />

District Care NHS Foundation<br />

Trust. She also supports her<br />

local community as a Councillor<br />

for the City of Bradford<br />

Metropolitan District Council<br />

where she has responsibilities<br />

as a member of the Joint Health<br />

and Social Care and Children’s<br />

Services Overview and Scrutiny<br />

Committee and as a member of<br />

the Fostering Panel.<br />

32<br />

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LAA News<br />

London’s Air <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

appoints new Medical<br />

Director<br />

London’s Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> Charity and Barts<br />

Health NHS Trust announced that Dr Tom<br />

Hurst has been appointed as the new<br />

Medical Director of the charity.<br />

Tom brings a wealth of expertise to the role. He<br />

is a currently a consultant in pre-hospital care<br />

with London’s Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> and a consultant<br />

in intensive care medicine and major trauma<br />

at King’s College Hospital. He trained in<br />

Manchester before undertaking a secondment<br />

to London’s Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> in 2008. Tom was<br />

Clinical Lead at East Anglian Air <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

from 2011 to 2014 and the sub-specialty lead<br />

for training in pre-hospital emergency medicine<br />

in London from 2014 to 2019.<br />

Tom’s appointment follows the departure from<br />

the medical director role of Dr Gareth Davies,<br />

who stepped down this year following the<br />

end of his tenure as Trustee to the Board of<br />

Directors. Gareth held the role from 1996 –<br />

2019 and remains a consultant in pre-hospital<br />

care with the service.<br />

The Medical Director role is of vital importance<br />

to London’s Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> Charity and Barts<br />

Health NHS Trust, providing leadership in the<br />

delivery of quality clinical care in collaboration<br />

with the London <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service and<br />

ensuring the efficient running of this life-saving<br />

service.<br />

Commenting on his new role as Medical<br />

Director, Dr Tom Hurst said:<br />

“This is truly an exciting time for London’s Air<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> and I am proud to be a part of<br />

it. We have exciting new procedures coming<br />

down the track that have the potential to be<br />

transformative for our patients.<br />

“I look forward to building on the incredible<br />

work that Dr Gareth Davies has undertaken as<br />

Medical Director. Gareth has steered London’s<br />

Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> to be a global leader in prehospital<br />

care and we can see this in the way<br />

the charity is now considered a vital part of<br />

London’s emergency response.<br />

“Above all I look forward to driving forward the<br />

clinical developments that will help us create<br />

the next generation of survivors in the capital.”<br />

Chief Executive Officer of London’s Air<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Jonathan Jenkins said;<br />

“The charity is delighted to welcome Dr Tom<br />

Hurst to this important role as we enter the<br />

next phase of development. Tom has an<br />

unwavering commitment to our vision for<br />

rapid response and cutting-edge care to end<br />

preventable deaths in London from serious<br />

injury.<br />

“I would also like to pay tribute to Dr Gareth<br />

Davies. Gareth has been instrumental to our<br />

charity’s development and has played no<br />

small part in ensuring we are recognised as a<br />

world-leading institution.”<br />

Barts Health Clinical Director for Emergency<br />

Medicine Dr Malik Ramadhan said:<br />

“This new post – joint between the Trust and<br />

the Charity is an exciting new model. Tom’s<br />

predecessor – Dr Gareth Davies - has left<br />

London’s Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> in an excellent<br />

position with a series of new processes<br />

coming on line to help critically injured<br />

patients.<br />

“Barts Health looks forward to continuing the<br />

partnership with the charity and the London<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service to push the boundaries of<br />

trauma survival and Tom is the ideal person to<br />

lead this programme.”<br />

London’s Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> Charity delivers rapid<br />

response and cutting-edge medical care to<br />

save lives in the city. The charity marks its 30th<br />

anniversary this year with the campaign 30<br />

Years Saving Lives, of which HRH The Duke of<br />

Cambridge is Patron.<br />

EEAST News<br />

East of England <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Trust (EEAST) appoints<br />

permanent Chief Executive<br />

Following an external recruitment process,<br />

the East of England <strong>Ambulance</strong> Trust<br />

(EEAST) has named Dorothy Hosein as its<br />

permanent Chief Executive.<br />

London’s Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> - Tom Hurst<br />

Dorothy has been Interim CEO since joining<br />

EEAST on 1 November 2018. Dorothy has<br />

extensive experience as a senior healthcare<br />

leader. Before joining EEAST she also<br />

delivered quality, performance and financial<br />

improvements at a range of hospitals,<br />

including the Mid-Essex Hospital and the<br />

Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King’s Lynn.<br />

The Trust now has a permanent Chair and<br />

CEO in place, providing stable leadership and<br />

direction to the organisation.<br />

Ann Radmore, regional director for NHS<br />

England and NHS Improvement in the East of<br />

England, welcomed Dorothy’s appointment,<br />

saying:<br />

>>><br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

Do you have anything you would like to add or include? Please contact us and let us know.<br />



