New Orbit Magazine Issue 08; Feb 2020, The Future of Animals

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only people who aren't trying to tear our

throats out for letting patented products run

wild – and aggressively devolve – are the ones

who say we are accountable for it. By cutting

down the deer, Monsanto’s ferals have

reverted Grand Cascadia from a dustbowl.

Apparently the place is healthier than it’s

been since the 1980s. They're calling them

“Wild-state dogs”, and rewilders and eco-nuts

are suggesting we release more of them, into

other parks.”

“At least they were,” one of the lawyers

raised over Jemima’s audible horror. “Til it

got out that we had less-than-friendly

intentions towards the existing Cascadia wolf

packs, now they're up in arms about that.”

“They are not wolf packs,” Jemima

corrected firmly, gathering herself to stand.

“They're Dogs. Capital “D”. Trademarked,

patented, products, and entirely under our

jurisdiction. I don't care how much they’ve

reverted to this so-called “Wild-state”. This

has gone on long enough. You’ve got some

meetings with the USNPS today, yes?”

“The National Parks Service and the

EPA, the Fish and Wildlife Service, the

Department of Health and Agriculture –”

“Good.” Jemima interrupted, checking

the time. “Get it done, because this is a

powder-keg that I cannot deal with right now.

I’ve got the National Suppliers’ Companion

Canine Convention to oversee, opening

today, now, and I can't have people literally

crying wolf about a couple of ferals that

criminal breeders have let loose. Get rid of

them. Any means necessary.”

The suits all nodded dutifully. As

concerned as they looked, Jemima had a

begrudging confidence in the unlikable trio,

which allowed her to give them a

companionable nod back as she gathered her

things and left the conference room at a trot.


Soulless as the job would seem – as as

Jemima felt, sometimes – she had started

working for the Companion Canine Institute

for a pure and unfettered love of Dogs.

Everyone loved Dogs. They were America’s

favourite companion animal – some would

say the world’s, possibly even more beloved

as today’s generation of adults had grown up

in a world that had nearly been devoid of


A combination of irresponsible kennel

clubs and breeding practises, environmental

decline, breed specific legislation and the cost

of animal care had seen dogs as a species in

such a rapid decline that they were set to

follow the path of the majority of wild

animals into functional extinction.

Freshwater fish, once the most numerous pet

in the USA, had come to be a white elephant

that only corporate and political royalty

could keep. Cats were almost as rare.

But dogs – the Invisible Hand had seen

something worth saving in dogs.

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