Slipstream - May 2020

The monthly newsletter of the Maverick Region of the Porsche Club of America

The monthly newsletter of the Maverick Region of the Porsche Club of America


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MAY 2020


The ultimate grocery-getter

photo by Dawn Marie Gray


6 | First Porsche - Brian King

12 | PCA Playground

15 | Slipstream Archive: Looking Back

16 | Xtitch Auto: Convertible Top Repair

16 | Autocross Series: Event 2: Lone Star Park

19 | Maverick Marktpreis: Turbo S

20 | Coffee, Cars & Conversation: Bob Hagestad

26 | Mechanical Musings: Why do brakes cost so much?

28 | Cool Garages: What to do when you aren’t driving

36 | Louden Motorcar Services hits 500


22 | Autocross future dates

22 | Alle Mitglieder All Member Party

23 | HPDE future dates

23 | Maverick Concours Rescheduled


2 | Board Botschaft (Executive Board Member Column)

2 | Maverick of the Month

4 | List of Officers and Board Chairs

4 | Zone 5 Presidents

11 | New Mavericks

11 | Member Moments

31 | Porsche Trivia

34 | Advertiser Index

34 | Anniversaries

36 | Oversteer (Editor’s Column)


See more details and check for event updates via the QR code

here or our online calendar at http://mav.pca.org/go/calendar


All British & European Car Day 2020 ...................................CANCELLED

Maverick Board Meeting .....................................................CANCELLED

Mavs & Mochas: Montgomery Plaza ...................................CANCELLED

Lewisville area lunch............................................................CANCELLED

Motoring Mavs at Mayo.......................................................CANCELLED

Tech Session ........................................................................CANCELLED

Autocross Cup #4.................................................................CANCELLED

Mav Happy Hour..................................................................CANCELLED

Autocross Cup #5.................................................................CANCELLED

Southlake area lunch...........................................................CANCELLED

Austin Schnell Fest DE .........................................................CANCELLED

Maverick Concours Weekend .............................................POSTPONED


Maverick Board Meeting .......................................................... (Wed) 3

Lewisville area lunch................................................................... (Tue) 6

Tech Session ................................................................................(Sat) 9

Mavs & Mochas: Turbo Coffee .................................................. (Sat) 13

Maverick Revolver Brewery Tour ............................................... (Sat) 13

Mav Happy Hour.......................................................................(Thu) 18

Cars & Cannoli........................................................................... (Sat) 20

Motoring Mavs at Mayo............................................................ (Sat) 20

Southlake area lunch................................................................(Thu) 25

Garages and Gearheads Having Coffee..................................... (Sat) 27

On the Cover

Sign of the times. Social distancing and bug

killing in Texas.

Photograph by Tom Gomer

Slipstream (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region, Porsche Club of America, 155 Jellico

Southlake, TX 76092. Subscription price is $24.00 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Fort Worth, TX.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Hiram Saunders, Slipstream, 155 Jellico, Southlake, TX 76092.

Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers. Contributions will be

printed on a space available basis. Chartered regions of PCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/

artist and Slipstream are credited. Slipstream is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving, Texas.


Let’s see - it’s been three months since I last wrote

a message, or I should say “Botschaft.” Last we spoke

I had just taken over as President, I had presided over

my first Board meeting, and was just trying to sort out

what exactly I was suppose to do. Well with the help

of our Past President, David Robertson, and many of

our chair people we managed, and it appeared we were

off to another great Maverick year. Then it seems, with

a tap of the brakes, then a full slam, things came to

a halt as COVID-19 began to run over our lives and

schedules. We began watching the national and local

news more than driving our cars, and had to make the

difficult decisions on what to cancel and postpone. We

are all disappointed that we can’t be out enjoying our

friendships over coffee, at the track, on a rally, or driving

on a tour, but it’s for the well being of our members that

we have tried to stay in front of this spreading virus and

keep everyone driving friendships safely.

This being said I do want to thank several people for

their efforts in scrambling to cancel or postpone some

of our events:

Bill Orr for making clear communications regarding

cancellations and postponements to the club look


Kurt Scaggs for making all the 11th hour Slipstream changes;

Debi Kruder and Sam Bryant for their efforts in

moving our 400+ All Member Party and Tour with all

its moving pieces to August 16;

Renee Hayden, Keith Olcha, and Craig Janssen for

moving not one but two HPDE events;

And Scott Kellogg for his efforts in moving our first

ever Porsche Concours Weekend to this fall, September

26 and 27.

Needless to say nearly every chairperson involved with

our monthly events jumped in and we thank you all.

Well enough of the disappointing news! What has

been fun is to see how active so many of us have been

2 May

Board Botschaft: Flashback Friday

by Bill Kruder, Region President

Finally, I want to thank and give recognition to our

numerous advertisers in Slipstream. The Maverick Region

has the privilege of partnerships with a wide variety of local

businesses, many of which are still open. We encourage

you to consult our magazine to find the best in class in our

Metroplex when you or your vehicle has a need.

on social media. Nearly every day someone has started

a theme like “Big Wing Wednesday“ or “Flashback

Friday.” We have had a couple virtual car shows; some

have shared their version of a Happy Hour or in some

cases pictures of past events remembering the good ole

Maverick days. Last but not least, Debi and I figured

out how to use FaceTime Live (well kind of) in lieu of

the April board meeting. I think our production was a

tad like Wayne’s World.

Well rest assured, as they say, this too will pass,

and when it does, we will be back, with little or no

hesitation, creating fresh ideas, adding

back your familiar favorites, and I’m sure

a lot of “impromptus,” as I’m certain our

cars miss the gatherings as much as we do!

Your club thanks you for your patience

through these challenging times and we

look forward to seeing you all soon.

Meanwhile, we wish you and your family

to be safe at home enjoying your driveway!

Hey, that would make for some more fun

Facebook images too.

Our response to COVID-19

A note from our Maverick Region President, Bill Kruder

Fellow Mavericks,

The Maverick Executive Board continues to work closely with PCA National to monitor COVID-19. In our effort

to Drive Friendships Safely, we are again CANCELING ALL EVENTS (INDOOR AND OUTDOOR) THROUGH

END MAY hosted by the Maverick Region. In addition, we do not support participation in third party events.