“Dorothy came into the East of England<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service Trust on an interim basis<br />

last year and kick-started a programme of<br />

improvement, so I’m delighted that she has<br />

now been appointed as the permanent chief<br />

executive. I believe that Dorothy and Nicola<br />

will make a strong team to see through the<br />

changes needed in the organisation and to<br />

lead the Trust’s improvement journey – both in<br />

relation to the services it provides for patients<br />

in the East of England and for its dedicated<br />

staff.<br />

Nicola Scrivings, Chair of EEAST, said: “I am<br />

very pleased to announce that Dorothy Hosein<br />

has been appointed as our permanent CEO.<br />

Since joining the Trust just over a year ago,<br />

Dorothy has had a very positive focus on<br />

patient centred care, championing the need<br />

to ensure that our patients are at the heart<br />

of decision-making. I believe that this has<br />

been recognised by our staff and our external<br />

stakeholders alike.”<br />

He became one of the first <strong>UK</strong> paramedics<br />

in the mid-1980s, setting high standards and<br />

inspiring others to follow suit. He was very<br />

generous with his time and knowledge to<br />

support less experienced colleagues and this<br />

led to Trevor becoming one of Yorkshire’s first<br />

paramedic clinical trainers.<br />

After identifying the opportunities of a new<br />

dispatch system from the USA, known as<br />

Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System<br />

(AMPDS), Trevor played an integral role in the<br />

implementation and training of the system<br />

which delivered pre-ambulance arrival clinical<br />

advice in the <strong>UK</strong>. It was, and remains, the<br />

most significant improvement for ambulance<br />

services, and meant staff could respond<br />

to 999 calls in clinically-prioritised order<br />

which has subsequently saved countless<br />

lives. In recognition of this, he became an<br />

internationally-recognised Fellow of the<br />

International Academies of Emergency<br />

Dispatch.<br />

He has also overseen Yorkshire <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Service’s retention of its AMPDS ‘Centre<br />

of Excellence’ accreditation for the last 12<br />

years, a feat not matched by any other <strong>UK</strong><br />

ambulance service.<br />

In addition, Trevor has led the Trust’s<br />

Hazardous Area Response Team (HART)<br />

and was Gold Commander during numerous<br />

challenging incidents, including extensive<br />

flooding in December 2015. Under his<br />

leadership there was unwavering commitment<br />

to overcome the difficulties faced, keep staff<br />

safe and provide uncompromised patient care.<br />

He has also remained a respected advisor<br />

to national groups which implemented the<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Response Programme in 2017.<br />

Rod Barnes, Chief Executive of Yorkshire<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service NHS Trust, said: “This is a<br />

great honour which recognises Trevor’s valued<br />

contribution to ambulance dispatch protocols<br />

Dorothy Hosein said: “I am delighted to be<br />

joining EEAST on a permanent basis. Over<br />

the last year I have been proud to lead such a<br />

fantastic group of people – including both staff<br />

and volunteers. We are currently developing<br />

our Corporate Strategy which sets out an<br />

exciting vision for how we will continue to<br />

deliver high quality patient care while also<br />

supporting our people in the very challenging<br />

jobs that they do every day.”<br />

News<br />

Queen’s <strong>Ambulance</strong> Medal<br />

for Distinguished Service<br />

awarded to Yorkshire<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Manager<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

Trevor Baldwin, Head of Service Development<br />

(Emergency Operations Centre) at Yorkshire<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service NHS Trust, has been<br />

awarded the Queen’s <strong>Ambulance</strong> Medal for<br />

Distinguished Service (QAM) in the Queen’s<br />

New Year’s Honours List.<br />

Trevor is one of the longest-serving and most<br />

respected members of staff, not just within the<br />

Yorkshire <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service, but across the<br />

