SPB News March 2020

Monthly insight of student and teacher activities at Sekolah Pelita Bangsa Cirebon

Monthly insight of student and teacher activities at Sekolah Pelita Bangsa Cirebon


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As part of school communication

regarding the Corona virus outbreak that

began to enter Indonesia, we hereby

request for your cooperation in keeping

the school environment safe for learning.

For this reason, the following are

precautionary measures which need

to be applied by all of the school


Expectations of parents and students

1. Awareness of the importance of

taking part in protecting the school

environment starts with oneself

2. Students who are sick (not healthy)

should rest at home

2. Parents / guardians should not force

their child to go to school if they are

sick, especially if they have a fever

3. Go to a health facility if you or your

child have a cold, cough, sore throat,

fever, etc.

4. Wear a mask if having a mild cold /

cough (replace the mask every day)


5. Always carry a bottle of hand sanitizer

with an alcohol content of 70-80%

6. Avoid traveling to areas / countries

exposed to virus outbreaks. Be wise in

responding to the lure of cheap

overseas travel.

7. Follow the school procedure for

staying at home 14 days after traveling

to a country that is included in the list

of affected countries

8. Students who return to school after

recovering from illness or after not

attending the school must get a body

temperature check at the reception

before being allowed into class.

Clinical symptoms:

1. Fever

2. Cough and cold

3. Respiratory problems

4. Sore throat

5. Feeling tired, lethargic

A. Steps taken by the school:

1. School does not allow students to join

classes if they have a fever

2. School carries out body temperature

check with an infrared thermometer.

3. School will ask students who are not

healthy to go home.

4. The teachers will share learning

materials via email / other digital

learning platforms for students who

need to rest at home

5. The teachers will give a makeup quiz

or exam for the student

6. School conducts disinfection every

day at school (tables, chairs, door

handles, banisters, telephones, etc )

7. School will communicate

developments and tips regarding this

issue via email or the school's official

social media

B. Clean and healthy behavior and other


1. Wash your hands properly with soap

2. Maintain health and increase

endurance with health supplements.

3. Consume nutritious food, have

adequate rest and exercise

4. Reduce outdoor activities and avoid

being in a crowd

5. It is recommended to avoid

handshakes. Greetings on the

chest if allowed by religion / culture is


6. Don't panic and get information from

trusted sources


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