The following events have been canceled:

May 6 - Maverick Board Meeting

May 9 - Mavs & Mochas

May 12 - Maverick Lunch

May 16 - Motoring Mavs at Mayo

May 16 - Maverick Tech Session

May 17 - Autocross Challenge Cup #4

May 21 - Maverick Happy Hour and Social

May 24 - Autocross Challenge Cup #5

May 28 - Maverick Lunch

May 30/31 - Porsche Concours Weekend

(rescheduled for September 26/27)

The Maverick Region does not support participation in

the following for the month of April:

Cars & Cannoli

Garages & Gearheads Having Coffee

The following Non-Maverick events have been Canceled:

May 2 - All British & European Car Day

May 21 thru 24 - Fiesta New Mexico

June 21-27 2020 Porsche Parade Palm Springs

We will continue to update you as new information is

made available. Please check mav.pca.org for the latest

information regarding our schedule. In the interim

follow the General Health Precautions provided by the

CDC and PCA.

Driving Friendships Safely,

William Kruder




Michael Baynton

Michael has been a PCA member close to seven years now. He has always

been on the top of the list of volunteers helping out ANYTIME our club

events have a need. You may be familiar with Michael’s work as a Co-Chair

for our Club’s Tech Sessions. Michael will be the first to tell you that it takes

an entire “pit crew” when it comes to putting on a successful Tech Session.

Now that is true, but we want to give credit when it’s due, and that surely is

the case here. Michael has found so many great technical topics during these

sessions, whether it’s under the hood for maintenance and performance, or

protecting our beauties with ceramics, films, and yes, even insurance policies.

The club’s advertising host and selected venues just add to the record turn

outs. Michael has even gone as far as coordinating joint Tech Sessions with

our PCA friends from the Hill Country Region at a Porsche-only shop

specializing in repair, maintenance, and full restoration in Temple, TX. We

can’t wait until the next session pops up on our calendars. If you needed any

more examples of how our club stays Fueled By Volunteers, this it. Please join

me in congratulating Michael as our Maverick of the Month.


2020 Maverick Region Board - Officers and Chairs


William Kruder



Vice President

Carey Spreen




Jennifer Parma



Chris Flaugh



Autocross Chair

Mark Schnoerr


Charity Chair

Jimmy Gallegos


Club Race Co-Chair

David Hodges


Club Race Co-Chair

David McBee


Coffee Meets Co-Chair

Derrick Tate



Coffee Meets Co-Chair

Matt Wilson



Concours Chair

Scott Kellogg


DE Co-Chair

Keith Olcha


DE Co-Chair

Renee Hayden


DE Registrar

Jason Brodigan


DE Chief Driving Coach

Craig Janssen


DE Medical Chair

Dr. Jeffery Komenda


Merchandise Chair

Peter Wen


Region Historian

Carey Spreen



Marketing, Social

Media Chair

Bill Orr


Membership Chairs

Beckie & Tom Gomer


Monthly Social Chair

Claudia & Jeff Reynolds


PCA Tours Co-Chair

Sam Bryant


PCA Tours Co-Chair

Ted Martin


PCA Junior Ambassador

Brady Stogner


Rally Chairs

Ginger & Tom Heuerman


Registrar, Club Race

Wendy Shoffit


Safety Co-Chair

Nikolaus Klemmer


Slipstream Advertising

Mike Mahoney



Slipstream Content Ed.

Carey Spreen



Slipstream Editor

Kurt Scaggs



Slipstream Event Ad Design

David Tierney


Slipstream Mailing

Andy Mears



Slipstream Printing

Fran Ussery

972--438-8344 (W)

817-481-8342 (H)


Social Chair

Debi Kruder


Tech Sessions Co-Chair

Michael Baynton



Tech Sessions Co-Chair

Mike O’Hare


Time Trial Chair,

(AX/TT Rules)

Travis Howard



TT Registrar, AX/TT

Schools, Swap Meets

Robyn Howard



Tub Club President

George Maffey


Trivia Chair

Jerry DeFeo



Volunteers Chair

Landon Stogner



Web Site Chair

James Shoffit



Link to





Ken Chandler


2020 PCA Zone 5 Presidents and Zone Representative


Tuffy von Briesen



Phil Daigrepont



Brian Swope



Chris Hines



Bryan Kerrick



Doug Carroll



Dennis Halmai



William Kruder



John Showalter



Robert Handy

not listed


Leonard Zechiedrich



Chuck Bush

(703) 577-0562



4 May


First Porsche

by Brian King

In 1986, I attended a very memorable car show at the

State Fair of Texas in Dallas. As my father walked around,

enamored with the various cars and trucks, I made him

stop at the Porsche display. My eyes got bigger as I looked

upon those beautiful cars. There was this odd shaped 928

with a strange rear end. I saw a sleek 911 that screamed

“coolness.” My father reminded me about their practicality

and reliability. Still, I would not leave the showcase that

day without those brochures so I could frame them on my

bedroom wall. I made sure to get two of each, one set to

proudly display and one to review daily for years to come.

The wall of my bedroom in the late ‘80s and ‘90s held

a special place in my heart. Those cutouts of the ‘86 911

and 928 faded to framed pictures of a 1982 911 930 Ruf

“Slant Nose” and a 1980 930 Martini Turbo. My other

friends had pictures of Sonny Crockett’s white Testarossa

or the black Daytona. When those guys would ask why I

did not adhere to their way of thinking, I would always

say, “I am just a Porsche guy.”

In 2005, I met Nikki, my best friend and the love of

my life. We were married in 2008 and we had a little boy

named Colton. The dream of owning the once cool sports

car faded as I focused on family, furthering my education

and working hard to give them a remarkable life. It is

funny how time changes your perspective of what is truly

important. We found out that you sacrifice so much more

than dreams when you become a parent.

Before I knew it, almost a decade had passed us by.

It was 2017 and we were slowly creeping up on our 10-

year anniversary. During that time, Nikki gave up her

lucrative career as a master hair colorist to take on the

role of dedicated mother, wife, and volunteer at Colton’s

elementary school. We live in the closest house to the front

door of his school. Most of Nikki’s time was spent at the

school giving her time to the teachers. She believed in the

investment of others. If ten minutes of her time helped out

those incredible educators, it was time well spent.

At that time, I was driving a Lexus GX and my beautiful

wife had a Lexus sports car as well. We had become a “Lexus

family.” In December of 2018, my wife’s lease car was

coming due and she told me that she wanted a convertible

911, something fun and something stunning. She wanted

to break out of her shell and essentially be the woman

that she had always been, a diva at heart, and something

so much more than the “domestic goddess” that she was

for our family. “A Porsche!!” I started talking about that

cool “slant nose” once again, but I knew that she needed

something newer and would not be happy with a “classic.”

We started to test drive all Porsche cars that were

suitable. We drove the Panamera first: “too much of a

mommy car for me,” she exclaimed. “It is fast, but her

photos provided by author

butt is too big,” she said with her typical cheeky charisma.