<strong>UK</strong>.<br />

He has held many roles and is currently a<br />

senior manager within the Trust’s Emergency<br />

Operations Centre where 999 calls are<br />

handled.<br />

34<br />

For further recruitment vacancies visit: www.ambulanceukonline.com


and many years of dedicated service to the<br />

people of Yorkshire. It also makes him part of<br />

a very small, hand-picked group of ambulance<br />

personnel who have shown exceptional<br />

devotion to duty, outstanding ability, merit and<br />

conduct in their roles.<br />

The medal, which will be presented at<br />

Buckingham Palace in London, recognises<br />

ambulance personnel who have shown<br />

exceptional devotion to duty, outstanding<br />

ability, merit and conduct in their role.<br />

Support Unit in 2000, and he was one of just<br />

eight people to be trained to assist medically<br />

in many protracted and dangerous rescues.<br />

This unit was later superseded by the EMAS<br />

Hazardous Area Response Team.<br />

“His 40 years of exemplary service is in itself<br />

worthy of recognition, but Trevor is much<br />

more than that – he stands out because of<br />

his unique achievements and motivation to<br />

continually innovate and improve patient care.<br />

Thomas explained that it was a complete<br />

surprise when he received the letter informing<br />

him that he is to be awarded the Queen’s<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Medal – although for the last few<br />

years he has joked about being missed off the<br />

list.<br />

On several occasions has spent more than 24<br />

hours underground to ensure the safety and<br />

emergency treatment of patients.<br />

Thomas was previously the recipient of the<br />

Willetts Award after he aided in the rescue of<br />

“Trevor’s operational and managerial<br />

expertise is well respected and he is a very<br />

popular character around our service and<br />

in ambulance trusts across the country. On<br />

behalf of Yorkshire <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service I would<br />

like to thank him for all he has done and<br />

continues to do. He should be very proud of<br />

this fantastic achievement.”<br />

He said: “When I first opened the letter, I didn’t<br />

think it was real.<br />

“I was so surprised – although I have been<br />

saying for years that I would have to write to<br />

the Queen because she kept missing me off<br />

the list.<br />

a patient that had fallen into a large silo in a<br />

quarry, by risking his own safety and climbing<br />

into the silo to treat the patient until the full<br />

rescue team could arrive.<br />

Three years ago, Thomas was diagnosed<br />

with a rare bone cancer in his hip and had to<br />

undergo surgery.<br />

Trevor will be presented with his medal at<br />

Buckingham Palace in <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Other recipients of the Queen’s <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Medal in the New Year’s Honours List are<br />

Thomas Bailey, Paramedic at East Midlands<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service NHS Trust, Joanne<br />

Rees-Thomas, Non-Emergency Patient<br />

Transport Service General Manager at the<br />

Welsh <strong>Ambulance</strong> Services NHS Trust, and<br />

Nicholas Richards-Ozzati, Emergency Medical<br />

Technician at the Welsh <strong>Ambulance</strong> Services<br />

NHS Trust.<br />

EMAS News<br />

Queen’s <strong>Ambulance</strong> Medal<br />

awarded to one of EMAS’<br />

first paramedics<br />

One of East Midlands <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service’s<br />

(EMAS) first paramedics has been named<br />

in the New Year’s Honours List to receive<br />

the prestigious Queen’s <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service<br />

Medal for Distinguished Service.<br />

Thomas Bailey, 64, based at Buxton <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Station in Derbyshire, has worked on the<br />

frontline of the ambulance service for 40 years.<br />

Thomas was nominated for his four decades<br />

of dedication to caring for emergency patients,<br />

for setting up a rural cave rescue service in<br />

Derbyshire to rescue patients involved in<br />

dangerous incidents, and he recently fought<br />

and defeated cancer.<br />

“I really am honoured, literally. I’m very proud,<br />

not just for me, but for the ambulance service<br />

and all my colleagues who turn up to difficult<br />

situations day in, day out, to help someone.”<br />

Thomas joined Derbyshire <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service<br />

