New Orbit Magazine Issue 08; Feb 2020, The Future of Animals

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knew the water bags were safe, he could

slow down and savor the moment.

He rested the mouth of his gun on the

creature’s translucent head. It was important

to refrain from shooting fools and crazies,

because he could lose all the pay of that day

and his time. “My first prey,” he thought

cheerfully. “Let’s see what the fuckers at the

base say today. Shit! Eight hundred

megacredits for this hide, at least.”

He delivered the final shot, with the

elegance and calmness of a veteran.

The beast gave a deafening sigh, as if the

pan flute had been accidentally crushed and

broken into a thousand tiny bits.

“Shut up now!” shouted Miles as he

covered his ears.

“I wish these creatures would die in

silence,” he thought with a grimace. “But I

suppose it’s too much to ask.”

With the tips of his metal-toed boots,

which were as hard as knives, he touched the

creature lying dead at his feet. A trickle of

water ran across the earth. Almost nothing.

Then the silence fell. An absolute,

devastating silence.

The moaning shrubs on the planet

stopped wailing. His boots sank into the

leaf-covered ground. Metallic creaking. He

made clicking sounds with his tongue as he

wiggled it, restless, inside his mouth. But

nothing else.

A shiver ran down his spine and his

scrotum tightened. He needed human

company soon, even if it was only those

idiots at the base. He needed to be safely

away from this silent graveyard.

“Who knows? Maybe we do kill off

whole species,” he thought. “Perhaps I’ve

just killed the last of its kind.” He grimaced,

not convinced of his own words.

But anyway, what did it matter? Those

were the arcane laws of survival. No one

would judge the Earthlings for expanding

their domain beyond the boundaries of outer


It was simple: men had turned out to be

the creatures most likely to survive in the

war of conquest, while the indigenous

inhabitants on that planet scurried to hide

like scared rabbits in their bubble holes.

Humans had simply hunted the rabbits and

seized their world.

Big fish eat little fish.

Miles did quick mental math. The

Imperial Wrecks of the Earth had explored

the galaxy for centuries in search of some

intelligent being. In all that time, only ten of

the discovered worlds contained the miracle

of life. A lifeform very different from the

one the conquerors had expected: arboreal

pygmies, mutant animals covered with

scales, insectoids that possessed double

larynges and emitted the most incredible

dodecaphonic sounds, feline Siamese twins

that mated at all hours and everywhere.

Miles did the math. “We wipe them out. The


“A hunter never trembles before his

prey,” he reminded himself as his game’s

considerable weight almost caused his knees

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