The Porsche Cayenne brought the same response. Happily

we moved on to the coupes. We drove the Spyder next. I

really wanted her to say “yes” to this car as I was living

a vicarious moment. She loved it, but she did not like

the fact she had to put the top down by herself and there

was no room for a third person. I rolled my eyes, but

was honestly impressed with her driving skills. She kept

that thing at 5,000 rpm with no problem and handled the

manual like a backup driver for the F1. There was such

vigor in her driving; I loved it. She joked, “I am going to

jail for sure if we buy this one, babe!”

We moved on to a Carrera 4S Cabriolet. That was

the one. She could put the top down with the flick of her

finger, Colton

could ride in the

back, and we

had plenty of

room. It made

us both tingle

when we drove

it. We decided

we would wait

till the end of

2018 to get

it. We already

started planning

weekend trips

and could not

wait to turn her

current car in so

we could put a

sparkle in the

eyes of all three of us.

There is an old adage: “Never take anything for

granted and to count your blessings.” Well it is true.

Much to my dismay, Nikki passed away on March 7 of

2018, leaving me with a great hole in my heart. She had a

double aneurysm at only 31, unexpected and completely

shocking to our family. Heartache. Pain. Sorrow. Tears.

All of those words do not describe what I felt that first

year. I lost my soul mate, the one girl that was my life,

my partner in everything, my one true love. Each day was

met with insurmountable agony, whether it be physical or

emotional. I did not think I was going to make it through.

Despite the fact that my spirit was crushed, Colton kept

me going. Without him, I would still be wandering around

in that fog that consumes you when you experience that

kind of loss.

One year later, I snapped out of it so that I could once

again face reality. Colton reminded me about “mom’s”

6 May

car as we had just returned her lease car. “You promised

her a Porsche and I think it will make us both happy” he

stated with her same playful look . I decided to shake the

depression off, fulfill our dream, and her desire as well.

For the two of us, this would be a new adventure, one

that Nikki could look upon us and smile about.

For spring break in 2019, we rented a Carrera S

Cabriolet and drove to NASA, and then on to Galveston.

I was instantly hooked. That 911 was amazing! We

had the top down, cruising at 90 mph, but that car was

begging to get up and go. That was the ride that changed

our minds about where we were heading in our new life

together. We were hand in hand that day and he said,

“Can we do this forever daddy?” The tears started to

roll, but I knew we had to make this permanent.

Although I loved the Carrera, I started to look for a 981

Boxster. The rear trunk made more sense for us. I really

wanted the flat 6 in either platinum or GT silver. We searched

of Nikki. He had a look of exhilaration. It made me realize

that we made the right decision. I told him that he had to

give her a name. He said, “We should call her ‘Kiki’ after

mommy. And so it shall be. Our little silver spirited German

Fräulein shall be named “Kiki” to remind us of “our girl.”

We completely revamped our garage to make it something

more fitting to hold our dream car. We decided that Colton

would build the big Lego cars and proudly display them

to the world in Plexiglass, showing his masterpieces. On

weekends, we hand wash “Kiki,” but we do it together as

a team. We “take pride in our ride” just like my father

taught me when I was his age. We still talk about Nikki,

battling back and forth about how fast she would have

driven “Kiki.” He would say, “She would have floored it

dad and you would have been paying for a lot of tickets!”

I love to drive with him. We put the top down and enjoy

the wind blowing in our hair. We listen to her playlists

and think about how much she meant to us. Occasionally,

across the United States and finally found one in Florida.

I have learned the difficulty of purchasing a Porsche in a

specific color with the exact specifications you desire. It is

almost impossible, but when you find it, it’s all worthwhile.

The day it arrived, my mother-in-law, Cindi, and I

watched it being driven off of that transport truck. Cindi

has not only been one of my biggest supporters in life, but

truly a best friend to experience the joys and pains of life

together. Although we were doing back flips, we both had

small tears in our eyes. We knew that this was a fulfilment

of dreams for both Nikki and myself even though Cindi

and I were minus one of our musketeers. When I drove the

car away for the first time, I found that I was reaching for

the passenger seat, longing for Nikki’s hand once again.

As I pulled up to Colton’s school, it was memorable to

see a little boy run around that car five times screaming like

he won the lottery. Colton and I did the happy dance as we

got “our girl’s” dream car. The joy in his eyes reminded me

we will hear that song that creates the need to hit the

5,000 rpm. The random tear in my eye makes our family’s

dream worth the idea of living for the moment. “Kiki”

never lets us down! The thrill in my son’s eyes reminds me

that Nikki is in that Boxster with us.

The best part of owning a Porsche, besides enjoying it

with Colton, is the friendship and fellowship of PCA. I

have come across some of the most amazing individuals

on this journey and I am very thankful to be part of this

camaraderie. I never thought that owning a Porsche

meant I would be able to be part of a remarkable family

of friends and such a phenomenal group. We are very

grateful to be part of your world!

I drive a Porsche because it reminds me of Nikki, a life

worth honoring. It gives me a little piece of joy, an

appreciation of today and a hope for tomorrow. I consider

myself to be very fortunate. “Live life at 5,000 rpm!” –

Nikki King


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10 May

Welcome Our New Mavericks!

by Becky and Tom Gomer, Region Membership Chairs

New Members March 2020

Duncan Bates Dallas 1987 911 Carrera

Steven Derda (Adam) Fort Worth 2018 911 GT3

Kevin Feldhaus North Richland Hills 2020 Macan

John Flaskas Dallas 2005 Cayenne Turbo

Joe Folkens (Kim) Plano 2015 Cayman S

Daniel Fossile Frisco 1999 911 Carrera

Gene Frasco Weatherford 2020 911 Carrera 4S

Henry Graterol Fort Worth 2014 911 Carrera S

Bobby Halford Granbury 2018 911 GT3

Jeffrey Hall Forney 2007 911 Turbo

John Harris Dallas 2009 911 Carrera S

Tony Howard Coppell 1999 911 Carrera

Shaoping Jiang Colleyville 2009 Cayman S

Tony Lee Westworth Village 2015 911 GT3

Summer Multer Heath 2015 Cayenne S

Len Musgrove Dallas 2019 718 Cayman

Pamala Sampert Whitesboro 2000 911 Carrera 4

Tom Starck Rockwall 1999 911 Carrera

Jerry Taylor Fort Worth 2020 Cayenne

Kevin Turner Dallas 2002 911 Carrera

Michael Young Carrollton 2019 718 Boxster GTS

Transfers In

Jonathan & Gayle Mclaughlin Keller 2001 Boxster

Transfer From: Orange Coast (ORC)

James Seay Frisco 2012 911 Carrera S

Transfer From: Redwood (RED)

Josh & Marianne Nassef Frisco 2002 911 Carrera

Transfer From: Great Plains (GPL)

Member Moment

Daniel and Patricia Hatton


Dan (Sales) Pat (Nurse)

First Porsche

2005 Boxster

If you have any changes that

you would like to make to the

MRPCA membership guide, contact Tom or

Becky at membership@mavpca.org

Most memorable Porsche event

Attending the first United States Grand Prix

in Austin, TX with other Porsche owners.