(before it became EMAS) in September 1979,<br />

originally based at New Mills, and was one of<br />

the first in the service to undertake paramedic<br />

training.<br />

He spent many years fighting hard to have<br />

additional skills added to the paramedic role,<br />

and sought training in interosseous injection<br />

(injecting directly into bone marrow) and<br />

paediatric intubation (putting a tube into the<br />

airway of a child) long before they became part<br />

of the paramedic skillset.<br />

In addition, Thomas became an accredited<br />

instructor to ensure that new staff received the<br />

best start to their career as possible.<br />

Thomas said: “There is not much better than<br />

going out to help people. To be able to walk<br />

into someone’s crisis and help them so that<br />

there is a positive outcome, is a real privilege.<br />

“My career has been successful because<br />

of the people I have met along the way who<br />

have encouraged me and supported me, and<br />

I have been very lucky to have had one good<br />

crewmate after another.”<br />

Working in the Peak District alongside the<br />

Derbyshire Cave Rescue Organisation led<br />

Thomas to set up the EMAS Cave Rescue<br />

Despite his consultant explaining that he would<br />

probably need to give up work, Thomas was<br />

back in the driving seat after just six months,<br />

and has no intentions of retiring yet.<br />

Peter Bainbridge, <strong>Ambulance</strong> Operations<br />

Manager for Derbyshire, said that Thomas<br />

has been an inspirational mentor to new<br />

colleagues joining the service, and has<br />

been instrumental in the training and<br />

encouragement of generations of new<br />

ambulance crews.<br />

He said: “Thomas has been an exemplary<br />

leader and has gone way above the expected<br />

level of dedication expected of staff.<br />

“His calm and professional approach ensures<br />

that learning with him is very well delivered,<br />

and he continues to be a leader and an<br />

inspiration to the hundreds of staff who have<br />

had the pleasure of working alongside him.”<br />

Thomas is one of only four ambulance<br />

colleagues from the <strong>UK</strong> ambulance services to<br />

receive the award this year.<br />

Commenting on his achievement, EMAS Chief<br />

Executive Richard Henderson, said: “I am<br />

delighted for Thomas that he has been named<br />

in the New Year Honours list.<br />

“His dedication to EMAS over the last 40 years<br />

is truly inspiring, and he has been a fantastic<br />

mentor to many ambulance colleagues in the<br />

early days of their careers.”<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

Do you have anything you would like to add or include? Please contact us and let us know.<br />



SECAMB News<br />

SECAS Trust Secretary<br />

honoured for governance<br />

expertise at ICSA Awards<br />

2019<br />

Peter Lee, Trust Secretary of the South East<br />

Coast <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service NHS Foundation<br />

Trust has been awarded an accolade<br />

for good governance by The Chartered<br />

Governance Institute, organiser of the<br />

prestigious ICSA Awards 2019.<br />

Peter won the coveted Company Secretary<br />

of the Year award at a glittering awards<br />

celebration at the Park Lane Hilton in London<br />

last night, narrowly pipping Andrew Eames of<br />

St. Modwen Properties PLC, who was Highly<br />

Commended by the judges, to the award.<br />

Speaking about the award, Peter Swabey,<br />

Policy and Research Director at The<br />

Chartered Governance Institute said: “This<br />

award recognises company secretaries who<br />

demonstrate effective team and thought<br />

leadership, and who have mastered the<br />

complex legal and regulatory environments<br />

in which they work. Peter impressed the<br />

judges with the way in which he’d led his team<br />

through a challenging period, delivering results<br />

beyond the expectations of his role. He has<br />

played an added-value role in the governance<br />

of the South East Coast <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service,<br />

matching technical strength with commercial<br />

acumen. The judges were particularly<br />

impressed with the range of responsibilities<br />

and the strong relationships that Peter has<br />

developed with colleagues and the board.”<br />

The annual awards, which recognise<br />

excellence in governance, also saw the<br />

following individuals and teams crowned<br />

winners:<br />

• Governance Professional of the Year: Wendy<br />

Stanger, East Coast College<br />

• Team of the Year: Provident Financial plc<br />

• Governance Project of the Year: HSBC –<br />

Global governance excellence<br />

(Premier League / EFL - Capability Code of<br />

Practice was Highly Commended)<br />

• Service Provider of the Year: Support<br />

Services for Education<br />

(DMJ Recruitment was Highly Commended)<br />

• The One to Watch: Christina Meikle, Senior<br />

Consultant, Ernst & Young LLP.<br />

Peter concluded: “Good governance<br />

benefits all organisations, regardless of size,<br />

by establishing a framework of processes<br />

and attitudes that adds value and helps to<br />

build reputation. It is particularly important<br />

in an organisation like SECAS where the<br />

difference between good governance and bad<br />

governance can be a life or death matter. Being<br />

able to call upon the advice and expertise of<br />

governance professionals such as Peter is<br />

worth its weight in gold to any organisation.”<br />

The photo accompanying this release shows<br />

left to right: Liam Healy from Diligent, which<br />

sponsored the award; Peter Lee, South<br />

East Coast <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service NHS FT –<br />

