The Pearl 2020

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Ode to my Hammock

Spencer Willits

O hammock of mine

-Taut and twisted banana peel-

You cradle my heavy bones

And creaking branches.

You bury me in your fabric fold

When the cold,

Uncompromising ground

Merely tolerates me,

Makes me sleep in the nylon doghouse

-The tent-

Jabbing pine cones,

Stones, and roots in my back

And shrugs, uncaring, to my chiropractor

But you, hammock,

You rock me in a canvas crib

With the heartbeat of the breeze.

Carry me, hammock,

Hang my sweaty hide to dry

On the makeshift campsite clothesline

And put me on simmer

In the pot roast

Of the sleepy siesta sun


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