Best thing about Porsche ownership

The passion that owners have for their cars.

The thrill of hearing that flat six engine

behind you when driving with the top

down can’t be replicated.

Please give a Maverick Welcome to these new members when you meet them

Maverick Membership Statistics as of April 1

Primary Members: 2114 Affiliate Members: 1023 Total Membership: 3137


The PCA Playground

by Brady Stogner, Region PCA Juniors Liaison

photo provided by author

Welcome to another edition of The PCA Playground;

sadly, like many other places here lately, there hasn’t been

much playing going on. Our fun has been interrupted by

this COVID-19 issue. I know it’s safer for everyone to

stay at home, but I really miss going to all of the club’s

events. I can’t wait for things to get back to normal.

Not only has this gotten in the way of our Porsche

fun, but it has also disrupted schools. This has been the

longest Spring Break I can remember. Unable to go back

to school and not seeing my friends and teachers has been

different. There’s even a possibility of not getting to go

back at all this school year. I’m now in my second week

of home-school and it can be hard for a middle school

student. Mainly because it is hard to stay focused and

pay attention to what assignments I need to be doing.

Thankfully with the technology we have I’m able to do

school online with emails, videos, chat rooms, and web

conferences. It makes me feel like my dad when he works

from home, but instead all I want to do is play video

games and watch movies.

To add onto this craziness, I can’t go out to eat or go

anywhere in public because of SOCIAL DISTANCING.

The only person I would want to stay six feet away from

is my brother . . . sometimes. I hope things can return to

normal soon because it’s sad to hear that people are losing

their jobs and some stores may go out of business.


the weather

has been

really nice,

but I can’t

hang out


friends so

I spend

time trying

to improve

my lap

time going

around the neighborhood block on my bicycle. I will

continue to do my part and pray that everyone stays safe

and healthy. I know we will all be having fun and laughing

together again before we know it. This hasn’t been a fun

time for kids and grown-ups, but let’s keep our chins up

and next time we will have fun things to talk about. Until

then, I’ll see you on the playground.

12 May

A Curated Selection of Pre-owned Timepieces

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River Oaks District Houston, TX 77027 713.621.2400






14 May

Slipstream Archive: Looking back

by Kurt Scaggs, Managing Editor

documents provided by The Portal to Texas History at UNT

I’m a sucker for old things, collections, humor and Porsche. What do you know, Slipstream has been around a

while, published every month, and occasionally has articles on the topic of Porsche. Lucky for me UNT has done the

hard part for me and I didn’t have to go through dusty boxes in my attic. I’ve picked out some of my favorite snapshots

of Slipstream, it’s contributors and advertisers for you. I hope you enjoy.

find the humor

Slipstream, May 1978. How cool is this?

Slipstream, May 1964 and 2000

Slipstream, May 1976. And yes, they should.

Slipstream, May 1979


Xtitch Auto: A Local Shop for Convertible Top Repair

by David Tierney

As member of PCA, I am excited to own my first Porsche, a

1999 911 Cabriolet, and every day is a great day to drive. I want

to share my experience with Xtitch Auto Interiors.

It was Monday August 26, the hottest day in 2019, with

a temperature of 103 degrees. At the end of my work day, I

walked to my car and noticed that my rear window had peeled

away from the canvas top. The old canvas couldn’t survive the


My next reaction was to get it fixed. My first choice was

to call Mayo Performance in Euless; they do great work and

installed my lifetime IMS bearing, worry-free and guaranteed.

They recommended Enrique from Xtitch Auto Interiors in

Euless, which specializes in interior/audio upgrades and

modifications, and can restore the interior of your favorite daily

driver, personalize your new car, or build a show-quality, oneof-a-kind

custom interior.

My first phone conversation with Enrique

was professional and knowledgeable. He

met me at his shop and I learned a lot about

my Porsche. I found out that my glass rear

window canvas top was not the original - the

top had been replaced by the previous owner.

Enrique walked me through all the various

types of canvas tops, colors, and glass or plastic

windows. I decided to go with the inset glass

rear window, and matched the factory color.

Because the old top was not the original, I also had to replace

the interior headliner to fit my new top. Overall, everything

turned out better than expected. It was well worth the price,

which included a lifetime guarantee on the glass window. In my

research, some places charged almost as much as I paid, just for

the glass rear window top alone. I highly recommend Xtitch Auto

(www.xtitchcustoms.com) for any interior or canvas top repair

or replacement. Their work is professional and flawless.

16 May

Low 60-degree temperatures but overcast and

extremely windy conditions greeted everyone at Lone

Star Park in Grand Prairie, TX on Sunday, March 8.

There were 15 Porsche drivers out of a total of 115

entries, with an average of 115 timed runs per hour.

This event was run in a Pro-Solo format, using a


Christmas tree

countdown light

start, recording

reaction time

and 60-foot split

times. With this

system, once a

car is staged,

two white lights

on the top of the

tree are turned on

by the position

of the front tires.

The timer starts

and three yellow

lights count down

to the green

light. Most quick

drivers begin the

launch during

the third yellow

light and never

even see the green

light, but if you

leave too early a

red light comes

on and your time

does not count. If

you leave too late,

you just added

time onto your

actual time on


The 60-foot split

Autocross Series: Event 2, Lone Star Park

by Mark Schnoerr, Region Autocross Chair

Dawn Marie Gray in her new Cayman S getting back in the game

time measures

how well you launched and put the power down as you

start each timed run. Just enough revs, accurate clutch

release, and just a tiny bit of wheel spin is best. Some

launch-control PDK type cars bring other new variables

to the mix to make all that magic happen exactly on

demand. A perfect reaction time is 0.500 seconds. It

takes that long to roll out of both the staging lights. Any

quicker means a false start, but any time longer is called

“sleeping at the light.”

photos by Robert Kirby of Lightspeed Images

The top three Porsche reaction times were turned in

by Carey Spreen in his Boxster with a 0.509, Ed Mayo in

his 1972 911S with a 0.513, and Holli Coulman in her

996 Turbo Cab with a 0.597.

Top three 60-foot Porsche acceleration launch times

were turned in by Ed Mayo in that super fast 911S with

a 1.885 second

launch, Igor

Tulandin in his

Cayenne GTS (yes,

all 4600 pounds

of it) in just 1.888

seconds, followed

by Jeff Herrmann

in his 912-6 race

car in just 1.895


First quick

times of all the

Porsches were

Owen Coulman in

his 996 GT3, Ed

Mayo in his 911S,

and Mark Schnoerr

driving the family

914 2.0.