Company Secretary of the Year 2019; Simon<br />

Evans, comedian, who hosted the evening’s<br />

proceedings.<br />

WMAS News<br />

I believe the ambulance<br />

service is the jewel in the<br />

crown of the NHS<br />

“I believe the ambulance service is the jewel<br />

in the crown of the NHS.”<br />

These are the words of the man who is set<br />

to take over as Chairman of West Midlands<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service as the Trust moves into a<br />

new decade.<br />

Professor Ian Cumming is due to take up<br />

his new position on 1st April when he retires<br />

from his current role of Chief Executive of<br />

Health Education England - the education and<br />

training organisation for the NHS.<br />

His career in the NHS spans 38 years; originally<br />

training as a research scientist, before spending<br />

25 years as an NHS Chief Executive. He has<br />

worked in hospitals, commissioning services<br />

and as Chief Executive of the NHS in the West<br />

Midlands in 2009.<br />

Professor Cumming said: “I have had a personal<br />

interest in pre-hospital care for many years. The<br />

ambulance service meets people at a time when<br />

they are arguably at their most vulnerable.<br />

“We are there when people need us with staff<br />

who are highly skilled and trained professionals.<br />

Not only are we handling physical injuries and<br />

illness, our staff are at the forefront of dealing<br />

with emergency care for people with mental<br />

health and social care issues.<br />

“Because of that, the ambulance service has<br />

to be a fundamental part of the caring and<br />

compassionate NHS that we seek to provide<br />

for all citizens of this country.<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

“WMAS already has a real focus on keeping<br />

the Trust at forefront of developing patient<br />

care and I am looking forward to helping them<br />

continue that journey. There aren’t many<br />

ambulance services that come close to what<br />

WMAS achieves, but we need to be looking to<br />

the future and staying ahead of the curve.<br />

“As we move into the <strong>2020</strong>s, we need to be<br />

innovating and looking to harness the power of<br />

new technology such as the true integration of<br />

111 and 999 services but also looking at better<br />

links between emergency and non-emergency<br />

ambulance services.<br />

36<br />

For more news visit: www.ambulanceukonline.com


“We also need to look at the ‘internet of things’<br />

so that we can automatically connect people’s<br />

houses through to our systems so that we<br />

know when somebody may be in difficulty even<br />

if no-one is able to contact us themselves.<br />

“There is no doubt that the next decade will be<br />

one of real change for the ambulance service<br />

and the NHS with the growth of technology<br />

and integration.<br />

“I think we will see ambulance services move<br />

into the delivery of mobile health care in<br />

people’s homes whether a blue light response<br />

or more routine elective type care.<br />

“We already have highly skilled staff such as<br />

our paramedics along with the vehicles and<br />

infrastructure to be able to respond to the<br />

needs of the population.<br />

“It is an exciting time and I can’t wait to join at<br />

the end of March.”<br />

YAS News<br />

Yorkshire <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service<br />

Volunteer Car Service driver<br />

wins prestigious award<br />

A Volunteer Car Service (VCS) driver with<br />

Yorkshire <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service NHS Trust has<br />

won the Volunteer of the Year Award at the<br />

2019 Yorkshire Evening Post Health Awards.<br />

Stuart Yarker from Leeds was nominated for<br />

his volunteering over the past two years in<br />

helping eligible patients to get to their hospital/<br />

clinic outpatient appointments.<br />

600 separate journeys and travelled more than<br />

11,250 miles during the last 12 months.<br />

In addition, on two separate occasions,<br />

Stuart has used his skills to save lives, first by<br />

delivering cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)<br />

to a fellow holiday-maker in Flamborough and<br />

then, some months later and a little closer<br />

to home, he noticed that his father-in-law<br />

was hypoxic and in cardiac arrest. Again,<br />

Stuart performed CPR until an emergency<br />

ambulance arrived on scene. His father-inlaw<br />

was transported to hospital and was later<br />

discharged to recover at home.<br />

On Friday 6 December 2019, Stuart was<br />

invited to a celebratory afternoon tea at Leeds<br />

United Football Club followed by the Yorkshire<br />

Evening Post Health Awards ceremony hosted<br />

by BBC Look North’s, Harry Gration. Stuart<br />

was announced the winner of the Volunteer<br />

of the Year category and the day was topped<br />

off with a tour around Leeds United Football<br />

Stadium at Elland Road.<br />

Stuart was delighted with his award and said:<br />

“I’d like to think I won this award not just for<br />

me but for all the volunteering team, for all the<br />

PTS staff and for everyone else at Yorkshire<br />

<strong>Ambulance</strong> Service.”<br />

WMAS News<br />

They are very special people<br />

As the decade drew to a close, it also<br />

marked the beginning of the end of Sir<br />

Graham Meldrum’s time as Chairman of<br />

West Midlands <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service; he<br />

officially steps down on 31st March <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

develop and achieve things that might not<br />

have seemed possible ten years ago.<br />

“While the decisions taken by the Board and<br />

senior leadership have undoubtedly shaped<br />

the way the Service has developed, it could<br />

not have been achieved without the most<br />

important part of the organisation; the staff.<br />

“The people within this service are ever so<br />

special. That is true throughout the service,<br />

whether on the road, in our control rooms,<br />

patient transport, in corporate functions,<br />

fleet, vehicle preparation, supplies, everyone.<br />

Wherever you go, you meet very, very special<br />

people and all of them have one thing in<br />

common, their dedication to providing the best<br />

service possible to patients.<br />

“Everything we do is all about the patient,<br />

ensuring we provide the best service<br />

available. The fact that external inspectors<br />

see that and have rated us as outstanding<br />

on two occasions is extremely pleasing and<br />

something the staff should be very proud of.<br />

“What makes it even more special is the fact<br />

that we are not the best funded ambulances<br />

service, in fact we are the worst funded. To<br />

a large extent, the reason we have been so<br />

successful is the roll out of the ‘Make Ready’<br />

system where we have 15 large hubs instead<br />

of over 80 small ambulance stations.<br />

“It has allowed us to become far more efficient<br />

which has allowed us to invest far more than<br />

we would have been able to in frontline staff<br />

and vehicles, which is ultimately what is<br />

needed to provide a high quality service.<br />

His nomination outlined the commitment he<br />

has to the role, with Stuart selflessly giving over<br />

530 hours of his personal time and using his<br />

own vehicle to transport more than 540 patients<br />

to their appointments. He has made nearly<br />

Sir Graham has been in the position for almost<br />

14 years, and during that time, has seen<br />

the ambulance service develop into the top<br />

performing Trust in the country.<br />

WMAS is the only ambulance service rated as<br />

Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission<br />

and one of only two who are rated in<br />

segmentation one by NHS Improvement.<br />

In addition, the Trust is the only one<br />

consistently exceeding the national<br />

performance standings, has a paramedic on<br />

every vehicle and has no frontline vehicle older<br />

than five years.<br />

Sir Graham said: “The last decade has been<br />

an incredibly special one; seeing the Trust<br />

“Whilst we are undoubtedly successful, the<br />

service will not stand still and will continue<br />

to develop long after I have left. Over the<br />

next decade I see West Midlands <strong>Ambulance</strong><br />

Service becoming a mobile treatment service.<br />

“What used to be large items of equipment only<br />

found in hospitals are now miniaturised and could<br />

be deployed on ambulances such as ultrasounds,<br />

we can already do blood tests and eventually we<br />

could see mobile scans and x-rays.<br />

“Allied to this, we will develop the skills that<br />

our staff have. By combining the skills and<br />

new treatments, we will see far fewer taken to<br />

hospital. There is no doubt in my mind that the<br />

ambulance service will continue to be a key<br />

part of the national health service.”<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

For the latest <strong>Ambulance</strong> Service News visit: www.ambulancenewsdesk.com<br />