Total Performance

P0 - 'PCA Zero'


P1 - 'PCA 1'

P0 958 Igor Tulandin Silver Cayenne GTS 75.023


1T P1 5 Ed Mayo Silver 911S 73.575

2T P1 954 Mark Schnoerr Lime Green 914 73.806

3 P1 914 Sigrid Schnoerr Lime Green 914 75.273


P2 - 'PCA 2'

P1 9 Julia Underwood Silver 911S 90.278


1T P2 906 Carey Spreen GT Silver Boxster S 74.599

2T P2 429 Holli Coulman Carrera White Turbo Cabriolet 76.977

3T P2 47 Russ Rosenberg Grey 911 77.341

4 P2 11 Willaim Mayo Blue Boxster 77.924

5 P2 7 Douglas Edney Black 996 78.439

6 P2 77 Alec Baker Blue Cayman S 80.2

7 P2 74 Jason Korn Silver 911 80.295

Index (PAX)

is a method to

balance the cars

for a more direct

comparison class

to class. At this

event, top three

in Performance

Index were Ed

Mayo, Mark

Schnoerr, and that


pesky Cayenne

GTS driven by


Igor Tulandin.

BTW, we were

celebrating Ed Mayo’s 77th birthday this weekend. Still

winning at autocross. Happy Birthday Ed!

Everyone is stunned at how well Igor does at autocross

in his Cayenne GTS. He is running an all-season Michelin

tire, and turned in the 5th fastest Porsche time at the event.

We had quite a few PCA members come out to see

what we are doing out there. It was nice to see you and

thanks for coming. Check the Autocross advertisement

elsewhere in this issue to see when the next one is coming.

P3 - 'PCA 3'

1T P3 428 Owen Coulman Guards Red 911 GT3 73.489

2 P3 98 Dawn Marie Gray Racing Yellow Cayman S 84.562

P6 - 'PCA 6'

1T P2 81 Jeff Herrmann White 912-6 75.317



18 May

Maverick Marktpreis is proudly sponsored by:

Maverick Marktpreis: 911 Turbo S

by Peter Wen

Face Melting. Urban Dictionary defines it as “The

condition in which, due to an extreme exposure to an event

of epic Awesomeness . . . , one loses all perception of space

and time including . . . a brief lapse in physical awareness.”

Face Melting is the perfect metaphor for the euphoria you get

when you are behind the wheel of a 911 Turbo S. With its

opulent interior, brutal acceleration, and astronomical price,

Turbo S is the ultimate 911.

In Porsche nomenclature, Turbo is reserved for the top-ofthe-line

halo cars. It has the best of everything Porsche has

to offer. Turbo S takes that to the next level. With higher

performance, exclusive details, and very limited production

years, Turbo S is indeed a special car for discriminating buyers.

Turbo S was introduced in 1997 to wide critical acclaim.

With only 345 examples produced (and 180 going to the US),

it was a collectible from day one. The 996 and 997 versions

are both highly sought after as well for their performance,

styling, and value. These two generations propelled the 911

into the supercar arena. They blurred the line between

performance and grand touring cars. The 996 gen has

increased in value over the past couple of years. The 991 gen

Turbo S represents the best bargain today. Some of these

“newish” legit supercars can be had for 40% off the original

MSRP and still be covered under Porsche warranties!

Year Type Turbo S Production '17-'18 ($k) '18-'19 ($k) '19-'20 ($k)

1997 993 Coupe 345 $250-$350 $250-$350 $230-$330

2005 996


$45-$55 $50-$60 $50-$65


Cabriolet $50-$60 $50-$60 $50-$60

2011-2012 997.2


$95-$105 $90-$100 $90-$100


Cabriolet $95-$110 $90-$105 $90-$105

2014-2016 991.1


$130-$155 $125-$155 $120-$155


Cabriolet $130-$150 $125-$150 $125-$150

Source: Excellence magazine’s Porsche Buyer’s Guide

$GREEN / $RED indicates increase or drop in value from previous year






Hagerty Valuation Tool:

1997 Turbo S Coupe

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May May May May

2017 2018 2019 2020

1997 911 Turbo S Coupe

Sold for $190,000 + $9,500 buyer fee

106k miles

Black / Black

3.6L Twin-Turbo Flat-Six

6-speed manual

Clean Carfax

Few paint cosmetic issues

2011 911 Turbo S Coupe

Sold for $89,000 + $4,450 buyer fee

18k miles

Black / Black

3.8L Twin-Turbo Flat-Six

7-speed PDK

Aerokit, Yellow belts

Carbon Fiber trim

2005 911 Turbo S Cabriolet

Sold for $63,911 + $3,195 buyer fee

16k miles

Midnight Blue / Brown / Metropol Blue

3.6L Twin-Turbo Flat-Six

6-speed manual

Clean Carfax

GT3 wheels, clearbra

2012 911 Turbo S Coupe

Sold for $77,300 + $3,865 buyer fee

51k miles

Dark Blue / Black

3.8L Twin-Turbo Flat-Six

7-speed PDK

Extra set of wheels

1 owner, all records

2005 911 Turbo S Cabriolet

Sold for $57,000 + $2,850 buyer fee

21k miles

Seal Grey / Black / Black

3.6L Twin-Turbo Flat-Six

6-speed manual

Clean Carfax

GT3 wheels, clearbra

2015 911 Turbo S Coupe

Sold for $117,000 + $5,850 buyer fee

9k miles

Black / Black

3.8L Twin-Turbo Flat-Six

7-speed PDK

Premium Pkg +

Burmester, 20” centerlock

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Coffee, Cars & Conversation

by Bill Kruder

photos provided by author

With COVID-19 affecting our daily

lives, I decided it best to share this

month my favorite CC&C. So much

has happened since it was written. As a

matter of fact, I would venture to say that

about 800-1,000 of our members are new

since it was originally published. Sadly,

we lost our friend Bob just over a year

ago. He was 84. My first “conversation”

with Bob was in September 2016. I had

never met him but when I decided to start

the monthly piece, then called Kruder’s

Cars & Conversation, I looked in our

records for the oldest club member and

Bob popped up. Bob joined PCA in 1960;

he was the member with the longest

uninterrupted membership, starting in

the Rocky Mountain Region. Needless

to say I had no idea who this man was.

I called him and suggested we meet for

coffee. Well the gentleman that

he was said “of course” but the

humble man warned me . . . he

didn’t understand why I would

want to meet him. Let’s just say it

was a friendship that was meant

to be, and fair to say it was one

that I wished would have lasted

a lot longer. Since our first

meeting on that hot July day we

would meet for coffee every few

months following, and that bond

kept growing. As time went on I

got to know his son Drew, who

confirmed not only was his dad

humble but his dad was also the

sweetest man you would ever know. Not

just to his family but also to his friends,

employees, and customers a like.

Matter of fact, Debi and I were lucky

enough to purchase his last personal

Porsche, the 1964 356C. Then, the

following year we decided to purchase a

914. One day, Robert Kendrick, who was

helping in the search, found a 1971 on

EBay, and after sorting thru all the pics

Robert said, “You won’t believe this!”

The 914 was from Hagestad Porsche Audi

in Denver! With that alone, I said, that

car is mine. We bid that day and won. So

as fate would have it, we now have two

Hagestad Porsches.

So here it is what in was the first of a

series of “interviews” that I would like

to share with you . . .

Bob Hagestad, owner 1964 356C,

member since 1960

Bill Kruder: Bob, you have been a

member of PCA longer than almost

anyone in Maverick Region. What year

did you join PCA and why?

Bob Hagestad: Well, really I kind of

joined by accident. My dad had a VW

dealership in Cheyenne, Wyoming and

he wanted to open another. However,

VW said that they would let him have

another but it had to be in Denver. Then

as an extra incentive they said, “We will

give you a Porsche dealership also.”

Bob and his 1964 Porsche 356.

Needless to say, we moved. Once we

opened our mechanic said, “We need

to race one of these.” And we did! We

took one off the showroom floor and

took the SCCA driving school, which

I guess at the same time signed us up

with PCA.

BK: So this was 1960 then?

BH: Yes, think in the fall. Funny thing

was once we had taken the car off the

showroom floor we simply returned it

when we were finished, like nothing

had happened. Not sure I could get

away with that today.

BK: Wow! And to think PCA was only

around for five years at that point, and

Maverick Region wouldn’t even be

founded until 1962.

BH: Well like I said, we joined because

we had just acquired the dealership and

thought it might be fun to do a little

racing. Of course I had no idea back then

I would have moved here years later.

BK: So you come from a car-guy family then?

BH: I do. I didn’t mention that before my

dad started selling VWs, he had a Lincoln-

Mercury dealership. I actually worked

as a salesman for him. I think that was

1957, but I was terrible. Think he told me

I needed to find another profession.

BK: Well how did that work out for you?

BH: Funny how things work out, but

about 1968-69, VW and Porsche came

back and said “We want you to separate

VW from Porsche.” And to do

that they would add in Audi so

we could have a Porsche+Audi

store. Apparently my dad

hadn’t given up on me yet, so

he worked out a deal in which

he would sell VWs if I would

take the other “slower selling”

cars. So that’s what we did. We

opened up a new dealership.

BK: So how did you end up in


BH: About 1987, VW asked

if I would help establish a

dealership here. I didn’t want to move,

so for about three to four years I would

go back and forth. Then about 1991-92,

I took over Metro VW in Irving and was

an active partner ‘til I retired in 2011.

The Hagested Volkswagen dealership.

20 May

BK: Now tell me what was your first Porsche?

BH: Really don’t have just one “first” because we would drive

which ever we felt like off the showroom floor; kind of brings a

smile to my face to think about that.

BK: What do you own now?

BH: I have a 1964 Dolphin Gray 356C.

BK: Is this one off the showroom floor?

BH: Oh no, I bought this one in 1984 from a couple in Denver

who had gone to Europe, bought the car in Paris, and drove it on

vacation over there. They then brought it back and enjoyed it for

another 19 years. They put 80,000 miles on it.

BK: How many miles does it have on it now?

BH: I’ve only put another 9000 miles on it since 1984.

BK: What an incredible journey you have been on, with some

of the best cars in the world.

BH: Not bad I guess. But you don’t want to hear about my racing?

BK: So you continued to race? Not just club races?

BH: Oh, that was only the beginning. We bought the 904; I think

only two were here in the States. We raced it in ‘64 at the 250-

mile Daytona Continental, in which we finished fifth. This was

really the start of my professional racing, actually getting paid.

BK: We’ve talked about an RSR – how did that come about?

BH: In 71 several of us went to Monte Carlo and stopped at

the Porsche factory to look at a new car they were trying to

sell; they had to sell fifty before they could race them. As it

turned out it was the ‘72 RSR. I think I managed to get them

to sell it to me for about $18k.

BK: And how did that work out?

BH: I brought it home and wrecked it in a practice run. So

Peter Gregg had another car as a spare but it was painted in

his livery so he sold it to me.

BK: Peter Gregg like in Brumos?

BH: That would be the guy alright. Trouble was, we couldn’t

race in his livery, so we bought what is like floral kitchen contact

paper and covered up his scheme. That was at Elkhart Lake.

BK: How long did you race the RSR?

BH: We raced the RSRs from about ‘73-‘77. I had some pretty

good drivers driving for me and with me.

BK: Anyone we would know?

BH: Let’s see: Skip Barber, Jerry Jolly, John Paul, and Hurley

Haywood. I might be forgetting someone, but these guys were good.

BK: Something tells me there is more . . .

BH: Yep! Then about ‘76-‘77 (I can’t remember for sure), we

bought our 934 turbo. Think we paid about $50k back then

for it, which was a lot, trust me. Hurley Haywood drove for

me in all the one-hour races and I co-drove with him in the

endurance races; we had some pretty good success in it.

BK: And there’s the 935 too?

BH: Well it was really a 934 that was converted to a 935,

which they referred to as a 934.5 in those years. That was in

‘78 when we started at the 24 Hours of Daytona but DNFd.

But then we came back at Sebring and led the race until we

lost our brakes, but managed to come in second.

Wow, and to think that I was only coming over to talk about

some guy’s “tub” car!