Body worn cameras<br />

becoming crucial for<br />

security and training<br />

of front-line health<br />

workers<br />

Latest reports continue to<br />

show significant increases in<br />

assaults, disorderly conduct<br />

and theft in hospitals.<br />

Physical and verbal abuse is now<br />

a common occurrence and the<br />

growing threat of alcohol related<br />

incidents is a particular concern.<br />

Staff who are undertaking one<br />

of the most important jobs in the<br />

country have to live with this threat<br />

on a daily basis, which is clearly<br />

unacceptable.<br />

Some hospitals have already<br />

taken steps to protect staff after<br />

a number of NHS Trusts received<br />

complaints about verbal and<br />

physical attacks on doctors,<br />

nurses and hospital staff. By<br />

equipping security staff with<br />

Edesix Body Worn Cameras,<br />

hospitals across the <strong>UK</strong> are<br />

now collecting video and audio<br />

evidence of incidents. They’ve<br />

warned that anyone caught on<br />

camera attacking or abusing an<br />

NHS worker will be subject to the<br />

‘full force of the law’.<br />

Edesix, a Motorola Solutions<br />

company, also currently supplies<br />

VideoBadges to advanced<br />

emergency response teams, and<br />

Air <strong>Ambulance</strong> Services, across<br />

the <strong>UK</strong>.<br />

These are used to audit out-ofhospital<br />

outcomes, evaluate new<br />

equipment, and train upcoming<br />

paramedics or support staff.<br />

The Resuscitation Research<br />

Group (RRG), whose aim is to<br />

conduct quality research into<br />

Resuscitation Medicine, also<br />

deploy VideoBadges to improve<br />

their processes and techniques<br />

out in the field.<br />

The RRG chose the Edesix VB-<br />

300 camera for their Resuscitation<br />

Rapid Response Unit because<br />

it needed a camera that was<br />

unobtrusive with a low impact<br />

footprint, and capable of<br />

preserving patient and medical<br />

confidentiality. The VideoBadge<br />

is securely attached to the<br />

paramedic’s uniform,<br />

requiring only a single-touch to<br />

start recording, leaving them<br />

free to focus all of their attention<br />

on clinical tasks. The RRG<br />

paramedics can then record<br />

responses in Full HD audio and<br />

video, so that the footage can be<br />

reviewed at a later time.<br />

Dr Gareth Clegg, RRG lead,<br />

comments: “VideoBadge is<br />

revolutionising the way we<br />

optimise high performance<br />

emergency teams. We can<br />

measure key aspects of<br />

performance in ways which were<br />

not previously possible.<br />

For further information about<br />

Edesix please visit<br />

www.edesix.com<br />

AMBULANCE <strong>UK</strong> - FEBRUARY<br />

38<br />

For further recruitment vacancies visit: www.ambulanceukonline.com

You could be the<br />

most important person<br />

they never meet.<br />

999 Clinical Supervisors<br />

Salary £30,401 - £37,267 pa<br />

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Job ref: 202-324-18<br />

As an experienced registered nurse or paramedic, your face-to-face<br />

assessment and diagnostic expertise would rival any health care<br />

professional. However, delivering these skills over the telephone to<br />

a worried patient is arguably the biggest challenge in healthcare.<br />

Success relies on the ability of the Clinician to communicate<br />

clearly and effectively, working in close collaboration with the<br />

wider health and social care network to deliver clinical excellence.<br />

Our team expertly deliver this service every day and we are<br />

looking for passionate and ambitious clinicians to join us.<br />

In return, we offer flexible working opportunities, fixed-hour contracts<br />

and a competitive professional development programme, within a<br />

supportive working environment, which both challenges and rewards<br />

in equal measure. If you are an experienced nurse or paramedic<br />

looking to put your skills to the test, we would love to hear from you.<br />

For more information about this unique opportunity,<br />

please visit www.jobs.nhs.uk<br />

*Paid under Section 2 of NHS Terms and Conditions.<br />





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TBI Dashboard enables care providers to effectively<br />

manage patients with traumatic brain injury. The<br />

dashboard combines trending of critical vital signs with<br />

real-time ventilation feedback in one comprehensive view.<br />

Please contact your ZOLL representative for more information.<br />

© 2019 ZOLL Medical Corporation. All rights reserved. Real BVM Help, X Series Advanced and<br />

ZOLL are trademarks or registered trademarks of ZOLL Medical Corporation in the United States<br />

and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.<br />

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