Bob Hagestad and the number 95 934



22 May




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Mechanical Musings: Why Do Brakes Cost So Much?

by Ed Mullenix

Porsche’s brakes are notoriously

expensive. The brake system

performance has to match the

engine and suspension performance.

We are talking a basic 997 Carrera

with conventional brakes, not

the carbon-fiber discs and yellow

calipers, which are ozone-layer

expensive, but they are racetechnology

derived and will shove

you against the seat belt when you

mash on the middle pedal.

The material used on

conventional brake pads is a ceramic

compound, sometimes with copper

particles that somewhat resemble

cement, included to dissipate heat.

The brake system is an “energy

convertor” converting mechanical

energy, vehicle speed, and inertia

into heat energy when you apply the

brakes. The engine is also an energy

convertor converting chemical

energy (combustion of fuel) into

mechanical energy to propel the car.

There are several aftermarket

suppliers of Porsche-suitable brake

components, from your local

Porsche dealer (which is probably

the most expensive option) to places

like AutoZone or NAPA. Also an

option are wholesale suppliers to

the repair industry, which include

the original equipment supplier

brands and several other lower-cost

brands. My personal choice is the

OEM brand (Jurid, ATE, Brembo,

or Pagid). The type of car determines

which brand is available for that

26 May

application. I will NOT use brake

pads from places like AutoZone.

Included is a photo of an economy

brand brake pad that sheared in

two. The fact that the brake disc

had a pronounced lip on the outside

edge kept the sheared section of pad

from being ejected out of the caliper

and possible accident when the

pedal would have gone completely

to the floor.

Another controversy is brake disc

or rotor replacement. The

cast iron discs will erode

away material just as the

pads do. Typically, around

45k miles, the front discs

will have sufficient erosion

to produce a pronounced

lip at the outside edge of

the disc and develop a

contoured surface. This

interferes with the new


pad, which has

a perfectly flat

surface. A new

pad installed with

a seriously worn

disc will allow

only the inside

and outside edges

of the pad to

contact the disc,

with seriously


braking efficiency.

Eventually, in 200

miles or so, the

pad will conform

to the old disc but

the results could

be disastrous if

you had to panicstop

before the

pad had seated to

the disc.

It is my


that the dealer

will try to

convince their customers to replace

the discs every time they replace

the pads. This is partly because

of liability exposure and partly

to pay the light bill. I try to be

judicial about replacing discs. A

slight lip and a minor contouring

is acceptable because the discs are

crazy expensive and the new pads

will seat in just a few miles. If you

live in Park Cities, where there is a

stop light or stop sign every other

block, it is not uncommon to need

front pads every 15k miles. The rear

pads seem to last a little longer.

Porsche has pad wear sensors on

each corner. If the pad wear message

or light comes on, usually there is

sufficient material for you to drive

another 500 miles or so, allowing

you time to schedule a visit to your

favorite mechanic.

Having fun!!! Ed


THE 2020



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La Quinta (Palm Springs), California




use this small one

when reproducing

less than 1/2 inch

PCA_Parade 2020_Flyer_Shevitz.indd 1

1/24/20 1:53 PM


Cool Garages: What to do when you aren’t driving

forward by Kurt Scaggs, Managing Editor

Have you ever, say, been browsing the multi-milliondollar-home

listings for fun and been taken aback by the

troubling lack of priorities evident in the house to garage

ratio? Asking for a friend. I realize that cars might not

play as vital a role in some lives as it might in others, but

if you’re going to devote $40M to a home it should have

more than a four car garage right? Can you really call it

a batcave if it doesn’t have parking? You can see it over

and over. 10,000 square feet and not even a place to sit

down in the garage and admire your pride(s) and joy(s).

Fortunately not everyone is suspectable to this oversight

in good judgement. Following is a look inside the

garages of some of our members that clearly have their

priorities straight. Enjoy, take notes and at least sweep

the leaves out of your other living room.

Below: Robert Kendrick has an eclectic collection and plenty of room.

Above: Jack Griffin has some impressive hardware...and seating!

28 May

Above: Jim Mango has them packed in to the rafters. What an amazing

collection of automotive icons.

Above: Club President Bill Kruder has all the toys. No really, he has all

the toys, so if your scalextric is missing, check with him first.

You might notice the same posters popping up

in multiple garages. Come to some of our big

events and collect your own.

Below: Landon Stogner (black 997) and Mark Palmer (red Cayman and

993) have different ideas in garage decorating, but they are both pretty

successful in my opinion.

Above: Bob Aines couldn’t find the dealership of his dreams, so he built

one but they aren’t for sale.

Below: Jason Oliver has quite the collection of Maverick Memorabilia


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30 May

You can test your

knowledge (or Google

search ability) of all

things Porsche by

participating in the

monthly trivia contest

posted online at http://


Answers are due by the

last day of each month.

The winner of the trivia contest receives a $25 gift

certificate from our sponsor, Zims Autotechnik. In the case

of ties, a random drawing determines the winner.

Here are the questions for the March 2020 Trivia.

We went this month with miscellaneous trivial Porsche

items. The winner this month, getting all 5 of 5 correct,

is Kenney West, with Honorable Mention to Tom

Martin, also getting all 5

correct. Ties are broken by

random drawing.

Maverick Trivia: Are you a Porschephile?

Jerry DeFeo

sponsored by Zims Autotechnik

Answers: 1)a, 2)b, 3)a, 4)a, 5)c

1. Porsche has developed an amazing new car called the Taycan.

Porsche says it gets close to 300 miles on a single charge,

depending upon which model you have and how it is driven.

Independent testing labs in Europe say it is in the 275 to 288

range, but alas, the all-knowing EPA says it is more like a

_______ mile range! a. 200 b. 220 c. 240 d. 260

Source: Porsche Panorama, Feb 2020, p 26

2. While there are many features to the Taycan Turbo S, it is the only

production electric car to have _____ . a. A turbocharger b. A

gearbox c. Five separate motors d. A regenerative Braking System

Source: https://tinyurl.com/y9crw6x7

3. In the Maverick Region there is a car called “Hagestad,” owned

by someone somewhat influential. Many members name their

cars, such as Ed Mayo’s “Elvira.” “Hagestad” is a _________ .

a. 1964 C b. 1965 SC c. 1966 912 d. 1967 911S

Source: Porsche Panorama, Feb 2020, p 108

4. Back in the 1970s and ‘80s there was a Porsche tuning

company called Kremer, which was known for making

Porsche street cars look like race cars. While just about all

their modifications included turbocharging, they did build

_______ normally aspirated Porsches. a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 12

Source: Porsche Panorama, Feb 2020, p 76

5. In 1969 Porsche developed the legendary 917. While there have

been many paint schemes/liveries, some more iconic than others;

what were the original 917 colors? a. Red & White b. Blue &

Orange c. Green & White d. Silver, Blue, & Red

Source: https://tinyurl.com/ycmunrxb


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32 May

877 C

200 C

200 C

200 C

200 C

200 C

123 C

307 C

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Ussery Printing

Printer of SliPStream

Since 1982

4201 Airborn Drive • Addison, Texas 75001

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Maverick April Anniversaries

25 Years

Daniel Ruehs (Linda)

20 Years

Jason Brodigan (Misty Poynter)

Mike Brodigan (Judy)

Derek Stutsman (Susan)

Jeffrey Tucker (Melissa)

15 Years

Owen Coulman (Holli)

Denise Etcheson (Victor Sanchez)

Scott Gerrish (Windsor)

Corey Harbold (M.E.)

10 Years

Becky Freeman

Gregg Jernigan

Joe Lawrence (Peggy)

Larry Pettit (Patti Bitzel)

William Tongier (David)

5 Years

David Herrman (Kary Crow)

David Heyde

Bill Hodkowski

Tom Martin

Jeff Marx

Jane Mullins (Don)

Mark Pitarresi

Jose Sacripanti

Luis Samaniego (Jeanette)

David Sanford (Sheryn)

Brad Sawyer






Cross Roads


Hudson Oaks




Gun Barrel City











Penn Valley, CA


Fort Worth

Advertiser Index

Advertising rates available upon request.

For more information contact Mike Mahoney

at ads@mavpca.org

Apex Automotive........................................ 31

The Ashe..................................................... 24

Attic Butlers................................................. 33

Autobahn Motorcar Group........................ B.C.

Autoscope................................................... 24

Bennett Motor Werks.................................. 30

BillyGo Plumbing and Air............................ 27

Concorso Detailing...................................... 28

deBoulle Diamond & Jewelry...................... 13

Falgout & Associates, P. C ............................ 12

Fifth Gear Motorsports.................................. 8

Financial Enlightenment............................. 32

The French Room........................................ 13

Garages of Texas.......................................... 10

Hagerty Drivers Club............................... 9, 25

Heptig Motorsports..................................... 24

Innovative Autosports................................... 5

Invisibra...................................................... 32

Louden Motorcar Services....................... I.B.C.

Mayo Performance...................................... 16

Mullenix Motorsport................................... 26

Neiman Marcus............................................. 9

New Concepts............................................. 12

New York Life................................................ 9

The Nest...................................................... 21

OCD’tailers.................................................. 25

Onsite Tires................................................. 30

The Phoenix Insurance................................ 36

Porsche Plano............................................... 9

ProTecht...................................................... 32

RAC Performance..................................... I.F.C.

Stuart’s Paint and Body............................... 18

Tactical Fleet................................................ 14

Texas Motor Works...................................... 33

Tim Schutze Real Estate................................. 8

Ussery Printing........................................... 33

Zims Autotechnik........................................ 35

These advertisers support our

Maverick Region. Tell them you saw

their ad in Slipstream!

34 May

Parts or Service, We Deliver Excellence.

Over 300,000 parts in stock.

Expert service and repair.

Parts and Service for: Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Mini, and Smart Car.


Visit us online at:




1804 Reliance Pkwy. Bedford, TX 76021 M-F 8am to 5:30pm

Zims Autotechnik is not affiliated with Porsche AG or PCNA Registered Trademark of Dr. Ing h.c.F. Porsche A.G.


Oversteer: Letter from the Editor

by Kurt Scaggs, Managing Editor

It’s possible that we’ve all just shared the most similar

month that we ever will. Of course while some drank beer

and others of us drank scotch, at least one kind hearted

member posted regular videos giving us new ideas on

mixing up something new. Teri,

your Old Fashioned is still the

best I’ve ever had. And isn’t that

what it’s all about?

Social media has been abuzz

(I’ve always wanted to use that

word) with folks checking in,

finding humor in our current

reality and generally supporting

each other. Peter Wen even

showed us how to make flawless

ice cubes. Are you sensing a

theme here? If you haven’t

checked out the Maverick social media accounts, give

them a look. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram until your

heart is content. mav.pca.org/contacts/socialmedia Lots

of good stuff out there to help with the daydreams.

Where was I? Let’s see, news, news. Let’s start with

Porsche news. Doug Demuro reviewed the 992 Turbo

S Cab and liked it. He also reviewed the oddly named

2020 Cayenne Turbo S E-Hybrid Coupe and apparently

liked that too. The standout for me was the lightweight

sport package that saves 70 lbs on a 5600 lb vehicle that

I would spec only for the pepita

seat inserts. What else...the

spring member only raffle is a

chance to win a 2020 Taycan 4s

if that’s your thing. Good luck!

In other news, we all stayed

home...a lot. How have you

been keeping yourself and your

family occupied and engaged? I

know my family took a drive to

Ennis to visit some bluebonnets.

I think many of you might have

done the same. I know I’ve been

taking my car “to the store” over and over and it seems to

be working out well so far. I know that I’ll have caught up

on all of my youtube subscriptions before this is all over

too. Silver linings I guess. I’m sure we’ll all be so much

smarter and well read by the time this is all over right?

Stay safe, stay sane and please enjoy the drive.

Louden Motorcar

Services Hits 500

by Mike Mahoney, Advertising Chair

In this age of constant

change, consistency and

loyalty are rare. There

was a time when working

for the same employer for

30+ years was normal. It

was also not unusual for

companies to last 30+ years.

Well we in the Maverick

Region are in some rarified

air. We have an advertiser

who not only has been

in business for 42 years,

but has also advertised in

Slipstream the entire time

they’ve been open. That’s

a lot of issues! Since 1978

Louden Motorcar Services

has been advertising in

Slipstream. So this month

we are celebrating not only

their 500th issue but also

their 500th consecutive

issue! That’s right! They

have never missed an issue

since 1978. Now that’s

consistency and loyalty!

We are so appreciative

of the support from Steve

Louden and his company

and his loyalty to our club.

Our Slipstream newsletter

has evolved into a bonafide

magazine that I look

forward to reading every

month. We thank Steve

and his company Louden

Motorcar Service, for all of

their support and another

500 issues!

36 May

motorcar serv ces

Constant SLIPSTREAM Advertiser Since 1978























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11454 Reeder Road, Dallas TX 75229








Hiram Saunders, Slipstream

300 State St Unit 93077

Southlake TX 76092

Periodical Postage

Paid at Fort Worth, TX

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